Take Your Step

Take Your Step
いつでも届くと信じていた理想の壁 現実に飲み込まれ
個性という盾を振りかざし 惰性の日々達に理由を付け虚勢を張る

Take Your Step

背広の群れに背を向け歩き続け やり場の無い自分に目を背け
一筋の光握りしめ 足枷の鍵を今もまだ探し続けてる

Show out your mind, blow up your mind
Sweep out your mind, trust in your mind

声を出せ 曝け出せ 闘う場所は先だろ
恥をかけ 胸をはれ 答えが先で待ってる

TODOKE The word made my world full of hope
TODOKE My small step but one giant leap
TODOKE We all have a chance to make your clearance

Show out your mind, and blow up your mind
What makes you stuck in the stage now you are
Sweep out your mind, just trust in your mind
Now make your choice, the gage will be gone