I don't want to call you
Because I used to call you everyday and night
I don't want to love you
Because I wouldn't be able to do anything on my own
Gravity starts to pull me down a little
I canght my breath and headed towards the middle
She doesn't seek dependency
She doesn't want to fall the day she leaves me
The more I devote myself to you
The more my own identity will be gone
I don't want to miss you
That's why I refuse to care about you anymore
I wish I could just kill you
That way we can be together forever
Gravity starts to pull me down a little
I canght my breath and headed towards the middle
She doesn't seek dependency
She doesn't want to fall the day she leaves me
Stare into your eyes and I see
Direct reflection of myself
All being said
I lie in bed
I'll do this all on my own
Because I used to call you everyday and night
I don't want to love you
Because I wouldn't be able to do anything on my own
Gravity starts to pull me down a little
I canght my breath and headed towards the middle
She doesn't seek dependency
She doesn't want to fall the day she leaves me
The more I devote myself to you
The more my own identity will be gone
I don't want to miss you
That's why I refuse to care about you anymore
I wish I could just kill you
That way we can be together forever
Gravity starts to pull me down a little
I canght my breath and headed towards the middle
She doesn't seek dependency
She doesn't want to fall the day she leaves me
Stare into your eyes and I see
Direct reflection of myself
All being said
I lie in bed
I'll do this all on my own
- パッション・フルーツ / フジファブリック
- Sunny Morning / フジファブリック
- 雨の日暮れ / 赤い鳥
- Brand new birthday / 多田葵
- Fly High / 月島唯(後藤沙緒里)
- ダンシング / 倉木麻衣
- Sincerely Yours / PENICILLIN
- ファミリー・改 ~vs ミルフィオーレ~ / 沢田綱吉 with ボンゴレファミリー
- BOY / 宮脇詩音
- ジュークボックス / かりゆし58
- OH OH OSAKA / doa
- GOOD! / ホフディラン
- Merry-GO-Round / フジファブリック
- おんなの時雨 / 真木ことみ
- 雨の粒、ワルツ ~LOVE MUSiC~ / 大塚愛
- ROOM / 清春
- 恋 / Hi-Fi CAMP
- 大空の記憶 / 河村隆一
- Hallelujah,Burning Love / 郷ひろみ
- Little ms sunshine / lecca
- I love you / 松田聖子
- Rose / 長瀬実夕
- ミッドナイトファイティングボーイ / 矢沢永吉
- ゲキマジムカツク / 桜塚やっくん
- torus / Annabel
- ex.人間 / syrup16g
- ピボット / Aqua Timez