Jha, this is the war. Why don't you know
I bet my life, just began
Now this is the word, show me a love.
Yo peace of dancer
Get check now .makes brains get smaller
Pray for we gona be a special freedom
push your fist in the big air
Yo we wont to get freedom
I ganna make me so happy day ya
Yo we wont to get freedom
Comeback strong with peace of dancer
Jha, this is the war. Why don't you know
I bet my life, just began
Now this is the word, show me a love.
I say yes hey god ride on now
Romance down, I get busy .callback.
Please let me know . you can get back.
Don't lose yourself. Day by day. Speak your mind.
You like fleak out,you can get back freedom.
One thing I can tell you, is you go to be free.
Yo we wont to get freedom
I ganna make me so happy day ya
Yo we wont to get freedom
Comeback strong with peace of dancer
Get check now .makes brains get smaller
Pray for we gonna be a special freedom
peace of dancer jump around
peace of dancer jump around
Yo we wont to get freedom
I ganna make me so happy day ya
Yo we wont to get freedom
Comeback strong with peace of dancer
I bet my life, just began
Now this is the word, show me a love.
Yo peace of dancer
Get check now .makes brains get smaller
Pray for we gona be a special freedom
push your fist in the big air
Yo we wont to get freedom
I ganna make me so happy day ya
Yo we wont to get freedom
Comeback strong with peace of dancer
Jha, this is the war. Why don't you know
I bet my life, just began
Now this is the word, show me a love.
I say yes hey god ride on now
Romance down, I get busy .callback.
Please let me know . you can get back.
Don't lose yourself. Day by day. Speak your mind.
You like fleak out,you can get back freedom.
One thing I can tell you, is you go to be free.
Yo we wont to get freedom
I ganna make me so happy day ya
Yo we wont to get freedom
Comeback strong with peace of dancer
Get check now .makes brains get smaller
Pray for we gonna be a special freedom
peace of dancer jump around
peace of dancer jump around
Yo we wont to get freedom
I ganna make me so happy day ya
Yo we wont to get freedom
Comeback strong with peace of dancer
- 本気なのに / 天童よしみ
- 愛が終わるまで / 蘭華
- still more ripple / 中村悠一 come across グラハム・エーカー
- 魔法の歌 / 図鑑
- 抱いてよ!PLEASE GO ON / 後藤真希
- 接吻 / クミコ
- Rainbow Christmas / Rainy。
- 炎と水 / 中島みゆき
- 炎神ウイニングラン-Type Formula- / Project.R(高橋秀幸、谷本貴義、SisterMAYO、高取ヒデアキ、五條真由美、YOFFY、岩崎貴文、IMAJO、大石憲一郎) with 炎神キッズ
- ほろよい / 辻詩音
- 真夜中の散歩道 / つじあやの
- くだらないこと / トンボコープ
- 残暑 / 果歩
- I'm in you (feat. 小林もも) / Idiot Pop, hajimepop
- 今はきかない / 小田和正
- 広いシーツにひとりきり / 古内東子
- (R'nR)ハロータウン / サクラメリーメン
- 東京ヨイトコ音頭2020 / 氷川きよし
- 悲劇受胎 / THE ALFEE
- 夢落葉 / 瀬川瑛子
- 泣いていいんだ / flumpool
- 男の花火 / 島津亜矢
- リモート / 野田あすか with FRIENDS
- Destination / レシオ(中村悠一)
- ハートブレイカー / THE HIGH-LOWS
- これからはじまるLOVEストーリー / 丹下桜
- オン・ザ・ステージ / 別所哲也&新妻聖子