The water is wide, I can't cross over
And neither have I wings to fly
Give me a boat that can carry two
And both shall row, my love and I
Oh, love is gentle and love is kind
The sweetest flower when first it's new
But love grows old and waxes cold
And fades away like morning dew
There is a ship and she sails the sea
She's loaded deep as deep can be
But not as deep as the love I'm in
I know not how I sink or swim
The water is wide, I can't cross over
And neither have I wings to fly
Give me a boat that can carry two
And both shall row, my love and I
And both shall row, my love and I
And neither have I wings to fly
Give me a boat that can carry two
And both shall row, my love and I
Oh, love is gentle and love is kind
The sweetest flower when first it's new
But love grows old and waxes cold
And fades away like morning dew
There is a ship and she sails the sea
She's loaded deep as deep can be
But not as deep as the love I'm in
I know not how I sink or swim
The water is wide, I can't cross over
And neither have I wings to fly
Give me a boat that can carry two
And both shall row, my love and I
And both shall row, my love and I
- In Your Own Way / WONK
- セパタクローの奥義 / 柴田聡子
- Rosemary Story / 千葉紗子
- PASTEL B☆X / 羽瀬川小鳩(花澤香菜)
- 箱根の山 / 森繁久彌
- 恋愛方程式 / 岡本玲
- フンコロガシは、忙しい。 / 伊武雅刀
- 夢色ダイアリー / 夢色ダイアリー
- Crying / 辛島美登里
- 縁歌の旅路 / 桐山純一
- アルジャーノンに花束を~Song of Bernadette / 平原綾香
- おどるポンポコリン / ゴールデンボンバー
- リビングアイズヒーロー / FRAME
- Hi There / The Ravens
- つかのまの虹でも / May J.
- dolce / ウィーン・マルガレーテ(結那)
- ラブレター / 世良公則
- え?あぁ、そう。 / じゃっく
- だぶるぴーす / 宮本佳那子
- 屍を越えてゆけ / AAAMYYY
- TRUE / 下川みくに
- ウイスキーが、お好きでしょ / 浜崎貴司
- 夢を死なせるわけにいかない / AKB48
- Jet & Engine / ABNORMAL GALA
- 君を許す / 沢田研二
- 10 Years Love Story / T-BOLAN
- 白夜 / ビッケブランカ
- 愛染橋 / 竹山逸郎・平野愛子
- Seasons / 赤西仁