I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I'm so ready!! It's so exciting!!
少し不安震えてるわ fu fu fu fu
優しいKiss 夢の中へ fu fu fu
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I'm so ready!! It's so exciting!!
恐がらずに身を任せて fu fu fu fu
優しいKiss 夢の中へ fu fu fu
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
瞳を閉じあなたの胸 fu fu fu fu
優しいKiss 夢の中へ fu fu fu
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
You are the person of my fate.
I'm so ready!! It's so exciting!!
少し不安震えてるわ fu fu fu fu
優しいKiss 夢の中へ fu fu fu
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I'm so ready!! It's so exciting!!
恐がらずに身を任せて fu fu fu fu
優しいKiss 夢の中へ fu fu fu
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
瞳を閉じあなたの胸 fu fu fu fu
優しいKiss 夢の中へ fu fu fu
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
I am dreaming, dreaming of you!!
You are the person of my fate.
I am thinking, thinking of you!!
You are always in my heart.
- 蛍火挽歌(ニュー・ヴァージョン) / 五十川ゆき
- 霧の城 / 多岐川舞子
- 汚れた台所 / サザンオールスターズ
- 星の舞踏会 / じゅん&ネネ
- 月の帯 / 松前ひろ子
- Boyz & Girls / DUFF
- I Love You!! ~あなたの微笑みに~ / 松田聖子
- しあわせの瞬間 ~Happily Ever After~ / 松田聖子
- 5 ~O.K.D~ / DUFF
- アバウト / 夕凪機
- 心の中にパレードを / 音速ライン
- 染まったんだ ~初恋~ / SUPER JUNIOR-YESUNG
- Dahlia / 20th Century
- Open your heart ~ほら笑顔になるよ~ / 山本ともわ
- NO CONTROL / モノブライト
- おれんじ / Ran Feat. Kei Iwasaki
- メガロポリスの錯覚 / 伊勢正三
- 久しぶりのしょうがない奴だ / 伊勢正三
- 夏のイントロ / 福永恵規
- ひとりぼっちの部屋 / 矢口真里
- World of peace / 山本ともわ
- マスカレイド / yama
- Love Like The Sun / 高野健一
- かげぼうし / 薄蛍(花澤香菜)
- ドアーズ / 本棚のモヨコ
- 私のために 誰かのために / 乃木坂46
- タチアガール / アンジュルム
- Landmark / FES☆TIVE
- 泣くな男だろう / 吉幾三