Ok, ladies and gentleman
are you ready for the show?
let me introduce briefly
perfectionist picky guy
every moment sleeping girl
green-eyed boy and special guests are coming here
useless android
short living angel
every time hungry dog
show will go on with these casts
they are all so unique and good hearted
now sit back relax and please enjoy
three humans, a machine, bird and pet
this is story of simple meeting parting
don't stop before not eating
try now, won't you ruminate?
ladies and gentleman
ready for the show?
let me introduce briefly
delicate picky guy
everywhere sleeping girl
green-eyed boy and special guests are coming here
useless android
short living angel
every time hungry dog
do you know how the right way
how to turn the earth round
are you ready for the show?
let me introduce briefly
perfectionist picky guy
every moment sleeping girl
green-eyed boy and special guests are coming here
useless android
short living angel
every time hungry dog
show will go on with these casts
they are all so unique and good hearted
now sit back relax and please enjoy
three humans, a machine, bird and pet
this is story of simple meeting parting
don't stop before not eating
try now, won't you ruminate?
ladies and gentleman
ready for the show?
let me introduce briefly
delicate picky guy
everywhere sleeping girl
green-eyed boy and special guests are coming here
useless android
short living angel
every time hungry dog
do you know how the right way
how to turn the earth round
- Golden green / UA
- もう最後のKISS / 松田博幸
- 木のうた / 松崎ナオ
- Believe in Stars / Sirius
- 御蔵島唄 / 弦哲也
- Deep Down / シェルシュ(福島亜美)
- きっとこの手にVICTORY!! / 紫村果音(白石晴香)
- Face To Face / Row-Za
- シャンシャンオーシャン波の上 / 楠トシエ
- ひとひらの恋 / 田村ゆかり
- 天井裏から愛を込めて feat.杉本恭一 / 水戸華之介&GOLDEN FELLOWS
- 拝啓、頭蓋の中に眠る君へ / 遣ノ雨
- You Gotta be / JAMOSA feat. LISA
- キンモクセイ / AiRI
- 流れ作業でテイクオフ / かぶき町合唱団
- 夜間飛行 / Shout it Out
- 毒ひよこ / 石井竜也
- 気分のせいさ / 空気公団
- Mercy, Mercy, Mercy / Shogo Hamada & The J.S. Inspirations
- 潮来花嫁さん / 花村菊江
- はなとゆめ / オワリカラ
- 僕らの祈り / THE GOOD-BYE
- 君がいいねした / MINA
- Living The Dream / 七尾太一(濱健人)
- Smile / 矢野顕子&平井堅
- たからもの / 東真紀
- Requiem / Alternation of Generations
- KISHIMU想い / 山根康広
- さよなら / 國府田マリ子