Don't Think Twice (It's not over)

笑えない人の 彼岸に到達した
自己中心性は 病に等しい
家族の写真が 思えばほとんどなかった
未来永劫 天涯孤独な 予定はない

Don't think twice, It's not over
Don't think twice, It's not over
Don't be scared

記号になることは 諦めじゃなくて十字架
仮想現実的 自由の先に発狂してる

Don't think twice, It's not over
Don't think twice, It's not over
Don't be scared

そうやって みんな往なされ
脳神経回路 乱され
選び取ったもの 多分 それが正解だ

Don't think twice, It's not over
Don't think twice, It's not over
独身で It's not over
孤独死で It's not over

Don't be scared