曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し

-Intro- CUPCAKE CASTLE【Dark Sugar Storm】

I WANT YOUR BLOOD†Tommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Shunsaku Okuda目覚めが悪くて 最悪だわ 誰かいないの? I WANT YOUR BLOOD†  随分眠っていたみたい 喉がカラカラよ I WANT YOUR BLOOD†  MY HOLY DOLLY I'VE RETURNED FROM DAYDREAMY MACARON HELL†  窮屈な棺から抜け出して あなたに出逢う ピクニックの帰りに 抱き合えたなら 悪夢みたい 今すぐに叶えて  時間は死ぬほどあるけれど 我慢はしないわ I WANT YOUR BLOOD†  いばらの巻きつく 白いドレスに似合う RUBY JUCE I WANT YOUR BLOOD†  今夜は鮮やかなジェラートにして  溶け出したあの月の光を浴びたら 目覚める 虜になるわ きっと気に入るはずよ 最高に甘くて冷たいの  HELLO HOLY DOLLY I WANT YOUR BLOOD† I WANT YOUR BLOOD†  HELLO HOLLY MOON LIGHT I WANT YOUR BLOOD† I WANT YOUR BLOOD†  COME ON DEADLY DARLIN' I WANT YOUR BLOOD† I WANT YOUR BLOOD†  COME ON HOLD ME BABY SO DARLIN' YOU CAN COME ALIVE AGAIN  窮屈な棺から抜け出して あなたを狙う 永遠にそばにいて欲しかったから 騙したの  溶け出したあの月の光の下で 抱きしめて 毒蜘蛛のパレードを見降ろしながら 永遠の誓いを囁いて 今すぐ叶えて
LET ME SCREAMTommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Jimi Aoma・Tommy heavenly6Shunsaku OkudaI wanna play I wanna have a little bit of fun, yeah We're scaring them away The night of mischief only just begun, yeah I stand before the gate now The door between the demon world and our land It won't be very long Until it opens and the creatures come out as planned  You're gonna need to bring your all tonight If you think you are ever gonna give me a fright I just want a shiver down my spine So bring the monsters and ghosts and  Let me scream Come on and make me feel the fear inside And like cold ice cream We give 'em chills, year around the all the time This is our war cry  I want you to come and play along You can't get away or stop the living dead  This haunted house The fiends and devils waiting in the dark, yeah A dozen bogeymen The haunted castle filled with the bizarre, yeah  You gonna try to scare me? 'Cause I don't think I've even jumped a little bit I hear the people shout They see the horrible werewolves and vampire bats  I know we had a lot of fun before But that carnival just needed something more We're gonna bring a fright you can't ignore So bring the zombies and ghouls and  Let me scream Come on and make me feel the fear inside And like cold ice cream We give 'em chills, year around the all the time Into the night sky  I dare you to keep yourself alive You know Heavenly will never stop the game  Amass the goblins, call the gargoyles The giant spiders and jack-o'-lanterns The marching mummies and wicked witches You'll never shock or petrify me! Your superstitions never change These apparitions getting strange Scream Come on and make me feel the fear inside  And like cold ice cream We give 'em chills, and Halloween surprise  So come on let me scream Come on and make me feel the fear inside And like cold ice cream We give 'em chills, year around the all the time This is our war cry  I want you to come and play along You can't get away or stop the living dead And I dare you to keep yourself alive You know Heavenly will never stop the game
LOVIN' YOUTommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Shunsaku Okuda虚しさにもたれながら 目を閉じて 涙の海に堕ちる  硝子の空に悲しい夢を見る 孤独な天使達  憧れを閉じ込めたまま 溺れそうな恋心  戸惑いながら 進む道なんていらない I KNOW... BUT LOVIN' YOU 満たされない 不安さえも 期待と愛しさに変えてしまう 何でもいい 君のそばにいられるなら  見られる夢を手にしているだけで 何にも叶わないの  悪戯に手招きする 優しくて邪悪な天使達  見えない星に願うほど 心細く眠れない  記憶の空を舞うモノローグ 綿雪のように儚く 弱い意志を 折りたたんで 破り捨てられずにいるの 同じ恋の罠に堕ちたら また君に逢える?  迷うほどの事じゃないわ 何を選び 何をしたって 後悔する性格なの そうよ 何も変わらない  流されて 押されるままに 崩れそうなほど脆い  理性の壁にもたれながら 気づいてた I CAN'T STOP LOVIN' Y OU その瞳が 甘い嘘が この心を狂わせても  君のいないこの世界はもういらない I CAN'T STOP LOVIN' Y OU 私を呼ぶ 君の声が 見えない星空を見せてくれる 何でもいい 君の隣にいられるなら 仕掛けるわ 恋の罠を 私に夢中になるまで
forever and anywhereTommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Jimi Aoma・Tommy heavenly6Shunsaku OkudaI've been in the woods so long I never should have gone, the road is overgrown and covered in a wall of thorns All I can do is try to while away the time  I'm starting to see the curse put on me will not be broken by anything else This wonderful bed, the dreams in my head Are not enough to forget about you I'm waiting  I feel like I have been asleep for a thousand nights And I've never felt so alone My heart says you'll wake me and take me away from here Your kiss is the only way I will come back to life If only you don't lose your way With your love we can live forever and anywhere  Carving poems on the trees I'm sitting by the pond, I make a crown of roses Fairy circles glow at night The forest has a way of giving me a joy  I know I'm not dead, but not quite alive What will you think when you see me like this? But if I'm not found, I'm surely to die And still my spirit will always love you Forever  I feel like I have been asleep for a thousand nights And I've never felt so alone My heart says you'll wake me and take me away from here Your kiss is the only way I will come back to life If only you don't lose your way With your love we can live forever and anywhere  If touching that spindle sealed my destiny At least you will try to come rescue me The creatures in this lovely garden are keeping me safe from harm  And should I be lost and become a ghost Just know that you are the one I love the most And I will still be in this beautiful forest and think of your love  I feel like I have been asleep for a thousand nights And I've never felt so alone My heart says you'll wake me and take me away from here Your kiss is the only way I will come back to life If only you don't lose your way With your love we can live forever and anywhere  And even if I have to wait for a thousand years.....  I know that I will be by your side no matter what I don't even know if we can make it out alive But I know we'll never give up I will love you in this world and anywhere we may go
Can you hear me?Tommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Shunsaku OkudaCan you hear me? Baby Can you feel my heart? Baby yeah Can you hear me? Baby 今日も偽りの詩が聴こえる  あれから少し考えてみた 記憶の階段を駆け下りて 流れる景色 取り残されてく 自分の姿を見つめていた  長い夜を引き返し 見慣れた背中を探すけど その両手は遠すぎて あなたに触れることができない  また絡まった運命の悪戯と 足枷を引きずって歩けない うまく すれ違うたび 心を閉じ込めてしまうの そんな風にふざけた愛ならいらない  叶えられない夢は重たくて 毎日諦めそうになるわ 抱えきれぬ不安を意識するたびに 壊してしまうの  ひび割れた空の向こう いくつもの未来を描くけど でも答えなんてないの 見慣れない景色はいつも怖いわ  どこへ行っても歪んだ壁が見えて 聴きたくないノイズが心を乱す お願い 勝手なことばかり言わないで 結局 私の何も知らないくせに  どうして心が痛むの? 毎日 雑音の中で 何かを求めて耳を澄ましているの? Can you hear me? Baby yeah...  哀しくなるの だけどどうして? 誰か何故か聴かせて 結局は寂しくて甘えたいけど いつからかうまく感情を出せないの 失う何かを意識して怯えている 手を伸ばし触れたその手は 心まで届かない  そんな風にふざけた愛ならいらない

-Intro- CUPCAKE CASTLE【Sugar Snow】

Ruby eyesTommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Shunsaku Okuda誰かが捨てた夢の中で 回り続けてる Merry-go-round  小さな箱の中で今日も 叫びたいほど 退屈だわ  扉が開く度 息が詰まりそう 代わり映えのない 狭い世界  転がるお菓子と巨大なトピアリー こんな空の色じゃ満たされない  冷たく見下ろす Ruby Eyes その星明かりを追いかけ 迷い込む 切ない夢を見るラビリンス 見えない壁が立ち並ぶ 硝子の箱  誰かが捨てた夢の中に 取り残されたままの Heart Beats  ほうきに乗った白いねこの あくびで溶け出す Ruby Juicy Moon  あなたと出逢った フラミンゴの庭 レモンの木の下 悪夢を歌う  あなたを想って 零れた涙に 名前をつけたら 愛と呼べる?  哀しいロミオとジュリエット 行き場を失くして彷徨う愛の影 儚い夢 蒼いデジャ・ヴ 毒入りの瓶を隠したドレスの中  Ruby Juicy moonlight shade Will you take me there? You will catch my heart beats Only you can help me out from here  冷たく見下ろす Ruby Eyes その星明かりを追いかけ 迷い込む 揺らめくこの世界の果て 歪んだ愛に囲まれたオルゴール  哀しいロミオとジュリエット 行き場を失くして彷徨う愛の影 届かぬ夢 碧いデジャ・ヴ 毒入りの瓶を隠したドレスの中
Ash Like Snow (English version)Tommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Tomoko Kawase・Jimi AomaShunsaku OkudaThe sky is painted in blood red and turning into darkness and swallowing the stars, the dust is settling How soft it falls, the ash is faintly piling up like snow  And as I stare with grief into windows I never dreamed now I feel the frost there... I come for you  All of my thoughts are soaring up into the night sky desolate and finally break apart And whenever this world turns into something else entirely Everything I want protected breaks by my hand and falls into silence  My heart is clamoring within so crowded and corrupted But I can hear your voice, that anesthetic sound I'm growing cold, my senses now escape away from me  No matter how I chase anomalies It's never ending I don't understand why am I fighting?  Even if light should disappear and never come back Even if the earth should fall away I will never forget the tiny prayer that I made tonight Guide me to the place that I should be going to  There I come for you, yeah Ash like snow is falling down From your sky Ash like snow Ash like snow Ash like snow Let me hear... Why I have to fight?  Every one of my thoughts are soaring up into the night sky desolate and finally break apart Clear a way through the dark, and in the name of honor and glory I have lost the things that I had promised to guard with my lif e (It's falling from your sky) It has all been in vain (Baby I come for you)  Every scar that I have, and every time the shattered pieces sti ng Closing up my heart and who can doubt what I chose I only wanted to be stronger in my regret And I've come this far now
MILK TEATommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6Shunsaku Okudaディスコティックな星明かり ハートとうさぎのトピアリー 月影に隠れた君と 不思議の国へ迷い込む 嘘つきな 見せかけの愛って傷つくの  ホット・ミルク・ティー 泣きたくなったら いつも私を思い出してね なりたい自分になれる世界へ 招待するわ 秘密のドール・ハウス  Oh... Knocking on my candy door Oh... Knocking on my candy door  世の中は不公平なの 得る者と得られない者 ぜんぶ神様の気まぐれ 投げ込まれた星の下に 特別な意味なんて ないって気がするの  ホット・ミルク・ティー 泣きたいときには 我慢しないで塞ぎ込みたい お気に入りの毛布に包まり 動きたくないよ 朝が来ても  どこにいても定まらない 回る回る 小さな世界 代わる代わる 聴こえてくる 言い訳も塞がらない傷も  …いらない ホット・ミルク・ティー 泣きたくなったら いつも私を思い出してね なりたい自分になれる世界へ 招待するわ 秘密のドール・ハウス  ミルク・ティー 泣きたいときには 我慢しないで塞ぎ込んでね いつもここで騒いでいるから 見つめて 涙に 揺らめく ティー・カップ  Oh... Knocking on my candy door Oh... Knocking on my candy door

-Intro- Gelato Mountains Fight

ICE CREAM HEAVEN FOREVERTommy heavenly6Tommy heavenly6JJ・Tommy heavenly6Shunsaku Okuda So it's true So you have a heart That I can break apart If I can get inside you  Cos it's cold And you dream in fear That I could get so near That I could take hold  As you cling To a future gone Still I can hear your voice Gothic Frozen Screaming  There's no way For you to return So you will have to burn For one more day  So pretty please with sugar! Send me into rapture!  You're my Baby Blue When I am done with you And though you're hard as ice You're melting  You're my Baby Blue Can't get enough of you And though you're tough as ICE CREAM HEAVEN  I got you down on your knees Where you belong I don't care if you freeze Before too long ICE CREAM HEAVEN FOREVER  A dark snow Falling on the ground Just take a look around There's nowhere for you to go  A black moon Cutting up the sky You know the reason why You gave up too soon  I don't care I am always free I'm feeling heavenly Come take me on if you dare  My cruel thought No one hears you cry Why bother even sigh When you're distraught  So pretty please with sugar! Send me into rapture!  You're my Baby Blue When I am done with you And though you're hard as ice You're melting  You're my Baby Blue Can't get enough of you And though you're tough as ICE CREAM HEAVEN  I got you down on the floor Where you belong I hope you use the door Before too long Gothic Frozen Screaming  So many flavors to try My baby's asking me why I choose a pain sweet as cream A nightmare caught in a dream I know you're feeling the same As if it's all just a game You're part of this song, so ICE CREAM HEAVEN FOREVER  You're my Baby Blue When I am done with you And You're my Baby Blue Can't get enough of you And  You're my Baby Blue When I am done with you And though you're hard as ice You're melting  You're my Baby Blue Can't get enough of you And though you're tough as ICE CREAM HEAVEN  You're in the snow on your knees Where you belong I hope maybe you'll freeze Before too long Oh baby I'm such a tease And never wrong ICE CREAM HEAVEN FOREVER


  1. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  2. 初恋キラー
  3. G2G
  5. SMILEhunter



  1. hanataba
  2. 会いに行くのに
  3. 運命
  4. 睨めっ娘
  5. Shouted Serenade

