Ryu Matsuyama・mabanua編曲の歌詞一覧リスト  7曲中 1-7曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
7曲中 1-7曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
BoyRyu MatsuyamaRyu MatsuyamaRyu(Ryu Matsuyama)Ryu MatsuyamaRyu Matsuyama・mabanuaDon't cry oh little boy This life has endless turning points Come on my little hope This isn't your final destination And wipe away your tears and climb again  By only sheer force of will you still stepping on the ground Every step you take it seems that you're going back just turn around and look how much you advanced  Feel the sounds Feel the wind in your hairs Stop if you can nobody forces you to to run fast, to be the number one  Don't cry oh little boy This life has endless turning points Come on my little hope This isn't your final destination  And wipe away your tears, take your time and climb again  Don't cry oh little boy this life has endless cliffs and walls Come on my little hope This' only a start  Don't strain too much It's not like you Don't try to excel just be yourself
Go Through, Grow ThroughRyu MatsuyamaRyu MatsuyamaRyu(Ryu Matsuyama)Ryu MatsuyamaRyu Matsuyama・mabanuaSlowly in my vein I can feel the blood insane flowing like a raging river  Then suddenly in my head I can clearly feel in the brain all the calm before a storm  Oh… This life is full of ups and downs But also full of surprises the only hopes that make us to believe  Slowly from my hands I felt all my strength fell “Were all my efforts vain?”  But here in my hands a vivid light, a burning flame still lingers over and over again  Oh… This life is full of ups and downs also full of aspirations the only ropes that make us to restart  All this pain, all the efforts you have made All the things we have failed Don't forget, don't erase Those stepping stones to your success  Oh… This life is full of ups and downs But also full of expectations the only hopes that make us to believe the only ropes that make us proceed
愛して、愛され feat. 塩塚モエカ(羊文学)Ryu MatsuyamaRyu MatsuyamaRyu(Ryu Matsuyama)Ryu MatsuyamaRyu Matsuyama・mabanua愛され、欲しがられ 名前を呼ばれて ようやく生まれる気がするんだ 震えるその声で命を削れ そして問う、生きてる意味はなんだい?  何故、何のために それを問い続ける毎日 時計の針はチクタク進み 孤独を求めていないのに また一匹(ひとり)、ぽつり  愛され、欲しがられ 名前を呼ばれて ようやく生まれる気がするんだ 震えるその声で命を削れ そして問う、生きてる意味はなんだい?  愛して、欲しがって 名前で呼んで そうしたら生まれる気がするんだ 震えるその声で命を削れ そして問え、生きてる意味はなんだい? 愛して、愛され 憎まれ、憎んで ようやく生きてる気はしないかい? するだろう?  愛して、愛され...
Blackout feat. mabanuaRyu MatsuyamaRyu MatsuyamaRyu(Ryu Matsuyama)Ryu(Ryu Matsuyama)・mabanuaRyu Matsuyama・mabanuaAnd then comes the dark suddenly without making a sound An instant shout then silence wrapped the house  I can't feel, I can't see you Just reaching my hands out I won't breathe just to hear you maybe something went wrong  Step by step One by one An obstacle in our path I'm losing the balance  My body feels light as I'm floating then a ray of light shines from the dark everything around look upside down 慌てて伸ばした手  My body feels light as I'm floating then a ray of light shines from the dark everything around look upside down 慌てて伸ばして掴んだ手と手 点と点は線になった 点と点は線になり 線と線は円を描いた  A flashback, Memories of my childhood I hear the voice of someone calling for my return  Step by step One by one I see a vivid light in distance And I'm trying to reach it out  My body feels heavy like it's weighted then a ray of light shines from the dark everything around looks in the right side up 何気なく伸ばした手 My body feels relieved just looking at your lovely smile that calms the rough everything around now looks all right 少しだけ汗ばんだ君の手
No. OneRyu MatsuyamaRyu MatsuyamaRyu(Ryu Matsuyama)Ryu MatsuyamaRyu Matsuyama・mabanuaFrozen in the ground Pieces of star, fell apart Hiding all the scars Deep and deep in your heart over again  Believe in what you believe Don't think of what is gone A sort of self suggestion and wait again for the dawn  And I will be the number one tonight And I will be the number one tonight  You and I will live and die somehow without a reason? People lie and people try to steal each others seat Sometimes while breathing sometimes we're dreaming because we're creatures, foolish believers  And I will be the number one tonight And I will be the number one tonight
HeartbeatRyu MatsuyamaRyu MatsuyamaRyu(Ryu Matsuyama)Ryu MatsuyamaRyu Matsuyama・mabanuaTell me why I'm breathing so painfully I've been looking for something that heals it, a cure Maybe it's all only in my head a fancy, a bad thought But maybe is starting signal a rumble, a whistle  I've got a new feeling can you hear it? to change I've got this feeling a meaning to search for something new I've got a new feeling and still beating  Tell me why it's becoming stronger than before This' not a disease but just a hunch Maybe it's all only in my head it's driving me so crazy But it's only about what they say don't trust it, but don't escape  I've got a new feeling can you hear it? to change I've got this feeling a meaning to search for something new I've got a new feeling and still beating  I've got a new feeling, It's clear to me, to change I've got this feeling  I've got a new feeling can you hear it? to change I've got this feeling now I'm convinced To search something new I've got a new feeling and still beating
FriendRyu MatsuyamaRyu MatsuyamaRyu(Ryu Matsuyama)Ryu MatsuyamaRyu Matsuyama・mabanuaSoft cold morning I can see my breathe where am I going in this darkness creating a rhythm with my footsteps I'll walk next to you oh, friend, Loneliness  Will you be my better half? the sound spreads and then bounds vibrating from the feet to the head the voice prays lonely that someone else maybe hear this fleeting song Will you be my only friend? to share the griefs and all the wrath that I always keep bottled up inside my heart effusing from the cup and I still can't let them go out  Soft cold morning I can see my breathe where am I going in this darkness creating a rhythm with my footsteps I'll walk next to you oh, friend, Loneliness  Soft cold morning I'm still hiding away what I'm really loving from this city stress creating a barrier with my own hands I'll live next to you oh friend Loneliness  Soft cold morning I can see my breathe where am I going in this darkness creating a rhythm with my footsteps I'll walk next to you oh, friend, Loneliness  Soft cold morning I can finally see where I am going in this darkness with this rhythm with my happy steps I'll walk towards you oh my only friend
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. 愛の讃歌
  2. Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
  3. 舞台に立って
  4. Hush-Hush
  5. ファタール



  1. Sharon
  2. うらみつらみきわみ
  3. Get Back To 人生
  4. B-Side Blues
  5. 絶対アイドル辞めないで

