They walk on the surface
With the four toes repel
The water
I get caught
Get caught
Even if I have a hard carapace
They catch me with their beaks
(With their beaks)
Washed away by the water
Washed away by the heavy-weights
Washed away by the water
As if a light-weight
We all get caught, gathered
And merged into one
They never recognize each of us
Each of us
Each of us
Some part of you are left behind
In the water
Let's pick them up
And make a bonfire
Make a bonfire
(Make a bonfire)
We should bring a fire
Beside you
If there's nothing warms you
If there's nothing carries you
If there's nothing protects you
(I wanna make
I wanna make a fire
Brightens up your heart
Make a bonfire Make a bonfire)
We all get caught, gathered
And merged into one
They should recognize each of us
Each of us
Wash away with the water
Wash away the heavy-weights
Wash away with the water
They should respect all of us
All of us
Roll roll roll roll roll
Roll river roll river roll
And push them away
Push them away
Push to close the door
They opened
Roll roll roll roll roll
Roll river
Roll river push them away
Hold the door never to be opened
Never, never to be opened
(Too far from, too far from)
I wish our prayer
Will make something better
In the place not so far from you
With the four toes repel
The water
I get caught
Get caught
Even if I have a hard carapace
They catch me with their beaks
(With their beaks)
Washed away by the water
Washed away by the heavy-weights
Washed away by the water
As if a light-weight
We all get caught, gathered
And merged into one
They never recognize each of us
Each of us
Each of us
Some part of you are left behind
In the water
Let's pick them up
And make a bonfire
Make a bonfire
(Make a bonfire)
We should bring a fire
Beside you
If there's nothing warms you
If there's nothing carries you
If there's nothing protects you
(I wanna make
I wanna make a fire
Brightens up your heart
Make a bonfire Make a bonfire)
We all get caught, gathered
And merged into one
They should recognize each of us
Each of us
Wash away with the water
Wash away the heavy-weights
Wash away with the water
They should respect all of us
All of us
Roll roll roll roll roll
Roll river roll river roll
And push them away
Push them away
Push to close the door
They opened
Roll roll roll roll roll
Roll river
Roll river push them away
Hold the door never to be opened
Never, never to be opened
(Too far from, too far from)
I wish our prayer
Will make something better
In the place not so far from you
- ふたりでひとつ / CHIHIRO
- どこまでも続く道を... / Apeace
- Re:pray / Aimer
- 声色 / Aimer
- Rainy day / MONGOL800
- Precious Ting / ACKEE&SALTFISH feat.NANJAMAN
- かんたんな自由 / OGRE YOU ASSHOLE
- 夫婦坂 / 市川由紀乃
- Knock Knock Knock / スナイダー(柿原徹也)
- Darkness
/ 藤田麻衣子
- 内緒のゆびきり / クニトモ(赤澤遼太郎)
- パンペルデュ / センラ
- みぞれ酒 / 森昌子
- レイトショー / センラ
- 自分で選んだ明日をゆく / 少年隊
- お菓子なドリーム / あみ(江里夏)・くーちゃん(福原香織)
- ALMOND / 寺光唯月(西山宏太朗)
- 花ノ舞、鬨ノ歌 / イエヤス(梅原裕一郎)
- Midnight Parade / 宮川大聖
- ぱわわわわん!!! パワーパフ ガールズ / わーすた
- そして今日も世界は / マース・ヒューズ(藤原啓治)
- 目指せ!スーパーガンター / 伊達政宗(鈴木達央)
- Mine / 河西智美
- インタリオ / 花澤香菜
- ペーパークラフト / OGRE YOU ASSHOLE
- 絶望レストラン / 絶望少女達(小森霧・常月まとい・小節あびる・藤吉晴美)
- その声が聞きたくて / 藤田麻衣子