腕伸ばして 足浮かせて 声上げてみろよ
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the emotion
Everybody, Go! Are you ready for the action? Action!
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the explosion
Everybody, shout! Guaranteed Satisfaction!
How are you?
どこまでも 連れてくけど
それでいいの? まだ行けるでしょ?
イイ顔見して 笑って さあ、悔いのない人生を
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the emotion
Everybody, Go! Are you ready for the action? Action!
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the explosion
Everybody, shout! Guaranteed Satisfaction!
How are you?
またと無いこの日を この瞬間を
今刻んで 笑って さぁ、声上げてみろよ…
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the emotion
Everybody, Go! Are you ready for the action? Action!
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the explosion
Everybody, shout! Guaranteed Satisfaction!
How are you?
腕伸ばして 足浮かせて 声上げてみろよ
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the emotion
Everybody, Go! Are you ready for the action? Action!
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the explosion
Everybody, shout! Guaranteed Satisfaction!
How are you?
どこまでも 連れてくけど
それでいいの? まだ行けるでしょ?
イイ顔見して 笑って さあ、悔いのない人生を
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the emotion
Everybody, Go! Are you ready for the action? Action!
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the explosion
Everybody, shout! Guaranteed Satisfaction!
How are you?
またと無いこの日を この瞬間を
今刻んで 笑って さぁ、声上げてみろよ…
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the emotion
Everybody, Go! Are you ready for the action? Action!
You are only lucky witness of the show
Nobody's gonna stop the explosion
Everybody, shout! Guaranteed Satisfaction!
How are you?
- SHaVaDaVa in AMAZING♪ / ユイレヴィ
- LOVE COMES QUICKLY ~霧の都の異邦人~ / 石川秀美
- SUICIDE~想い出なんて…~ / ZI÷KILL
- Full Moon Tomorrow / 矢野顕子
- Seize the day!! / PassCode
- エスペーロ / 牧野由依
- Calling / WEST.
- お菓子つくっておっかすぃ~! / ミニモニ。
- はっぴぃ・どろっぷす / 深海奏汰(西山宏太朗)
- のどかとウララカ / ヒデとロザンナ
- NOSTALGIA / 時任三郎
- めっちゃFUNK / たこやきレインボー
- 冬の恋歌 / 瀬口侑希
- ひげの兵隊さん / 美ち奴
- Process / 奥井雅美
- PEARL-WHITE EVE / 如月千早(今井麻美)
- 小さな星の小さな旅人 / 唄人羽
- the WALL / Leo/need
- イマジナリーフレンド / 花譜
- SWEET HEART / 原田真二
- 風 / ユニコーン
- @ the same time / nobodyknows+
- How Much?? / SKY-HI
- タックル!ターボラガー / 石原慎一
- #おじさんのいる生活б(^_^;) / Su凸ko D凹koi
- 行く春来る春 / ももいろクローバーZ
- ホストシャッフル / 町田康 + 北澤組
- 泣き砂 海風 / 城之内早苗