Scream Hard as You Can
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
作詞:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
作曲:Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
from the dark!
“It's not this and it's not that...”
Mumbling the same phrases over and over
Can't make the right decision
Feels like you've been thrown somewhere on your own
suddenly, in middle of no where with no others to talk
or (to) rely on
Nostalgic memories entwines you like a vine
Stabs you with thorns
You carry so much pain inside
Why do you act to be strong?
You bluff and say you are okay
Wicked smile proves you aren't
Don't you be crying because sad face does not suit you
All I want is you
Please keep smiling
Sun shine gradually fades away and clouds the answer
Stay strong
Formulas and equations is no longer there
Decisions are up to you
Examine really carefully
See what's there
Look what is there
How does it reflect on to the mirror?
Do not face away from reality
Scrutinize from the whorl of your hair right to the
tip of your toe
What do you notice inside?
Can you see?
Yourself crying and your wounded heart
On and on tragedy happens
It is one of the routines we go through
Do get used to heart breaking news because it's
something that isn't necessary
Drops of tears are the shape of your pain which
cannot be express by words
It's the only tangible object that let people recognize
your wounds
Don't be afraid to cry or weep anytime you want to
Scars will heal someday
I will be waiting for you
You will be alright and rise up again
Clouds that have blocked the light will vanish away
and sun light will shine
Have confidence in all your decisions
The more you cry, the stronger you'll be
Let the time heal all your scars
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegasの人気歌詞ランキング
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegasの新着歌詞
- 僕だけの歌 / GRANRODEO
- CODA / the GazettE
- Mammy Mammy / SANABAGUN.
- たとえ世界が真っ白になっても / MAY'S
- Lose My Illusions / May'n
- 僕らの証 / CROWN POP
- 眠らない夜 / SAY・S
- エキスパンダー / ベリーグッドマン
- SPARKLE / 大黒摩季
- 散歩しよ。 / 山口智充
- 君は運命の人 / 白石うらん
- 熱き心に / 戸子台ふみや
- 歓びと哀しみの葡萄酒 / Sound Horizon
- 出逢えた奇跡 feat. LGYankees / aagna
- 艶歌師 / 香田晋
- ガッポリ節 / トニー谷
- Unreturnable / HIYADAM
- 獣道 兵が踊る / Lucky Kilimanjaro
- We are Winner! / アップアップガールズ(2)
- Backstreet Runners II / a flood of circle
- 光であれ / ニコラス・エドワーズ
- 主役になれない主役 / スクールアイドルミュージカル
- Tomodachi / 松田聖子
- everywhere / paris match
- 酒月夜 / 氷川きよし
- 東京恋愛専科・または恋は言ってみりゃボディー・ブロー / 小沢健二
- Give me... / 北山宏光(Kis-My-Ft2)
- ZUTTO ZUuTTO / 天方直実