no matter if you are robbed away instead of money at the bank
no matter if your tum gets upset by eating marriage ring
no matter if your fiance sleeps at the very precious moment
no matter if there's a time machine or whether there is not
and yet, it moves
on with me here
without me here
no matter if your dearest one never came at promised time
no matter if you are forced to make brain racking choice
no matter if you go out of body thought it must be a sour note
no matter if you lonesomely raise your hands to sky
somewhere again a boy chases a girl
and so the earth will keep on turning round
we're all a clown on a ball after all
if you are the one who roll on someone's palm
you'd better roll it on your tongue
no matter if your tum gets upset by eating marriage ring
no matter if your fiance sleeps at the very precious moment
no matter if there's a time machine or whether there is not
and yet, it moves
on with me here
without me here
no matter if your dearest one never came at promised time
no matter if you are forced to make brain racking choice
no matter if you go out of body thought it must be a sour note
no matter if you lonesomely raise your hands to sky
somewhere again a boy chases a girl
and so the earth will keep on turning round
we're all a clown on a ball after all
if you are the one who roll on someone's palm
you'd better roll it on your tongue