Do you know how I feel when I was waiting for you?
Lots of things happened while you were hiding in your world
Did you peek?
The normal early afternoon
Suddenly, rang my iPhone
You've not changed anything since a long time ago
Frozen time is melting
Frozen time started move on
Longing voice reach my ears
Candied pronunciation
This time isn't changed anything since a long time ago
Maybe it's me who changed
Maybe it's just only me who changed
No matter how much you regret the past, the wind direction never
I sing for you“Still awake” if your time is frozen next time again
The time of our life is still not over
The place we should move towards is our future
Don't go away anymore
Don't feel alone anymore
Will never make the same mistake again
Lots of things happened while you were hiding in your world
Did you peek?
The normal early afternoon
Suddenly, rang my iPhone
You've not changed anything since a long time ago
Frozen time is melting
Frozen time started move on
Longing voice reach my ears
Candied pronunciation
This time isn't changed anything since a long time ago
Maybe it's me who changed
Maybe it's just only me who changed
No matter how much you regret the past, the wind direction never
I sing for you“Still awake” if your time is frozen next time again
The time of our life is still not over
The place we should move towards is our future
Don't go away anymore
Don't feel alone anymore
Will never make the same mistake again
- Travelers / Aldious
- ショートカット / オオノシオリ
- 空白の春 / K:ream
- 僕たちのRun away / 桑田靖子
- ランナーズ・ハイ / RHYMESTER
- ダーティー / RHYMESTER
- ミルミル ~未来ミエル~ / magical2
- ガラパゴス / RHYMESTER
- This Y'all, That Y'all session with SCOOBIE DO / RHYMESTER
- Don't Think, Feel... / RHYMESTER
- Back & Forth / RHYMESTER
- My first lover / ZOLA
- Heart's Delivery / 薬師丸ひろ子
- 出もどり魔女 / 畑中葉子
- リスタートライン / 中嶋ユキノ
- ぼくたちもうすぐいちねんせい / ケロポンズ、藤本ともひこ、狭山台児童館合唱団
- Love and Dreams / 中嶋ユキノ
- ゴーゴー! おむつちゃん / ケロポンズ
- もっと愛していたら / サザンクロス
- ちょち ちょち ちょち / ケロポンズ
- 愛の詩 -words of love- / 千菅春香
- くちびるに薔薇の花を / チェウニ
- 口唇にSparking Love / 畑中葉子
- ずっとともだち / ケロポンズ、藤本ともひこ
- おばけだぞ / 藤本ともひこ
- sympathetic world / 佐咲紗花
- なぜ / ケロポンズ、狭山第二児童館合唱団
- ヘップバーンによろしく / 早見優
- All of you / 高橋みなみ(AKB48)
- Reflection / 瀬戸仁(木村良平)