I'm having sex
Wishing for six
I'm having sex
Touch me, Make me feel
Knock me out Marry
Get me off Jane
Knock me off Marry
Pet me violently
Can't you give me more to the last?
I can't get enough
Take me down
I'm on Junk
I'm getting high
I'm on Junk
Let me go mad
Kiss me off, vamp
Get away, tramp
Kiss me off, vamp
Leave me, Why don't you
Can't you give me more?
Do or Die
I can't be satisfied
I can't take this life
Stab me in the back
I can't take my life
Stab me in the back
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me mad”
Don't need nothing in my life
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me mad”
O.D. on sex
I'm having sex
Wishing for six
I'm having sex
Touch me, Make me feel
Can't you give me more?
Do or Die
I can't be satisfied
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me Mad”
Don't need nothing in my life
Stub me in the back
Wishing for six
I'm having sex
Touch me, Make me feel
Knock me out Marry
Get me off Jane
Knock me off Marry
Pet me violently
Can't you give me more to the last?
I can't get enough
Take me down
I'm on Junk
I'm getting high
I'm on Junk
Let me go mad
Kiss me off, vamp
Get away, tramp
Kiss me off, vamp
Leave me, Why don't you
Can't you give me more?
Do or Die
I can't be satisfied
I can't take this life
Stab me in the back
I can't take my life
Stab me in the back
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me mad”
Don't need nothing in my life
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me mad”
O.D. on sex
I'm having sex
Wishing for six
I'm having sex
Touch me, Make me feel
Can't you give me more?
Do or Die
I can't be satisfied
Wipe out my life “Bask in blood”
Dripping from your heart
Destroy this world “Drive me Mad”
Don't need nothing in my life
Stub me in the back
X JAPANの人気歌詞ランキング
X JAPANの新着歌詞
- 私はおんな / 美空ひばり
- 再来 / 谷村新司
- 流浪歌(たびうた) / ちあきなおみ
- 東京迷子 / あさみちゆき
- TVスター / ポルノグラフィティ
- 紅茶の美味しい店 / Buono!
- お願い神様Dream Come True / LINDBERG
- ぼやき電車 / ゆず
- ラヴ・イズ・オーヴァー / つるの剛士
- 都合の良い女の唄 / 阿部真央
- シャンゼリゼの夜 / ピーター
- ディスタンス−悲しみの距離− / 谷村新司
- 夢ほのぼの / 天地真理
- 愛になりたい / 工藤夕貴
- M / 浜崎あゆみ
- プラットホーム / ちあきなおみ
- Believer / 安西ひろこ
- 歩行者天国 / Little Non
- 椅子 / 矢野顕子
- I LOVE YOU / 中西保志
- Cafe Racer / 森尾由美
- 怪盗ボイン / 乙三.
- みんなで5じぴったん / 胸ぺったんガールズ:泉こなた(平野綾)・小早川ゆたか(長谷川静香)・岩崎みなみ(茅原実里)
- ドッグレース・ブルー / 橘いずみ
- 大空から見れば / 小椋佳
- 美しい今日 / 堀江美都子
- Standing Sex / X JAPAN
- 帰り道 / 八九寺真宵(加藤英美里)
- ひばりづくし / 美空ひばり