秋桜淡紅の秋桜が秋の日の 何気ない陽溜りに揺れている 此頃涙脆くなった母が 庭先でひとつ咳をする 縁側でアルバムを開いては 私の幼い日の思い出を 何度も同じ話くり返す 独言みたいに小さな声で こんな小春日和の穏やかな日は あなたの優しさが浸みて来る 明日嫁ぐ私に苦労はしても 笑い話に時が変えるよ 心配いらないと笑った あれこれと思い出をたどったら いつの日もひとりではなかったと 今更乍ら我儘な私に 唇かんでいます 明日への荷造りに手を借りて しばらくは楽し気にいたけれど 突然涙こぼし元気でと 何度も何度もくり返す母 ありがとうの言葉をかみしめながら 生きてみます私なりに こんな小春日和の穏やかな日は もう少しあなたの子供で いさせてください | ケイコ・リー | さだまさし | さだまさし | ケイコ・リー | 淡紅の秋桜が秋の日の 何気ない陽溜りに揺れている 此頃涙脆くなった母が 庭先でひとつ咳をする 縁側でアルバムを開いては 私の幼い日の思い出を 何度も同じ話くり返す 独言みたいに小さな声で こんな小春日和の穏やかな日は あなたの優しさが浸みて来る 明日嫁ぐ私に苦労はしても 笑い話に時が変えるよ 心配いらないと笑った あれこれと思い出をたどったら いつの日もひとりではなかったと 今更乍ら我儘な私に 唇かんでいます 明日への荷造りに手を借りて しばらくは楽し気にいたけれど 突然涙こぼし元気でと 何度も何度もくり返す母 ありがとうの言葉をかみしめながら 生きてみます私なりに こんな小春日和の穏やかな日は もう少しあなたの子供で いさせてください |
美・サイレント~Be SilentBe silent ×4 A natural Emotion to caress you Blowing through My heart without a pause Every time the seasons change I see them come With perfect skin graceful and young The bloom of youth Wrapped in the fashions of the day Into our town glide and sway With a desire you don't even try to hide While I am watching from your side Swallowing pride As you let them draw your eyes A little more of me just dies But still I stay I won't look away Be silent ×4 Un-natural Desire to possess you Blowing through My heart without a pause I know your frozen heart is free You know you have your hooks in me Would it please you to See my heart freeze too? What am I to you? Standing proudly in the windows on display Cool and refined dressed to the nines The mannequins all watch you turn their way They soon realize that you're blind In the store windows I see you're satisfied But you don't see a thing inside Don't even try? As the reflection of your pose Inflates your pride The doll's dead eyes all seem to hide Hearts full of tears Be silent ×4 A natural Emotion to caress you Blowing through My heart without a pause Always I find I pour my soul Into the cold and gaping holes Of your blank eyes Of your deaf heart Why can't you see me | ケイコ・リー | 阿木燿子・英語詞:Dennis Gunn | 宇崎竜童 | 内山肇 | Be silent ×4 A natural Emotion to caress you Blowing through My heart without a pause Every time the seasons change I see them come With perfect skin graceful and young The bloom of youth Wrapped in the fashions of the day Into our town glide and sway With a desire you don't even try to hide While I am watching from your side Swallowing pride As you let them draw your eyes A little more of me just dies But still I stay I won't look away Be silent ×4 Un-natural Desire to possess you Blowing through My heart without a pause I know your frozen heart is free You know you have your hooks in me Would it please you to See my heart freeze too? What am I to you? Standing proudly in the windows on display Cool and refined dressed to the nines The mannequins all watch you turn their way They soon realize that you're blind In the store windows I see you're satisfied But you don't see a thing inside Don't even try? As the reflection of your pose Inflates your pride The doll's dead eyes all seem to hide Hearts full of tears Be silent ×4 A natural Emotion to caress you Blowing through My heart without a pause Always I find I pour my soul Into the cold and gaping holes Of your blank eyes Of your deaf heart Why can't you see me |