I can't take this anymore
Look out, it's trying to drag us down
I can't stand this anymore
Sail out with nothing but my life
Watch out, count down to the ruin
It goes on raining to the ground
Break in with this sinking ship
Run through the trails into the sky
Stay and awake
Catch wind to find yourself
Further away
Break free from the fetters of the night
Stay and awake
Catch wind to find yourself
black fog that wander in the light
I can't take this anymore
look out, it's swallowing us down
I can't stand this anymore
There is just nothing left around
Watch out, count down to the ruin
There i was waiting to be found
Break in with this sinking ship
With eyes open sailing in the stream
Carry on, Till the end, Let yourself out
Make up your mind and leave it all behind
I will be waiting for you in the shadow
Look out, it's trying to drag us down
I can't stand this anymore
Sail out with nothing but my life
Watch out, count down to the ruin
It goes on raining to the ground
Break in with this sinking ship
Run through the trails into the sky
Stay and awake
Catch wind to find yourself
Further away
Break free from the fetters of the night
Stay and awake
Catch wind to find yourself
black fog that wander in the light
I can't take this anymore
look out, it's swallowing us down
I can't stand this anymore
There is just nothing left around
Watch out, count down to the ruin
There i was waiting to be found
Break in with this sinking ship
With eyes open sailing in the stream
Carry on, Till the end, Let yourself out
Make up your mind and leave it all behind
I will be waiting for you in the shadow
- 少年 / 橘慶太
- 男たちの純情歌 / 北川大介
- alive / YOSHIKA
- PEEKABOO / 吉川晃司
- ルナルナ / スピッツ
- 一生一度のロマンス / スパーク
- この良き日に / アグネス・チャン
- 無実の男 / ザ50回転ズ
- サナギの夜 / 河口恭吾
- 紅い蜃気楼 / 吉岡亜衣加
- 秋のホテル / 谷村新司
- I will never forget.~もうひとつの理由~ / YeLLOW Generation
- 海峡こえて / 上杉香緒里
- L/S / ケツメイシ
- 青春ワンウェイ / X-BORDER
- 悲しき雨音(Rhythm Of The Rain) / 五木ひろし
- バトってハニー / 松本素生(GOING UNDER GROUND)
- ヘンですコワイですっ / 朝比奈みくる(後藤邑子)
- 赤坂で別れて / 石原裕次郎&八代亜紀
- さよならの陽射し / MAY
- 嘆きノ森 / 彩音
- きのこの唄(未発表ヴァージョン) / きのこオールスターズ
- センチメンタル / ツバメスケッチ
- 明日の行方 / 浅田信一
- 雨 / 遊吟
- うわさのキョンシーたいそう / 木の内もえみ
- 一枚の写真 / 石田ひかり
- 黄昏のむこう側 / 北川大介