cubic futurismo...

The innovative preference,
It's logical conclusion.
A self-contained ideal.
Femme Fatale whom you draw.

Two- dimensional thinking,
I wanna intervene on that axis.
I would like to be appreciated.
I wanna change perspective.

You & I, Crossing rhythm,
It's a Cubo-Futurism
Metaphysical Symbol,
Surreal event,

Cubism is multiple memories.
Paradoxical Suprematism.
This expressive style has a problem,
We call it“ART!”Any Dimension.
Fauvism is visual melodys.
The color I want to know,“avant-garde”
Moment of the shining impression,
We call it“ART!”

Unity-oriented pattern.
What do you make repeatedly?
Line up the unusual vision,
And let's start the exhibition.

Meaning & Shape.
Radiation line.
Abstract mixed concrete.
Handmade Muse, Minimal feel,
Conceptually eternal loop.

Cubism is multiple memories.
Paradoxical Suprematism.
This expressive style has a problem,
We call it“ART!”Any Dimension.
Fauvism is visual melodys.
The color I want to know,“avant-garde”
Moment of the shining impression,
We call it“ART!”

Sense of preference,
Incomprehensible reference
This fantasy is out of
category of Romanticism.
It's a separating rnalisme...

Cubism is multiple memories.
Paradoxical Suprematism.
This expressive style has a problem,
We call it“ART!”Any Dimension.
Fauvism is visual melodys.
The color I want to know,“avant-garde”
Moment of the shining impression,
We call it“ART!”

cubic futurismo...

There is no future in a world without love.
We must save emotion of the heart beat,
and let's showcase it at the museum.