I know what's been on your mind.
You are here in your mold.
Be honest with your feelings.
You can tell me the truth.

So take me to your heart.
Just, love will set you free.
I need you to stay close by.
You were born to be mine.

I'm gonna give you all of my love.

You could be mine. Don't run away.
I'm totally into you.
You could be mine. Don't run away.
I'm crazy about you.

Nobody matters like you.
Now I just wanna know.
Turn your face.
You could be mine!

夢に堕ちる前に まぶたに映る
まぶしいその笑顔が 胸を突き刺す
なんどもこの手を 伸ばしてみても
蜃気楼のように ただ消え失せ

ああお前はまた この腕すりぬけ
女神のように笑い 消えゆくのか

願えば願うほど 遠のいてく
全てをささげると 誓おうとも
手に入れたいのさ お前のハート
受け取れ 叫びを

Just wanna hug you tight.
You have to hear me out.
Make love all night.

You could be mine. Don't run away.
I'm totally into you.
その瞳 俺だけを 見つめていろ

願えば願うほど 遠のいても
You could be mine. Don't run away.
I'm crazy about you.
手に入れたいのさ お前のハート
Turn your face.
You could be mine!


