MYTH & ROID作詞の歌詞一覧リスト  42曲中 1-42曲を表示

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42曲中 1-42曲を表示
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NOX LUX(English Version)MYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDConnecting dots one by one Please give me your hands every time Shoulder to shoulder, here we come Line to line one by one I'll give you my hands every time Let me be the beacon of our hope  “...cause we have a reason to believe you” Faith in each other We're ready to do whatever it takes  We unite when our lives ring out and become one sound With our common goal, we will never stop Now, together we weave our way Keeping our beliefs alive through disaster So, let us unite One wish trembles and spreads like a sound wave Resonates inside me Now we gotta go Shine a light into the dark, punishment for the sin If you wish for that world Get the courage for our fight  I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at Never be afraid of your weakness You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at When our hands touch, I'm convinced we have your and my strength  Connecting dots one by one Please give me your hands Never let go  So, together we'll fight I'll trust in you You got my back I've decided to go with you Feeling it every time I'll get your message through the eyes Don't even need words to understand  “...cause I have got a promise to keep” I will not give in Carrying only beliefs and vows  We unite This time I hear nothing but a heartbeat I see it, hope is there Already I know Now, let us not be afraid We can change and look forward Looking for sunrise So, let us unite One wish trembling and spreading like a sound The more it tremors, the more burns fervor I'm wishing for my friend Morning sunrise to you It all becomes real Get the courage for our fight  I wish for all...wish for all of you I've got you tight Take my hand and don't let go No matter what happens  I'll connect the threads as many times as it takes Let our trembling voices re-echo The Crystals that are brighter than anything else We have within us  Unite when our lives ring out and become one sound With our common goal, we will never stop Now, together we weave our way Keeping our beliefs alive through disaster So, let us unite One wish trembles and spreads like a sound wave Resonates inside me Now we gotta go Shine a light into the dark, punishment for the sin If you wish for that world Get the courage for our fight  I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at Never be afraid of your weakness You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at When our hands touch, I'm convinced we have your and my strength  We'll believe, we'll trust, cause we know what is the most precious Now we gotta go...
NOX LUXMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROID点と点 繋いで Please give me your hands 強く さあ 銘々(めいめい)、思想越え Here we come 線と線 結んで I'll give you my hands もっと さあ ここに集え 希望よ  “...cause we have a reason to believe you” 信頼の交錯 応じる覚悟 抱け  We unite 共鳴するこの鼓動 伝播(でんぱ)した意図 We will never stop さあ 共に織り成し掴む栄光 Through disaster So, let us unite 拡声するこの声と 共振する糸 Now we gotta go 闇に光を 罪に罰を 願うのなら Get the courage for our fight  I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at Never be afraid of your weakness  You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at 手を取り合って重ねる Your and my strength   点と点 繋いで Please give me your hands 強く さあ  背と背を合わせて I will trust in you 強く さあ この命運は Go with you 目と目を合わせて I'll get your message もっと さあ 言葉さえも要らない  “...cause I have got a promise to keep” 譲れはしない 信念と誓い 握って  We unite 奮い立つこの心 見据えた希望 Already I know さあ 恐れさえも超えて挑もう Looking for sunrise So, let us unite 拡声するその声と 震えるほど 満ちるFervor 友に救いを 君に明日を 願う だから Get the courage for our fight  I wish for all...wish for all of you 掴んだその手だけ 離さないように  何度でも繋ぐこの糸 揺らす声を響かせよう 何より熱いその結晶 携えて  Unite 共鳴するこの鼓動 伝播した意図 We will never stop さあ 共に織り成し掴む栄光 Through disaster So, let us unite 拡声するこの声と 共振する糸 Now we gotta go 闇に光を 罪に罰を 願うのなら Get the courage for our fight  I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at Never be afraid of your weakness  You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at 手を取り合って重ねる Your and my strength   We'll believe, we'll trust, cause we know what is the most precious Now we gotta go...
<Episode of VERDE - Part1>MYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROID街が沈んで、長い年月のあと──。 大地は浮上し、廃墟となった街は再び地上に現れた。 やがて人々が住み着き、街は再び活気を取り戻した。 新たな街の人々は、海底で腐食した人の彫刻を見つけ、 これはこの地の神の像だと考えた。 像を崇める人が増え、やがて、像を神とした信仰が生まれた。 像から導きの声が聞こえるとほらを吹いたものが教祖となり、 彼の組織が街を支配した──。  街に暮らすひとりの少女――彼女は両親と仲睦まじく暮らしていた。 ある日、少女は街はずれで見つけた、ひとつの像に魅入られた。 憧れと憂いを宿し、微笑む少年の像。 像の目を覗き込むと、少女の頭に曖昧なイメージが去来し始めた。 それは、像が宿した過去の記憶と感情――。  その奔流の中で少女は、自分はこの少年の生まれ変わりなのだと悟った。 絵を描きたいという衝動が突如湧き上がり、少女は足早に帰路に着いた。  街の掟では、像の絵を描いてはならなかった。 少女は両親の目を盗んで像の絵を描いた。 ある日、少女が隠していた絵を、両親が見つけた。 両親は少女を密告し、少女は罪に問われた。 少女は神官に問うた。「なぜ像の絵を描いてはいけないのですか」。 神官は答えた。「それが掟だからだ」。 怒り、疑念、情熱――少女の思いを受け止める者はいなかった。 両親でさえも。 少女は街を追放され、街の外に広がる森へ追いやられた。
Palette of PassionMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDI thought I heard a voice. I thought I heard this statue calling to me. Sounds like a boy who I‘ve never known... But I can see his memories  震える鼓動 生まれ変わってく心 暴れるような熱を この胸宿して  Colors all around me. Feeling like my palette is so infinite 溢れ出すイメージに 奔放に色を乗せて  Paint it. I can never get enough. Playing in my own fantasy 何もかも 色褪せるほどにときめかす My own hue So, paint it. I can never get enough. Playing in my own fantasy どの形 どの色も 手の中で踊る I'll draw all of them  As if I am a child, I wield my brushes without inhibition I'll be whatever I wanna be, here in this empty canvas  Flowing from inside of me like a never ending spring of energy 止めどないイメージを 何度だって描き足して  Just try. I won't give up if I fail. Each time I feel like I get better 未完成 それ故に 余白はそこに Draw it once more So, just try. I won't give up if I fail. Each time I feel like I get better あの像も 何もかも 思うままに描き出せたなら…  Paint it. I can never get enough. Playing in my own fantasy 何もかも 色褪せるほどにときめかす My own hue So, paint it. I can never get enough. Playing in my own fantasy どの形 どの色も 手の中で踊る I'll draw all of them  どの形 どの色も So, paint it. I can never get enough. Playing in my own fantasy
DiLeMMaMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDそんな偶像だけが真実だなんて I'm in a dilemma. We're in a dilemma 思想だけが理(ことわり)なんて I'm in a dilemma. We're in a dilemma Quiet please  I wanna know the reason. Anybody else? Am I wrong in this town? You don't wanna know the reason. I'm sure you already know it's baseless.  その姿を見せて You're our ruler この手を縛る鎖の 意味を知りたいの  そんな偶像だけが真実だなんて I'm in a dilemma. We're in a dilemma 思想だけが理(ことわり)なんて I'm in a dilemma. We're in a dilemma Oh, no. Why do I hesitate? Oh, no. I can't give up on them Oh, no. So, what should I do now? Like I'm lost in a deep forest  I wanna know the reason. Anybody else? Am I wrong in this town? You don't wanna know the reason. I'm sure you already know it's baseless.  どんな答えも聞こえない Are you there? 暗雲が飲み込むQuestion  こんな虚言がなぜ正解だなんて I'm in a dilemma. We're in a dilemma 自由がなぜ禁忌だなんて I'm in a dilemma. We're in a dilemma Oh, no. Why do I hesitate? Oh, no. I can't give up on them Oh, no. So, what should I do now? Like I'm lost in a deep forest  I always thought something was strange. I think everyone in this town already noticed. But nobody doubted the town's deity. Everyone believed. Everyone wanted to believe. I can never go back to how I was before. What will become of me? I can't stop this passion. I can't let anyone find out.  崩壊する虚構の城塞 矛盾の分だけ瓦解して 露わになる不都合な真相 ただ醜い人間(ひと)の性 偶像だけが真実だなんて I'm in a dilemma. We're in a dilemma 思想だけが理なんて I'm in a dilemma. We're in a dilemma 虚言がなぜ正解だなんて I'm in a dilemma. We're in a dilemma 自由がなぜ禁忌だなんて This town is full of deception
RESIST-ISTMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDThis town is under the attack of a weapon called boredom Feeling like I'm dead, even though my heart's beating  Should I lie down forever abiding by what they say? Now I've caught a glimmer of life, can't let go, can't give up  Down, down, going down. They all are going down I insist on justice in this crazy courtroom Down, down, going down. I'm gonna take ‘em down I have to change my life so I can expose all their lies  I'm gonna fight ‘em back with a weapon called freedom We have gotta go, get outta this town right now  Should I stay understanding of all that they believe? What I've found cannot be seen, but I know I can trust it  Down, down, going down. They all are going down I insist on justice in this crazy courtroom Down, down, going down. I'm gonna take ‘em down I want to change my life so I can chose the things I feel  I want to know everything that they've concealed I want to know anything that's new to me I want to know something that's important for my life So into the forest I go  Can't give up Down, down, going down. They all are going down I insist on justice in this crazy courtroom Down, down, going down. I'm gonna take ‘em down I have to change my life so I can expose all their lies  Who'll save me? Who'll save me? I know that God won't Who'll save me? Who'll save me? I know there's only me
<Episode of VERDE - Part2>MYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROID森には、悪しき影が棲むと言われていた。 入ったが最後、影に惑わされ、生きて森を出ることはできないと。 少女は森を奥へと歩いた。 いつしか、過ぎたはずの風景が、何度も繰り返されていることに気づいた。 お前を逃さないと、森が言うように。 疲労と孤独の中で、少女は自問した──自分は間違っていたのか。 両親や街の人に背いてまで、この情熱を貫くべきだったのか──。  いつのまにか、辺りを完全な暗闇が支配していた。 闇の中では、無数の影が蠢いていた。 少女は足を止めた。少女の前に、ひとつの影が立ち塞がった。 影は言った。 「森は、お前の心だ。恐れと迷いは、やがて絶望となりその命を喰らおう」 少女は知った。進むこと以外、道はないのだと。 故郷も両親も、もう失われたのだと。 悲しみは少女の胸を引き裂き、 しかし、やがて一粒の涙とともに消えていった。 「私は、もう迷わない。何より大切なものは、この情熱だ」 その瞬間、目の前の影が炎に包まれた。 炎は激しさを増して辺りへ広がり、少女を囲う。 少女は死を覚悟し、強く目を閉じた。  目を開くと、辺りには光が満ちていた。 木々は消滅し、草原が広がっていた。 彼方に、見たことのない新しい街が見えた。 手には、置いてきたはずの絵筆が握られていた。 少女はその街へ向かって歩き出した。 草原に、一筋の線を描いて。 まっさらなキャンバスに、自由に絵を描くように。
Dizzy, GiddyMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROID終わりなど来ないような 途方もない Maze in the night 変わらない景色に I'm caught in the deep forest どこへ行こうというの 行きたいというの 自問自答が ざわめきに溶ける  あの罪も後悔も 影のようにつきまとって…Get off me  Now I'm wandering in my heart. I'm still wandering in my heart 出口のない迷路で 光さえ疑わしくて Wandering in my heart. I'm still wandering in my heart 振り返ればそこにもう 足跡はない Might've even lost myself now  愛情を裏切り 神様に背き 全てを捨て去って And so what did I get? 守るべき灯(あかり)は あまりにか弱く 暗い道では I can't rely on my own light  悲しみと弱さが 蔦(つた)のように絡みついて…Release me  Now I'm wandering in the woods. I'm still wandering in the woods 何度拭ったってもう 消えはしない黒い色彩 Wandering in the woods. I'm still wandering in the woods 前を向いて進もうと 行く先はない Will I ever find myself?  Please show me the right way. Please tell me what to believe I know no one will answer. I have to find out by myself 微かなこの灯こそが私だと  I'm wandering in my heart. I'm still wandering in my heart 出口のない迷路で 光だけ信じていたくて Wandering in my heart. I'm still wandering in my heart 振り返ればそこにもう 帰る場所はない Might've even found myself, oh Wandering in my heart...
Whiter-than-whiteMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDFor you, this is, this song, for you  We were born in such a world, we all In this wrong and cruel world, will you mourn? For who or what?  You'll live on. Not alone. You'll break this sad chain of causality You'll live on. Not alone. And the scenery awaiting you ahead Is a brush and empty canvas only for you  Hope you'll see you have yourself  Even though we don't know where we'll go We will go. Let us go  You'll live on. Not alone. You'll break this sad chain of causality You'll live on. Not alone. And the scenery awaiting you ahead Is a brush and empty canvas only for you
RAISON D'ETREMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDWake up 目覚めていく心 This town Look up 華やいだ喧騒のLight I found the perfect subject to draw. How sweet it is Red, blue, blue and black and white and... How sweet it is  脈打つこの鼓動 What is the name? 湧き上がるこの感情 I call it“joy”  Won't you give me? Give me life, give me life, I want to have it now I just wanna take it. I just wanna feel it Give me life, give me life, I want to have it now I just wanna take it. I just wanna feel it 止まらない Don't stop me now 描くEmotion 刻むPassion 色彩を重奏 Won't you give me? Give me life, give me life, I want to have it now  あの希望も失望でさえも How sweet it is 森羅万象のUp downさえも How sweet it is We'll live this way. Let it be as it may. How sweet it is Everything is gonna be one great memory  Won't you give me? Give me more, give me more, I want to have it all Let me draw emotions. Let me see the faces Give me more, give me more, I want to have it all Let me draw emotions. Let me see the faces とめどない Until midnight 照らすMoonlight 踊ったOutline 尊い輪郭を Won't you give me? give me more, give me more, I want to have it all  Head, mouth, nose, cheeks and lips, ears, hair Smile, laugh, frown, fearing, longing  Won't you give me? Give me life, give me life, I want to have it now I just wanna take it. I just wanna feel it Give me life, give me life, I want to have it now I just wanna take it. I just wanna feel it Give me life, give me life, I want to have it now I just wanna take it. I just wanna feel it 止まらない Don't stop me now 描くEmotion 刻むPassion 色彩を重奏 Won't you give me? Give me life, give me life, I want to have it now...
MOBIUS∞CRISISMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROID1, 2, 3, 4, 5...8...12...16...every last one of them  They came to see the things I draw. They praised me with a great applause They said that it was almost like as if I had the hands of a god They showed me nothing but respect. They held me in a high regard They didn't even stop to think, maybe they had taken things too far  Nobody can hold back. Can't help but speak out No need to hesitate. Just say what is on your mind  I am me, this is me, as always. I am me, this is me, still the same It was not me who changed I am me, this is me, as always. I am me, this is me, still the same So who was it that changed their mind?  They came to see the things I carve. They couldn't understand my love They hurt me with a cruel remark: “Your hands are like the hands of death” They showed me only disrespect. They treated me with great disdain They didn't even stop to think, maybe they had taken things too far  Nobody can hold back. Can't help but speak out No need to hesitate. Just say what is on your mind  I am me, this is me, as always. I am me, this is me, still the same It was not me who changed I am me, this is me, as always. I am me, this is me, still the same So who was it that changed their mind?  Hopes and excitement, pleasure and delight. Fear and rejection, disappointment Selfish, delusional, superstitious. They have forsaken me...  I am me, this is me, as always. I am me, this is me, still the same It was not me who changed I am me, this is me, as always. I am me, this is me, still the same So who was it that changed their mind?  I am me, this is me, as always. I am me, this is me, still the same Tell me what happened here in this place? I am me, this is me, as always. I am me, this is me, still the same Nobody nowhere is ever safe  Tell me what happened here in this place. Who was at fault? Who should be blamed? Nobody nowhere is ever safe. Our human nature will never change
Tempest-tostMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDtonight, midnight, don't you? aren't you?  Since I never know what's really true or false, (tonight, midnight) I can not believe in rumors anymore But not everybody thinks the same way  I don't wanna see you going crazy You can not hear me. My voice can not reach You are turning into somebody who I don't know... Do you still remember me?  What made you believe that? Was it really your will? 誰かの言葉に 惑わずに I can not understand, even if it was real この目を見ていて欲しい What made you believe that? Was it really your will? 非情な世界で 壊れずに I can not understand, even if it was real その目を信じて欲しい Praying for you  I'm sure that you do know what is true and false (don't you? aren't you?) But people are easily influenced by others They also lose sight of the essential  They relentlessly all left me behind But I'll never need what may deceive me And when I became the last one who was in this town A single tear was shed  What made you feel that way? Can't you stop worrying? 恐れや不安に 飲まれずに I can't release your fear, but you can fight it now 正しくあって欲しい What made you feel that way? Can't you stop worrying? すべてが沈むというのなら I can't release your fear, but you can fight it now 最期まで見届けたい  I don't wanna see you going crazy You can not hear me. My voice can not reach  What made you believe that? Was it really your will? 誰かの言葉に 惑わずに I can not understand, even if it was real この目を見ていて欲しい What made you believe that? Was it really your will? 非情な世界で 壊れずに I can not understand, even if it was real その目を信じて欲しい  tonight, midnight, don't you? aren't you?
ACHE in PULSEMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDI won't make a wish to anyone…just by my own hands  何もかもが温い この身までもが 甘い夢は 凍りついたのに 誰も彼もいない 私以外に 引き裂かれた心だけ残して  I found out, I found out my destiny. But I still feel, I still feel empty inside 嗚呼、声も奪われるのなら もう何もかも Lost all meaning  Start it Don't stop my heartache. Don't stop my heartbreak 嘆きが枯れるまで Don't stop my heartache. Don't stop my heartbreak 痛みが尽きるまで I can't stop this hate. I won't stop this hate Don't stop my heartache. Don't stop my heartbreak  過ぎ去る虚無の時間が 何を奪おうと 失ったまま 生きてゆけはしない  I still long, I still long, for what I've lost. It should be, it should be here in my hand さあ今も望み止まぬなら もうこのすべて Devote myself  Start it Going my own way. Going my true way 魂が満ちるまで Can't give up my way. Can't give up my life Going my own way. Going my true way  This pain is me 痛みのすべて 再起への序章に Nobody can stop me now  Start it Don't stop my heartache. Don't stop my heartbreak 嘆きが枯れるまで Don't stop my heartache. Don't stop my heartbreak 痛みが尽きるまで I can't stop this hate. I won't stop this hate Don't stop my heartache. Don't stop my heartbreak
…And REMNANTMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDI'm still here to say goodbye My sweet town is going down. My sweet life is too  地鳴りを上げる世界 The world will end soon  No, I won't lose my feelings, lose the memories I have Even though it may hurt I won't lose my feelings, lose the memories I have Can't forget them. It's my treasure. Can't forget them. Treasures in my heart  Under the deep sea, they will remain alive  終わりを迎える世界 But the world never end  Yes, I will hold my feelings, hold the memories I have Even if they are sad 悲しみさえ 生きていた証 Can't forget them. It's my treasure. Can't forget them. Treasures in my heart  別れを告げよう 出会ったすべて 愛と痛みへ  No, I won't lose my feelings, lose the memories I have Even though it may hurt I won't lose my feelings, lose the memories I have...Good bye Yes, I will hold my feelings, hold the memories I have Even if they are sad 悲しみさえ 生きていた証 Can't forget them. It's my treasure. Can't forget them. Treasures in my... Can't forget them. It's my treasure. Can't forget them. Treasures in my...
Endless EmbraceMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDKevin Penkin・Tom-H@ckI still remember you; the time we shared, the love you gave Though everything has changed, you push me to live on  海よりも深い奥底から見守っている 別れた未来  I still love you, even though I miss you 永久に続く悲しみの夜の中で 愛は生きる I will be here for you, always and forever 今もずっと願っているよ 温かいこの闇の中で  Nothing can separate us; no time or place too far away Something's connecting us, much deeper than we know  I still love you, even though I miss you 記憶までも褪せてゆくその中で 愛を詠う I will be here for you, always and forever 今もずっと想っているよ 救いなきこの光の中で  悔いなど 捨てよう 心すべてで I think of you...  Even if you don't know how I still treasure you, It doesn't bother me. 'cause I decided so  I still love you, even though I miss you 永久に続く悲しみの夜の中で 愛は生きる I will be here for you, always and forever 今もずっと願っているよ 温かいこの闇の中 美しいこの世界の中で  I still love you, even though I miss you...
STYX HELIX松澤由美松澤由美MYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDOh, please don't let me die Waiting for your touch No, don't give up on life This endless dead end  狂った時計 刻む命 こぼれてく記憶の砂 芽生えた想いまで ねえ こんなに呆気なく 消えてしまうの I wish I was there  Oh, please don't let me die Waiting for your touch 二度となにも失くさぬように 私を忘れて 始めて “Restart” No, don't give up on life This endless dead end 君を砕くこの悲しみが いつか終わりますように For now I'll see you off  My time is spinning around Your deep black eyes I forgot what time it is And our memories are gone…?  甘い香り放つ 追憶という名の罠 誘われ囚われ なぜ抗えもせず また 溺れてしまうの I wish you were here  Oh, never close your eyes Searching for a true fate どこか消えたあのぬくもりを 追いかけ続けて 見失う “Restart” So, let us try again From the very first time “きっときっと” そうやって今も 虚しい輪を描いてる For now, see you again  …fading in, fading out…  I wish we were there  あの日々には戻れない 時は強く 哀しく強く ただただ進んでゆくだけ “Restart” No,don't give up on life This endless dead end 振り返らない そんな強さを 誰も皆演じている For now I'll see you off  And we'll die Waiting for a new day 二度と…  And we'll start Waiting for a new day 君と…  Oh,please don't let me die 消えないで ah…
Forever LostMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDEach time that I lose something precious, I know that there may never be an end to The price that we pay for our dreams It can never be repaid  To carry on is to carry a burden, Even if it's too much to bear, I won't turn back  In the white light, we're praying for the lost For our grief, for our pain To the white light, we're praying for the lost So we try to find solace, empty hands together  In the white light, we're going down this road For our hope, for our fate To the white light, we're going down this road My journey has to go on with you  In the white light, we're praying for the lost To the white light, we're praying for the lost  I'll take all of your wishes and your dreams In your place, in memory Give me all of your wishes and your dreams I'll take all that you left and realize it for you  In the white light, we're going down this road For our hope, for out fate To the white light, we're going down this road My journey has to go on with you We will remember the days  Our past will live on forever, as we strive lowards our future The sadness never disappears, it just becomes a part of us, deep inside
Cracked BlackMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDNo one there if I go back Nothing here it's only black 何処に光など在ろう  罅(ひび)より溢れ出す非情 全てを…  嗚呼、それは尊き夢と 築き上げてきたもの  Down in this sad and cracked affair, Drowning in mad and cracked despair 今よ悪魔たれと願う Down in this sad and cracked affair, Drowning in mad and cracked despair 残滓に粒の光 探す Where is my...?  掻き集めるこの手 深く傷つき  滴り落ちるは 涙だけで足りない痛み  Down in this sad and cracked affair, Drowning in mad and cracked despair 進むほど覗く暗闇 Down in this sad and cracked affair, Drowning in mad and cracked despair 時が絶望を指し止まる  No one there if I go back Nothing here, it's only black 何も見えぬまま  Down in this sad and cracked affair, Drowning in mad and cracked despair 今よ悪夢たれと願う Down in this sad and cracked affair, Drowning in mad and cracked despair 残滓に粒の光 探す Where is my...?  Down in this sad and cracked affair, Drowning in mad and cracked despair  No one there if I go back, Nothing here,it's only black 灰を握りしめ誓う
TIT FOR TATMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDWe're shouting Oh Yeah For the glory Oh Yeah さあ 逆境と災厄の相 来るべき間隙を望もう We'll go  Hey, If you wanna win, you've gotta play it smart Nothing left to chance, the wise will take it all 氾濫してく陰性のThoughts 暗雲が支配したMood  耐え伏して時はもう満ちた  We're shouting Oh Yeah For the glory Oh Yeah そう 結晶とした光を 今こそ解放する We're shouting Oh Yeah For the glory Oh Yeah さあ 逆転と栄光の相 確信の運命を始めよう We'll go  I know I'm not alone, 'cause anybody knows Patience is the key for those who will prevail 風を読んで掲げるFlag 共鳴し猛り出すSoul  突き刺す先の天高く  We're shouting Oh Yeah For the glory Oh Yeah そう 研ぎ澄ますこの熱情 今こそ表明する We're shouting Oh Yeah For the glory Oh Yeah さあ 動乱に答えを穿とう 確定の未来を進んでゆけ We'll go  We're shouting Oh Yeah  Are you listening? “We won't stop” その音殺した鼓動 Hear the voices, “Time has come” 形勢転じる号砲 Are you listening? “We won't stop” 揺るぎない信条の遂行 Hear the voices, “Time has come, we gotta go”  We're shouting Oh Yeah For the glory Oh Yeah そう 結晶とした光を 今こそ解放する We're shouting Oh Yeah For the glory Oh Yeah さあ 逆転と栄光の相 確信の運命を始めよう We'll go  We're shouting Oh Yeah
PANTA RHEIMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDOne, only that which you feel One, only that which you see  Crashing to the ground, Everything is crumbling down Without warning, all that we know... 有り余るほど 重なった色彩も 剥がれ落ち消えてく Frameだけ虚ろに残る  Where does the truth lie for us? 象徴を失って迷い始める大衆よ  Trust in everything that you believe, Living in this chaotic new world 今、目を澄ます Trust in yourself not what they believe 幻想の解の先へ さあ騒然とノイズ 響く最中を  Open up your eyes. Keep it up All doubts will fade out. Open up. Open up  One, only that which you feel One, only that which you see  Like in wonderland, Everyone says red is blue Without lying; they don't falter 感覚はもう 双極線描いて 交錯することもなく どこまでもすれ違う  Don't let anything stand in your own way Fighting in this violent new age 只、ここに立つ Don't let yourself fall for what they say 心奥の解を抱いて 今、時の螺旋その中央に  We gotta get outta this crazy world, hurry up! But there's no way to another world, give it up! Nowhere to go now, you gotta stay Now dive deep into yourself, that's what it takes to wake up!  Trust in everything that you believe, Living in this chaotic new world 今、目を澄ます Trust in yourself not what they believe 幻想の解の先へ さあ騒然とノイズ 響く最中を  Everything that you believe. You are yourself  One, only that which you feel One, only that which you see
shadowgraphMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDCan you see the meaning inside yourself...? Can you see the meaning in your darkness...?  Oh, where are you now? Have you gone away? Here now, is it just a lookalike? All of the world is slowly changing In a way I can not see from here  昨日見た夢では 誰かに呼ばれてた 振り向けばそこには 消えもせず居座った幻  Can you see the meaning inside yourself? 不意に嗤い消えた声 なぜに出会いなぜ別れ その意味も知らず So, can you see the meaning in your darkness? 繰り返し映る影 何も無いその中を 何かを探し歩き続ける  So, have you thought about what truth means in this world? Is the “truth” enough for you to believe? All of the world is slowly changing In a way I can not catch up with  Day by day, we're losing our own shadows 手に入れたものでさえ 手の中で変わるのだと 気づいてしまった So day by day, we're losing proof we are here 色づいたこの霧は 世界と名乗ってまだ 視界のすべてを覆っている  何も何も見えないそこに いつもいつも在るはずのもの 光と陰 夢と現の 狭間で踊る “私”はどこにいる さあ  Can you see the meaning inside yourself? 不意に嗤い消えた声 なぜに出会いなぜ別れ その意味も知らず So, can you see the meaning in your darkness? その影に 今触れた そしてまた消えてゆく 探す意味 それだけ信じさせながら  Can you see the meaning inside yourself? No, even if you think there's no use, don't give it up So, everything is nothing. Nothing is all Everything is nothing. Nothing is all Something is here, but we'll never know what it truly is  私は、誰?
RemembranceMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDThose who fought, gave their all, gone with no trace In the night, do they dream of peaceful days with loved ones? 全て熱は消え去った 人のものも 火のものも  荒れ果てた その墓標に寄せ 花手向ける 友さえもういない  Still with us Feel the calling out to you 痛み嘆きも 今はもう無に帰す It's a soundless calling out to you 微か漂う 悲しみの残り香  思い出の日 悼むことさえも 亡き人らを 癒やし切れるものか  Still wandering Chase the memory of you その意味問えば 無情に落ちてく It's a touchless memory of you 打ちひしがれて 静かに忘れればいい  荒野にはやがて花が芽吹き咲くけれど 繰り返す運命(さだめ)を連れたまま  You're feeling the calling out to you 痛み嘆きも 今はもう無に帰す It's a soundless calling out to you 微か漂う 悲しみの残り香  Feel the calling out to you uh... Soundless calling out to you uh...
VORACITYGOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDGOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDI am very, very crazy, very 永遠に止まらない 世界の全て この口腔の中  さあいざ 闇の中で晩餐会を 誰も彼も食糧へと Can't stop, can't stop, eating Can't stop, can't stop, not enough  Anything can be eaten, even if you say no, hahaha...  生命尽くしフルコースを 味覚に暴力快楽を Don't stop, don't stop, eating Don't stop, don't stop, one more bite  嗚呼、足りない、飽きない 原罪の衝動よ  I am very, very crazy, very 永遠に止まらない 欲に喰われた亡者の業 I wanna go Very, very tasty, very 盛大に宴を 世界の全て この口腔の中  I just want to eat. How tasty it is  何もかにもをこの俎上へと 理性さえも捕食対象 Can't stop, can't stop, eating Can't stop, can't stop. Lost myself  許されない、止まない 本能の罪状  You're berry, berry, like a berry 熟れた紅い粒の様に 噛み割れ垂れる生命のSauce I'm also Berry, berry, we're berries 群小な者達よ 跡形もなく潰され消えゆけ  I just want to eat. How tasty it is  罪と呼ぶなら良いでしょう 恥と呼ぶのも良いでしょう 欲望は本能 醜悪を肯定せよ  I am very, very hungry, very 永遠に止まらない 欲に喰われた亡者の業 I wanna go Very, very tasty, very 盛大に宴を 世界の全て この口腔の中  I am very, very hungry, very Very, very tasty, very...
Something w/o SunriseMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDWhat did you see on the horizon? Was it something beyond the sunrise?  Maybe what you saw there was only a dream I won't say it, won't think about it, just go on my way それが例え希望でも 信じるよりも忘れた方がいい No, don't look up  My long way, my long night How far should I go? No one ever tells me no more, no one 永遠に続くこの夜の中 期待は要らない ただ一歩一歩 行く  You say that I may be afraid of despair I know I am, I can't fight it. I'm not strong enough 今はその絶望から 目を逸らしても進んでいけたら Keep my head down  My long way, my long night How far should I go? In the end we all must go our own way すれ違いを繰り返しては 孤独を知って 迷いを知って 行く  どこまでも 進んでも 辿り着けなくても 進むこと それだけを 続けてゆけばいい ah  My long way, my long night How far should I go? No one ever tells me no more, no one 永遠に続くこの夜の中 期待は要らない ただ一歩一歩 行く  My long way, my long night How far should I go?
HYDRAMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROID破滅さえ 厭(いと)わないで  ねえ、まだこの手に残る欠片(かけら)だって 貴方のもの  何もかも 失くしても 捧げるものが 在るの 未来だって 命でさえ 焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも 縋(すが)る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも 病んだ声も 穢れた両手も 傷で裂かれた心も  I have been wishing for nothing but your happiness, over and over  何もこの手に失くても  時間がまだ 在るのなら 何度も繰り返そう 無意味だって 無駄だっていい 積み上げた日々が 無残に散っても 想いが呪いに 変わったとしても 報いも無く 徒労に終わってもいい もう貴方しか見えない  暗く陰った この道の先では どんな光も やがて潰えるでしょう 運命がそうなら……  希望待つように 生きるより 尽くしきるの 今を  焼け尽きた感情も 不毛な祈りも 縋(すが)る無様も 貢ぐ愚かも 何もかもが どうなってもいい 全て貴方に 捧げよう  Nothing would make me happier than if I could be with you forever……
Stormy GloryMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDHey, clap your hands Raise your hands up  It's a big commotion like a scene from a war What do you wanna say? Go right ahead. You can say anything In this beat and sound  怒号も憎悪も喝采も Give it to me and hear me sing 音の中で昇華してく I'll beat your heart  Hey, clap your hands. I will take you all through the night 心の咆哮 聴かせて Hey, clap your hands. I will take you all through the night その全て 曝け出して  If you cannot say what you're feeling inside Aren't you holding back? Don't be afraid. You can say anything Just set yourself free  醜いだけの本音でも Give it to me and hear me sing 純粋すぎる答えでも I'll be your voice  Raise your hands up. I will rock you with my soul 想像より遠く 響かせ Raise your hands up. I will rock you with my soul 全部忘れ去ってしまえ  Can you believe in what I'm talking about? Can you believe in what I believe in now? Can you believe in what I'm talking about? I'll make you believe!  怒号も憎悪も喝采も Give it to me and hear me sing 音の中で昇華してく I'll beat your heart  Hey, clap your hands. I will take you all through the night 心の咆哮 聴かせて Hey, clap your hands. I will take you all through the night その全て 曝け出して  Hey, clap your hands Raise your hands up……
TRAGEDY:ETERNITYMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDEvery time I sleep here in this white room Seems like I have a bad dream When I open up my eyes I can't recall But it was colorful  Everyday, at the end of the day I feel like I'm all dried up I know that it's a bad dream, yes I know But I want it now……  It's too late I've already tasted this remedy  Help me out. Where is the way to escape? (Nobody answers the question) Break me out! Free me from these chains (Nobody is here anymore)  Caught up in the emotions……  Don't give me an eternity Even if that's all I can believe 時を止めて 瞬きの影で I don't wanna fall into a sleep 'Cause now you are my remedy Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain 悪夢の誘(いざな)いであれ 代償を支払らうのが定め  The things that we talked about might be love Something that you don't know But a baby bird that fell out of the nest Can never go back home  Peaceful days Killing me gently, relentlessly  Please tell me! Was it 'cause of something I did? (Nobody answers the question) Was it me who made him unhappy? (Nobody is here anymore)  Caught up in the emotions……  Don't give me an eternity Even if that's all I can believe 時を刻み 胸に彫る形見 I don't wanna fall into a sleep 'Cause now you are my remedy Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on my brain 奪われるものを今 不釣り合いな天秤が計る  涙拭おうと 伸ばした手が首へと そして目を覚ます朝 壊れてしまった私と夢を……  Now please give me an eternity I know that it's all that's left for me 時を超えて 永遠(とわ)の向こう側で I just wanna fall into a sleep Wishing you can smile again someday Now knocking on, knocking on, knocking on the door  再び時が動き 悲しみの全て潰(つい)えたなら 瞳に鈍く宿る その光は絶望か希望  Won't you give me an……give me an eternity? 時の渦に 消えてゆく日々と記憶を……
雪を聴く夜MYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROID遠くへ とおくへ 流るる 雲よ 離れて ゆくのは 貴方か 私か  黒く 果てしなく 長い夜 二度と 明けぬ様に  夜空を仰げば幻 他愛ない最後の 別れの言葉を悔いている 雪が降る夜に  銀色 星月(ほしつき) 凍えた 木々よ 待人 幾年(いくとせ) 望めば 此処に  風が 吹きすさぶ 寒空に 愛は 枯れるままに  涙を拭った袖口 健気に祈っても 無駄だと知りつつ繰り返す 雪が降る夜に  別れがいつも 惜しくとも 見せずただ人は 去る  夜空を仰げば幻 他愛ない最後の 別れの言葉を悔いている 雪が降る夜に  想いを潜めた夜更けに 世界も黙って 地に落つ雪の音(ね)さえ響く 一人眠れずに 雪を聴いている
Tough & AloneMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDDon't look back. Keep moving forward Gotta be tough on my own  Far away from there No one else is here My heart is nowhere  胸を満たす 伽藍堂に もう貴方も 誰もいない  一人きり 欠けた月 仰ぐ夜(よ)に You were gone……  Don't look back. Keep moving forward Gotta be tough on my own 何も恐れずいる強さが すぐに欲しくて 心に厚く鉄をまとった Don't look back. Keep moving forward Gotta be tough on my own 固く閉じた扉の鍵は あの日、貴方と最後に笑った日に隠した  I called out to you Called to everyone But no one answered  去った人の 行方など 追いかけても 虚しいだけ  Don't let me out. I must stay now Even though I don't want to 何も許さず切り捨てては 誰の言葉も 信じるよりも先に疑った Don't let me out. I must stay now Even though I don't want to 自らの手で作る壁が 気づいた時に 遠く背丈さえも越えていた ah……  隔絶・寂寞・荒涼・空白・絶望 その心象風景 Everytime I feel alone, You are fading away もう何も届きはしない  Don't look back. Keep moving forward Gotta be tough on my own 何も恐れずいる強さが すぐに欲しくて 心に厚く鉄をまとった Don't look back. Keep moving forward Gotta be tough on my own 固く閉じた扉を開けて あの日の様に 笑える日がいつか来たなら……  Don't look back. Keep moving forward Gotta be tough on my own……
Crazy Scary Holy FantasyMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDCrazy Scary Holy Fantasy 悪夢の有様は Do what? Do what? Do what you want to! 悪意の想像次第  It's like a game of Peek-a-boo 遊びにも足りない Nothing to do, just killing time 余暇を満たす殺意  泣き叫び恐れ慄き逃げ出し平伏すまでは予定調和 朱く染めた手を振り乱し何を描こうか  Calling, calling…… You're calling me? Hello, hello 世界に虐殺を  Crazy Scary Holy Fantasy 悪夢の有様は Do what? Do what? Do what you want to! 悪意の想像次第  I just wanna amuse myself 余興なら要らない Playing like an innocent child ただコレだけでいいの  手を叩き声を上げて嗤い踊り暴れるのは過剰反応 息をする様に自然当然にただ摂取する  Crazy Scary Holy Fantasy 止まらぬ悪戯を Do what? Do what? Do what you want to! 徹底的試行錯誤  Hey, look at me. Am I cute? You must say“yes”. Am I cute……?  奪い奪われ喰らい喰われ上と下に別れる搾取原理 善しも悪しも無くただそれが答え 平等でしょう? That is all  No one, no one feels the same way? Hello, hello 狂気と呼ぶのはだあれ?  Crazy Scary Holy Fantasy 悪夢の有様は Do what? Do what? Do what you want to! 悪(わたし)の気分次第 悪戯次第 悪意のままに
sunny garden sundayMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDYou are the light. I catch the light Am I your light? Do you catch the light?  Wake up to a shiny morning 起き抜けにBlack 香るCoffee Oh, please don't look away from me 瞳の奥を 見てたい  We are in the garden As we always are “Yes, this might be happiness” We feel the same way in our hearts  You are the light. I catch the light 眩しそうな顔の貴方は  Am I your light? Do you catch the light? 不器用に 笑ってるみたい  The birds are singing a new song 小さく そうClap 軽くHumming So please show me your feelings 喜びはもう隠せない  We are in the garden As we always are But something is changing You still don't notice what it is   I saw you smile. You feel it inside? 窓を開けたなら幸せは Show me your smile anytime you like いくつも 見つけられるでしょう  春を待ち侘びては 蕾数え 花園を巡る 何気ない仕草の先に 未来が視える 日陰に隠れてた 明日(あす)への道 陽が当たり出して さあ眩しくて見えない 光の中をゆこう  Now you are the light. I catch the light 眩しそうな顔の貴方は Am I your light? Do you catch my light? 不器用に 笑っている  I saw you smile. You feel it inside? きっと花の様に幸せが Show me your smile anytime you like もうすぐ 咲いてゆくのでしょう  You are the light. I catch the light Am I your light? Do you catch the light? You are the light. I catch the light
-to the future daysMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDSpin it 'round……  今、心が動いた その閉ざした心が  I'm still alive……in your eyes……I'm still alive…… I'm with you now……in your eyes 変わらずにそばに  I cast my wishes to the future days 永遠(とわ)の向こうで会えたら I cast my wishes to the future days 何から話そうか  悲しみさえ喜びさえ やがて 等しく眠る そうやって生きてゆく  その世界が叶えば 誰も傷つかないの?  Imagining……in your eyes……imagining…… I see it now……in your eyes わからないけれど  If you can dream it, I can believe it 人は涙失くしても If you can dream it, I can believe it 優しくなれるかな  絶望にも命にも やがて終わりが来て 手渡してく未来は なるがままになって Spin it 'round…… くるくる回る 時計針 ひらひら落ちる 花の様に 咲いたなら散れ 刹那に舞って  I cast my wishes to the future days 永遠(とわ)の向こうで会えたら I cast my wishes to the future days 何から話そうか  If you can dream it, I can believe it どんな未来でもいいよ If you can dream it, I can truly believe it ただ思い馳せる  Spin it 'round…… I cast my wishes to the future days Spin it 'round…… I cast my wishes…… oh oh oh
JINGO JUNGLEGOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDGOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDDon't go away 逃げ場はない Oh why? You're crying 嗤え 狂え  Coming up… Coming up… 嗚呼、殺意の眼 粋な獲物 昂ぶる 昂ぶる Not enough… Not enough… まだその命 愉悦に足りはしない  We all are the jingoes oh-oh-oh 獣じみた欲を貪れ We are in the jungle oh-oh-oh さあ牙を研げ 死の数を競おう ah  Go on your way 容赦もなく No one is left 奪い尽くす  Showing up… Showing up… 大義と似せたそれは私刑 甚振(いたぶ)る 甚振る You're the same… You're the same… 善と言い張る醜さこそが本性  We all are the jingoes oh-oh-oh 弱き者を慈悲も残さず We are in the jungle oh-oh-oh 喰い尽くすのは 獣より人間(ひと)の性(さが)  Dance it up U-Ra-Ra o-o-o-o-o-o-o Hurry up I-Ya-Ya o-a-o-a-o-a-o  The world will be colorful, painful, beautiful When your life is lost  We all are the jingoes oh-oh-oh 獣じみた欲を貪れ We are in the jungle oh-oh-oh さあ牙を研げ 死の数を競え The jingoes oh-oh-oh 嬲(なぶ)り倒す 味を舐めては We are in the jungle oh-oh-oh また舌を出す 狂った人間(とも)たちよ ah  We all are the jingoes oh-oh-oh… We are in the jungle oh-oh-oh…
Frozen RainMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDStill believe in you Still believe in your promise 凍った雨が君に降り注ぐ…  Miss you How could we be apart? In that place, what happened to you? I can imagine, can imagine well  期待するふりをして動かぬ指先 来はしない便りと知っても  Still believe in you Still believe in your promise まだあの言葉を待つの Can't believe in you at all But, what do I want? また雨が降り出した  It's you who taught me to love But it's wrong. That's a kind of curse I can't break it, can't break it well  継ぎ接ぎのフィルムで失ったストーリーは 思い出す度擦り切れていく  Still calling you Still calling you in my head どんな一言だっていいの Now you are fading out Don't go away from me 雨が砕ける音が響く 君の声が消える Now I'm still loving you Wanna see you again もう雨が止まなくても  Loving you, I'm still loving you Still believe in you, still believe in you
Paradisus-ParadoxumGOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDGOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDNow let me open the scar 溶け合ったVirus 虹に黒を差し飛び立つ  赤い花の蜜 濡れて隠れたノイズ 胸に這い寄るの “ウマレカワリタイノデショウ?”  永遠 眠っていたパラダイム 芯を喰って侵食していた  Now let me open the scar 溶け合ったVirus 触れて 露(あら)わになる本能 Grew up in the loneliness 壊れたReality 虹に黒を差し飛び立つ  今すぐ抜け出して 正気の迷路 反転したコントラストへ  青い硝子に 映った私は 残酷な微笑で 喉を震わせるの  I'm changing to a monster 裏切り合いも 深く堕ちてゆくプロセス Is this my insanity? その問いさえが 盲目と欲望の証  そのまま飛び出して 知った世界は パラドクスの楽園の様  “Live it up! Live it up! Live it up!” 目を醒ました “Live it up! Live it up! Live it up!” 感情の振れるままに  Now let me open the scar 溶け合ったVirus 生まれ変わった本能で Grew up in the loneliness 見つけたReality 穢れを知っても もっと… 戻れはしない 漂白されていたParadise Yes, this is my sanity 自由を抱いて 虹に黒を差し飛び立つ  今すぐ抜け出して 正気の迷路 反転したコントラストへ 飛び出して 知った世界は パラドクスの楽園の様 手を伸ばす 禁忌の渦 黒を差して 虹を暴け
theater DMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDThe ticket is all that I have lost 十分な喪失と招待され Today's program is : a tragedy 救済の一切もない名作を  “Please be quiet. Hope is noisy”  The dreams rot off and drop away 望みこそ腐敗の元凶  No wish, no smile, only despair The curtain will open  Welcome to the party 暗闇で舞う無数の影よ This show will never end 何人も逃れられはしない  Singing a song for my memories 記憶のすべて嘲笑して So please give me a big applause 喝采で更に堕として  No wish, no smile, only despair The program will go on  Welcome to the party 拙く滑稽なワルツが This show will never end 飽きてもまだ廻り続ける  “Would you like one more heartbreak, huh?”  How do you feel? What do you think? Fun? Joy? Relief? Yeah, you've fallen  嗚呼、止まない Wailing from the dark… 嘆きの声 Howling in the dark…  Welcome to the party 暗闇で舞う無数の影よ This show will never end 何人も逃れられはしない  暗闇で舞う無数の影よ 拙く滑稽なワルツが 絶望の名の劇場で ah
STYX HELIXGOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDGOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDOh, please don't let me die Waiting for your touch No, don't give up on life This endless dead end  狂った時計 刻む命 こぼれてく記憶の砂 芽生えた想いまで ねえ こんなに呆気なく 消えてしまうの I wish I was there  Oh, please don't let me die Waiting for your touch 二度となにも失くさぬように 私を忘れて 始めて “Restart” No, don't give up on life This endless dead end 君を砕くこの悲しみが いつか終わりますように For now I'll see you off  My time is spinning around Your deep black eyes I forgot what time it is And our memories are gone…?  甘い香り放つ 追憶という名の罠 誘われ囚われ なぜ抗えもせず また 溺れてしまうの I wish you were here  Oh, never close your eyes Searching for a true fate どこか消えたあのぬくもりを 追いかけ続けて 見失う “Restart” So, let us try again From the very first time “きっときっと” そうやって今も 虚しい輪を描いてる For now, see you again  …fading in, fading out…  I wish we were there  あの日々には戻れない 時は強く 哀しく強く ただただ進んでゆくだけ “Restart” No, don't give up on life This endless dead end 振り返らない そんな強さを 誰も皆演じている For now I'll see you off  And we'll die Waiting for a new day 二度と…  And we'll start Waiting for a new day 君と…  Oh, please don't let me die 消えないで ah…
STRAIGHT BETMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROID“For my love, I'll bet” 命こそを銃弾に 賭ける STRAIGHT BET  “Now have a seat” 彼は言った 蔑む視線で 違法なオッズ 破滅には嘲笑を  ラストコールが煽る This 1 chipの勝負を  “For my love, I'll bet” 願望ありきの打算じゃ 勝ちは有り得ない “Now take this. My life” 命こそを弾丸に さあルーレット廻れ 私を嗤うがいい  “No more bets” 遊ぶボールは誰かの様 運命なんて 偶然の虚飾  喰い合いを急ぐ 死んだ眼の獣よ  “Never be afraid” 感情何度込めても 勝率(パーセント)は上がらない “Believe in my choice” 純粋で美麗な勝負を さあルーレット止まれ 非情に選ぶがいい  判定(ジャッジ)はただ敢え無く 敗者は消え 勝者には Ah 次が待っている そしてルーレット廻る 勝利さえ許さず  “For my love, I'll bet” 一度捨てた命に 足掻いてはいけない “Now take this. My life” 潔く美しく さあルーレット廻れ 私を嗤うがいい  佇む一枚のチップ 譲ることなく一つを守る 歪に狂う歯車の その中心で “I'll bet…”
ANGER/ANGERMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROID…and so, we met in the deep dark and shattered place No one will come to us. They left us here with disgrace We're alone  We all abanded sadness. We all abanded kindness The world is full of hatred. There's no hope, then take this 嘘で建った塔の 深層で燃える炎 早々気を付けろ背後 A matter of time  Be ready. Burn up! Liars! In this cold night ただで消え去る罪など無い Oh baby, cry out louder to this bad luck God, hear the scream, share us your light Tonight, now stand up and head up cause we're falling up Who is the bloody liar? You all the bloody liar 創傷疼いている 何故痛いくらい ah 今疼き出す…  This is what's behind the truth. We know what we gotta do  What is the reason you repeating the same thing again? I'm sure the reason is stupid, silly and insane Shut it up  Don't close your eyes forever. Don't go away. Come closer And let's see what happened. … yeah right, your heart is frozen. 煌々と熱く太陽 専用として堂々と 栄光を綴る虚語 I will survive  You're ready. Burn up! Fire! Toward this heavy sky 未だ視野は暗く 足りない Yeah, come on. Spread out! Fears! To the world tonight Now remember, it's 'cause of your lies  …Burn up! …Liars!  孤独の傷跡 血の様に溢れ出した涙  No, I can't cry まだ何も終わってはいない Oh please. Dry up. Tears. They are still alive I'll lie to my tears…  Be ready. Burn up! Liars! In this cold night ただで消え去る罪など無い Oh baby, cry out louder to this bad luck God, hear the scream, share us your light Tonight, now stand up and head up cause we're falling up Who is the bloody liar? You all the bloody liar 創傷抱いている ただ痛いくらい ah 今抱いてる  What are you saying? It's too late My sight is red. Can't stop this red Let's go ahead. And take their heads Go, take their heads. Go, take their heads…
ICECREAM QUEENMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDAnd I'm a lonely queen, I melt all with this burning pain in my heart So you wait I'm like yeah, whatever, I'm still livin' like that I'll stay!  They say “must change” My friends have become adults Oh, stay away Don't care about today I'm going to scream, just now. Oh, go away  I know I must live in this real wrong world, and I know There's no other way but to keep living as a lonely queen in this world This world and grown-ups are like cold ice cream and they're all still alive Now I scream, Go melt away Oh fxxk! So what!  I don't need sweet coldness and I' give it up Yes this is my way 'Cause I know this shitty situation won't let me go Hooray! And I'm a lonely queen, I melt all with this burning pain in my heart So you wait I'm like yeah, whatever, I'm still livin' like that I'll stay!  Don't care even if I'm a real crazy I figured all out, so I'm going away Don't care what others say Yeah, I'll show respect and nod as they say  You melted, why you're clinging on me Oh please let me go Better not eat, don't wanna get cold I want to stay warm No interest in sick ice cream I'm on my own...let's go Once you were so close, a while ago Oh fxxk! So what!  I don't need sweet coldness and I' give it up Yes this is my way 'Cause I know this shitty situation won't let me go Hooray! And I'm a lonely queen, I melt all with this burning pain in my heart So you wait I'm like yeah, whatever, I'm still livin' like that I'll stay!  They are just a full of shit, I can't stand Crying out loud Hey baby can't kick me down, I'm already on the ground Get ready motherfucker cause I'm the queen Follow me now Make some noise and scream loud Oh fxxk! So what!  I don't need sweet coldness and I' give it up Yes this is my way 'Cause I know this shitty situation won't let me go Hooray! And I'm a lonely queen, I melt all with this burning pain in my heart So you wait I'm like yeah, whatever, I'm still livin' like that I'll stay!
L.L.L.GOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDGOLD LYLICMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDDon't you give me your love and passion?  (Believe in love, even though There're borders and disturbance and more I'm the only one who loves you Because I'm crazy about you)  Let's ride to hell, 追従してGo 一緒なら寧ろ死にたいじゃない Beyond the line 果てなんかない I swear, I'm gonna be so fxxking grateful  Blessing word 貴方は至高 命令に Your highness 忠実にFollow You give orders 渡しはしない 何より尊い存在(もの)よ  You don't know why my love is crying 凝着したい 過剰なくらい 永遠(とわ)になりたい Don't wanna cry 嫉妬妄想狂いそうよ  Don't you give me your love and passion? 愛とは暴動衝動 Let go 精神(こころ)以上に本能、心臓(ハート)まで More 要求したい I don't want to live in a world without you 貴方以外のこの未来を Kill it, kill it I would be happy to kill it for my love  Go till the end 視線は Lock 遮られずに遂げたい願い Straight to you 純心は Fly above the star and sun… so fxxking wonderful  Hey, get out 冗談じゃない 視界の Dirty は排除してTrash Kick them out 容赦など無い 誰より譲れぬ存在(もの)よ  I'm in the dark, can't see your eyes 暗い視えない 孤独は痛い 共に居たい No more. Time! 窒息もう苦しいよ  Won't you come and hold me tight 愛とは純情結晶 Get all 想像以上の恩情、Hard な応え要望してる I wanna make it with you, baby 貴方の愛を得られるなら Risk it, risk it I'm gonna risk it all what's for two of us  狂う愛憎模様 Marble に溶解して 1(One) and all、融合 焦燥さえも 形状は悲壮 自由に細胞単位で You don't know why my love is crying 凝着したい 過剰なくらい 永遠(とわ)になりたい Don't wanna cry 抱擁してよもっと  Don't you give me your love and passion? 貴方の全て頂戴 理由なんて要らない 唯愛し愛されてたい I don't want to live in a world without you 貴方以外何も要らない Get it, get it I can't resist it. Get it for my love  I'll spend my life for loving you Kill it, kill it  (I'm imaging now, if you're mine, It's like a paradise and haven and more You're the only man who I love In my life and destiny and all)  Don't you give me your love and passion? I know the border. It should be wrecked, go
The first endingMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDMYTH & ROIDStill in the mood for a melody それでも朝日は語る 幼さを捨てる時に 前触れも知らせもないと  I cannot fly away, I want to cry today 願いは遠く but I will try real hard, maybe I can be tough 歩き出すことの意味を知る  Floating feathers in the spring, I feel the soothing breeze I hear it,“don't stay” 目を閉じればこの背に I am ready to get ready For my longest journey Far away, far away そっと進み出す  Still in the juvenile memories 今でも響く笑い声 やさしい日々にも今は 短い別れを告げて  As the autumn sky, The scenery surrounds me keep changing And, day by day 親しきものたちさえ Yes, I won't lose it, believing What I've grew in my mind The new day is today なにも迷わずに  Forever I will be, whatever I can be 一人ではなく So I can fly anywhere, I mean it everywhere 誰かと共に行く意味を知る  Floating feathers in the spring, I feel the soothing breeze I hear it,“don't stay” 目を閉じればこの背に I am ready to get ready For my longest journey Far away, far away そっと進み出す  いつしか風は止んで 視界はただただ広く それでも歩は進んで きっとこれが 始まりの終わり
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. はるがきた
  3. 倍倍FIGHT!
  4. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ
  5. doppelganger



  1. タイムリミット片想い
  2. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  3. Swish
  4. MUSE
  5. フィラメント

