澤野弘之編曲の歌詞一覧リスト  49曲中 1-49曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
49曲中 1-49曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
ADRENASennaRinSennaRin茜雫凛・cAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之Dive into my sanctum zone All these lights got you blind 小節の鼓動音 知らずにいれたら Alive a lie 犠牲も We've only just begun Alive a lie 鼓動も plz Pray For Me scene 2 1 2つ数えた 瞬間が永遠になる No one is breaking my soul ただ青く A-Z LOOP  Why am I me? 解く中毒に Hide and Seek 袖通すsick Shit, not enough to know me yet 無垢が切れる 角が増える ABCに並ばないhave a Genom 2 辺りにフラグ 1/f 揺らぐ BUG的imaginationのるこのtrack God is beside me ADRENA through my blood S.S.Dir. All eyes on me 引き返せない足掻いてforever glow ADRENA rules ADRENA saves ADRENA Still 1:40 Through my veins In your veins もう  Open your hearts 痛みで埋めた命が鳴る Cuz I'd always be here 心臓が焚き付けるfate  Cry or die フラッシュバックに麻酔も打たずに 巡らせた毒が放火した Do I fall, do I fly so..? I/O 思い出して 残像に片目を塞いだ 焦点の合わないtry my life I do fall,I do fly And I can be anything  フラッシュバックに麻酔も打たずに 巡らせた毒が放火した Do I fall, do I fly so..? I/O 思い出して 残像に片目を塞いだ 焦点の合わないtry my life I do fall,I do fly And I can be anything
NODSennaRinSennaRin茜雫凛澤野弘之澤野弘之抑え込んだ動 また最後の心拍を打つ 噎せ返る追憶 誰を彼を何を守ればいい? Pray For Me  scene 2 1 忘却へ  惰(だら)けたverse glow澱みない逃(とう)√(るーと) CAIN不適な罪(ざい)rude non-edited生(せい)pool NOD-戻れない0(れい)cry 愚弄overuse plz save me glo overuse pay for me non-edited生(せい)Pray For Me  雷鳴を切ってfar 脳内∋(いん)残留blood 見せかけのwar 体内∋(いん)残留crime  執(とら)われた静(じょう) また彩度を失う月光 沈黙の周波数 誰を彼を何を守ればいい? Pray For Me  scene 2 1 忘却へ  惰(だら)けたverse glow澱みない逃(とう)√(るーと) CAIN不適な罪(ざい)rude non-edited生(せい)pool NOD-戻れない0(れい)cry 愚弄overuse plz save me glo overuse pay for me non-edited生(せい)Pray For Me  雷鳴を切ってfar 脳内∋(いん)残留blood 見せかけのwar 体内∋(いん)残留crime  惰(だら)けたverse glow澱みない逃(とう)√(るーと) CAIN不適な罪(ざい)rude non-edited生(せい)pool NOD-戻れない0(れい)cry 愚弄overuse plz save me glo overuse pay for me non-edited生(せい)Pray For Me  雷鳴を切ってfar 脳内∋(いん)残留blood 見せかけのwar 体内∋(いん)残留crime
prayEveEveEve澤野弘之澤野弘之この街から見る夜は深く 月は陰り 風が鳴いている  会えない時間が 心を震わし 蓋した想いは 飽きれるほど  癒えない春も 凍てつく朝も 永遠なんてない情景  忘れぬ恋も 消えぬ痛みも 等しく愛おしいと  どれだけ伝えたい言葉がある 病みに苛まれるほど  突き刺さる感情の鼓動 互いに信じるもの  ふと見渡せば あの子が泣いている そんなことも知らずに生きて  曖昧にしてしまう 救いなどいらない 迷える子羊たちの末路  くだらぬ愛も 確かな祈りも 希望はここに灯っている  僅かな才も 贖う夢も 全部抱きしめると  どれだけ伝えたい言葉がある 哀しみに暮れぬよう  この闇を取り払えと 互いに信じるもの  私たちの声も 貴方たちの声も 何1つ交わりはしない  正義も悪も 真実も嘘も 意味を成さない気がしてしまう  どれだけ伝えたい言葉がある 病みに苛まれるほど  突き刺さる感情の鼓動 互いに信じるもの  私たちの声も 貴方たちの声も 何1つ交わりはしない  正義も悪も 真実も嘘も 意味を成さない気がしてしまう
SACRAReoNaReoNacAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之綻ぶ花もくすぶる蕾も 刹那の風に舞った痛みも 巡り巡る未来に上書きされて一枚も残らない  As time goes on, things forgotten この手を解かずに見送れたならどんなにいいか  The flowers brought to mind, therefore I am 雨に散る花びらが Remember me tender, remember my pain 記憶の頁に残れたなら  俯く先 踊る木漏れ日が 黄昏色に滲んでゆく 僕だけが狭いこの世界の隅 取り残されたようで  As time goes on, things forgotten 不用意に傷つけてしまわないよう 紡げずにいた言葉  The flowers brought to mind, therefore I am 息を切る日々の中 Remember me tender, remember my pain 思いのままに歌えたなら  Say goodbye for now 「悲シクナイ」なんて嘘になるけど Bye for now それぞれの輝き繋いで  いつか来るサヨナラも いろんなハジメマシテも この道を彩るように 見守ってくれているから  The flowers brought to mind, therefore I am 雨に散る花びらが Remember me tender, remember my pain 記憶の頁に残れたなら  Say goodbye for now 振り向いた足元に 眩しい轍 Bye for now それぞれの輝き繋いで
透明な惑星SennaRinSennaRin茜雫凛澤野弘之澤野弘之ふざけた計画と 歪な惑星を 僕らはそれぞれ持て余す 通り雨と惑う 捨て猫みたいです  高層ビルの空 確かに自由で でも不安定だ  僕らまだこの星を 抱きしめていたいのに まだ居たいのに  月並み誰でも 妄想の先まで着地して描き出すよ 瞬くスピードで 廻るストーリーをどこまでも見たいよ また会おうね error創造loading loading lie正解層 没有 命‘s resolving PSIの配散々 今世then U Q A. つづく What‘d you do? What to do. What to do.  夜明けの心音と 傾く惑星を 僕らはそれぞれ持て余す 音のない水面で 泳ぐ星みたいです  五時半の曖昧ってヤツが 重力と心 解いて  醜くて綺麗でさ 抱きしめていたいのに 愛したいのに  砕けて散るまで 溢れ消えるまで 手を取り合っていたいよ 瞬くスピードで 光降る街を 手を取り合って歩こう 月並み誰でも 妄想の先まで着地して描き出すよ 瞬くスピードで 廻るストーリーをどこまでも見たいよ また会おうね error創造loading loading lie正解層 没有 命‘s resolving PSIの配散々 今世then U Q A. つづく What‘d you do? What to do. What to do.
Missing piece -WwisH-SennaRinSennaRin茜雫凛澤野弘之澤野弘之雪に降られて 透明な街 窓越しに見る 僕に似合うよ  「またね」の先に 握られる手を まだ覚えてる まだ待っている  眠りにつく そのたびに 大丈夫だって まじなって 育っていく 恋しさに 食べられてく  Looking back your footstep remind me How long you've been there? さよならが溶けてしまえばいい この雪を辿ってゆけばあなたに また出逢えるのかな 今はまだ  Tell me why this sacrifice Something precious in the past 心の片隅にある 記憶を旅してる  すれ違わないように いつまでもここに居るから あの日々の願いと 温もり抱きしめて  Looking back your footstep remind me How long you've been there? さよならが溶けてしまえばいい この雪を辿ってまた出逢えたら もう一度その手を握るから  同じ季節 同じ時間たちを 僕だけ 僕だけ 繰り返してる 空 何度も見上げてやっと目に映った 夜明けの雪の粒に 明日が煌めいていた
Till ISennaRinSennaRincAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之不確かな記憶が心の隅 突くから I want to know if truth is painful or not 先送りした疑問は Frail  涙の跡が乾いていくほどに Trail blazed across my messy mind 何処へ進もうか?  Cuz I meant to be your piece until I die No one's wanna be alone 破れて 拾い集めて Though we fall apart between the hell's divide 求められるなら ずっと側で stay the same  生まれては消えてく感覚の名前なら 擦り過ぎて痛いくらい realize a lot I can't igg your tender lies  臆病になってた 大人びるほどに Cries swallowed down but you don't mind 傷つかないように  Don't let me be your wound Wash off all you've been bound 安息の吐息に 耳を澄ませて  Cuz I meant to be your piece until I die No one's wanna be alone I'll leave my soul by your side 目的地もなく彷徨ってた 空の片隅 照らす光は stay the same Till I die By your side
Tot MusicaMILLION LYLICAdoMILLION LYLICAdocAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ  雨打つ心 彷徨う何処 枯れ果てず湧く願いと涙 解き放つ 呪を紡ぐ言の葉  ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ 死をも転がす救いの讃歌 求められたる救世主  祈りの間で惑う 唯 海の凪ぐ未来を乞う  その傲岸無礼な慟哭を 惰性なき愁いには忘却を さあ 混沌の時代には終止符を いざ無礙に Blah blah blah! 無条件 絶対 激昂なら Singing the song 如何せん罵詈雑言でも Singing the song 有象無象の Big Bang 慈しみ深く 怒れ 集え 謳え 破滅の譜を  ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ 誓い立てし自由 手にして謳歌 平伏されたる救世主  逃亡の果て望む希望 忘れじの灯火を纏う  その身が尽きるまで奏でよ 夢見うつつ崇めよ 全てを照らし出す光を いざ無礙に Blh blah blah!  その傲岸無礼な慟哭を 残響激励すら忘却を さあ 混沌の時代には終止符を いざ無礙に Blah blah blah! 無条件 絶対 激昂なら Singing the song 如何せん罵詈雑言でも Singing the song 有象無象の Big Bang 慈しみ深く 怒れ 集え 謳え 破滅の譜を  ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ
kIng鈴木瑛美子鈴木瑛美子澤野弘之・cAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之空に雲 飾りの城 時の先で 崩れ消える 辿る言葉を 風が奪っていく 押し出された未来(あした)でも向かう  That you're gonna pray to survive どんな答えでも掴まなければ進めるから 間違う数だけの傷が叶えていく Come back around to keep yourself alive  Drowning in the dark Foot the distorted arc 鍵落として 外をさ迷う 見渡すだけの余所見なのなら 倒れかけた声を手に取ろう  That you're gonna pray to survive どんな涙も飾らなければ強さに変わる 過ぎた場所は遠くでも 願いと繋がる Come back around to keep yourself alive  Life is frail sore trail through このままそのまま 光を越えよう Make it right so break on through We all struggle with our shallow mind That's when we find out how it goes  That you're gonna pray to survive どんな答えでも掴まなければ進めるから 間違う数だけの傷が叶えていく Come back around to keep yourself alive  Life is frail sore trail through このままそのまま 光を越えよう Make it right so break on through We all struggle with our shallow mind That's when we find out how it goes  Life is frail sore trail through  Make it right so break on through
CALL & PRAYHey! Say! JUMPHey! Say! JUMP澤野弘之・Benjamin & mpi澤野弘之澤野弘之触れそうな未来に 弾(はじ)かれた場面で目が覚めてる 時計だけを見つめても 針は無感情に時を進める  押し出されそうな願いでも 壁の向こうには越える意味がある 飾りすぎて見えなくなった 言葉の心に答えがあるから  Stand up 明日(あす)へEncore  Give me one more chance! Yeah! この手で感じた 誰もなぞれないこの先のNext dream Ready, set and go! Yeah! 叩いた鼓動の痛みを忘れない 時をまとっていく  They're singing Woh oh wo-oh wo-oh 重なるSOUNDで Woh oh wo-oh oh wo-oh They're singing Woh oh wo-oh wo-oh 届かせていく Woh oh wo-oh oh wo-oh  塞がれてる視界に 向き合ってても感情は見えもしない 語るだけの理屈なら 散らかすだけで片付きやしない  このまま嘘と眠るなら 間違っててもいいから進めばいい 遠くの今が広がって行く 大人のフリした答えを捨てよう  Stand up 何度もEncore  Give me one more chance! Yeah! 抱かれた闘志は どこへ向かっても掴まえるNext dream Ready, set and go! Yeah! 掲げた声を止めはさせない 明日が響いている  They're singing Woh oh wo-oh wo-oh 抗った感情 Woh oh wo-oh oh wo-oh They're singing Woh oh wo-oh wo-oh ただ鳴らすんだ Woh oh wo-oh oh wo-oh  Time to get a chance Time to get a chance What's it gonna be? What's it gonna be? そう何回でも そう何回でも CALL and ENCORE  Give me one more chance! Yeah! この手で感じた 誰もなぞれないこの先のNext dream Ready, set and go! Yeah! 叩いた鼓動の痛みを忘れない 時をまとっていく  They're singing Woh oh wo-oh wo-oh 抗った感情 Woh oh wo-oh oh wo-oh They're singing Woh oh wo-oh wo-oh ただ鳴らすんだ Woh oh wo-oh oh wo-oh  Time to get a chance Time to get a chance What's it gonna be? What's it gonna be? そう何回でも そう何回でも CALL and ENCORE CALL and ENCORE...
Zero EclipseLacoLacoBenjamin・mpiHiroyuki Sawano澤野弘之I had wandered the walls forever But came upon a way for my return Heard your name in a conversation Your kindness I'd yet to learn Life has been like an endless nightmare And now your light it leads me home again Is it fate to be smashed to pieces? If you go we go together / For...  Now you are a part of me I will defend and honor thee Jealousy will get me into trouble Since I met you kid my blades are double!  Sad am I to never hear your sigh Of ecstasy And fingertips You're trembling We share a kiss Our worlds eclipse  You're bigger Bigger! Why do you hide? I will shiver Shiver! It's suicide! But if there's no desire To get back out alive You're a zero!  You're bigger Bigger! Why do you ride? I will shiver Shiver! Into the fire! You just get out alive! We'll let our worlds collide We are bigger!  Close my eyes and I see the fallen They threw the stones to make us go away It was only the face of anger and kindness It lit my way Ain't no picnic to be abandoned It led us here. We had to share the pain Is it fate to be smashed to pieces? If you go we go together / For...  Now you are a part of me I will defend and honor thee Did you think that you could die a hero? Our awakening means less than zero!  Sad am I to never hear your sigh Of ecstasy And fingertips You're trembling We share a kiss Our worlds eclipse  Black sugar Keep it Up 'till the dawn You're the trigger, Killer, Eye of the storm! But if there's no desire To get back out alive You're a hero?  You're bigger Bigger! Why do you ride? I will shiver Shiver! Into the fire! You just get out alive! We'll let our worlds collide We are bigger!  Make a promise that I cannot regret As long as I can see you but in secret I'll never I'll never forget my feeling, no! I'll never I'll never Learn how to let you go  You're bigger Bigger! Why do you hide? I will shiver Shiver! It's suicide! But if there's no desire To get back out alive You're a zero!  Make a promise that I cannot regret As long as I can see you but in secret I'll never I'll never forget my feeling, no! I'll never I'll never Learn how to let you go
WarcrympimpiBenjamin・mpiHiroyuki Sawano澤野弘之Don't you know that I'm a big old mix of KABANE? Yes, I am You can bet I would go back to the battlefield And I would save you sister  Without her there would be no you and me I can feel your savior, my destiny Like a fool I believe this can change  Let out power of your soul Don't give up on tomorrow Have you got something that I wanna save? Just as bodies will rise The weak have to fall Hey now We'll never give up my dear not a short time Just like the world turning around Won't stop. Like a war I won't give in No no…  I can't feel your blood pumping around this KABANE Yes, I am You can bet I would go back to the battlefield And I would save you sister  Without her there would be no you and me I can feel your savior, my destiny Like a fool I believe this can change  Let out power of your soul Don't give up on tomorrow Have you got something that I wanna save? Just as bodies will rise The weak have to fall Hey now We'll never give up my dear not a short time Just like the world turning around Won't stop. Like a war I won't give in No no…  And now you are on your own Don't give up on tomorrow Have you got something that I wanna save? Just as bodies will rise The weak have to fall Hey now We'll never give up my dear not a short time Just like the world turning around Won't stop. Like a war I won't give in No no…
S_TEAMElianaElianaHiroyuki Sawano・cAnON.Hiroyuki Sawano澤野弘之いつかは捨てる trust&stream 仮の希望像 完全な Close 高架線ごと 取り替えてるような怒りと業  Woh oh oh oh oh oh oh 機械的感情に飽きてる LIFE Woh oh oh oh oh oh oh 人の所為じゃ つまらない  Go steam ahead with your soul And scream it out A gleam in your fervid eye There ain't no doubt Shoot 'em off What you holdin' on for? You're not an underdog Keep findin' your way Boost 'em up What you holdin' on for? Let's get out of control Keep burnin' your flame  Your icy heart pumps hot blood to your marrow, Though They're gettin' close to what you got Pursuin' and takin' all wherever you go  Woh oh oh oh oh oh oh Your life's so breakable, I can't tell a lie Woh oh oh oh oh oh oh To stand tall through, just mar the night  Go steam ahead with your soul And scream it out A gleam in your fervid eye There ain't no doubt Shoot 'em off What you holdin' on for? You're not an underdog Keep findin' your way Boost 'em up What you holdin' on for? Let's get out of control Keep burnin' your flame  Go steam ahead with your soul And scream it out A gleam in your fervid eye There ain't no doubt Shoot 'em off What you holdin' on for? You're not an underdog Keep findin' your way Boost 'em up What you holdin' on for? Let's get out of control Keep burnin' your flame
Next of KinBenjaminBenjaminBenjamin・mpiHiroyuki Sawano澤野弘之Our mother always used to sing our praises from the rooftops. Although we caused her trouble you and I were thick as thieves. You fought your demons and deserved to have succeeded further But you slipped and fell my little Kabaneri girl.  Your will was stronger than any of all my powers. Your voice of reason like a soothing stream beside my bed. When I was terrified you'd talk to me for hours. I wanna hear your voice now. What would you say?  'Move on, 'cause I'm gone. Now you're talking to a shadow. Look there! People so scared. Hit your mark with every last arrow. Be here, ready your spear. The path you've got to follow Is more deadly each year. Their sins were paid in blood so go!'  Woh oo oh oo oo oo oh The sins of all our fathers Woh oo oh oo oo oo oh We've paid enough in battle Woh oo oh oo oo oo oh This is your chance for freedom! Lots of love your next of kin.  You always had my back when everything around turned scary. Words never said to you ah damn my over bloated pride! You were the best of all the best that any world could show me. Now we fight a war forever you will be inside.  You showed me strength that I had never seen before it lit fire under me. I seek to quote the words you said. When I was terrified you'd talk to me for hours I listen to your voice now. What would you say?  'Move on, 'cause I'm gone. Now you're talking to a shadow. Look there! People so scared. Hit your mark with every last arrow. Be here, ready your spear. The path you've got to follow Is more deadly each year.'  'Move on, 'cause I'm gone. Now you're talking to a shadow. Look there! People so scared. Hit your mark with every last arrow. Be here, ready your spear. The path you've got to follow Is more deadly each year. Their sins were paid in blood so go!'  Woh oo oh oo oo oo oh The sins of all our fathers Woh oo oh oo oo oo oh We've paid enough in battle Woh oo oh oo oo oo oh This is your chance for freedom! Lots of love your next of kin.
BarricadesYosh, Gemie, mpiYosh, Gemie, mpiBenjamin・mpiHiroyuki Sawano澤野弘之Wouldn't it be nice to take a walk on some pure white sand, gaze at the horizon. without living in fear? Wouldn't it be sweet to watch the sun curve down meet the waves? And taste the ocean spray and realize we'd been living as slaves  We've got to learn to Get back. Get back. But is it worth the price of our soul? You know you had to Kill her. Kill her! Oh my dirty hands It never fades And if we Get out. Get out. I'll think about the price of our soul We've got to learn to Live free live free We'll live a life without barricades Woh...  How long I haven't seen the light shine through in my life Lost everything Family, confusion on the way Someone tries to talk to me and signpost the righteous road My animal inside Can now be tamed to go Over the wall  We've got to learn to Get back. Get back. But is it worth the price of our soul? You know you had to Kill her. Kill her! Oh my dirty hands It never fades And if we Get out. Get out. I'll think about the price of our soul We've got to learn to Live free live free We'll live a life without barricades Woh...  We've got to learn to Get back. Get back. But is it worth the price of our soul? You know you had to Kill her. Kill her! Oh my dirty hands It never fades And if we Get out. Get out. I'll think about the price of our soul We've got to learn to Live free live free We'll live a life without barricades Woh...
Into the SkyGOLD LYLICSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:TielleGOLD LYLICSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:TielleBenjamin・mpiHIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Do you feel alone? Can you hear me now? Your mind is so far away still on earth Many times you are hurting yourself You can't be just a life on the shelf It's only you that can fly this new unicorn Into the sky  And it's every time, you hurt yourself with knives And I'm calling, calling out your name again If you're holding, holding onto fear I knew The blind can open, let light shine through  And I say Why we can't stop all this sacrifice? I know that all the lies became the stone in your heart I wonder how long you gonna survive We didn't see all it's meaning  You are the one for me Finally I can see Can you promise me You'll come back safe and help me? I'm counting on you to bring the peace we all deserve And maybe we'll be able to continue  And it's every time, you hurt yourself with knives And I'm calling, calling out your name again If you're holding, holding onto fear I knew The blind can open, let light shine through  And I say Why we can't stop all this sacrifice? I know that all the lies became the stone in your heart I wonder how long you gonna survive We didn't see all it's meaning  And it's every time, you hurt yourself with knives And I'm calling, calling out your name again If you're holding, holding onto fear I knew The blind can open, let light shine through  And I say Why we can't stop all this sacrifice? I know that all the lies became the stone in your heart I wonder how long you gonna survive We didn't see all it's meaning
Next 2 U -eUC-GOLD LYLICSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:naNamiGOLD LYLICSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:naNamiHIROYUKI SAWANO・cAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之フリだけの答えとエール タイで演奏をつなぐ 微笑む零度を抱いた 希望 選ぶため並べる 期待のない朝に 凭(もた)れるのは止めた  そっと リングなぞる 左の手が触れた愛と夢(む) 歌われる クリーンな喜怒 目的もない糧 不安定な栄光の音  Take off my sought idol Then I can breathe in so deep 嫌いな大人の影が 重なるように消えた 委ねる理想を捨てれば 次の時間へのコール  Have I still been cared? We've been together after all these days No much time talking over day and night When I feel your stare My heart's like flying high above the phase Maybe we'll overcome the scars  You want me to be free Free from legacies, free like meteors That's why I cried since I've been attended to so kindly You're who make my makeup's off  Take off my sought idol Then I can breathe in so deep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you  Won't you promise me? No matter how far apart Always keep thinking of me We must be heart to heart Baby…twinkle, twinkle! My little fortunate star Are you with me?  Take off my sought idol Then I can breathe in so deep 嫌いな大人の影が 重なるように消えた 委ねる理想を捨てれば  Take off my Dress and Crown Then I can fall sound asleep 乾いた言葉の雨が 埃のように消えた 鍵を失くしかけた その先からのコール
Pretenders -eO1-SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:micaSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:micacAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之My world has turned upside down You almost invade my heart I'm jealous of your talent, glamour... and so on Unclear sky spread above us Then there's not a ray of hope I've gone astray somewhere While my sight's been shut out  And if I never met you I don't have to face to myself I'd never supposed to feel like this, ooh oh Is that a yearning or fear? Don't force your excessive thoughts on me Don't pretend as LOVE  Turn back the… Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody's smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now's the time to act, what are you waiting for? Now we've had enough, won't contend no more I don't wanna think at all So don't let me avenge back again  My world has turned upside down Since I had worked with your heart Whole things that are pleasing you hurt you on and on Foul mire spread below us Thrills my body just like dope I've straightened across the border Someone's warned me, yet  And if I never met you I don't have to face to myself I'd never supposed to feel like this, ooh oh Is that a yearning or fear? Don't force your excessive thoughts on me Don't pretend as LOVE  Turn back the… Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody's smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now's the time to act, what are you waiting for? Now we've had enough, won't contend no more I don't wanna think at all So don't let me avenge back again  Ti-time… Time won't rewind back C-crime… Crime, can't get rid of Li-live… Still we gotta be alive Ooh ooh oh oh  Turn back the… Time cannot delete our crimes Crime will take somebody's smiles We only wanna be safe and sound Lots of plastic plans go round and round Now's the time to act, what are you waiting for? Now we've had enough, won't contend no more I don't wanna think at all So don't let me avenge back again  Ti-time… Time won't rewind back C-crime… Crime, can't get rid of Li-live… Still we gotta be alive Ooh ooh oh oh
theDOGSmpimpiBenjamin・mpiHiroyuki Sawano澤野弘之See it on the people's faces everywhere Black'n blue but they won't throw the towel in And let go of a dream Man women child prepare to bleed  Were we born to lose and let goliath win? Heavy air and screaming as you pull the pin Our world is collapsing but we can rebuild it A 100 more years in the fire  Do you believe that we can just kill them all? Do you believe that we can conquer this? Can't delete all the mess that I have seen Fall in the fire but these burns will heal you  Gonna take your knives and skills they must be honed Show your mom your lives and give a dog a bone Just wait for centuries Man women cihld long to be free  When we die we ask our brothers one more time If the meaning of our lives was worth a dime Our world oxidizes but will surprise us A 100 more years in the fire  Do you believe that we can just kill them all? Do you believe that we can conquer this? Can't delete all the mess that I have seen Fall in the fire but these burns will heal you Coming down to show you what to do How to die with honor dignity We should delete all the mess out from our sight What is truth is for me and you  Wow wow......  Do you believe that we can just kill them all? Do you believe that we can conquer this? Can't delete all the mess that I have seen Fall in the fire but these burns will heal you Coming down to show you what to do How to die with honor dignity We should delete all the mess out from our sight What is truth is for me and you
Because of youAimee BlackschlegerAimee BlackschlegercAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之You know I was miserable I was a serious child with fearless eyes All of my bad affairs kept adding up I had trouble with my bed of nails, my dad and my hometown But you told me how to make it right Not so complicated  Once I had put them down who'd lived a futile dream Now I find the blue birds fly Sing to me “Are you ready to fly?”  Say goodbye to my drab and passive days right now You've found the gem in me There's no other reason, you made me what I am No more cry I don't have to be in despair Just to live according to how I feel Your words often echoes in my heart I can say it's all because of you  She's so irreplaceable My mom's kindness and the warmth of her hands She makes me happy with the things she does I might saw her hidden pains right behind her big smile But she always cares 'bout what I'll be Instead of her whole life  Once I had put them down who'd lived a futile dream Now I find the blue birds fly Sing to me “Are you ready to fly?”  Say goodbye to my drab and passive days right now You've found the gem in me There's no other reason, you made me what I am No more cry I don't have to be in despair Just to live according to how I feel Your words often echoes in my heart I can say it's all because of you
希空~まれぞら~GOLD LYLIC合唱GOLD LYLIC合唱土屋太鳳澤野弘之澤野弘之さあ駆け出そうよ、今すぐに 未来が今は遠くても ひとりぼっちのままで 泣く夜が続いても 本当のわたしへ  風が強く冷たいほど 教えてくれる 出会うべき人のことを どうか希望の地図を そっと開いてみてね あたたかい未来たちが 僕らを待っているよ  さあ旅に出よう、おそれずに 小さな一歩だとしても 出会うはずの場所が 出会うはずの人たちが あなたを待っている
Blume im MeerCyuaCyuaRie澤野弘之澤野弘之Wir sind noch grose Kinder. Wir werden klein und sind wie weise Blumen, die im Meer schwanken.  Ich will meinen Kopf durchsetzen und bin verstockt. Ich schau neidisch ein lebhaftes Fest aus dem Fenster.  Ich will meinen Kopf durchsetzen und bin verstockt. Ich geb vor, nichts zu horen. Wie ein Kind. Ich schau neidisch aus dem Fenster und sing vor mich hin ein Lied. Die Wellen stosen eine Blume auf Strand hinauf.  Der Wind kommt an mir vorbei und streicht mir uber die Schultern unter dem klaren blauen Himmel. Die Erde, auf der ich fest steh, fangt immer meinen eisernen Willen auf.
BECAUSE小林未郁小林未郁cAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之You know I was miserable I was a serious child with fearless eyes All of my bad affairs kept adding up I had trouble with my bed of nails, my dad and my hometown But you told me how to make it right Not so complicated  Once I had put them down who'd lived a futile dream Now I find the blue birds fly Sing to me “Are you ready to fly?”  Say goodbye to my drab and passive days right now You've found the gem in me66 There's no other reason, you made me what I am No more cry I don't have to be in despair Just to live according to how I feel Your words often echoes in my heart I can say it's all because of you
Grey to Blue小林未郁小林未郁Benjamin・mpi澤野弘之澤野弘之How long must I wait? The hopes that I chase Whether it's too late If my bird has flown Away?  The dreamer you've been Your little girl has become What should I do? Your plans fell through for you But I must believe in myself But I must believe in myself  Don't say goodbye Two birds are flying high And I must leave on a wind only for the few Dangerous and lonely times there may be She's forever asking will she leave Is this what a dreamer should feel?  Just over those clouds A beauty awaits Horizons and gates To green fields old and new  A taste of a life calling The smiles and their hands waving me in Look down my precious town Happiness begins for me now! Happiness begins for me now!  Don't say goodbye I will fly much higher still A taste of pride, Giving in's such a bitter pill Even though there's much that I'll never know Deep inside my heart these feelings grow I'd rather not give up my dream  Don't say goodbye Are the clouds forever new? Inspiring me feather's can change from grey to blue Every second children are being born I can keep the world they enter warm and still full of the spirit of dawn
mio MARECASGCASGcAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之Hey, what's up? My old hometown Well... I'm doin' okay but not very well, not so well My life isn't the way I hoped nor I planned for myself Cannot say, but I have to say Cannot save, what I have had saved for all my time I never make it right without you  Home sweet home How do I look like through your eyes? Am I grown up enough?  Spread my wings, put my soul in them cautiously My dearest childhood won't lie, I know that obviously Now I'm feeling so smooth Like as I can fly, reachin' for the sky Open my eyes, see my world Hum some melodies Hear my heart beating so loud 'cause of memories How many smiles can I get? While I spend my life even myself out of breath?  You know, it's not a miracle but meant to be No, I can't stop cryin' in joy or by nostalgia But I don't care So don't laugh at me, babe  Il mio mare, ma che bel futuro I swear, keep tryin' so Won't give up anyway  By the way, my old hometown Don't you know how she has been? She alright? Is she right? I know she's a tough girl, but she has a fragile heart too She might say, what I have to say Wanna save what I could have saved for all my time You taught us we can live how we are  Home sweet home How do I look like through your eyes? Am I grown up enough?  Spread my wings, put my soul in them cautiously My dearest childhood won't lie, I know that obviously Now I'm feeling so smooth Like as I can fly, reachin' for the sky Open my eyes, see my world Hum some melodies Hear my heart beating so loud 'cause of memories How many smiles can I get? While I spend my life even myself out of breath?  You know, it's not a miracle but meant to be No, I can't stop cryin' in joy or by nostalgia But I don't care So don't laugh at me, babe  Il mio mare, ma che bel futuro I swear, keep tryin' so Won't give up anyway
Song of..Mika Kobayashi・Aimee Blackschleger・mpiMika Kobayashi・Aimee Blackschleger・mpiBenjamin・mpi・cAnON.澤野弘之澤野弘之How long must I wait? The hopes that I chase Whether it's too late If my bird has flown Away?  The dreamer you've been Your little girl has become What should I do? Your plans fell through for you But I must believe in myself But I must believe in myself  Don't say goodbye Two birds are flying high And I must leave on a wind only for the few Dangerous and lonely times there may be She's forever asking will she leave Is this what a dreamer should feel?  Say goodbye to my drab and passive days right now You've found the gem in me There's no other reason, you made me what I am No more cry I don't have to be in despair Just to live according to how I feel Your words often echoes in my heart I can say it's all because of you  Don't say goodbye Are the clouds forever new? Inspiring me feather's can change from grey to blue Every second children are being born I can keep the world they enter warm and still full of the spirit of dawn  Let's sing a song of the future We're on a great adventure Do you know a song of the future? We're always wishing and dreaming on Let's sing a song of the future Might be the hard adventure No matter how it hurts, keep on going Just keep on moving We're gonna draw our ways
StarRingChild -English ver.-SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimercAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Thinkin about the moment while we'd strayed from the right path We've might misplaced the seed of smile but we were not spontaneous There's a lump in my throat I ain't ready to recover it  Was too young to grasp I thought it must be no business of mine They ought to try rewriting our life like as she has been done We've struggled to break loose from this metempsychosis Got mature too much to hear our voice within  Star Ring Child Give me your hands to see What noble galaxy That we've been fighting for I'm by your side I'll give you all of me To track who we used to be While the stars sync with my heart beat The story will go on  I'm gonna lose my reasons while I'd sink in deep complacence Without your hope, I can't reboot from myself in repentance My body's hurt and shaking Even now while we are in freedom  I receive the truth whenever I catch your footsteps and rhythm We survive and stand on here at the huge sacrifice of their life We've struggled to break loose from this metempsychosis But we'd chosen then to play out such a roll  When the sun hides in the cosmic clouds Under the dark night shrouds The silence will wraple us You're by my side You share the fate with me I could let my heart be free Now, I'll wake from my delusion  Star Ring Child Give me your hands to see What noble galaxy That we've been fighting for I'm by your side I'll give you all of me To track who we used to be While the stars sync with my heart beat The story will go on  Soar beyond the noise We'll live in harmony And strive against the destiny We're charging up enough to make our brand new flow Standing back now from all sorts of agony There's no meaning to seek any reason Everything starts off in a second Right behind the worst The daybreak was reserved For the people who're confined We're charging up enough to make our brand new flow Standing back now from all sorts of agony There's no meaning to seek any reason Everything starts shining so bright to draw the new age
DestinySawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerBenjamin Anderson・mpiHIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Have a good sleep for mom and dad What can I do for feeling sad All of my fear is getting harder Losing my motion I can't hide Going my way I want to hurry Moving my feet and sneaking out Losing my mind I'm feeling down Looking for the truth in this life  You can run You can run Nothings gonna change the world If we don't try so hard You can ride You can ride You can ride It's a miracle Waiting for you now in the dark  We were born in a different place They just want to know where the box is Everything in the tapestry We can meet when the fight is done  There are many problems in this world Today is not always on your side To the death I'm so scared, It's war Sky blue in my sight  Down on the street of east of seven What can I do for feeling bad All of my fear is getting louder Losing my notion I can't find Going my way I want to run Moving my feet for breaking now Losing my beat and feeling down Proud to die for our destiny  You can run You can run Nothings gonna change the world If we don't try so hard You can ride You can ride It's a miracle Waiting for you now in the dark  We were born in a different place They just want to know where the box is Everything in the tapestry We can meet when the fight is done  There are many problems in this world Today is not always on your side To the death I'm so scared, It's war Sky blue in my sight  There are many conflicts in this world Unclear my path around the fallen ones Into the space to back again So evermore a peace reigns
But still...SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimercAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之There was a pity boy lapsed into apathy and doubt But he got a chance to change Somehow you bumped into his range He's just a normal boy longing for happiness And now you see what I mean In fact, He was who I used to be I was reborn with your sacred love  I don't know what to do in my mind But I believe in your mighty heart Whenever I lose control, your soul always brings me back Even if I got lost or went blind Monoceros, take me to the Seventh star Open the door to the peaceful world  I was a tiny boy, vanished in the mazes of stardust Why do we gotta spend our lives only for hurting each other? I could just cry for them cursed at, I'm powerless What worth is this fighting for? We'll never find out anymore No one knows, even the Gods above  I can't draw any schemes of my mind But I believe in your mighty heart Whenever I lose control, your soul always brings me back Even if I got lost or went blind Monoceros, take me to the Seventh star Open the door to the peaceful world  Do you see the lights of life? They are ready to shine I do swear, I'll keep telling them “But still...” forever Because you bring me to life I could fly toward your sign through the jeweled universe  I don't know what to do in my mind But I believe in your mighty heart Whenever I lose control, your soul always brings me back Even if I got lost or went blind Monoceros, take me to the Seventh star Open the door to the peaceful world
Just say good byeSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerBenjamin Anderson・mpiHIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Thank you mom, I still love you Your memories in a plastic case That's stays deep inside my heart But I've never seen his face  I wish you could rest in peace so long You left me alone in this world  Say good bye Stop crying now We are a part of war in this deep world so Say good bye Now I must go How can we stop war? I can't see any more in this sad place  Thank you mom I want to hug you If you were still by my side so That stays deep in side of my heart But I've never seen your smile  I wish for them.... they could rest in peace That you gave me life in this world  Say good bye Stop crying now We are a part of war in this deep world so Say good bye Now I must go How can we stop war? I can't see any more in this sad place  Say good bye Don't fear hell We are a part of war in this deep world so Say good bye Now I have to go How can it be? I can't speak no more  Say good bye Stop crying now We are a part of war in this deep world so Say good bye Now I must go How can we stop war? I can't see any more in this sad place
Next 2 USawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimercAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Have a little break We're running through the lights, out of breath Our will made us right here, didn't it so? Is this feeling fake? We're happier far than we've ever known Maybe we'll make it finally  I had to be the Queen anywhere I went, anytime I talked It's been a while since I've not pretended to be a grownup Cuz you make my makeup's off  Take off my dress and crown Then I can fall sound asleep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you  Have I still been cared? We've been together after all these days No much time talking over day and night When I feel your stare My heart's like flying high above the phase Maybe we'll overcome the scars  You want me to be free Free from legacies, free like meteors That's why I cried since I've been attended to so kindly You're who make my makeup's off  Take off my heels and gown Then I can breathe in so deep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you  Won't you promise me? No matter how far apart Always keep thinking of me We must be heart to heart Baby...twinkle, twinkle! My little fortunate star Are you with me?  Take off my dress and crown Then I can fall sound asleep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can see the dream of you and I  Take off my heels and gown Then I can breathe in so deep We had paced back and forth all that time You do never know that love I felt I can be an ordinary girl While I've been right next to you
bL∞dy f8SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimercAnON.HIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Behind your mask You smile, smile me with the greed and the frantic eyes I hate it, but I can't deny it I don't wanna be like you The feud between us escalates deeper into tons of tragic wages Can't stand it, but I never fight it Though I haven't proofed enough  Hypnotized by your charismata None realized, you won't be true But I know you are right if I were on your side So confused...  God, what a judgement! Is my punishment? Can't I escape from my sole bloody fate? Where is my fragment? Lost is the moment Need to look back what we'd done with They are still crying Who can hold back this war of slaughter? Ain't no one gotta refuse It doesn't really matter Betray myself to save the others' soul Although I wanna get out of here  We will keep running We will keep running We will keep running to replay the One-way Freedom We will keep rolling We will keep rolling We will keep rolling to replay the One-way Freedom  Behind your back So dark, something dark has ruled your words and deeds I found it, but I couldn't prove it I don't wanna feel for you We clearly missed out Furthermore we'll repeat the same guilt with the sick creeds Can't avoid it, but I'll try to fix it And we've gotta turn the tide  Hypnotized by your charismata None realized, you won't be true But I know you are right if I were on your side So confused...  God, what a judgement! Is my punishment? Can't I escape from my sole bloody fate? Where is my fragment? Lost is the moment Need to look back what we'd done with They are still crying Who can hold back this war of slaughter? Ain't no one gotta refuse It doesn't really matter Betray myself to save the others' soul Although I wanna get out of here  No more pain remained to regret with the stains Wash all them off to forget my damn conflicts with you Don't let me be off my nuts cuz of your surrender Why don't you sell me out? Why don't you take it out? Almost I lose what I'm living for Knock on the floor to spit out the anger from hatred Don't let me be off my nuts cuz of your surrender Why don't you sell me out? Why don't you beat me?  We will keep running We will keep running We will keep running to replay the One-way Freedom We will keep rolling We will keep rolling We will keep rolling to replay the One-way Freedom
REMIND YOUSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimermpiHIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Who passed away each one in the fight There was no doubt we started for pride And your grief stays too long Then the war brings it worst Tell me why? we're stuck in this deep black hole  Count it from me No one knows our day'll be Don't be afraid everyone will reach for last Nothing but without you I can not go on Now I'm touching to the core of the light Sharing with you for a while tiny moment All I can give you for some help Just reminds you  Who passed away each one for the fight There was no doubt we dreamt of the ride And your grief stays too long Then the war brings it worst Now we searching for under the hope with you  Count it from me My heart beat get slower Don't be surprise everyone will die at last Nothing but without you I can not go on Now I'm looking for the place to belong  Into my brain From top to the bottom all over my skin All of me is lashed with high fever Don't say just yes, Oh no matrer what they have made up All the things must fix them by your self  Past to the present Slave to the power But is our Bravely from desire Quest for the future
EGOSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimermpiHIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之You can deeply hold your breath for loneliness For the perfect smile I smell your ego on the way It's long since I saw the snow You've been told before All this things have gone  You told me, so many mental heavy days Do the right thing but always wrong eventually In his arm for dreaming on But we're not the same Anymore...  Give me your hand I really need your help It's not a game What are you saying? Trembling in the dark It's time to find the answer A life for counter by the storm The waves are all of the world Have you tried to face your days that you can learn  Ego...  Give me your hand I feel pain so much It's not a game What are you saying? Walking in the dark It's time to find the answer A life for counter by the storm The waves are all of the world Have you tried to face your days that you can learn  You can deeply hold your breath for loneliness For the perfect smile I smell your ego on the way It's long since I saw the snow I've been read before At the end of lines
Because we are tiny in this worldSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerBenjamin Anderson・mpiHIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之You must take a risk just on my side Now we are here to search the light As soon as moon light cut the night Here you go, searching for your way Show me your confidence Holding my hands Moving my heart Wrapped around me tight  Every little things with you All I remember, you're blue  Come right back Take a chance and fly to the fight We will all say hi to the world We have so much war in this world Let's move on You will save me from the despair I will save you dear So much strife we can not ignore Because we are tiny in this world  So I say Coming back or Give it up for your life Coming back or Give it up for your love Coming back or Give it up for your time Coming back or Give it up for your chance ...For earth  You are shy with me for my love you hide so Shut them down with all your might The girl you love she waits for you In the heat you see your goal You are our self defense Calming my fears Catching my tears Keep me in your sight  Every little things with you All I remember, you're blue  Come right back Take a chance and fly to the fight I will wait for you in the fire Die it only makes you stronger sill Let's move on You will save me from the despair I will save you dear So much strife we can not ignore Because we are tiny in this world  So I say Coming back or Give it up for your life Coming back or Give it up for your love Coming back or Give it up for your time Coming back or Give it up for your chance ...For earth  Would you die for me and our love? We must show the earth we care It's a world of hurt yeah I know Let's move on You will save me from the despair I will save you dear So much strife we can not ignore Because we are tiny in this world  Come right back Take a chance and fly to the fight We will all say hi to the world We have so much war in this world Let's move on You will save me from the despair I will save you dear So much strife we can not ignore Because we are tiny in this world  So I say Coming back or Give it up for your life Coming back or Give it up for your love Coming back or Give it up for your time Coming back or Give it up for your chance ...For earth
RE:I AM -English ver.-SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerSawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:AimerBenjamin Anderson・mpiHIROYUKI SAWANO澤野弘之Please hear me I want to tell you Please sing to me I wanna hear your voice  I wonder why we have to kill each other so long? We've been through the fights Now we will have to sacrifice I can't ignore this matter I can't think of you for now All of my life It's been up and down for me  It seems our road through life hasn't got any better We need to find the way We will put an end to this I've been hold these feeling everyday And heartache when I think of you I need some help I can rely on you  Many lives were lost but we're still alive We can make our self better But I don't cry for destiny We must find out how to live and die The truth is never everything that you can see  I'll never let you go You are the only one Forever but it's come to own me For anyone can hold my hand Oh you can trust in me Could hear the siren And the sky is crying loud as ever I can sense the vibe between you and me  I wonder why we have to kill each other so long? We've been through the fights Now we will have to sacrifice Can I ignore this situation? I can't think of you for now all of my life It's been up and down for me  Many lives were lost but we're still alive We can make our self better But I don't cry for destiny We must find out how to live and die The truth is never everything that you can see  I'll never let you go You are the only one Forever but it's come to own me For anyone can hold my hand Oh you can trust in me Could hear the siren And the sky is crying loud as ever I can sense the vibe between you and me  freezing cold shatters my sorrow and scorching sand puts it together again  Oh It's more than anything That you are on my side The hands of time won't stop I wonder where you are Then it's more than everything That you are the best for me All of our life Every piece Heaven's peace  We'll never forget you You are the only one Forever but it's come to own me For anyone can hold my hand Oh you can trust in me Could hear the siren And the sky is crying loud as ever I can feel this bond between you and me
RE:I AMPLATINA LYLICAimerPLATINA LYLICAimer澤野弘之澤野弘之澤野弘之Please hear me I want to tell you Please sing to me I wanna hear your voice  時の鼓動がまだ響く間 裸の言葉胸に閉じこめた 記憶の色が滲み始める 破れた世界の隅で 何も求めずにただ抱き寄せる 今の僕にはそれしか出来ない 震えた強がりでもプライドに見える 逸れた子供のように  最後の声さえも 風がさまようせいで消された 月に手を向けたまま 君は空の星に消えた  「側にいて」と抱きしめても もう2度と聞こえない君の歌声は 降り注いだ雨のサイレン 僕の代わりに今この空が泣き続ける  これまで踏みつけてきた教えを 今掻き集めこの胸に当てても 救い求め歌うようなお遊戯に見える 物語る大人のように  言葉に寄り添うだけの 空の愛と導きはいらない 飾られた祈りでは 明日の手掛かりに触れない  いつか君に届くはずの 名も無き幼い詩(し)が描くわがままを  忘れたいよ一度だけ 眠れぬ悲しみがその詩(うた)を抱きしめてる  Freezing cold shatters my sorrow And scorching sand puts it together again  投げ捨てられる正しさなら 消える事ない間違いの方が良い 臆病に隠してた声を今 この手でもう一度さらせば良い  掴む軌道も咲く光も 乾いた心のせいでモノクロに見えた 忘れないよ今日の景色を ありふれた願いが足元を照らしてくれる
ETERNAL WIND~ほほえみは光る風の中~美郷あき美郷あき西脇唯西脇唯・緒里原洋子澤野弘之まるで悲しみのかけらだわ 街をとざす ガラス色の雪 明日を探す瞳さえも くもらせてゆくの 闇のかなた  見知らぬ力に流されて 心がどこかへはぐれてく はりさけそうな胸の奥で 鼓動だけが たしかに生きている  光る風の中 聞こえてくる あなたの声 「Pray don't break a peace forever」その輝きを信じてる  青くけむる水平線を この目はまだ おぼえているから まぶたを閉じれば帰れるの 暖かな時間…… 思い出たち……  くりかえすあやまちがいつも おろかな生き物に変えてく 傷つくだけの生き方でも 涙はそうよ 決して見せないわ  光る風の中 ほほえんでる あなたがいる 「Pray don't break a peace forever」 そのまぶしさを見つめてる  はげしい痛みは誰のため? それがやっと わかる気がするわ めぐりあいはそう奇跡なの 幾億の星が さまよう宇宙(そら)  さよならが教えてくれたの あなたの本当のやさしさ 誰よりも大事な人だと 胸をはって言えるわ いつの日も  光る風の中 ほほえんでる あなたがいる 「Pray don't break a peace forever」そのまぶしさを見つめてる 「Pray don't break a peace forever」熱い瞳に やきつけて
鼓動秋川雅史秋川雅史馬場俊英馬場俊英澤野弘之途切れた時を 途切れた夢を 途切れた空を 繋いで行け 風にまかせた 永遠の詩が いつか君に届いて欲しい  夜が朝に出会い 海は空に出会う 鳥も花もいつか やがて 土に還るけれど  ふるさとのない風は どこまでも吹き抜ける たどり着く場所も知らずに 旅をつづけている  途切れた愛を 途切れた歌を 途切れた声を 繋いで行け 空に預けた 永遠の詩が いつか君に届いて欲しい  交わるはずのない 物語が出会い 聴こえるはずのない 想いが届くとき  幾千の時を超え 闇を照らす光は ずっと前に死んだはずの 星の輝きなのか  途切れた時を 途切れた夢を 途切れた空を 繋いで行け 風にまかせた 永遠の詩が いつか君に届いて欲しい  生まれ変わるのではなく 想いは永遠の風の中で 走り続ける 光り続ける 叫び続ける 命の旅はつづく  敗れた者も はぐれた日々も 小さな鼓動 繋いでいる たとえ叶わぬ 愛の詩も いつか君に聴こえて欲しい  途切れた愛を 途切れた歌を 途切れた声を 繋いで行け 空に預けた 永遠の詩を いつか君に見つけて欲しい
長崎の鐘秋川雅史秋川雅史サトウハチロー古関裕而澤野弘之こよなく晴れた 青空を 悲しと思う せつなさよ うねりの波の 人の世に はかなく生きる 野の花よ なぐさめ はげまし 長崎の あゝ 長崎の 鐘が鳴る  召されて妻は 天国へ 別れてひとり 旅立ちぬ かたみに残る ロザリオの 鎖に白き わが涙 なぐさめ はげまし 長崎の あゝ 長崎の 鐘が鳴る  こころの罪を うちあけて 更けゆく夜の 月すみぬ 貧しき家の 柱にも 気高く白き マリア様 なぐさめ はげまし 長崎の あゝ 長崎の 鐘が鳴る
Wish小松優一小松優一小松優一小松優一澤野弘之目を閉じれば 瞼の裏に君がいる 青の匂いも 打ち寄せる波に揺れる花も 瞬きするよりも早く 僕らの時が 過ぎてゆくことを 満ち欠け繰り返す 白い月が物語ってる  風に吹かれた雲が 気付かぬうちに 夜に溶けて消えた 例え目に見えなくても 幸せな日々は 色褪せず僕の中で  いつでも胸に抱いて 忘れること 無いように 君の手離さないよ 優しさが灯る この夜空の下で  2人で歩いたこの道 終わりの無い上り坂 僕が先に行くから 君は後ろ着いてくればいい  月明かり照らされて 暗闇を包む 静かな淡い光 例え目に見えなくても 繋いだ心で これからも抱きしめていたい  いつでも君を抱いて この想いが届くように 君の手離さないよ 約束しようよ この夜空の下で  大切な人程遠く離れて 会いたいと思う時にはもう遅くて あんなに愛求めたのに 今はもっと愛せば良かったと思う 会いたい  いつでも胸に抱いて 忘れること無いように 目を閉じて夢の中で 君と会おう 夜が明けるまで
Together小松優一小松優一小松優一小松優一澤野弘之見上げてごらん 地平線の彼方まで 水色に染まる空 明日まで続いてる 僕のこの想いも 耳澄ませば 波の音に誘われて 寄せては返す時間(とき) このままずっと傍で 寄り添っていれる気がした  『いつまで経っても変わらない』君は僕に言う 広がるこの風景の事か それとも僕らの想いかな  同じ明日を描いて 同じ空を見上げて 同じ風にあたって 君と夢を見てた そっと体預けて ゆっくり目をつぶって 今は僕の胸の中で眠っていて これからもずっと  大きな雲の 日傘の下から見る オレンジが空を染めた 静かに優しく染み込む君みたいだ  『いつまで経っても変わらない』僕が君に言う 君と作った思い出と それから僕の想い  共に明日を生きよう 君の横で僕が 同じ風に吹かれながら 思い出増やそう 君を迎えに行くよ どんな遠く離れても 夕陽暮れて夜になっても 星頼って 会いに行くよ  笑顔に寂しさを滲ませて ずっと傍にいたいと言った君 頬を伝う一粒もすくえず 君との明日を見れなくなったあの時  これからは  君と明日を描いて 君を傍に感じて 悲しみも乗り越えて 夢を叶えよう いつも僕が傍にいて 変わらない空見上げて 君は僕の胸の中で このまま眠っていて
Another sky赤月知佳(鈴村健一)赤月知佳(鈴村健一)MIZUE澤野弘之澤野弘之遙かな記憶の残像は果敢なく 浅い眠りから目覚めぬ胸に溶ける  季節が葬送(みおく)る 幻想は眩しく 満ちる風に舞い 巡り続ける誓い  No body knows my another sky  溢れ出すこの衝動 もう誰にも止められない 閉ざされた心を彷徨う 歪みに翳る太陽 果てない空へ Fly away  失くした世界で真実が瞬き 名もなき星には鮮やかな詩(うた)が咲く  Somebody loves you under the sky  降り注ぐ希望の雨 永久に枯れない愛 モノクロの虹に捧ぐ夢 光射す現実(ばしょ)まで 願いと共に Find the way  溢れ出すこの輝き もう二度と手放さない 曖昧な明日(あす)を追う軌跡 密かに掴む太陽 自由な空へ Fly away
Squall工藤慎太郎工藤慎太郎工藤慎太郎工藤慎太郎澤野弘之夜明けの道に一人 吐く息はまだ白く 後ろを振り返らないように ペースを上げ走った 吹き抜ける風 ざわめく街路樹 見上げた空から雫  突然の雨に戸惑い涙 溢れる思い出が止まらない 悲しみを抱きしめた熱い体を 音のない雨がただ包むだけ  車の中で二人 流れる雨を見てた 静けさを埋めてくれるように 小さく響くRadio 人波の中 遠ざかる影 うつむき呟く「サヨナラ」  降りしきる雨にこぼれる涙 二人が思い出に消えてゆく ありふれた一つの愛が世界の隅で 音のない雨にただ濡れるだけ  走らなくていいよ 立ち止まればいい 過ぎてゆく過去を そっと見送ればいい  穏やかな風 凛と咲いた花 雲の切れ間から光  晴れ渡る空に乾いた涙 優しい思い出に変わるまで 悲しみを抱きしめた熱い体を やわらかい風がただ包むだけ
空白の月工藤慎太郎工藤慎太郎工藤慎太郎工藤慎太郎澤野弘之ひざを抱えたままの 誰もいない部屋 バスタブに浮かべられた 月が泣いてる カーテンの手招きに夜を急いでは 曇りガラスなぞるようにピアノが響く 何もしたくない 何も見たくない 何もほしくない 今夜は 空白の海へ漕ぎ出すのならば 俺はどんな夜明けにさまよう  無口なテレビの中で息をひそめては テールランプが揺れる 動けなくなる 「夢を見ているだけさ」 つぶやいてみても この手のひらにこびりついた影は消えない 何もしたくない 何も見たくない 何もほしくない 今夜は 空白の海で溺れるのならば 俺はどんな夜明けに漂う  行方も知らないまま どこへ行くのかい どこへ行くのかい 波のはざまでとまどうように 答えもないまま行くのかい  何もしたくない 何も見たくない 何もほしくない 今夜は 空白の海へ漕ぎ出すのならば 俺はどんな夜明けにさまよう
Don't love me★baby芝玲一朗(諏訪部順一)芝玲一朗(諏訪部順一)MIZUE澤野弘之澤野弘之Don't love me, baby! すべて戯れ むしろスリルを楽しもう 刺激的なキミが欲しい Falling with me アマいヤバい禁断の果実(み)  変わり映えしない Everyday 脱ぎ捨ててしまえばいい 死んでるような気分も 生きた心地もつまんないじゃない  Like a spider ひらり舞う好奇心を 見逃さない  Don't love me, baby! すべて戯れ むしろスリルを楽しもう 刺激的なキミが欲しい Falling with me アマいヤバい禁断の果実(み)  ゾクゾクさせてよ Anyway 退屈で仕方ない 悪いコトも試さなきゃ 快楽のピースは埋まらないさ  You know desire くだらない境界線(ボーダーライン) どうでもいい  Don't love me, baby! 時は気まぐれ もっとギラギラ楽しもう 楽園を追われるように Falling angel かなりヤバい夢をみよう  Like a spider ひらり舞う好奇心を 見逃さない  Don't love me, baby! すべて戯れ むしろスリルを楽しもう 刺激的なキミが欲しい Falling with me アマいヤバい禁断の果実(み)
Solitary Serenade関山藍果関山藍果MAIS澤野弘之澤野弘之When I see your perfect smile My heart will cry My broken heart will hide itself in the shadow In this solitary space Seems like floating in To the darkest night  Reachin'for the stars Talkin'to the moon With that bravery When I look up to the sky And then will pass away Just the smae way  Hold my love again Wishing on a night for ever And then, and then again I will be myself to find a way Hold my love again Praying for my dream for evermore And then, someday again I will get through the night  All the things unsaid All the things undone Lock me in this place Never let me see the truth And then will hide away Just the same way  Hold my love again Wishing on a night for ever And then, and then again I will be myself to find a way Hold my love again Praying for my dream for evermore And then, someday again I will get through the night
声をなくしても工藤慎太郎工藤慎太郎工藤慎太郎工藤慎太郎澤野弘之もしも僕が声をなくしても この手でこの目で君を歌うだろう 言葉で抱きしめられなくなっても 心で愛を…  冷たい雨が降りしきる道 黙って傘をさしだした君  どんな時にだって 振り返ると笑って いつも側にいてくれるよね  もしも僕が声をなくしても この手でこの目で君を歌うだろう 言葉で抱きしめられなくなっても 心で愛を叫ぶだろう  冷たい風が吹き抜ける道 小さな花をさしだした君  遠く離れたって 二度と会えなくたって いつも側に感じていたい  もしも僕が消えてしまっても 夜空で静かに君を照らすだろう 一人で歩いてゆけなくなっても 涙が愛を語るだろう  これが最後の場面でも 君とならかまわない  もしも僕が声をなくしても この手でこの目で君を歌うだろう 言葉で抱きしめられなくなっても 心で この心で 心で愛を叫ぶだろう
AestheticGOLD LYLIC関山藍果GOLD LYLIC関山藍果今井麻紀子澤野弘之澤野弘之Longing for you day and in dream I'm hoping you are here and leading my way You steers my road anytime I need If you walk away, I will follow you  Trying my life With your sacred gifts you gave to me I won't vain and succeed it as your precious soul Holding your hand And I'm walking through the all of the world Carrying your wish like the Venus in the dim sky
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  2. 愛の讃歌
  3. ファタール
  4. I wonder
  5. ドリーミー・ドリーマー



  1. Sharon
  2. うらみつらみきわみ
  3. Get Back To 人生
  4. B-Side Blues
  5. 絶対アイドル辞めないで

