One day I woke up to sounds so strange to me
Something it seems was lying on my bed
Oh! such a strange sight
so smooth to touch so white so much
Such great caparsity
It was nothing but an EGG
I have two eyeballs in my head (so familiar)
I have two lungs in my chest (so familiar)
I have two arms and two legs (so familiar)
But I've never known such an unreasonable EGG
Surely I've never seen such an unreasonable EGG
The doctor comes and says try to understand
The pastor comes and says confess your sins to us
The teacher comes and says let's be calm
Someone like thinking
Someone likes to know it
But sure all are confused
I have a brain in my head (usuality)
I have a liver in my belly (usuality)
I have a mouth in my face (usuality)
But I've never known such an unreasonable EGG
Surely I've never seen such an unreasonable EGG
We have the knowledge of all (unreality)
We have the common sense of all (unreality)
We have the wisdom, but it is (unreality)
One day I woke up to sounds so strange to me
Something it seems was lying on my bed
So white so big
Unreasonable EGG!
Unreasonable EGG!
Something it seems was lying on my bed
Oh! such a strange sight
so smooth to touch so white so much
Such great caparsity
It was nothing but an EGG
I have two eyeballs in my head (so familiar)
I have two lungs in my chest (so familiar)
I have two arms and two legs (so familiar)
But I've never known such an unreasonable EGG
Surely I've never seen such an unreasonable EGG
The doctor comes and says try to understand
The pastor comes and says confess your sins to us
The teacher comes and says let's be calm
Someone like thinking
Someone likes to know it
But sure all are confused
I have a brain in my head (usuality)
I have a liver in my belly (usuality)
I have a mouth in my face (usuality)
But I've never known such an unreasonable EGG
Surely I've never seen such an unreasonable EGG
We have the knowledge of all (unreality)
We have the common sense of all (unreality)
We have the wisdom, but it is (unreality)
One day I woke up to sounds so strange to me
Something it seems was lying on my bed
So white so big
Unreasonable EGG!
Unreasonable EGG!
- ホテルサンセット / 内田あかり
- IN FUTURE!! / ゆーたくII(小野友樹・江口拓也)
- 夜行性らびりんす / 奏兎める
- 僕だけが失敗作みたいで / 神はサイコロを振らない
- MERMAID / 竹渕慶
- yellow boost / FINLANDS
- Stars / BAEKHYUN
- 日常賛歌~This Place~ / ルーシィ(平野綾)
- I'm So Crazy! / TOKYO No.1 SOUL SET
- 記憶にございません / YAMA-KAN
- Clover / Devil ANTHEM.
- RY feat. Jinmenusagi / 電波少女
- つるつるの壷 / INU
- メダルあげます / 坂田おさむ、坂田めぐみ
- しあわせどんぐり / 藍坊主
- Running Forward / ReN
- コナン / 夜のストレンジャーズ
- 回転木馬 / 石井好子・東京少年少女合唱隊
- One Last Time / UVERworld
- sweet snow / 遊佐未森
- そして君と恋をする from ララ / ララ・サタリン・デビルーク(戸松遥)
- だいきらいダイナソー / 西山晃世
- Dream for 2 / 具島直子
- Don't Cry!! with JOE INOUE / TOTALFAT
- 童神(天の子守歌) / 古謝美佐子
- High And Loud / livetune adding 三森すずこ
- ペリカン / There There Theres
- 希望のタンゴ / 山本和恵