Joell Jacob - Actor - Vanishing Veins Commercial

Calling my Girlfriend by her moms name 😆 #shorts

what I actually eat in a week in san francisco (wine tasting, bay area eats, date night) | Joelle

MORNING YOGA - 10 min Beginner Stretch to Shake Off the Cobwebs! 🕸

Sonosite and Dr. John Christian Fox & Joelle Schlang - The Role of Ultrasound in Medical Education.

THE BEST CORE ROUTINE🔥... #coreworkout #absworkout #gymworkout

you’re so vain - carly simon (short cover) #shorts

getting yassified in seoul (personal color, perm) and eating everything | korea diaries

Yoga for Period Cramps - 10 min Relief from Menstrual Pain, Aches & PMS

Yoga for Varicose Veins l Archie's Yoga

first week as a tasty producer (buzzfeed offices, wfh, my new routine) | digital diaries