I am sitting by the window
Here in the new place
Watching the children climbing on the trees
Next to the park
There is a newly built house
It's still under construction
covered with nets
First day I visited here
It was so bright a day
End of the fall to winter
I really liked it here
Around here was enveloped in a new house's echo
just like the greeting cry of a new-born baby
Hey, come on over! I'm staying here to work all day
Hey, come on over! The sky is so blue
It's just like a Russian's eyes
One day I see the light is on
in that new house
I can hear the laughing voices
as part of the sunset
I was longing to get out of my town
Flash-back is much faster than breathing
Hey, come on over! I'm staying here to work all day
Hey, come on over! The sky is so blue
It's just like a Russian's eyes
Hey, come on over darling! With you I wanna have dinner
Hey, come on over darling! With me laughing everything away
I'm sitting by the window
watching the new house
and kids are going back
and suddenly I notice the light turned on in my heart too
How can I explain this feeling?
It seems like you made me a home in my heart
I found a place in you for me
when you said
Here in the new place
Watching the children climbing on the trees
Next to the park
There is a newly built house
It's still under construction
covered with nets
First day I visited here
It was so bright a day
End of the fall to winter
I really liked it here
Around here was enveloped in a new house's echo
just like the greeting cry of a new-born baby
Hey, come on over! I'm staying here to work all day
Hey, come on over! The sky is so blue
It's just like a Russian's eyes
One day I see the light is on
in that new house
I can hear the laughing voices
as part of the sunset
I was longing to get out of my town
Flash-back is much faster than breathing
Hey, come on over! I'm staying here to work all day
Hey, come on over! The sky is so blue
It's just like a Russian's eyes
Hey, come on over darling! With you I wanna have dinner
Hey, come on over darling! With me laughing everything away
I'm sitting by the window
watching the new house
and kids are going back
and suddenly I notice the light turned on in my heart too
How can I explain this feeling?
It seems like you made me a home in my heart
I found a place in you for me
when you said
- 恋は白黒 / Bentham
- 空を見上げて / 河合その子
- トマト / 土居裕子
- Carry Forward / 浦島坂田船
- Off Love feat. AI / SPICY CHOCOLATE and SLY & ROBBIE
- Ain't Nobody There / 久保田利伸
- オレンジ通り5番街(振り向いてアベニュー) / 河合奈保子
- 明日は晴れるさ / 森重樹一
- 太陽のひと:あびこめぐみ / かりゆし58
- Get ready!! / JUN
- アポロンの青銅器 / あがた森魚&はちみつぱい
- 素直になれなくて / 島田歌穂
- セツナの愛 / GRANRODEO
- 電(いなづま) / 堂本剛
- 夜曲~ノクターン~ / DANCE EARTH PARTY
- わからない男 / 椎名へきる
- つぼみ / Aqua Timez
- すてきな人だから / 時任三郎
- Night Flame / J
- Like a super woman / 寿美菜子
- Anytime smokin' cigarette / hitomi
- Everybody needs a smile / 矢井田瞳
- ステュワートさん / かららん
- 愛をさがしている / KANAKO
- サカサラブ / #ジューロック
- 素敵な、あの人。 / ゲントウキ
- Angel or Devil!? / Lc5
- 四季と歌 / Original Love
- 感情 / V.W.P