Two people who love each other live in this house
Tonight his impromptu spells make you feel good
Two people who love each other live in this house
Tonight his impromptu spells make me feel bad
Do you wanna...
Do you wanna see more?
When will this silence end?
Even now I can only hear my own voice
Trip inside this house
What you want to see is a Magical Boy
“Oh, that's a nice painting” she said, smiling at him
I have been waiting for my turn for a long time
He didn't know you were not under control yet
Tonight my impromptu spells make you feel good
Do you wanna...
Do you wanna see more?
When will this silence end?
Where no one can see me, I dance for myself
That's all I believe in
What you want to see is a Magical Boy
Do you wanna...
Do you wanna see more?
When will this silence end?
Even now I can only hear my own voice
But no more no less
I never sing the songs you want to hear
When will this silence end?
Where no one can see me, I dance for myself
That's all I believe in
What you want to see is a Magical Boy
Tonight his impromptu spells make you feel good
Two people who love each other live in this house
Tonight his impromptu spells make me feel bad
Do you wanna...
Do you wanna see more?
When will this silence end?
Even now I can only hear my own voice
Trip inside this house
What you want to see is a Magical Boy
“Oh, that's a nice painting” she said, smiling at him
I have been waiting for my turn for a long time
He didn't know you were not under control yet
Tonight my impromptu spells make you feel good
Do you wanna...
Do you wanna see more?
When will this silence end?
Where no one can see me, I dance for myself
That's all I believe in
What you want to see is a Magical Boy
Do you wanna...
Do you wanna see more?
When will this silence end?
Even now I can only hear my own voice
But no more no less
I never sing the songs you want to hear
When will this silence end?
Where no one can see me, I dance for myself
That's all I believe in
What you want to see is a Magical Boy
- continue / 赤色のグリッター
- Special Colors / BBM
- 最後の夜 ~KUZUYA'S R&B~ / 葛谷葉子
- COME ON! / Dream5
- Deepest Ocean / CheChe
- ラヴ・イズ・オーヴァー / 伊藤薫
- まだまだまだ、最前線。 / ワッツ◎さーくる
- 線香花火 / こおり健太
- 紫陽花 / PEOPLE 1
- ギャンブラー / KUSU KUSU
- 月面の主 / Theピーズ
- Madonna / Secret
- No More Trouble / I-SET-I & 呼煙魔
- 鼻声 / 阪本奨悟
- Make my Day / MAP6
- Style / LeChat
- ブースカ・ソング / 高橋和枝・みすず児童合唱団
- Incarnation / 猫田ねたこ
- 弟よ / 内藤やす子
- 夫婦川 / 三笠優子
- モナリザの微笑 / ザ・タイガース
- 夫婦舟 / 三笠優子
- TENCAを取ろう! -内田の野望- / 内田有紀
- 三百六十五夜 / 霧島昇
- I'm a lady~じれったい私~ / 時東ぁみ
- 深海 / The DUST'N'BONEZ
- The Cliff / Akeboshi
- An imitation's superstar / VOLA & THE ORIENTAL MACHINE