You might be scared
But that's your strength
You must be tired
Hold on a sec
You feel disgraced?
And full of shame
You're half way there
Until the light
Lack of hope?
No way to cope?
Sorry to say
I believe in you
That loneliness
Is all you have?
But you know what?
It's not your fault
Someday we will talk all night
Of all that we've been through
No more tears no more sorrows
Only your brightest smile
Someday we will laugh all night
About our hardest times
Until then we'll hold our hands together, soft and tight
Together we'll move on
Now wipe your tears
You don't deserve
Will you show some smile?
Oh please, for me
Don't blame yourself
Don't hate yourself
You can be rude
You can be mean
I know you will
Be back in a while
To where we used to
Hang out a lot
I like who you are
I like who you are
I like who you are
I like who you are
Someday we will talk all night
Of all that we've been through
No more tears no more sorrows
Only your brightest smile
Someday we will laugh all night
About our hardest times
Until then we'll hold our hands together, soft and tight
Together we'll move on
But that's your strength
You must be tired
Hold on a sec
You feel disgraced?
And full of shame
You're half way there
Until the light
Lack of hope?
No way to cope?
Sorry to say
I believe in you
That loneliness
Is all you have?
But you know what?
It's not your fault
Someday we will talk all night
Of all that we've been through
No more tears no more sorrows
Only your brightest smile
Someday we will laugh all night
About our hardest times
Until then we'll hold our hands together, soft and tight
Together we'll move on
Now wipe your tears
You don't deserve
Will you show some smile?
Oh please, for me
Don't blame yourself
Don't hate yourself
You can be rude
You can be mean
I know you will
Be back in a while
To where we used to
Hang out a lot
I like who you are
I like who you are
I like who you are
I like who you are
Someday we will talk all night
Of all that we've been through
No more tears no more sorrows
Only your brightest smile
Someday we will laugh all night
About our hardest times
Until then we'll hold our hands together, soft and tight
Together we'll move on
- 街路樹 / 馬場俊英
- SEAN / 大竹しのぶ
- 星座になれたら / 結束バンド
- 前前前世 [original ver.] / RADWIMPS
- 昭和生まれの星屑野郎 / 馬場俊英
- 猫じゃらし / RADWIMPS
- ギシンアンキ / 戸渡陽太
- 順子 / 平井堅
- サイハテアイニ / RADWIMPS
- ただいまを歌おう / 楠田亜衣奈
- ワルシャワの幻想 / DIR EN GREY
- ワイズルーのグレイテストラストショータイム / ワイズルー(緑川光)
- 我自由丸 / UA
- イズミフチュウ / reGretGirl
- I'll never cry / 夜木沼伊緒(沢城みゆき)&杏橋天音(伊瀬茉莉也)
- Change your mind! / WEST.
- 瞬間EMOTION / 先斗寧
- 虹のふもとで / 谷村有美
- Fanfare / TWICE
- 週刊少年ジャンプ / RADWIMPS
- Sparkle (English ver.) / RADWIMPS
- Sky High / 黒崎一護(森田成一)
- とわねな夜 / ケツメイシ
- Outta Love / Che'Nelle
- 青いままじゃいられない / 海東リオン(古賀英里奈)
- ヒカリノカゲ / 9nine
- 若者たちの夕暮れ / THEラブ人間
- Happy World / 珠鈴