Drunken chief dances with the woman in the bar.
At a time drinking were against the law in discotheque.
The chiel steps inside with a warrant in his hands... slowly.
It was dark out and crowed when they had arrived.
“Now. let's get it done.”
“How do I write this part again?”
The drinking crowed is under arrest for
going against abstinence: prohibition.
But everyone don't seem to give a damn.
A short, fat guy from a far land
asked with a pale face... “Pardon?”
“Am I gonna be put in jail right after this?
My child was born last month.”
“So I guess you're not from around,
but here the courts, the System is just paperwork, so relax,
what is your next drink? ...Next drink?”
Then he says,
“We represent the most futuristic on of all the civilization.
There isn't a more greater place then the society that we have.
It's smartest and the best of all.”
Later the arrested receives a big red envelope
and here is what it says;
“Punishment: Choose one of the two from the options
and send this paper back within two weeks.”
1. Imprisonment for 3 years.
2. Abstinence for a week.
At a time drinking were against the law in discotheque.
The chiel steps inside with a warrant in his hands... slowly.
It was dark out and crowed when they had arrived.
“Now. let's get it done.”
“How do I write this part again?”
The drinking crowed is under arrest for
going against abstinence: prohibition.
But everyone don't seem to give a damn.
A short, fat guy from a far land
asked with a pale face... “Pardon?”
“Am I gonna be put in jail right after this?
My child was born last month.”
“So I guess you're not from around,
but here the courts, the System is just paperwork, so relax,
what is your next drink? ...Next drink?”
Then he says,
“We represent the most futuristic on of all the civilization.
There isn't a more greater place then the society that we have.
It's smartest and the best of all.”
Later the arrested receives a big red envelope
and here is what it says;
“Punishment: Choose one of the two from the options
and send this paper back within two weeks.”
1. Imprisonment for 3 years.
2. Abstinence for a week.