Somewhere in the world
Somewhere in the dark
I can hear the voice that calls my name
Might be a memory Might be my future
Might be a love waiting for me
Rock me gently
Hug me tenderly
'Til the morning breaks and night fades away
I've spent my time in vain trapped inside pain
Don't let me down, help me see the light
Feeling bitter and twisted all along
Wading through an empty life too long
I close my eyes listen to the wind
Longing to belong to a higher place
Let me hear your voice
Let me be with you
When the shadow falls down upon me
Like a bird singing Like a breeze blowing
It's calling me From somewhere in the world
Feeling bitter and twisted all along
Wading through an empty life too long
I close my eyes listen to the wind
Longing to belong to a higher place
Let me hear your voice
Let me be with you
When the shadow falls down upon me
Like a bird singing Like a breeze blowing
It's calling me From somewhere in the world
From somewhere in the world
Somewhere in the dark
I can hear the voice that calls my name
Might be a memory Might be my future
Might be a love waiting for me
Rock me gently
Hug me tenderly
'Til the morning breaks and night fades away
I've spent my time in vain trapped inside pain
Don't let me down, help me see the light
Feeling bitter and twisted all along
Wading through an empty life too long
I close my eyes listen to the wind
Longing to belong to a higher place
Let me hear your voice
Let me be with you
When the shadow falls down upon me
Like a bird singing Like a breeze blowing
It's calling me From somewhere in the world
Feeling bitter and twisted all along
Wading through an empty life too long
I close my eyes listen to the wind
Longing to belong to a higher place
Let me hear your voice
Let me be with you
When the shadow falls down upon me
Like a bird singing Like a breeze blowing
It's calling me From somewhere in the world
From somewhere in the world
- みだれ雪 / 千葉一夫
- 哀しみのDestiny / 辛島美登里
- 真っすぐララバイ / 三原じゅん子
- ドラゴン マジック カーニバル / 山野さと子
- more than love / moumoon
- 火曜日の夜、水曜日の朝 / SKE48
- ほととぎす / 海援隊
- 夜におちてBlue / とんねるず
- 女でいたい / ZARD
- 二人の明日 / 竹仲絵里
- 野に咲く花のように / 新垣勉
- ハレ晴レユカイ(Ver.キョン) / キョン(杉田智和)
- ニワトリは飛んでいかない / 所ジョージ?
- Hello again / 田村直美
- ベジタリアン / 山下久美子
- 満月オールナイト / angela
- MW~melancholic wonders / Neat's
- 駅 / 布施明
- soon / 松本明子
- Nostalgia / camino
- 愛しき日々 / 小椋佳
- ビギン・ザ・ビギン / 錦野旦
- 荒波 / 葵かを里
- 阿佐ヶ谷小春日和 / 木根尚登
- 闘え! そして糧を得よ! / 高取ヒデアキ(Project.R)
- Necessary / 片瀬那奈
- アディオスアミーゴ / 夜のストレンジャーズ
- 四月宣言 / ℃-ute
- 星降る夜に / 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ