What is justice? What is evil?
Two sides of the same coin in this world
We simply charge ahead to protect someone
The time has come. What are you waiting for?
Wow wow wow…
No way! Get out of this situation
No way! What the hell is next? Huh?
How can I end it?
Three-count. you ready to head out?
Go away! Recurring nightmares
Go away! The rising fear. Huh?
How can I end it?
Oh oh oh oh
Flash back ボヤけてく視界と
Kickin' out 軌道描いて光線を
I got it Get it on
Bang! Bang! Bang! 愛、故にhigh
とまらない破壊の衝動 Oh
Oh! No! No! 賭けるone shot
Bang! Bang! Bang! 弛みないtribe
導く鋼の結晶 Oh no
Wow wow wow…
No way! Why are we pretending?
No way! Where is the meaning in that?
Tell me now about it
What is driving our destiny?
Go away! Repeated regrets
Go away! The rising anxiety
Tell me now about it
Oh oh oh oh
Hold back 裏切り感傷も
Clash out 逃げ場は不要だろ?
I got it Get it on
Bang! Bang! Bang! 愛、故にhigh
とまらない破壊の衝動 Oh
Oh! No! No! 賭ける one shot
Bang! Bang! Bang! 弛みないtribe
導く鋼の結晶 Oh no
Hey, you hear it, don't you?
The voices of sadness, emptiness, success, and compassion
All born from the same place
The time has come. What are you waiting for?
Wow wow wow…
Oh! No! No! What is evil?
Bang! Bang! Bang! 愛、故にhigh
とまらない破壊の衝動 Oh
Oh! No! No! 賭ける one shot
Bang! Bang! Bang! 弛みないtribe
導く鋼の結晶 Oh no
爆ぜる one shot
Two sides of the same coin in this world
We simply charge ahead to protect someone
The time has come. What are you waiting for?
Wow wow wow…
No way! Get out of this situation
No way! What the hell is next? Huh?
How can I end it?
Three-count. you ready to head out?
Go away! Recurring nightmares
Go away! The rising fear. Huh?
How can I end it?
Oh oh oh oh
Flash back ボヤけてく視界と
Kickin' out 軌道描いて光線を
I got it Get it on
Bang! Bang! Bang! 愛、故にhigh
とまらない破壊の衝動 Oh
Oh! No! No! 賭けるone shot
Bang! Bang! Bang! 弛みないtribe
導く鋼の結晶 Oh no
Wow wow wow…
No way! Why are we pretending?
No way! Where is the meaning in that?
Tell me now about it
What is driving our destiny?
Go away! Repeated regrets
Go away! The rising anxiety
Tell me now about it
Oh oh oh oh
Hold back 裏切り感傷も
Clash out 逃げ場は不要だろ?
I got it Get it on
Bang! Bang! Bang! 愛、故にhigh
とまらない破壊の衝動 Oh
Oh! No! No! 賭ける one shot
Bang! Bang! Bang! 弛みないtribe
導く鋼の結晶 Oh no
Hey, you hear it, don't you?
The voices of sadness, emptiness, success, and compassion
All born from the same place
The time has come. What are you waiting for?
Wow wow wow…
Oh! No! No! What is evil?
Bang! Bang! Bang! 愛、故にhigh
とまらない破壊の衝動 Oh
Oh! No! No! 賭ける one shot
Bang! Bang! Bang! 弛みないtribe
導く鋼の結晶 Oh no
爆ぜる one shot
- さざめくハイウェイ / THE BACK HORN
- 7Days A Week!! / 765 MILLION ALLSTARS
- 彼から手をひいて / 松任谷由実
- 涙のダイアリー / THE 虎舞竜
- 素晴らしい世界 / しなの椰惠
- Orange / エルフリーデ
- 春風満帆 / アンダーグラフ
- 聞かせてよ愛の言葉を / 佐々木秀実
- エルの絵本【魔女とラフレンツェ】 / Sound Horizon
- NO PLAN B / 餓鬼レンジャー
- The Love Song with World Sketch / 加賀美セイラ
- タイムテーブル / 井上芳雄
- 12月の砂 / 伊勢正三
- マリオネットガール / ukka
- また一人 / 九重佑三子
- 愛に手ふれて / aluto
- 駅前の大ハプニング / 藤本美貴
- BLACK OUT / 餓鬼レンジャー
- 女のふるさと ~ついてゆきたい~ / 夕月彩
- デコボコセブンティーン / W(ダブルユー)
- ダンス天国 / ザ・スパイダース
- ひとつになって / Rockstar Steady
- 宇宙学園ステルヴィア校 校歌 / 予科生のみなさん
- YOU&(A)I / シエル(青山なぎさ)
- 欠落 / 二ノ宮はぐ
- 風の子 / キンモクセイ
- おジャ魔女カーニバル!! / with 百田夏菜子(ももいろクローバーZ) / 森口博子