cAnON.作詞の歌詞一覧リスト  51曲中 1-51曲を表示

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51曲中 1-51曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
Miles AwayいのうえあいいのうえあいcAnON.KOHTA YAMAMOTOHow were you today? Let me listen to your tale till we fall asleep Catching your yawn Lonesome starry night And my favorite fluffy tail always wraps me up It's just between you and me  Say no sorries for all the bad luck we have still been facing And it's nobody's fault Nothing to us, you know? May I lay my hand on your gentle and big hand just for now? Keep your eyes on me  No matter what you look like, you're the only one for me Your love has made me strong though fate has torn us apart I won't be through with hoping I'm not as I used to be Oh my KING I know it's all because I'm with U  Enchanting thin lips And your glossy long black hair is so beautiful It's just between you and me  They got so tangled up It doesn't matter where we were born We can show what it's like Nothing to us, you know? May I lay my hand on your gentle and big hand just for now? Keep your eyes on me  No matter what you look like, you're the only one for me Your love has made me strong though fate has torn us apart I won't be through with hoping I'm not as I used to be Oh my KING I know it's all because I'm with U  When I saw you shivering deep in the dark I wanted terribly, unbearably to hug you tight While you want to cry out behind your grace Why don't you be clingy only just in front of me?  Take a look around the world we stand together See, with all these friends and mates we truly lean on Every single day, I feel the happiest moments loving you I wouldn't love to lose you  I'll be fine whenever I dearly feel you close You'll be fine wherever We'd always be, though miles away
SACRAReoNaReoNacAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之綻ぶ花もくすぶる蕾も 刹那の風に舞った痛みも 巡り巡る未来に上書きされて一枚も残らない  As time goes on, things forgotten この手を解かずに見送れたならどんなにいいか  The flowers brought to mind, therefore I am 雨に散る花びらが Remember me tender, remember my pain 記憶の頁に残れたなら  俯く先 踊る木漏れ日が 黄昏色に滲んでゆく 僕だけが狭いこの世界の隅 取り残されたようで  As time goes on, things forgotten 不用意に傷つけてしまわないよう 紡げずにいた言葉  The flowers brought to mind, therefore I am 息を切る日々の中 Remember me tender, remember my pain 思いのままに歌えたなら  Say goodbye for now 「悲シクナイ」なんて嘘になるけど Bye for now それぞれの輝き繋いで  いつか来るサヨナラも いろんなハジメマシテも この道を彩るように 見守ってくれているから  The flowers brought to mind, therefore I am 雨に散る花びらが Remember me tender, remember my pain 記憶の頁に残れたなら  Say goodbye for now 振り向いた足元に 眩しい轍 Bye for now それぞれの輝き繋いで
B∀LKSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:suis (from ヨルシカ)SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:suis (from ヨルシカ)cAnON.Hiroyuki SAWANOIt's silly talk, so let it go 愚痴ってるってだけ You turn it off and turn it on 手持ち無沙汰だって Hunt around high and low 平らな眼で Underground I don't know...exactly what you are 只 他が為に息して泣いてるんだ?  So don't give me that dance 闘えないモーション Don't give me that doubt Gimmi, tell me, damn it 刻め 貪欲に 弾け 獰猛に Don't give me that dance Gimmi, tell me, damn it  It's just a balk, but don't let go 齟齬ってるってだけ You turn it out and drag me in 閃き ばら撒いて Never mind, I'll do so 素知らぬ体(てい)で Undermined I got no belongingness by now どうしたって微塵も覚えてるワケないな  So don't give me that dance 雑なローテーション Don't give me that doubt けたたましく 香る フランキンセンス 揺らぐ アドレッセンス Don't give me that dance Gimmi, tell me, damn it  How'd you know about me? I don't give a shoot what you want モネみたいな空映しても 心はスパイキーモード How'd you know about me? I don't give a shoot what you owe ピュリスムの果て掴んだ躁 孤独なら Dig it all  禅問答に酷く疲れて 深呼吸すらできそうもない Handle me with care If you wannarepair D.S. al fine  So don't give me that dance 闘えないモーション Don't give me that doubt Gimmi, tell me, damn it 刻め 貪欲に 弾け 獰猛に Don't give me that dance Gimmi, tell me, damn it  How'd you know about me? I don't give a shoot what you want モネみたいな空映しても 心はスパイキーモード How'd you know about me? I don't give a shoot what you owe ピュリスムの果て掴んだ躁 孤独なら Dig it all
COLORsSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Hata MotohiroSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Hata MotohirocAnON.Hiroyuki SAWANOいつも出会って消える日々に咲いた花 絶妙なグラデーションで本音を隠すランタナ 尊敬とifでアタマ騒がしくて寝つけない  焦れったいほど鮮明に色づいて きっと誰のものにもならないで 理由なんていらないくらい 素敵な虹で世界染め替えて  まつげ伏せた横顔に少し 影落とした キミを見てた 風に揺れた花びらの景色 大切だって 伝えたくて  理想の彩り探すヒトを流して 追いかける視線を軽くいなすランタナ 近づきたいな 自分だけの色って どんな色?  焦れったいほど鮮明に 惹かれてく心には嘘がない 綺麗だって そんな言葉じゃ縛れない 目まぐるしく変わる 一瞬を楽しんで  あざやかな自由まとっている キミが笑った朝を見たんだ 気まぐれでカラフルな姿 いつまでだって 愛しくって  焦れったいほど鮮明に色づいて きっと誰のものにもならないで 理由なんていらないくらい 素敵な虹で世界染め替えて  まつげ伏せた横顔に少し 影落とした キミを見てた 風に揺れた花びらの景色 大切だって 伝えたくて
FLOWS有村優(矢野奨吾)有村優(矢野奨吾)cAnON.KOHTA YAMAMOTOKOHTA YAMAMOTO見慣れた景色の彩りも 泥に塗れて忘れかけてた 瞼の裏 ふと掠めていく いつの間にか無くした鍵のように  後悔した過去をたぐり寄せても虚しいだけ この手に握りしめた未来の欠片の数だけ広がる世界  踏み固めてきた軌跡が 間違いなくそこにあるから My life's gonna be so much epic 真新しいヴィジョンを胸に 追い風に頼らなくっても 信じられるものがあるから 夢追い走らせた日々は Won't fade away  前に進む そのチカラが 紛れもない答え  雑踏の隙間をすり抜けて 流れるメロディ 口ずさめば 心の奥 ふと滲み出した 鮮明な理想像には程遠くて  掲げた目標に満足をすれば終わりじゃない この眼に捉えた視野の外れに星屑の数ほど広がる世界  積み重ねてきた悔しさも ひとつだって嘘じゃないから My life's gonna be so much epic 真新しい翼 広げて どんな向かい風にあっても 揺るぎなく辿り着けるから 今も胸躍らす日々は Won't fade away  とらわれない この思いが 空を駆ける  描いた群青に ひと筋伸びる雲 カタチを変えてもなお 白く煌めく たなびくその先に溶け合う蜃気楼ごと 飲み込まれそうな We're still on the long and winding road And finding flow  踏み固めてきた軌跡が 間違いなくそこにあるから My life's gonna be so much epic 真新しいヴィジョンを胸に 追い風に頼らなくっても 信じられるものがあるから 夢追い走らせた日々は Won't fade away  積み重ねてきた悔しさも ひとつだって嘘じゃないから My life's gonna be so much epic 真新しい翼 広げて どんな向かい風にあっても 揺るぎなく辿り着けるから 今も胸躍らす日々は Won't fade away  とらわれない この思いが 迷いのない答え  明日へ
Till ISennaRinSennaRincAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之不確かな記憶が心の隅 突くから I want to know if truth is painful or not 先送りした疑問は Frail  涙の跡が乾いていくほどに Trail blazed across my messy mind 何処へ進もうか?  Cuz I meant to be your piece until I die No one's wanna be alone 破れて 拾い集めて Though we fall apart between the hell's divide 求められるなら ずっと側で stay the same  生まれては消えてく感覚の名前なら 擦り過ぎて痛いくらい realize a lot I can't igg your tender lies  臆病になってた 大人びるほどに Cries swallowed down but you don't mind 傷つかないように  Don't let me be your wound Wash off all you've been bound 安息の吐息に 耳を澄ませて  Cuz I meant to be your piece until I die No one's wanna be alone I'll leave my soul by your side 目的地もなく彷徨ってた 空の片隅 照らす光は stay the same Till I die By your side
Tot MusicaMILLION LYLICAdoMILLION LYLICAdocAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ  雨打つ心 彷徨う何処 枯れ果てず湧く願いと涙 解き放つ 呪を紡ぐ言の葉  ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ 死をも転がす救いの讃歌 求められたる救世主  祈りの間で惑う 唯 海の凪ぐ未来を乞う  その傲岸無礼な慟哭を 惰性なき愁いには忘却を さあ 混沌の時代には終止符を いざ無礙に Blah blah blah! 無条件 絶対 激昂なら Singing the song 如何せん罵詈雑言でも Singing the song 有象無象の Big Bang 慈しみ深く 怒れ 集え 謳え 破滅の譜を  ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ 誓い立てし自由 手にして謳歌 平伏されたる救世主  逃亡の果て望む希望 忘れじの灯火を纏う  その身が尽きるまで奏でよ 夢見うつつ崇めよ 全てを照らし出す光を いざ無礙に Blh blah blah!  その傲岸無礼な慟哭を 残響激励すら忘却を さあ 混沌の時代には終止符を いざ無礙に Blah blah blah! 無条件 絶対 激昂なら Singing the song 如何せん罵詈雑言でも Singing the song 有象無象の Big Bang 慈しみ深く 怒れ 集え 謳え 破滅の譜を  ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ
Roads to RideMISAKI UMASEMISAKI UMASEcAnON.Hiroyuki SAWANOIn just a little second it had changed my life I may have underrated paying the price But our dreams are not in the air You know, words mean so little to me When we are running through the wind  Daylight slowly fades Goodbye to sulky days We'll be fine across the board  Every moment that I spend with you gives me great power Set me free before I realize it If you were I Would you think in the same way as I do? Or you'll say “just because”?  Runaway from anything but my weakness made me so catatonic Can't help comparing to you If I say it to you, it must make you laugh to death Then we'll try to be the best and that's all we can do Head to ascend We'll together ride 'til the end  Where there is a will, there is a way Going on our own way Is it glory that awaits us ahead?
ActivationNatumi.Natumi.cAnON.澤野弘之嫌いだった あなたの Tone キレイごとばっかな気がして その笑顔は本物か偽物か? って別にいっか  優しい 嬉しい だけど 悔しいって気持ち 嫌になるくらいに一緒くただってわかってるの 曖昧なままでいたいコトない 確かめるチャンスから逃げてるだけ 経験値が足りてない  How'd you know about my love? How'd you know how much my love? 嵌ってった甘味も苦味も一辺倒に You got me day by day チラついてしょうがない あさっての方向 動向 暴きたい Investigator  大雑把な感情曲線 かなり混線 って別にいっか 至れり尽くせりガンジガラメる 当たり前なハズがないのに 両極端なんじゃない?  How'd you know about my love? How'd you know how much my love? 狂ってった攻守のバランスは一進一退 You got me day by day ウワついて眠れない As I know 最高峰 飄々 屈しない Investigator  嗚呼 もうやだ 四六時中 frustrated 四六時中 dominated 四六時中 掻き乱して 24/7 四六時中 frustrated 四六時中 dominated 四六時中 忙しなくて 24/7  何も変わらないまんまで 夢は膨れるばっかりでさ Nothing's gonna change my life 「いつか」なんて待てない  How'd you know about my love? How'd you know how much my love? 嵌ってった甘味も苦味も一辺倒に You got me day by day チラついてしょうがない あさっての方向 動向 暴きたい Investigator  嗚呼 もうやだ 四六時中 frustrated 四六時中 dominated 四六時中 掻き乱して 24/7 四六時中 frustrated 四六時中 dominated 四六時中 忙しなくて 24/7
pARTsNatumi.Natumi.cAnON.澤野弘之Can you hear me now? I'll say it anyhow 欠けたパズル拾い集めた 自分の在処 手探り繋いでも My past is still in here  Build it so we'll be reborn 胸に宿る希望 震える手握りしめ 夜を仰いで I just realize 星屑ですら 夢をみてるんだ  Because you're the big prize to get me across the borderlines 押し付けられた理想 描き変えよう この世界の未来 You are the precious part of me 抱えきれない痛み 乗り越えていくチカラになる  Because you're the big steady part of me My one and only 塞いだ耳揺らした戸惑いのビート Steady part of me My one and only かけがえのないプライド 照らす光  Turning up the radio 数狂ったレイシオ 乱されたアルゴリズム 朝を迎えて I just realize 後悔したって進まなくちゃ  Because you're the big prize to get me across the borderlines こじつけられた偽装 描き変えよう この世界の果て You are the precious part of me 捉えきれないアイロニー 組み込んでいくチカラになる  Because you're the big steady part of me My one and only 閉ざした道開いた胸躍るヒート Steady part of me My one and only どうにもできないくらい 笑えるように  掠(かす)め取られた花 不意に唇が乾く ささくれた心 見透かさないで We all wander in that black hole あやふやなカタチ正す perfectionist  Because you're the big prize to get me across the borderlines 押し付けられた理想 描き変えよう この世界の未来 You are the precious part of me 抱えきれない痛み 乗り越えていくチカラになる  Because you're the big steady part of me My one and only 塞いだ耳揺らした戸惑いのビート Steady part of me My one and only かけがえのないプライド 照らす光
dustSennaRinSennaRincAnON.澤野弘之Don't you see yourself in a kind of fairy tale? 差し出された掌の上で 踊らされてく未来は 永久(とわ)の夢をみて 吐き出された言葉の裏を知る  無秩序な綻びが 錆びついた景色を剥ぐ  Left in the dust under the airy sky 刻まれていく鼓動 砕けて散った祈りは人知れず瞬(またた)く Left in the dust under the open sky Life is a flash blinding bright ルールをなぞっても見出せない答え  Oh…  I don't see your face on the ordinary trail 煙に巻いた境界線の先 比べたがる思惑に 囚われた刹那 空っぽなくせに強く縛る鳥籠  取り残された思いは 宇宙(そら)に踊る蜉蝣  Left in the dust under the airy sky 呼応しあっていく衝動 頑な過ぎる心が いたずらな傷を増やす Left in the dust under the open sky Life is a flash blinding bright 狂ってくリズムを誰に預けよう?  Left in the dust under the airy sky No, I'm not such a perfect doll 砕けて散った祈りは人知れず瞬(またた)く Left in the dust under the open sky Life is a flash blinding bright ルールをなぞっても見出せない答え  Oh…
AvidGOLD LYLICSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizukiGOLD LYLICSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizukicAnON.Hiroyuki Sawanoか弱い光が指差す先 Silent haze 霞みがちに捉える影 6/8(ハチロク)のリズム 掻き乱される ぎこちない innocent calm  Close my eyes and figure out the vacancy I don't know what I wanted or you made me do 散り散りに刻む 本当の世界で笑えるか?  Don't you get there? It calls 仰いだ空が色を変えるから My naked heart can hear echoes 識らず求めた Avidity  拙(つたな)い祈りが織りなす波 Violent maze 砂にまみれ埋まる足 鼓膜に響く in2(インツー) 下される とめどない resonant harm  Plug my ears and figure out the tendency You don't know how reckless you are You made me blue 絶え絶えに噤(つぐ)む 本当の思いを拾えるか?  Don't you get there? It calls 意固地な希望を拓(ひら)く螺旋の奏(そう) My rusted heart can hear echoes あの日なくした Avidity  Whisper your name again Then restart it right away Oh my bitter color ardor wander Gotta feel it undercover 行方も知らない  Don't you get there? It calls 仰いだ空が色を変えるから My naked heart can hear echoes 識らず求めた Avidity  Whisper your name again Then restart it right away Oh my bitter color ardor wander Gotta feel it undercover 行方も知らない あの日の群青
Hands Up to the SkySawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:LacoSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:LacocAnON.Hiroyuki Sawano1, 2, 3, We made it through 4 & 5, You got it too? カリソメの夜空を照らす Handle it with light 途方もない暮れに別れを告げる 確かな声を聴け  Stand up and get a start 気の向くまま It's depending on your heart Can take shivers of your scar 広がった世界に描いていく 憧れはいつか消えてしまうのか?  Raise your hands up to the sky 閉じていたvision 今 未来を繋いで Listen up, Troublemaker How'd you know ‘bout my fever? どんなに読み漁ったって そこに答えはない  7, Our dream has come true & 9, What you gonna do? 無防備な吐息が雨を降らす Hug each other tight とるに足らない些細な変化も 喜び合える日が来るなら  Stand up and get a start 気まぐれでもいい It's depending on your heart Can take shivers of your scar 爪先立ちして覗いていたレンズのその先に 踊るプリズムのように  Raise your hands up to the sky 解き放つdimension 新たな頁 開いて Listen up, Troublemaker How'd you know ‘bout my fever どんなに愛していたって 音に載せれない  Smile with me, with your white teeth 素直に to feel so free ここから変わるなら Rewrite the codes of memories Smile with me, with delight please 素直に to feel so free これから変わるから Rewrite the chords of melodies  Stand up and get a start 気の向くまま It's depending on your heart Can take shivers of your scar 広がった世界に描いていく 憧れはいつか消えてしまうのか?  Raise your hands up to the sky 閉じていたvision 今 未来を繋いで Listen up, Troublemaker How'd you know ‘bout my fever? どんなに読み漁ったって そこに答えはない  Raise your hands up to the sky 解き放つdimension 新たな頁 開いて Listen up, Troublemaker How'd you know ‘bout my fever どんなに愛していたって 音に載せれない
FAVESawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AiNA THE ENDSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AiNA THE ENDcAnON.Hiroyuki Sawano馬鹿みたいに繰り返す自問自答 会話の切れ端に散らばる微熱のFave I can't make it 右と左で すれ違ってく温度が やけに鼻について拭えない  How'd you feel, feel it with me? 期待未満の答えしか得られない Comparing is hurting on my own Getting hooked on stooping down so low ないものねだり  You're not just somebody for me 諦めらんないものを欲したってジレンマ You would never know what it does to me 上書きした美しい記憶に飼い馴らされてんだ  文字面越し繕う有象無象 反応ばかり気にして 匿名の思想はFake I can't make it 心を委ねても 表裏になった嫌悪が 他人の口を突いて流れた  How'd you feel, feel it with me? 空っぽだと気づいても まだ Lacking common sense, oh yes I know ありきたりのシナリオ 辿っちゃいがち  You're not just a stranger anymore 立ち入り過ぎた警告に響いたサイレン You would never know what it does to me 視線の先 写す残像に踊らされてんの?  Why don't you stare? Stare at me fair 頭揺らすメーデー Follow my chance to dare Why don't you stare? Stare at me fair 睫毛濡らすメーデー Follow my chance to dare  You're not just somebody for me 諦めらんないものを欲したってジレンマ You would never know what it does to me 上書きした美しい記憶に飼い馴らされてんだ  Why don't you stare? Stare at me fair 頭揺らすメーデー Follow my chance to dare Why don't you stare? Stare at me fair 睫毛濡らすメーデー Follow my chance to dare
Till ISawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:優里SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:優里cAnON.Hiroyuki Sawano不確かな記憶が心の隅 突くから I want to know if truth is painful or not 先送りした疑問は Frail  涙の跡が乾いていくほどに Trail blazed across my messy mind 何処へ進もうか?  Cuz I meant to be your piece until I die No one's wanna be alone 破れて 拾い集めて Though we fall apart between the hell's divide 求められるなら ずっと側で stay the same  生まれては消えてく感覚の名前なら 擦り過ぎて痛いくらい realize a lot I can't igg your tender lies  臆病になってた 大人びるほどに Cries swallowed down but you don't mind 傷つかないように  Don't let me be your wound Wash off all you've been bound 安息の吐息に 耳を澄ませて  Cuz I meant to be your piece until I die No one's wanna be alone I'll leave my soul by your side 目的地もなく彷徨ってた 空の片隅 照らす光は stay the same  Till I die By your side
timeSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:ReoNaSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:ReoNacAnON.Hiroyuki SawanoSo that's how you'll find me anytime anywhere 重く冷たい渦に飲み込まれても What's it for? ぶつけ合うばかりのチカラの使い道を 気に病んでたって何も同調(ハモ)れはしないんだろう  Look in my eyes No more cheap lies そばにいたい  Just be brave like you, I must be stronger Hey look here's what I got 目の奥に見つけた cords of love きっと何度でも繰り返す暁を差す Flash my rays According to you 気高く  Clocking tick'n'tock You flick the badness, slip away from my wings and memories 交わした約束の最後を 思い焦がすだろう There ain't no way, I will always be there for you いたずらに結ばれるカルマの糸  So that's how I'll find you anytime anywhere アマノジャク拗らせた子供みたいなモード What's it for? 行き違うばかりのキモチの持って行き方を 探りあったって何も解りはしないんだろう  Look in my eyes No more cheap lies 溶けあいたい  Just be brave like you, I must be stronger Hey look here's what I got 際限ない戒めと cords of love きっと今度の未来は黄昏に舞う Flash my rays According to you 此処から  Clocking tick'n'tock You flick the badness, slip away from my wings and memories ひっくり返った天と獄のスタートを上書きするように There ain't no way, I will always be there for you いたずらにちぎられるカルマの意図  Time will tell, rewind that sight Time will tell if we are right  Just be brave like you, I must be stronger Hey look here's what I got 目の奥に見つけた cords of love きっと何度でも繰り返す暁を差す Flash my rays According to you 気高く  Clocking tick'n'tock You flick the badness, slip away from my wings and memories 交わした約束の最後を 思い焦がすだろう There ain't no way, I will always be there for you いたずらに結ばれるカルマの糸
Each GoalKYOKA JIRO Starring Chrissy CostanzaKYOKA JIRO Starring Chrissy CostanzacAnON.林ゆうきYou know everyone wants to sparkle like the stars in the night sky In this wondrous place filled with all the dreams I've been wishing for Waiting for the chance
MightMakayla PhillipsMakayla PhillipscAnON.林ゆうきEternity in an hour Our dignities of life and dreams  We were crazy ‘bout being powerful for a time But we were trying to go back to our senses of childhood  Don't worry 'bout a thing We'll reach out to you even it's a harder way It's plain to see the reason why Oh, that's all because of the mighty heart Remember It's just natural that we'll be there if you need help Far across the distance Rest assured that our faith just won't die!  You know, we're apt to sacrifice ourselves Whatever they may say It's plain to see the reason why Oh, that's all because of the mighty heart Remember It's just natural that we'll be there if you need help Far across the distance Rest assured that our faith just won't die!
アイヤイLOVE ~恋の花~小野小町小野小町cAnON.cAnON.渡辺亮希焦がれて大輪の花 輝き照らさる横顔 冷たいその手握りしめ 境内を飛び出せば  火照る頬も艶やかに 恥じらうこの恋心よ 秘めた想いを伝えろと火花が騒ぎ出した  誰も真似できねぇ手八丁 今世紀無二の口八丁(ハッチャケぃ!) オラ どした? ソラ どした? ヨイ!ヨイ!ヨイ!  今 乾いた心潤すのは その心意気(ちょっちょっ見てちょーよ) 四角四面 櫓を取り囲むように(ハッハッハッハッ) 溢れ出す人の波に飲み込まれて遠ざかる君よ(エライコッチャ×2) どうかもう一度 振り向いておくれよ (いっせーの SAY!) アイヤイ LOVE!  惚れた腫れたを知らぬ間に 雷浴びさる心は 何気ないその振舞いにピリリと眩むばかり(っは~ん) 百度参ろか やめよかな(やるねぇ) 「重い」と言われんじゃあるめぇな 若気の至りそこそこに 憂鬱押し殺した  開口一番に あい・がっ・ちょー! 理想と現実 えいん・がっ・ちょー!(えんがちょー) おら どした?そら どした? ヨイヨイヨイ!  今 フヤケた魂を満たすのは その心意気(ちょっちょっ待てよ) 四百四病 唯一無二の患いよ(ハッハッハッハッ) 弾け出す音の波に吸い込まれて無邪気な君よ(エライコッチャ×2) どうかもう一度 微笑んでおくれよ(いっせーの SAY!) アイヤイ LOVE!  あの子をおくれ あの子じゃ分からん 高嶺の花は美しい ソレ!  今 乾いた心潤すのは その心意気(ちょっちょっ見てちょーよ) 四角四面 櫓を取り囲むように(ハッハッハッハッ) 溢れ出す人の波に飲み込まれて遠ざかる君よ(エライコッチャ×2) どうかもう一度 振り向いておくれよ  どうかもう一度 微笑んでおくれよ(いっせーの SAY!) アイヤイ LOVE! アイヤイ LOVE!
ΛSHESGemieGemiecAnON.Hiroyuki SawanoI could hear the signs calling out from the bottom of the fire I am like a torch flickering in the wind as the saying goes  Lost all my precious Rage ate me up Endless forlornness has made me numb I'd rather rise from here Or should I hold on to my past?  They've burnt to ashes Faded to grey Returned to the earth Yea it's meant to be Uncertain flame of hope I found Will you lead me back on the right track?
Carry onさくら学院さくら学院cAnON.cAnON.あの眩しすぎる月の光 揺らめく森のざわめき 彩られた世界へ 君を連れて  Carry on… carry on…  誰かに背中押して欲しい 待受状態 プライドばっかり邪魔してる ホコリって面倒だ  いつもと同じと思っていても 秒毎に変わってく景色 あの日の空と今日の空 君には同じ青なのかな?  ぎゅっと握りしめたその手 そっと空っぽにしておかなくちゃ 真新しい未来を望んでも何も掴めない きっと真っ黒な夜の帳にも いろんな色が溶け込んでいて 見えなくても いつでも君を包む星屑の譜(うた)  消せない想い出の香りに導かれたなら たまには寄り道してみよう 足跡辿って  コンパスの針 見失うほどの 深い霧に阻まれたって 思い描いた その地図を 大きく広げて進めばいいよ  ぎゅっと瞑ったままの瞼 そっと目を覚ましておかなくちゃ 海に溶ける太陽の笑顔にも何にも気づけない きっと真っさらな水の鏡にも いろんな音を響かせていて 波紋のリズムにのせて君を誘う風の口笛  ぎゅっと握りしめたその手 そっと空っぽにしておかなくちゃ 真新しい未来を望んでも何も掴めない きっと真っ黒な夜の帳にも いろんな色が溶け込んでいて 見えなくても いつでも君を包む星屑の譜(うた)  Carry on… carry on…
Into the GrooveElizabeth EliasElizabeth EliascAnON.YUKI HAYASHIAll those days looking at the floor from across the room Dreaming of my time to shine In the air, can you find it too? Then you can't ignore it And now is the time  Oh... what a feeling How do you feel it? Expectations, youth and hopes will never fade away  Get into the groove in the mood Wanna jive 'n' juke now It's like you and me danece all alone, one on one Can't stop stepping“Quick, quick and slow” See what I mean? Flood of passion flows Desires spark as if chemistry forms 'Cause we all can get in the zone  You know, we could be the life of the party Nobody can stop, we got carried away So, shall we dance?
Blooming On Our WayElizabeth EliasElizabeth EliascAnON.YUKI HAYASHIWhat a lovely day, I felt my heart beaten so true What an honored day, I felt the love pretty and new I was dreaming and leaning on like as fairytales Time was flowing so fast, but also turning so gentle  It's because of you, cause of you Then you colored my life to brighter days Oh my spring has come, come with you See, the flowers are blooming on our ways  Lu lu lu... Ah... I'm with you
Rise & FallElizabeth EliasElizabeth EliascAnON.YUKI HAYASHIWhy did such a dream come for me? In the moment, all the sounds had been fading away And I had just felt each breath we'd take Then you've become a part of me  Let's bloom the flower brighter on the floor that they've never seen Thousands of hours, the igniter of my heart had been worn away But now I can feel so smooth  Get into the groove in the mood Wanna jive 'n' juke now Oh, it's like you and me dance all alone, one on one Can't stop stepping“Rise, rise and fall” See what I mean? Flood of passion flows Desires spark as if chemistry 'Cause we all can get in the zone
Stride The FloorViorica LozovViorica LozovcAnON.YUKI HAYASHISee, the ton of vain lions stride the floor Though they're just starving brutes Look, my body's glowing in the mood Dry martini mayhap cools me down  Watch out, boy I'm gonna rock your body 'n' soul Chill out, boy You know, I'm not just a pussy cat  Che bella notte Mi fa impazzire, non resisto! Hunt or be hunted Oh...guess who can be a stray sheep this very night  Che bella notte Mi fa impazzire, non resisto! Hunt or be hunted Oh...guess who can be a stray sheep this very night
emot1onSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:ElianaSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:ElianacAnON.Hiroyuki SawanoThen I was weak, so weak and coward I shut myself away My memories got soured  Those days ware hard for me to say what I mean Even I couldn't let out“A”clearly But humming melodies, I could set me free And so I sing  Now I find myself at the dawn of my life I can feel what I'm living for I'm glad to feel alive a lot So I sing aloud Though my system only knows 0 or 1 The beats are still rocking my heart Wanna show you how this song has been delighting my world  Once I want more, I would be greedy I'm afraid to lose again Time flying is speedy  These days are hard for me to be a smart silly Even I couldn't make the end clearly But humming melodies, I could set me free And so I sing  Now I find myself at the dawn of my life I can feel what I'm living for I'm glad to feel alive a lot So I sing aloud Though my system only knows 0 or 1 The beats are still rocking my heart Wanna show you how this song has been delighting my world  Cus I touched the core of love I can see all the vivid sights You said you love my voice that I used to hate So I sing louder It must be the only gift that I have I find my way to get through the dark I won't stop as long as this song delights my world
mio MARE<2v-alk_v>SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:YoshSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:YoshcAnON.Hiroyuki SawanoHey, what's up? My old hometown Well... I'm doin' okay but not very well, not so well My life isn't the way I hoped nor I planned for myself Cannot say, but I have to say Cannot save, what I have had saved for all my time I never make it right without you  Home sweet home How do I look like through your eyes? Am I grown up enough?  Spread my wings, put my soul in them cautiously My dearest childhood won't lie, I know that obviously Now I'm feeling so smooth Like as I can fly, reachin' for the sky Open my eyes, see my world Hum some melodies Hear my heart beating so loud 'cause of memories How many smiles can I get? While I spend my life even myself out of breath?  By the way, my old hometown Don't you know how she has been? She alright? Is she right? I know she's a tough girl, but she has a fragile heart too She might say, what I have to say Wanna save what I could have saved for all my time You taught us we can live how we are  Home sweet home How do I look like through your eyes? Am I grown up enough?  Spread my wings, put my soul in them cautiously My dearest childhood won't lie, I know that obviously Now I'm feeling so smooth Like as I can fly, reachin' for the sky Open my eyes, see my world Hum some melodies Hear my heart beating so loud 'cause of memories How many smiles can I get? While I spend my life even myself out of breath?  You know, it's not a miracle but meant to be No, I can't stop cryin' in joy or by nostalgia But I don't care So don't laugh at me, babe  Il mio mare, ma che bel futuro I swear, keep tryin' so Won't give up anyway  Spread my wings, put my soul in them cautiously My dearest childhood won't lie, I know that obviously Now I'm feeling so smooth Like as I can fly, reachin' for the sky Open my eyes, see my world Hum some melodies Hear my heart beating so loud 'cause of memories How many smiles can I get? While I spend my life even myself out of breath?  You know, it's not a miracle but meant to be No, I can't stop cryin' in joy or by nostalgia But I don't care So don't laugh at me, babe
アイデンティティさくら学院さくら学院cAnON.cAnON.今しか出来ないことだって知っていても いつかやろうって 後回しにして、ばっかで くだらない独りよがりをこじらせては 焦るほど無駄に自分 追い込んでる  託されたバトン 落とさないように 繋げる事だけ考えてたけど  求められたイメージなんて蹴っ飛ばして 自由でいたいとかって 思っちゃうこともあるんだよ めいっぱい広げたこの手が 涙で濡れても 濡れても 見つけるよ きっと アイデンティティ  悔しさに震える小さなその肩に 前の自分重ねて慰めた だけど 優しさだけが愛情だと限らないって 気づいたときには もう遅くて  本当の自分 分からないまんま 未熟な大人になりたくないから  まだ見ぬ世界に もしも生まれ変わったとして 同じ道を選ぶよ なんて答えられるのかな? めいっぱい泣き腫らした日も 思い出に変わって 変わって 輝くよ きっと アイデンティティ  限られた時間 刻んだ夢 創られた規則 飛び越える勇気  求められたイメージなんて蹴っ飛ばして 自由でいたいとかって 思っちゃうこともあるんだよ めいっぱい広げたこの手が 涙で濡れても 濡れても 見つけるよ きっと アイデンティティ
CRYst-AliseSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:TielleSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:TiellecAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANOHow do I have to change? Do you think it's not enough? I gave it all What have I got to do to make myself be chosen? No second thoughts for me Just wanna be a man or a hero Unconsciously I wonder how to be The Special  Dive into the depth of my heart Find myself feeling childish fears The invisible hand of God Had made us burst their ancient locks And now, the world I trusted breaks apart at the seams  Gotta burn my pride We'll take a chance to make them crystalize No one knows our beasts inside will be the demons or the saints Never doubt myself Show me your justice, cuz you realize So long now, my friend Have a brighter day tomorrow  How do I have to change? Small things will bring and begin big impacts His paper castle's gone Entire ground's still been frozen Slipped into evil's sway, he kept on building the lies and fictions We all got lost within ourselves what we should believe in  Dive into the depth of my heart Find myself feeling childish fears The invisible hand of God Had made us burst their ancient locks And now, the world I trusted breaks apart at the seams  Gotta light my pride We'll take a chance to make them crystalize No one knows our beasts inside will be the demons or the saints Never doubt myself Show me your justice, cuz you realize So long now, my friend Have a brighter day tomorrow  Thousand tears call the shadow of the nightmare Thousand years past, longing for the future Thousand grief shed cruelty and their blood but Thousand beliefs will salvage our souls
Next 2 UななみななみcAnON.Hiroyuki Sawano岩崎隆一Have a little break We're running through the lights, out of breath Our will made us right here, didn't it so? Is this feeling fake? We're happier far than we've ever known Maybe we'll make it finally  I had to be the Queen anywhere I went,anytime I talked It's been a while since I've not pretended to be a grownup Cuz you make my makeup's off  Take off my dress and crown Then I can fall sound asleep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you  Have I still been cared? We've been together after all these days No much time talking over day and night When I feel your stare My heart's like flying high above the phase Maybe we'll overcome the scars  You want me to be free Free from legacies, free like meteors That's why I cried since I've been attended to so kindly You're who make my makeup's off  Take off my heels and gown Then I can breathe in so deep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you  Won't you promise me? No matter how far apart Always keep thinking of me We must be heart to heart Baby...twinkle, twinkle! My little fortunate star Are you with me?  Take off my dress and crown Then I can fall sound asleep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can see the dream of you and I  Take off my heels and gown Then I can breathe in so deep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you
Pretenders -eO1-SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:micaSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:micacAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之My world has turned upside down You almost invade my heart I'm jealous of your talent, glamour... and so on Unclear sky spread above us Then there's not a ray of hope I've gone astray somewhere While my sight's been shut out  And if I never met you I don't have to face to myself I'd never supposed to feel like this, ooh oh Is that a yearning or fear? Don't force your excessive thoughts on me Don't pretend as LOVE  Turn back the… Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody's smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now's the time to act, what are you waiting for? Now we've had enough, won't contend no more I don't wanna think at all So don't let me avenge back again  My world has turned upside down Since I had worked with your heart Whole things that are pleasing you hurt you on and on Foul mire spread below us Thrills my body just like dope I've straightened across the border Someone's warned me, yet  And if I never met you I don't have to face to myself I'd never supposed to feel like this, ooh oh Is that a yearning or fear? Don't force your excessive thoughts on me Don't pretend as LOVE  Turn back the… Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody's smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now's the time to act, what are you waiting for? Now we've had enough, won't contend no more I don't wanna think at all So don't let me avenge back again  Ti-time… Time won't rewind back C-crime… Crime, can't get rid of Li-live… Still we gotta be alive Ooh ooh oh oh  Turn back the… Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody's smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now's the time to act, what are you waiting for? Now we've had enough, won't contend no more I don't wanna think at all So don't let me avenge back again  Ti-time… Time won't rewind back C-crime… Crime, can't get rid of Li-live… Still we gotta be alive Ooh ooh oh oh
Through My BloodAimerAimercAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANOHIROYUKI SAWANOAm I still in the glum nightmare? Or am I mere stoned?  Tiny bit of reason still remains in my right hand That power of ache will just keep me alive  Can't touch nothing 'bout the world But the truth almost has revealed Then smash out the future told It's time to end these miseries Latch off my vagus nerve What color is my blood...Red, black or white? Now I'm getting ready Oh, where are my frenemies?  If l got to lose control Will you kill me first?  Deep rooted anger still remains in my right hand That power of ache will just keep me alive  Can't touch nothing 'bout the world But the truth almost has revealed Then smash out the future told It's time to end these miseries Latch off my vagus nerve What color is my blood...Red, black or white? Now I'm getting ready Oh, where are my frenemies?  Have I gone so mad? The pain's through my blood
キラメキの雫さくら学院さくら学院cAnON.cAnON.ドンヨリした空に 思いきり溜息ひとつ 勝ち気なプレッシャーに追い込まれそう(飲み込まれそう)  Ah 超重要なステップ 夢中になり過ぎてすっ飛ばした 歯がゆさこじらせて ふてくされ中(損なAttitude)  やっぱり まだキミに甘えてる こんな調子じゃ 自分に勝てない  今すぐこの殻を打ち破って キラメキのかけら探すんだ もう迷いがない訳じゃない それでも進むよ!  ひたすら さりげない優しさで 光を照らすようなキミが ただ 可能性のつぼみを 信じてくれるから 見ていてね 私の Starry Days☆  突然の使命に あまのじゃく魂(だましい) どぎまぎ どーしてか 無駄にカッコつけちゃう(キャラ変しちゃう)  Ah アドリブかまし過ぎて また職員室に呼び出された シャカリキに大絶賛(だいぜっさん)奮闘中(ふんとうちゅう)(オトメのetude)  やっぱり またキミを困らせた こんな時ぐらい 素直になりたい  ひとたび ドキドキが集まれば ∞(むげん)の夢がはしゃぎ出す まだ苦手科目ばっかでも じっとしていられないよ!  モコモコ くすぐったい愛情が 胸いっぱいに ふくらんで この息を止めてしまう前に 思い切り伝えるから 見ていてね ハニカミ Starry Smile☆  キミのこと見つめるたびに ねぇ 気づいたよ 本当のキモチ 揺るがない なりたい自分 強く 強く 抱(いだ)いて  いつでもその顔を見つけたら 世界が急に踊りだす ほら 笑顔の花が咲いて 心 繋がるよ  ひたすら さりげない優しさで 光を照らすようなキミが ただ 可能性のつぼみを 信じてくれるから 見ていてね 私の Starry Days☆
PretendersSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mica&GemieSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mica&GemiecAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANOMy world has turned upside down You almost invade my heart I'm jealous of your talent, glamour… and so on Unclear sky spread above us Then there's not a ray of hope I've gone astray somewhere While my sight's been shut out  And if I never met you I don't have to face to myself I'd never supposed to feel like this, ooh oh Is that a yearning or fear? Don't force your excessive thoughts on me Don't pretend as LOVE  Turn back the… Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody's smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now's the time to act, what are you waiting for? Now we've had enough, won't contend no more I don't wanna think at all So don't let me avenge back again  My world has turned upside down Since I had worked with your heart Whole things that are pleasing you hurt you on and on Foul mire spread below us Thrills my body just like dope I've straightened across the border Someone's warned me, yet  And if I never met you I don't have to face to myself I'd never supposed to feel like this, ooh oh Is that a yearning or fear? Don't force your excessive thoughts on me Don't pretend as LOVE  Turn back the… Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody's smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now's the time to act, what are you waiting for? Now we've had enough, won't contend no more I don't wanna think at all So don't let me avenge back again  Ti-time… Time won't rewind back C-crime… Crime, can't get rid of Li-live… Still we gotta be alive Ooh ooh oh oh  Turn back the… Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody's smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now's the time to act, what are you waiting for? Now we've had enough, won't contend no more I don't wanna think at all So don't let me avenge back again  Ti-time… Time won't rewind back C-crime… Crime, can't get rid of Li-live… Still we gotta be alive Ooh ooh oh oh
Because of youAimee BlackschlegerAimee BlackschlegercAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之You know I was miserable I was a serious child with fearless eyes All of my bad affairs kept adding up I had trouble with my bed of nails, my dad and my hometown But you told me how to make it right Not so complicated  Once I had put them down who'd lived a futile dream Now I find the blue birds fly Sing to me “Are you ready to fly?”  Say goodbye to my drab and passive days right now You've found the gem in me There's no other reason, you made me what I am No more cry I don't have to be in despair Just to live according to how I feel Your words often echoes in my heart I can say it's all because of you  She's so irreplaceable My mom's kindness and the warmth of her hands She makes me happy with the things she does I might saw her hidden pains right behind her big smile But she always cares 'bout what I'll be Instead of her whole life  Once I had put them down who'd lived a futile dream Now I find the blue birds fly Sing to me “Are you ready to fly?”  Say goodbye to my drab and passive days right now You've found the gem in me There's no other reason, you made me what I am No more cry I don't have to be in despair Just to live according to how I feel Your words often echoes in my heart I can say it's all because of you
BECAUSE小林未郁小林未郁cAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之You know I was miserable I was a serious child with fearless eyes All of my bad affairs kept adding up I had trouble with my bed of nails, my dad and my hometown But you told me how to make it right Not so complicated  Once I had put them down who'd lived a futile dream Now I find the blue birds fly Sing to me “Are you ready to fly?”  Say goodbye to my drab and passive days right now You've found the gem in me66 There's no other reason, you made me what I am No more cry I don't have to be in despair Just to live according to how I feel Your words often echoes in my heart I can say it's all because of you
mio MARECASGCASGcAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之Hey, what's up? My old hometown Well... I'm doin' okay but not very well, not so well My life isn't the way I hoped nor I planned for myself Cannot say, but I have to say Cannot save, what I have had saved for all my time I never make it right without you  Home sweet home How do I look like through your eyes? Am I grown up enough?  Spread my wings, put my soul in them cautiously My dearest childhood won't lie, I know that obviously Now I'm feeling so smooth Like as I can fly, reachin' for the sky Open my eyes, see my world Hum some melodies Hear my heart beating so loud 'cause of memories How many smiles can I get? While I spend my life even myself out of breath?  You know, it's not a miracle but meant to be No, I can't stop cryin' in joy or by nostalgia But I don't care So don't laugh at me, babe  Il mio mare, ma che bel futuro I swear, keep tryin' so Won't give up anyway  By the way, my old hometown Don't you know how she has been? She alright? Is she right? I know she's a tough girl, but she has a fragile heart too She might say, what I have to say Wanna save what I could have saved for all my time You taught us we can live how we are  Home sweet home How do I look like through your eyes? Am I grown up enough?  Spread my wings, put my soul in them cautiously My dearest childhood won't lie, I know that obviously Now I'm feeling so smooth Like as I can fly, reachin' for the sky Open my eyes, see my world Hum some melodies Hear my heart beating so loud 'cause of memories How many smiles can I get? While I spend my life even myself out of breath?  You know, it's not a miracle but meant to be No, I can't stop cryin' in joy or by nostalgia But I don't care So don't laugh at me, babe  Il mio mare, ma che bel futuro I swear, keep tryin' so Won't give up anyway
君に届けさくら学院さくら学院cAnON.cAnON.本田光史郎扉を開けたあの瞬間から 全てが動き出した気がしてた 息つく暇もなく走りぬけて 刻んできた 無重力十代デイズ  「まるでシンデレラ」なんて言うけど 花は一日にして咲かずでしょ? いっちょまえに溜息をついても まだまだオトナになれない  姉妹(きょうだい)のような距離で居れるから 弱音も吐けば 甘えもするのよ ぐーたらなワタシ叱る時だけ 急に本気(マジ)になる  山のときも谷のときも 君と笑っていたい 言葉足らず ご存知でしょ? それでも伝えたい  君への想い 思いの丈 詰め込んだ 歌声バクオンで響かせて  君へ届け 一番星 見上げてる 夕空 オレンジの雲越えて  誰よりも真っ直ぐな 君知ってるから ちゃんと聞いていてね ワタシ史上最高の アリガト!  無鉄砲なくらいが丁度いいなんて 色々試してみるけど つま先立ちで背伸びをしたって すぐにシビれてよろけちゃう  廊下の鏡見るたび感じてる 「自分らしさはドコにあるんだろ?」 テンパる私を優しく撫でた 君に問いかける  晴れのときも雨のときも 後悔はしたくない 進む勇気くれてるのは 他の誰でもない  君へ届け その瞳を輝かせ 全身全霊で前向いて  君に響け つながっている空の下 同じビート刻む このハート  誰よりも泣き虫な 君に捧げよう ずっと隠してた ワタシ史上最高の アリガト!  君に届け こぼれ落ちたその涙 ふわふわのタオルで包ませて  君へ届け 一番星 見上げてる 夕空 オレンジの雲越えて  誰よりも真っ直ぐな 君知ってるから ちゃんと聞いていてね ワタシ史上最高の アリガト!
0.versSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizukiSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:mizukicAnON.澤野弘之HIROYUKI SAWANOI never meant to make you so numb Even though I want to see you smile again Toyed with in their deep plots like a doll Eyes won't sparkle no more  You're our only Messiah, but it was just my desir My heart bled at the sight That brought me torture over and over How dare you decided he's the ONE All my tears've been run out  My life has turned too dusty like vampire I'm gonna rust out and struggle in the flame of fire All my fears had been stained But my scars are still remained How much I've got to lose? My dear, where's a ray of hope?  Found myself fallen in the dark side of Mars From my dead asleep dreaming Why I swear fake allegiance to that girl Until I let you down  There's no sound of your breathing Still your room is so freezing My heart bled at the sight That brought me torture over and over It's something I must live with everyday Now I know there's no way out  My life has turned too dusty like vampire I'm gonna rust out and struggle in the flame of fire All my fears had been stained But my scars are still remained How much I've got to lose? My dear, where's a ray of hope?  My life has turned too dusty like vampire I'm gonna rust out and struggle in the flame of fire All my fears had been stained But my scars are still remained How much I've got to lose? My dear, where's a ray of hope?  How does it come to the perfect ends? While I'm refusing to make amends So much hurts, so much hates are grown up Your phantom made me hold on for my dear life
StarRingChild -English ver.-SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimercAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Thinkin about the moment while we'd strayed from the right path We've might misplaced the seed of smile but we were not spontaneous There's a lump in my throat I ain't ready to recover it  Was too young to grasp I thought it must be no business of mine They ought to try rewriting our life like as she has been done We've struggled to break loose from this metempsychosis Got mature too much to hear our voice within  Star Ring Child Give me your hands to see What noble galaxy That we've been fighting for I'm by your side I'll give you all of me To track who we used to be While the stars sync with my heart beat The story will go on  I'm gonna lose my reasons while I'd sink in deep complacence Without your hope, I can't reboot from myself in repentance My body's hurt and shaking Even now while we are in freedom  I receive the truth whenever I catch your footsteps and rhythm We survive and stand on here at the huge sacrifice of their life We've struggled to break loose from this metempsychosis But we'd chosen then to play out such a roll  When the sun hides in the cosmic clouds Under the dark night shrouds The silence will wraple us You're by my side You share the fate with me I could let my heart be free Now, I'll wake from my delusion  Star Ring Child Give me your hands to see What noble galaxy That we've been fighting for I'm by your side I'll give you all of me To track who we used to be While the stars sync with my heart beat The story will go on  Soar beyond the noise We'll live in harmony And strive against the destiny We're charging up enough to make our brand new flow Standing back now from all sorts of agony There's no meaning to seek any reason Everything starts off in a second Right behind the worst The daybreak was reserved For the people who're confined We're charging up enough to make our brand new flow Standing back now from all sorts of agony There's no meaning to seek any reason Everything starts shining so bright to draw the new age
But still...SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimercAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之There was a pity boy lapsed into apathy and doubt But he got a chance to change Somehow you bumped into his range He's just a normal boy longing for happiness And now you see what I mean In fact, He was who I used to be I was reborn with your sacred love  I don't know what to do in my mind But I believe in your mighty heart Whenever I lose control, your soul always brings me back Even if I got lost or went blind Monoceros, take me to the Seventh star Open the door to the peaceful world  I was a tiny boy, vanished in the mazes of stardust Why do we gotta spend our lives only for hurting each other? I could just cry for them cursed at, I'm powerless What worth is this fighting for? We'll never find out anymore No one knows, even the Gods above  I can't draw any schemes of my mind But I believe in your mighty heart Whenever I lose control, your soul always brings me back Even if I got lost or went blind Monoceros, take me to the Seventh star Open the door to the peaceful world  Do you see the lights of life? They are ready to shine I do swear, I'll keep telling them “But still...” forever Because you bring me to life I could fly toward your sign through the jeweled universe  I don't know what to do in my mind But I believe in your mighty heart Whenever I lose control, your soul always brings me back Even if I got lost or went blind Monoceros, take me to the Seventh star Open the door to the peaceful world
Next 2 USawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimercAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Have a little break We're running through the lights, out of breath Our will made us right here, didn't it so? Is this feeling fake? We're happier far than we've ever known Maybe we'll make it finally  I had to be the Queen anywhere I went, anytime I talked It's been a while since I've not pretended to be a grownup Cuz you make my makeup's off  Take off my dress and crown Then I can fall sound asleep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you  Have I still been cared? We've been together after all these days No much time talking over day and night When I feel your stare My heart's like flying high above the phase Maybe we'll overcome the scars  You want me to be free Free from legacies, free like meteors That's why I cried since I've been attended to so kindly You're who make my makeup's off  Take off my heels and gown Then I can breathe in so deep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you  Won't you promise me? No matter how far apart Always keep thinking of me We must be heart to heart Baby...twinkle, twinkle! My little fortunate star Are you with me?  Take off my dress and crown Then I can fall sound asleep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can see the dream of you and I  Take off my heels and gown Then I can breathe in so deep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you
bL∞dy f8SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimercAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Behind your mask You smile, smile me with the greed and the frantic eyes I hate it, but I can't deny it I don't wanna be like you The feud between us escalates deeper into tons of tragic wages Can't stand it, but I never fight it Though I haven't proofed enough  Hypnotized by your charismata None realized, you won't be true But I know you are right if I were on your side So confused...  God, what a judgement! Is my punishment? Can't I escape from my sole bloody fate? Where is my fragment? Lost is the moment Need to look back what we'd done with They are still crying Who can hold back this war of slaughter? Ain't no one gotta refuse It doesn't really matter Betray myself to save the others' soul Although I wanna get out of here  We will keep running We will keep running We will keep running to replay the One-way Freedom We will keep rolling We will keep rolling We will keep rolling to replay the One-way Freedom  Behind your back So dark, something dark has ruled your words and deeds I found it, but I couldn't prove it I don't wanna feel for you We clearly missed out Furthermore we'll repeat the same guilt with the sick creeds Can't avoid it, but I'll try to fix it And we've gotta turn the tide  Hypnotized by your charismata None realized, you won't be true But I know you are right if I were on your side So confused...  God, what a judgement! Is my punishment? Can't I escape from my sole bloody fate? Where is my fragment? Lost is the moment Need to look back what we'd done with They are still crying Who can hold back this war of slaughter? Ain't no one gotta refuse It doesn't really matter Betray myself to save the others' soul Although I wanna get out of here  No more pain remained to regret with the stains Wash all them off to forget my damn conflicts with you Don't let me be off my nuts cuz of your surrender Why don't you sell me out? Why don't you take it out? Almost I lose what I'm living for Knock on the floor to spit out the anger from hatred Don't let me be off my nuts cuz of your surrender Why don't you sell me out? Why don't you beat me?  We will keep running We will keep running We will keep running to replay the One-way Freedom We will keep rolling We will keep rolling We will keep rolling to replay the One-way Freedom
未完成シルエットさくら学院さくら学院cAnON.cAnON.あの日の鏡に映る 眩しいシルエット 可憐な姿 憧れていた 私がいた  “無邪気”ってコトバから はみ出すキミのことを たしなめるのも けしかけるのも 癖になった  何も言わなくても なぜか伝わるんだ 喜怒哀楽も このキンチョーも キミの所為でしょ!?  いっぱい 笑いあって 刺激しあって 重ねた感情ミルフィーユ 奏でるんだ 虹色のハーモニー バイバイ 悔しくって涙流した 不器用な私に 今は泣かないで言えるよ 「じゃあ、また明日」  最近のキミはさ 空だけを見つめて 揺るぎない瞳(め)で 無限の夢を 語ってるけど  リボンを解いたら 大人になる合図 「置いて行かないで」 そんな弱音が 零れそうだよ  並べるヒザとヒザ 伝わる温もりに ムキになって 強がる心 優しく溶けた  いっぱい ふざけ合って 怒られたって 崩れない感情ミルフィーユ このプライド 誰にも壊せない 絶対! 自分らしく伝えたいんだ 未完成だとしても 恥ずかしがらずに言うから 「いつも、ありがと」  始まりの証に 揃えたストラップ キミがくれた時からは もう 色褪せたけど  一生 笑い合って 刺激し合って 重ねたい友情ミルフィーユ 世界中に 虹色のハーモニー バイバイ 悔しくって涙流した 不器用な私に 今は泣かないで言えるよ 「じゃあ、また明日」
マシュマロ色の君とさくら学院さくら学院cAnON.cAnON.cAnON.『不安で眠れないよ』 暗い部屋で 呟いた あの日と同じように くたくたのテディを ぎゅっと めいっぱい 抱きしめたら 心が空色に 晴れてくよ  陽だまりのような優しさを ほつれたお腹に そっと隠してる  ありふれた 言葉じゃなくて 見守ってくれる それだけでいいんだよ いつだって 目に見えない絆を 君に 感じてるから  何気ない日々の中 キツい言葉が飛び出して 自分がイヤになるけど 君だけは『味方だょ』って 気づけば そばにいたね 親友って呼んでもいいのかな?  ヘタレてく 大きな耳が 君と過ごした 時間(とき)を映し出す  くやしさも 涙も汗も 内緒話や泣き言も全部 なんだって受け止めてくれたから ひとつ 大人になれた  自分の居場所も 見失いがちな私を ふんわりとね 包むような マシュマロ色の君と あの香り  ありふれた 言葉じゃなくて 見守ってくれる それだけでいいんだよ いつだって 目に見えない絆を 君に 感じてる  精いっぱいの 感情込めて 照れくさいけど 君に伝えたい 今ここで 輝いていられるのは 君を 想ってるから  君は 宝物だよ
FRIENDSさくら学院さくら学院cAnON.cAnON.しとしと雨降り ユーウツな朝 無情な月曜日 灰色の空は 心模様 ケンカしたの金曜日 ポケットの中には『ゴメンネ』を忍ばせて 素直になれるのを待ってる  私たち似た者同士だなんて 一緒くたにしたがるけど 本当はそれぞれ アンテナ立てて ちっちゃなハート みがいてる やけっぱちになっては すぐに目を腫らして 泣きじゃくって 笑うんだ  自分を守ることに精一杯で気づけなかった 不意にあなたを傷つけたこと  Baby girl どんなときも 大切なもの それは「友達」だって 言えるような 私にしてくれて ありがとうね Thank you! Oh, my friend  止まらないおしゃべり たそがれ時 いつもの帰り道 来週のテスト あのコのこと 無邪気に話し続けて 『サヨナラ』って言うのが 寂しくなった日は 改札で長バナシ  こんな平凡な日々も思い出に変わるけれど ずっとふたりは友達のまま Baby girl あのヒマワリも ひこうき雲も あなたに知らせたくて くちずさんだ この歌に気づいてね 大好きよ Thank you! Oh, my friend  ライバルと親友の顔を持つふたりだから 重ねた手には星がキラメく きっと  Baby girl どんなときも 大切なもの それは「友達」だって 言えるような 私にしてくれて ありがとうね Thank you! Oh, my friend  大好きよ Thank you! Oh, my friend
オトメゴコロ。さくら学院さくら学院cAnON.cAnON.キミの隣の席 っていうか元私の席 今はナナメ後ろにて待機 凹み中。。。  突然の席がえ 仲良しプラン台無し わざと忘れてきた教科書も意味ないし  真面目キャラが邪魔をして 聞けずにいたメアド でも 今日こそは!なんて気合いを入れてきたのに  昔 メガネのコが歌ってた あの歌さながらの 逆バージョン アタリかハズレかは運次第 センセイに超期待☆  恋はいつも 七転び八起き だから日々 励む自分磨き 元お隣りさんは気づかない 弛まぬ努力に…( ´Д`)=3 ハァ…  モンモンとした日々 我が世誰ぞ常ならん 英単語も右から左へ通過中  何も手につかない 乙女心あをによし こればっかりは どんな公式も意味ないし  今までに見たことない 優しげな笑顔が ねぇ 私の心を さらにチクチクさせます  今は何もかもが ウワノソラ 勉強もあやふやな モチベーション アガる↑かサガる↓かはキミ次第 占いに超期待☆  恋のおまじないは抜かりなし! だけど マンガみたくいかないし 元お隣りさんは気づかない 光る涙に…  机の端っこに さくらんぼ 恋する女の子のジンクス キミとの距離が近づくように もっともっともっと…  昔 メガネのコが歌ってた あの歌さながらの 逆バージョン アタリかハズレかは運次第 センセイに超期待☆  恋のおまじないは抜かりなし! だけど マンガみたくいかないし 元お隣りさんは気づかない 光る涙に…( ´Д`)=3 ハァ…
Let Me Say YEAH!!!!椎名へきる椎名へきるcAnON.cAnON.黒須克彦Let me say YEAH!!!! 振り返らずに進もう ボクらなら 跳び越えられるさ どんなハードルも Let's make a way  キミのその胸に眠る デッカい夢を 今目覚めさせて ステキな旅に出ようよ 「そんなのクダラない」って キミは言うかもしれないけど ちょこっと信じてみてよねぇ  何が足りなかったのか キミに出会ったから ほら気づいたんだよ?  Let me say YEAH!!!! 振り返らずに進もう この思い 誰にも負けないぜぃ さぁ 胸はって 行くべき道はただ一つ ボクらなら 跳び越えられるさ どんなハードルも Let's make a way  いつかキミの目の前に お先真っ暗な深い闇が 広がることもあるだろう でもさ 分かって欲しいんだ どこかに光溢れる出口が 必ずあるってコトをさぁ  今はまだ旅の途中 焦らずにこの一歩 踏みしめて行こう  Let me say YEAH!!!! まわり道も悪くないさ その思い ただ信じ進みゃイィ さぁ 風切って 行くべき道はただ一つ ボクらなら 乗り越えられるさ どんな壁だって Let's make a way  キミと一緒なら前に進めるよ  Let me say YEAH!!!! 振り返らずに進もう この思い 誰にも負けないぜぃ さぁ 胸はって 行くべき道はただ一つ ボクらなら 跳び越えられるさ どんなハードルも Let's make a way now 張り切って
恋のリズム椎名へきる椎名へきるcAnON.宮崎歩黒須克彦突然過ぎるよ そんなの反則 ただの友達だったはずなのに 凹みすぎた私を見て 黙ったまま肩に触れた  何気ないそのやさしさが ぎゅっと胸をしめつけていく  廻りだした針が 刻む恋のリズム 怖いくらい魅きつけられていく 夢に見ていた奇跡 世界中で君だけ 鮮やかにこの心満たす 抱きしめたい  あれから幾つの朝を迎えては 君の横顔 見つめただろう フザケあったあの日のこと 今思えば 泣けちゃうけど  二人の距離を計ってみては 心焦がしていく  瞳交わすたびに 弾む恋のリズム 何もかもが君色に染まるよ 生まれ変わる兆し 自分を好きになれる魔法 きっと君のチカラ そばにいたい  届け恋のリズム 君に響くように 溢れ出した想いを受けとめて 夢に見ていた奇跡 世界中で君だけ 鮮やかにこの心満たす 抱きしめたい
energy井上麻里奈井上麻里奈cAnON.cAnON.Kenzもっともっと近くに感じてたいよ 君のその体温を  ひらひら風に舞う枯葉のせいで いつもと違うこの坂 君と出会ったときには ただ緑のトンネルが続いていた  いつも通い慣れた場所だったのに 今日は一人が寂しくなった 君がとなりにいないだけで 凍っていく世界に苦しくなるの  もっともっと近くに感じてたいよ 君のその強さまで 全部 すごく遠く離れた場所に居たって 繋がっているから  優しいその声も 私を満たすenergy  きらきら雨誘う夕暮れの街 傘を持たずに出てきた びしょぬれの私を見て 君はイジワルに笑っていた  水たまりをわざと二人で踏んで 波紋を見つめ 約束したね 君の大好きな冬が来たら 二人の記憶に鍵をかけると  ねぇ ずっとずっと傍で抱きしめてたいよ 君のその弱さだって 全部 どんなに君が強がってみせてたって 伝わってくるから  同じ夜空の下 君が泣いていること  ずっとずっと傍で抱きしめていてよ 私のこの痛みを ぬぐって たとえ君が私を忘れちゃっても ずっと待ってるから  もっともっと近くに感じてたいよ 君のその体温を いつでも すごく遠く離れた場所に居たって 繋がっているから  優しいその声も 暖かいその温度も 君のその全てが 私動かすenergy
Way井上麻里奈井上麻里奈cAnON.cAnON.Kenz今日も同じhigh cut結んで 慌ただしい朝を迎えた 冷たいドアの向こう 熱い太陽のstage 昨日と何も変わりはなくて いい加減冷める毎日 このまま平均点きどってたくない my life's only once  Never again  すっとばして転んでも 立ち上がって twinkle like these stars 後悔なんか がらちゃないから Makin' da story 自力でも Chanceはno end If I think so この道の向こうに there happy dayz!!  優しいウソなんてもので 簡単に罠にハマった 無駄な自由はもういらないのに Hey please someone take me faraway 他に形があるのなら  Can you do it?  どんな困難もいとわずに 立ち向かって 失敗も運命なんかちゃ納得できないよ Makin' da magic あなたへの 想いはno end If I do well 私の希望を頂載 anytime...  今なら 壊した夢だってやり直せる If you find a way もっと近くにゴールはあるはず  すっとばして転んでも 立ち上がって twinkle like these stars 後悔なんか がらちゃないから Makin' da story 自力でも Chanceはno end If I think so この道の向こうに there happy dayz!!
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. うれしいひなまつり
  3. 怪獣
  4. COSMO feat. ゆるふわギャング
  5. 大人になんてなりたくない



  1. スケッチ
  2. イイじゃん
  3. あたしを選ばなかった君へ
  4. ReawakeR (feat. Felix of Stray Kids)
  5. Vermillion

