作曲:Tom Diekmeier・Junior H Johansson
編曲:Tom Diekmeier
Feel like someone's controlling me
My treasure and even my fateful encounter
I hate myself getting suspicious
Because of your expected kindness into this rusty world
“There is smoke without fire here”
Every small story is colored into a dramatic drama
Are you ready? P.P.R.Z
I'm readyさぁ始めようか I gotta go to the next stage
Watch me Watching you 君らじゃUnbreakable
What the hell is justice? What the hell is guilty?
Do you have the right to break it all up? Black or white
もうUnstoppable So unbreakable
But if you have the liberty Where is mine? Black or white
I'm not gonna hide or run away We are ready
つけようかBlack or white
Hey, Mr. Hypocrite! What do you want from me?
What can I believe? What can I love? You can't love anything
No one will ever believe you You can't take anything away from me
Because I have everyone on my side Cuz I have someone who loves me
It's my turn now
I'll sing this song for you-with all of my love
For the poor creatures You can find everything you've lost
Are you ready? P.P.R.Z
I'm readyさぁ始めようか I gotta go to the next stage
Watch me Watching you 君らじゃUnbreakable
What the hell is justice? What the hell is guilty?
Do you have the right to break it all up? Black or white
もうUnstoppable So unbreakable
But if you have the liberty Where is mine? Black or white
I'm not gonna hide or run away We are ready
つけようかBlack or white
形あるモノはNever Foreverって言うならMy heart
そこにあるLove chain and songはNobody takes Nobody breaks
I will hold onto that
I'm readyさぁ始めようか I gotta go to the next stage
Watch me Watching you 君らじゃUnbreakable
What the hell is justice? What the hell is guilty?
Do you have the right to break it all up? Black or white
もうUnstoppable So unbreakable
But if you have the liberty Where is mine? Black or white
I'm not gonna hide or run away We are ready
つけようかBlack or white
- 朱ノ歌 / Dannie May
- 君の街まで / 上野優華
- 帰りたくなったよ / 上白石萌音
- サマーフラッグ! / 辻詩音
- insane / クロスノエシス
- 神集め / UVERworld
- カナエタマエ / 一之瀬花名(近藤玲奈)、百地たまて(伊藤彩沙)
- 晩夏 / 鳥羽一郎
- 三日月 / Aimer
- ラビリンス / さかいゆう
- Aitai / 清水翔太
- 女子大生怪盗キキの災難 / 石風呂
- Never Give Up / 長渕剛
- 夜はブルース / 高田恭子
- 週替わりの奇跡の神話 / 筋肉少女帯
- 鍵 / 浅丘ルリ子
- どんどこ男 / 藤井フミヤ
- プラチナ / 丹下桜
- 鼓動 / ET-KING
- RIGHT ON! / 渚のオールスターズ
- TRUST ME / Spiral Life
- Make you mine / w-inds.
- HENSHIN / 吉田山田
- ビューティフル / ホタルライトヒルズバンド
- サマージャム2020 / スチャダラパーとEGO-WRAPPIN'
- 蜃気楼 / えちうら
- Teddy / DIV
- ロミオとジュリエット / 平原綾香
- なんでもグーチョキパ― / ロケットくれよん