Time for some fun
Let's start the trickster game
Are you ready?
It's show time
Let's get going
Ain't ot some fun
Taking a chance or even two?
There's no guideline for doing it your way
Let's just focus now
On what lies ahead
Time to get ready
Cuz we're taking over here
Come on, let's be honest, right?
You've been waiting for us 'til now
Here we are, and things are
Gonna get freaking hot and wild
So can you feel the Jazz?
Or the beautiful Ballet?
How about a Tango?
Or maybe some Rock'n'Roll
We'll bring it all to you
And guess what, you signed up for
Team A-W-E-S-O-M-E
Just say it, you don't need lame, pretty tunes
Send BORING back to nowhere
Come in for the whole deal, yeah
That's what rhythm's about
Time to reunite
There's so much more to see
Are you ready?
Quid est
We took over this stage
Right before you could even blink
And we came to stay
Hight risk, high return
We are the phantom
You have been chasin'
You can try'n catch us if you can, but
You won't
Get fired up, you wanna see
What's behind the mask, don't you?
Not like you didn't try before, haha!
Now what's your bet?
Follow the noise, come on
Follow the beat again
All your dear memories
Ready to flow with a new tune
Taking you back to where
Our adventure began
We did our waiting, but here we are
Telling you to JOIN OUR DANCE!
Don't tell me It's surprising
There still had to be more
This comeback was promised, yeah
Now pack your bags, darling
If you don't wanna end up left behind alone
It's about time to be a
Part of this show that's
Gonna change your world
Let's rock!
Let's start the trickster game
Are you ready?
It's show time
Let's get going
Ain't ot some fun
Taking a chance or even two?
There's no guideline for doing it your way
Let's just focus now
On what lies ahead
Time to get ready
Cuz we're taking over here
Come on, let's be honest, right?
You've been waiting for us 'til now
Here we are, and things are
Gonna get freaking hot and wild
So can you feel the Jazz?
Or the beautiful Ballet?
How about a Tango?
Or maybe some Rock'n'Roll
We'll bring it all to you
And guess what, you signed up for
Team A-W-E-S-O-M-E
Just say it, you don't need lame, pretty tunes
Send BORING back to nowhere
Come in for the whole deal, yeah
That's what rhythm's about
Time to reunite
There's so much more to see
Are you ready?
Quid est
We took over this stage
Right before you could even blink
And we came to stay
Hight risk, high return
We are the phantom
You have been chasin'
You can try'n catch us if you can, but
You won't
Get fired up, you wanna see
What's behind the mask, don't you?
Not like you didn't try before, haha!
Now what's your bet?
Follow the noise, come on
Follow the beat again
All your dear memories
Ready to flow with a new tune
Taking you back to where
Our adventure began
We did our waiting, but here we are
Telling you to JOIN OUR DANCE!
Don't tell me It's surprising
There still had to be more
This comeback was promised, yeah
Now pack your bags, darling
If you don't wanna end up left behind alone
It's about time to be a
Part of this show that's
Gonna change your world
Let's rock!
- マジカル☆チェンジ / マジカル☆どりーみん
- ever changing / シトリー(松岡禎丞)
- 望まぬ力と寂しい笑顔(聖詠) / セレナ・カデンツァヴナ・イヴ(堀江由衣)
- そっと深く眠れ / EARTHSHAKER
- 失恋カフェ / 坂本真綾
- 不機嫌なカプチーノ / TWEEDEES
- 危い土曜日 / C-android
- The Show / Travis Japan
- ファミリア / ラブリーサマーちゃん
- 憧憬 / 中森明菜
- 夕凪の橋 / 音速ライン
- 光のこども / 影山ヒロノブ
- Spiral / angela
- Infocus / Void_Chords feat.LIO
- 港町 涙町 別れ町 / 一条貫太
- おおきなクマのいえ / ももくろちゃんZ
- 100%男女交際 (VersionII) / 小泉今日子
- 地球をどんどん / こおろぎ'73・コロムビアゆりかご会
- 寒波襲来
/ 風男塾
- いつものようにLOVE&PEACE!! / 小鳥遊宗太(福山潤)・佐藤潤(小野大輔)・相馬博臣(神谷浩史)
- あなたのために… / INFIX
- 光と闇のミラージュ / 鈴木杏奈
- Fragrance / GACKT
- 花の色 / 渡辺典子
- Believe My Dice ~シトリー ソロver.~ / シトリー(松岡禎丞)
- ラプソディ・インブルー / ジョニー大倉
- 昨日までは / ジョニー大倉
- あいちゃく / マコトコンドウ
- 決意の朝 / May'n