Syu作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  60曲中 1-60曲を表示

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60曲中 1-60曲を表示
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In My EyesRAMIRAMIRAMISyuSyu・Yorimasa Hisatakeそっと宝箱にしまい込んだ 失った時間に色をつけて 私へと残したこの香りは、まだ枯れ果てないままに...  Love 今すぐに会いたい 貴方の声に包み込まれた日 Time 時を取り戻せるなら 今は他に何もいらない  Sky 時空を越(こ)えてでも あなたと過ごした空の下まで Wing 飛んでいくために生(は)える 私だけの翼が欲しい  溢れ出した涙の温もりは、触れられた温もりに似て... もう二度と、貴方に会えないなんて まだ受け入れられない  そっと宝箱にしまい込んだ 失った時間に色をつけて 私へと残したこの香りは、まだ枯れ果てないままに…  Moon 月日が流れても 思い出すだけの孤独(こどく)は寂(さみ)しい Star 星に祈りを捧(ささ)げた どうか、あの人に伝えて  瞼(まぶた)、閉じた世界の中で観る 笑顔交わした過去の景色(ゆめ) いつまでも聴こえてくるよ こんなに近くに貴方の声が  終わりなき旅路(たびじ)は続いていく 優しい光を放(はな)ちながら 歩む暗い路(みち)は通りすぎて 眩(まばゆ)い未来、広げて  この出会いが奇跡であるならば それだけで幸せだから 私へと遺(のこ)した貴方の痕(あと)は、永遠(えいえん)に生き続ける  たったひとつの輝く想いを 抱き締め、心の一部にしよう この手、包んだ熱は今も帯(お)びて 冷めていくことを知らない  サヨナラしたことを、悔(く)やむよりも 出会えた運命(さだめ)に感謝しよう 互(たが)いの約束が砂になっても 永遠(とわ)の絆(きずな)、忘れない  遠くへ 離れてしまっても 心は、いつだって通(かよ)い合っている 貴方の名を呼ぶだけで
Forever PreciousRAMIRAMIRAMISyuSyu・Yorimasa Hisatake荒れ果てた大地に咲く華々 涙の雫(しずく)に映る姿は麗(うるわ)しい  やがて太陽が落ち 夜に包まれたとしても 流れる水は止(や)まず 新たな路(みち)、物語(ものがた)る  命預けた、この場所を護(まも)る騎士達よ あなたの心にひしめき合う 華、散れど(遺(のこ)る温もり) 今に咲きそうな蕾(つぼみ)の声を聴いていたい 光がそこで泣いているから  儚(はかな)い真(まこと)に溶けゆく、然(さ)る華々 それでも叶わぬ夢を観る瞳(め)は愛おしい  暗い記憶を辿(たど)り 吸い込まれそうになっても 流れる水は止(や)まず いずれは路(みち)、拓(ひら)かれる  命捧げた、この場所に永眠(ねむ)る騎士達よ あなたの心にひしめき合う 華、散れど(遺(のこ)る思い出) 今も咲いている蕾(つぼみ)の声を聴いていたい 光は未(いま)だ叫んでいるから  遠くから慰諭(いゆ)し 見守ることのみを許されずに 眺めた思いを希(こいねが)う 「すべて、摘(つ)み取られないで欲しい」  命捧げた、この場所に永眠(ねむ)る騎士達よ あなたの心にひしめき合う 華、散れど(遺(のこ)る想い出) 今に枯れそうな蕾(つぼみ)の声を聴いていたい 光は空に旅立つ星へと…
PREMONITIONGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyu・TAKASyuGalneryus・Yorimasa HisatakeIn this world where slavery is common When a cold war between two great nations ended with a conflict, war broke out Slaves become the most convenient resource of conscripts There is one slave who was drafted because of his high physical ability This is a story of a man who was forced to stand for his country By giving victory, he is promised to be free from slavery Sent to the field he can never lose At the mercy of time Struggles against his fate Not to protect the national dignity But just to protect his wife and his loved ones Now, he raises his sword underthe force of courage
RAISE MY SWORDGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuGalneryus・YORIMASA HISATAKEI'm searching for the sense of my life Where am I going? 見果てぬ先を思いながら 引き返すことは許されず ただ、戦いを選びゆく  守るべきもの 信じるものは 数奇な運命に揺られ 薄く灰色に色づいた希望にすがり この白夜も切り裂けと Cry out  (Just) raise my sword (The) freedom became thousands of flames 目覚めよ今この時 (Just) raise my hope 嘆きは確かな希望へと変わるだろう  塞ぎかける曇った心が 踏みしめる陸を濡らしてゆく 消えない虚像に悶えながら ただ、悲壮の大地へゆく  撃たれた刹那 目覚めた心 揺れる思いも打ち棄てよ 瞬刻に燃え上がる意識よ 望み繋ぐ揺るぎない刃になれ Cry out  (Just) raise my sword (The) freedom became thousands of flames 今翔けよ あの空へ (Just) raise my hope 悲しみは確かに希望へと変わるだろう 見上げると、そこは変わらぬ空 悠遠の君想う 瞬刻に燃え上がる意識よ 望み繋ぐ揺るぎない刃になれ Cry out  (Just) raise my sword (The) freedom became thousands of flames 目覚めよ今この時 (Just) raise my hope 嘆きは確かな希望へと変わるだろう  (Just) raise my sword (The) freedom became thousands of flames 今翔けよ あの空へ (Just) raise my hope I cut off all of enemies 明日の陽は確かに君の瞳に映るだろう
THE VOICE OF GRIEVOUS CRYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyu・SHO・TAKASyu(The) voice of grievous cry We must go forward (The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do? Just go to the fate? (The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow...  I was walking slowly toward the boundless future (I) fought day by day, (and even) fought against solitude Suddenly you appeared in front of me You and I were in much the same situation  Certainly we can't change the past But we can shape our future We have no time to feel sadness Only feel our burning soul  (The) voice of grievous cry We must forward (The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do? Just go to the fate? (The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow  (The) road goes on endlessly to destination You and I are in much the same situation  Certainty we can't change the past But we can shape our future We have no time to feel sadness Only feel our burning soul  (The) voice of grievous cry We must go forward (The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do? Just go to the fate? (The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow  Certainly we can't change the past But we can shape our future We have no time to feel sadness Go faster... Only feel our burning soul  (The) voice of grievous cry We must go forward (The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do? Just go to the fate? (The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow  (The) voice of grievous cry We must go forward (The) grief of a cloudy sky What should we do? Just go to the fate? (The) voice of grievous cry We must fight against Let us free from pain Where is justice? Distracted by sorrow...
REWARD FOR BETRAYALGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyu・YHUKI・TAKASyuGALNERYUS・Yorimasa HisatakeI'm losing my mind You are just the enemy Reward for betrayal  We advanced to the darkness 戻る事の出来ない路を We knew the reason to live ただ一つ 行くべき場所へ We fought against the madness 振り下ろされた無数の刃 その隙間を通り過ぎてゆく黒い影  Betrayer! Why did you betray? Betrayer!  Sound of the sorrow I'm losing my mind 彷徨う心 蠢く背徳の渦 Sign of the sorrow I can't forgive you 漂う意識 言葉さえ失いゆく  I can't hide my weakness 目の前に広がる嘘が I lost the reason to live 消え去りゆく真実の標  Betrayer! Why did you betray? Betrayer!  Sound of the sorrow I'm losing my mind 彷徨う心 蠢く悲嘆の渦 Sign of the sorrow I can't forgive you 漂う意識 言葉さえ失いゆく  I'm losing my mind You are just the enemy Reward for betrayal  Betrayer! Why did you betray me? Betrayer! You're wrong, I'm alone Betrayer! Sound of the sorrow I'm losing my mind 彷徨う心 蠢く背徳の渦 Sign of the sorrow I can't forgive you 漂う意識 宿命さえ薄れゆく  I'm losing my mind You are just the enemy Reward for betrayal
CHAIN OF DISTRESSGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuGALNERYUS・Yorimasa Hisatake見果てぬ夢 どれほどの痛みを繋ぐ? 哀しみさえ今 何も意味を持たぬまま  赦しを求めても 消えない宿命に弄ばれて 気付けば 願いが 碧落の果てに消えゆくだけ  今にも途切れそうな時間の中で 遠く消えゆく望みは何処へゆけばいい? ただ愁いだけを抱いて  見上げる空 どれほどの哀しみがある? 夢に破れゆく 何も掴むこともなく  明日を重ねても 消えない宿命に弄ばれて 気付けば 願いが 蒼穹の果てに消えゆくだけ  今にもちぎれそうな誓いの果てに 遠く消えゆく望みは何処へゆけばいい? ただ愁いだけを抱いて  霞みがかった景色を もう一度確かめたい たとえこの身体朽ち果てようとも 目指す場所へ…  今にも途切れそうな時間の中で 遠く消えゆく望みは何処へゆけばいい? 確かな想いと共に 悠久の天へ ただ愁いだけを抱いて
THE FORCE OF COURAGEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuI. The Sense Of My Life   何故争う為に生きる? 何故傷つけ合うのだろう? 数多の希望は倒れて問いかける 流れた幾千の血の意味を  夢破れても越えゆく先を見上げ この命の揺れる灯火を お前と共に…  Under (the) force of courage Yes, we will fight surely 舞い降りし未来へ Under the promised land we will go certainly 挑みゆく大志を We stand together, we keep fighting Raise our fists Raise our swords  哀しみが生み出すもの 僅かに見えかけていたもの 宿命に揺れる足元に託しゆく お前の最後の涙の向こう  明日見えずとも越えゆく先を見上げ この命の揺れる灯火を お前と共に…  Under (the) force of courage Yes, we will fight surely 未だ見えぬ未来へ Under the promised land we will go certainly 揺るぎなき大志を We stand together, we keep fighting Raise our fists Raise our sword   II. Dream And Reality   眠る身体に突き刺さる 幻影に惑わされ 記憶の中で拡がる情景に 何度も己を重ねてゆく  夢破れても越えゆく先を見上げ この命の揺れる灯火を お前と共に… We keep fighting   III. Just For The Faith   不条理な世界の中 求める事は同じで 傷つけ合う事だけで 流れる涙の意味を知る 交わした約束へと 思いを馳せて駆ける 揺るぎない思いを乗せ 追憶の雨に濡れながら  夢破れても越えゆく先を見上げ この命の揺れる灯火を お前と共に… We keep fighting  Under (the) force of courage Yes, we will fight surely 舞い降りし未来へ Under the promised land we will go certainly 挑みゆく大志を We've been searching for our sense of life Just for the faith  Now we are completely invincible We are united, power, (and) force of courage We'll fight just for reality of this world We never give up and surely raise our swords Force of courage...  護るべき者たちを 信じるべき夢に乗せて 散りゆく希望纏い 立ち上がれ未来に向かって We believe our strength We're one   IV. Pray To The Sky   Even if we fell down on the ground, we strongly believe (the) light lights up our feet (and) keep going to win (and) never lose our faith We are the force of courage  Even if we fell down on the ground, we only believe (that) we can see the rising sun Keep going to win (and) never lose our faith Until the end...  Pray to the edge of the sky We go to where no one could ever see Pray to the edge of the sky Surely we carry out promise with you Til the end we will keep fighting for you Til the end I will stand there for you And we will (surely) stand on the promised land, we'll raise our swords, and raise our flag...
毘藍ノ風青木隆治青木隆治井筒日美Syu新谷豊時代を呑み干した 波がとぐろを巻く 三位一体の舵(かじ)で 常世(とこよ)の岸、目指さん  曇天も貫ける 熱き意志の弓矢を放て 荒くれの運命(かぜ)どもを なぎ倒すまでは  魂(こころ)、繋げ 鋼より強く いざ!不敵に笑え 憂き世、晴らせ おまえが在(あ)ること その真実だけで 奈落、越える  誓いを惑わせる 鱗刃(うろこば)の波襲う 転迷開悟あがけ こよなき者、護(まも)らん  その姿変われども この身修羅になりても 信ずる 業の空 突き破る 我が証立てよ  魂(こころ)、ぶつけ 千の風興せ いざ!気高く笑え 妥協しない おまえとすべてを 分かち合う強さで 娑婆を変える  世界が崩れゆくほど 嘆きに焼かれても何故 まだ明日の灰色を見上げて 抗える?  何にも知らず過ごした あの日の譲れぬものが 今、俺を生まれ変わらせてく 毘藍(かぜ)になる  魂(こころ)、繋げ 鋼より強く 澄んだ空の如く 笑う日まで …我等が在(あ)るなら その真実だけで 奈落、越える
流転ノ陽青木隆治青木隆治井筒日美Syu新谷豊遺恨の渦巻く 苦界(くがい)に流離えど  壊れぬ絆は 消えない陽(ひかり)  百鬼だとて宿さん 生き抜いて護らん 嗚呼、曇りなき心の宝刀 天かざせ  背負(しょ)って立てよ 世界を 転がれよ 時代を …太陽の如く 覚悟、燃やす 明日の涯てで笑う おまえだけ願う 我こそ、熱き夢継ぐもの――  違えた道とて 護れぬ思念(わけ)がある  今際(いまわ)に悔やまぬ 景色が見たい  毒までも喰らわん この運命砕かん 嗚呼、誇らしき命の宝刀 ぐらつくな  照らしゆけ 未来を 炙り出せ 一切を …泪貫けるが、太陽 弱さを知る旅は 強さへの扉 志、束ねて いざ往け!  争いし煩悩にも 濁りなき本能あるはず 偽らぬ魂たち 曼陀羅の空抱き、覚醒(めざ)めよ 分かつ日の痛みだとて 赦(ゆる)せる日、巡ってほしくて 背を向けた記憶の影…忘れない 最涯てまで  背負(しょ)って立てよ 世界を 転がれよ 時代を …太陽の血潮、滾る器(からだ) 蒼天仰ぎ笑う おまえだけ願う 我こそ、永久に夢継ぐもの――
CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOUGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・Yorimasa HisatakeI finally reach there and find out my life But you're not there Wanna be with you all the time My feelings don't reach you Just seem to stand still Can you see me? I live near you Find me out!  I feel very lonely It's hard I'm looking for you Now feel my heart It may take time It's fine with me Wanna hug you  Live without you That is what I can't think of “Can't live without you” I say aloud You hear me? Even if time passes, my thought does not fade and does not change I pray my wish will come true  You spend it like always and find out your life But I'm not there You seem to like one I don't know what you think of me  You're so fascinating It's true I like that about you Now feel my heart It may take time It's fine with me Wanna hug you  Live without you That is what I can't think of “Can't live without you” I say aloud You hear me? Even if time passes, my thought does not fade and does not change I pray my wish will come true  I feel very lonely It's hard I'm looking for you Now feel my heart It may take time It's fine with me I wanna hug you  Live without you That is what I can't think of “Can't live without you” I say aloud You hear me? Live without you That is what I can't think of “Can't live without you” I say aloud You hear me? Even if the sun loses brightness and falls, my thought does not fade Never change! I pray for it My wish will come true I believe it But is it a sad cry for you?
ENDLESS STORYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuGALNERYUS・YORIMASA HISATAKE後ろ姿ばかり見せてる僕に 君はそっと手を差し伸べてくれたね 僕はその手を握りしめることが その時凄く怖かったんだ  同じ痛みを知ろうとしてる 君はそこまで強く 僕は抜け出せないこともあるけど 君はただ笑ってくれる  いつまでも変わらぬ愛 これ以上求めたら 全てが壊れそうで 時に進めなくなる それでも見つめてくれる? Is this “ENDLESS STORY”?  吹き付ける風が冷たく感じて 窓も閉め切り話す事さえ出来ず 今更もう遅いと悔やんでいたら 君はまだ僕を待っていてくれた  ずっと君は僕だけを信じて 涙も見せなかった 僕は抜け出せない事もあるけど 君はただ笑ってくれる  いつまでも変わらぬ愛 これ以上求めたら 全てが壊れそうで 時に進めなくなる それでも見つめてくれる? Is this “ENDLESS STORY”?  時々君が居なくなる気がして 自分を見失いそうになっている 誰が僕なんか愛してくれるの? 君は僕の何を愛せるの?  すれ違う事で見つけるもの それが本当の答え 離れていても繋がっていると 君が僕にそう言ってよ  いつまでも変わらぬ愛 もっと僕に捧げて 信じれば信じるほど 僕はまだ苦しいんだ ふたつに分かれていた 路を君は正したよ 全ては壊れないと もう一度造れないと だから僕に歌ってよ もっと強く
THERE'S NO ESCAPEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・YORIMASA HISATAKE孤独に捕らわれ見失っていた いつしか迷宮を彷徨っていた  何かに縋り 答えを探してる  There's no escape 見せてよ 少しの明かりでいい There's no escape 照らしてよ 果てない道でいい Like falling to the gape in a wild landscape 願いは叶うか? Oh, rescue me And set me free すぐにここから連れ出してよ  見えない姿を追いかけていた 指先だけ触れ消え去っていた  時を戻して 言葉を探してる  There's no escape 聞かせて 囁く声でもいい There's no escape 教えて 僅かな事でいい Like falling to the gape in a wild landscape 祈りは届くか? Oh, rescue me And set me free 早くここから連れ出してよ  I am groping for my destiny Can't find yet Seem to wander in the dark 一人きりで手探り 何も見えない But I won't stop groping for my destiny  何かに縋り 答えを探してる 時を戻して 全てを掴みたい  There's no escape 見せてよ 少しの明かりでいい There's no escape 照らしてよ 果てない道でいい Like falling to the gape in a wild landscape 願いは叶うか? Oh, rescue me And set me free すぐにここから連れ出してよ
ULTIMATUMGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・YORIMASA HISATAKEFed up! I don't wanna see your figure Never! Liar! I can not trust you and don't wanna talk Break up! I don't wanna hear your words Forever! Anger! You will be given a great mental shock  The rain comes on It tears all off Don't notice that We'll reach a so sad ending I'll tell you flat I am running out of my time I notice that  Get out my way Don't need the memory Is this love? I was always hurt by you Stand away Nothing was good for me Is this love? I can't believe you anymore  Shut up! I don't understand your feelings Never! Anger! You will be given a great mental shock  The storm comes on Destroys all Don't escape from here We'll reach a so sad ending But I'll fight fair I'll have to start for a new place I dare to go there  Take all away Now I can not calm down Is this love? I was always hurt by you Fade away You said “Don't let me down” Is this love? I can't believe you anymore Oh!  The rain comes on It tears all off Don't notice that We'll reach a so sad ending I'll tell you flat I am running out of my time I notice that  Get out my way Don't need the memory Is this love? I was always hurt by you Stand away Nothing was good for me Is this love? I can never believe you Take away Now I can not calm down Is this love? I was always hurt by you Fade away You said “Don't let me down” Is this love? I can't wait you anymore Oh!!
THE JUDGEMENT DAYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyu今何処にいて 何をしているんだろう 想い募る孤独 わかってるよ 本当は愛してるくらい 言いたかった あの言葉  繰り返した意味の無い 嘘からは何か生まれたの? 溢れ出す涙 意味するものは何? 君への愛? わからない もう何も  Judgement day will come soon Give me stronger wings Can't stand どれだけ求めていても 悲しみだけが増えてく 今でも 何故なの? 君とまた歩んだなら 何か 僕を 変えれるの?  君がいない 先の無い闇の中 Only I rave out my grief  繰り返す意味の無い 言葉が刺さり続けてく 溢れ出した過去 意味するものは何? 君への愛? わからない もう何も  Judgement day will come soon Give me stronger wings Can't stand どれだけ求めていても 苦しみだけが増えてく 今でも 何故なの? 君との愛 思い出せば 何か 僕を 救えるの?  Judgement day will come soon Give me stronger wings Can't stand どれだけ求めていても 悲しみだけが増えてく 今でも 何故なの? 君とまた歩んだなら 何か 僕を 救えるの?
ATTITUDE TO LIFEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・YORIMASA HISATAKEどこまでも広がる 灰色の空の下 運命を背負って この身を捧げてゆく  沸き立つ思いを この空に曝け出すのさ 護り抜くものは そうさ 明日に繋いでゆこう  たとえ今 露と消えても 君よ 決して諦めないで 終わらない悲しみなど無いことを 君は知っている  息を潜めながら 忍び寄るものがある 運命と偽り この身を蝕んでく  涙も叫びも この空に届けと願う 護るべきものは 君の胸に生き続けてる  ここで今 果てるとしても 君よ 決して苦しまないで いつの日か太陽が照らすことを 君は知っている 最後に笑えばいい  今を支えるもの 今も信じ続けてるもの 澱みも曇りもない 全てを誇りのために護ろう  たとえ今 露と消えても 君よ 決して諦めないで 終わらない悲しみなど無いことを 君は知っているから  ここで今 果てるとしても 君よ 決して苦しまないで いつの日か太陽が照らすことを 君は知っている さあ、迷わず笑え  So, attitude to life Oh Attitude to life Oh Oh Oh
THE GUIDEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSTAKASyuFollow me Obey me I'm the guide  A dead of trust Precede, must Proceed, just No exemption Greed and lusts Creed will rust Will mistrust Aberration  Face your foredoom No need to fight Believe, there will be no disorder Relieve, so you will see what I say is right Indeed, there won't be pain Show you the light  Grievance Deviance Defiance Abnegation Obedience Allegiance Governance I'm a swayer  A breach of trust Turn to dust So, disgust Abrogation Need a thrust At the blast So, will bust Termination  Face your foredoom No need to fight Believe, there will be no disorder Relieve, so you will see what I say is right Indeed, there won't be pain Show you the light  Grievance Deviance Defiance Abnegation Obedience Allegiance Governance I'm a swayer  In the name of justice, future is bright Behold, your confusion is over Feel delight is growing makes you excite I'll be the guide of your world So behave  Face your foredoom No need to fight Believe, there will be no disorder Relieve, so you will see what I say is right Indeed, there won't be pain Show you the brilliant light  Grievance Deviance Defiance Abnegation Resistance Discordance Dessonance Contradiction Obeisance Reliance Credence No accusation Obedience Allegiance Govoernance Now you're in my hand
I WISHGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuGALNERYUS・YORIMASA HISATAKE明日は違う日だと 振り向き語りかける君 今日のような日々が ずっと続く事などないと  孤独 あふれ 満ちる事なく 何処にこの想い 伝えればいい?  I wish for the stars “Let me know” 掴み取る事はもうないの? ありふれた未来 当然のように訪れて  いま目に映るもの 外から聞こえてくる音 何も受け入れられず 時間も止まった様に遅く  鼓動 感じ 止まる事なく 何処にこの想い 伝えられる?  I wish for the stars “Let me know” 想いがいつか届くのなら 夜空の果てまで ずっと祈り続けているよ  悲しみも愛せるだろう いつの日か 覚めない夢の中だけで  I wish for the stars “Let me know” 想いがいつか届くのなら 夜空の果てまで ずっと祈り続けているよ  いま生きている事 本当は強く噛みしめたい 明日へと続く路 そう信じて 今 強く 奏でる
RISE UP (THE LEGENDARY PANTHEON)GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuDo not forget the past in order to fight I will get many chances To arm! And I can change my fate with a keen insight Because I have a good luck charm  Can you see? Burning like a fire It's my heart The anger turns into my power Keep looking for another world  I always think “What is necessary?” Only wanna be the winner No harm! There is a desire without mean blight It's all right I'm always fine  Can you see? Burning like a fire It's my soul The sorrow turns into my power Keep looking for another world  Rise up! Now you follow me to fight My ambition swallows your life And I promise to surprise you The world is indiscreet Can you follow me tonight My ambition swallows your life And I promise to attract you Behold none can defeat no more  Do not forget the past in order to fight I will get many chances To arm! And I can change my fate with a keen insight Because I have a good luck charm  Can you see? Burning like a fire It's my heart The anger turns into my power Keep looking for another world  Rise up! Now you follow me to fight My ambition swallows your life And I promise to surprise you The world is indiscreet Can you follow me tonight My ambition swallows your life And I promise to attract you Behold none can defeat no more
HALL OF SHAMEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyu・TAKASyuDame, I am claiming no blame Finding me in your hand Know it, but still keep playing your game I am taking all defame Wasting on you a grand Blow it! Glut till a swain turn to a man  Heat, getting higher inside of me Feel it grow in me You're giving dire catastrophy instead of smiling back Not letting squires intrude free Zeal is not worth a key? Now, begging why don't you smile for me? Oh, I see a gaping abyss So, my wishing It is a miss!? All I want is a bit of bliss even if there is no love  You light my fire Burning brighter Relief giving is all I want Twisted desire So, you name it a fictitious romance You light my fire Awaiting mire? Belief giving is all I hope Twisted desire No, I don't shame a fictitious romance  Pain, there is nothing to gain Running into the sands No matter what you say, it'll be the same There is only a thing in vain Warning, not to stand Though, rather shut it out for no return  So relieved, you've been beside me while I'm in blue I believed, you are the one for me Shame myself, regret my past Flame my heart so eager to last Oh, my greed is ready to blast Believing there is your love  You light my fire Burning brighter Relief giving is all I want Twisted desire So, you name it a fictitious romance You light my fire Awaiting mire? Belief giving is all I hope Twisted desire No, I don't shame a fictitious romance  Agonies, feel lonely for so long I'm so weak I'm grieving I've been lost in my life And so bleak Urging on me must be strong Oh, so please Set me free  Heat, getting higher inside of me Feel it grow in me You're giving nothing but flatteries Once I thought were sweet memories Not losing what is the primary Zeal is sure worth a key Now heading, want to be strong again No, I would let no one to flout So, I'll quit whining about Oh, I swear to keep striding out cause I know I must carry on  You light my fire Burning brighter Relief giving is all I want Twisted desire So, I name it a fictitious romance You light my fire Awaited mire Belief giving is all I hope Twisted desire No, I don't shame a fictitious romance
WINGS OF MISERYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuA freezing cold winter night I found the star like your eye Why would I wanna cry? Cause it remembers your “good-bye”  I don't know what was bad for you My heart was too weak at that time I don't know what was lack for you Feel sad and lonely sometimes  The seasons rotate but I'm standing still It's fine with me Think it's good? Descending my life will never end I wander in the maze  Wings of misery Show me the way to stay beside before my soul is gone away Get me back your heart I'm falling apart Realize that I am not strong Must I resign myself to my fate? Do I give it up? No way! To repent of my sins Am I a loser? I'm in a flat spin I can't stand it It's like the world of jet-black dark evermore  A humid night of ardor Still looking for your shadow Do I continue it forever? Just say to myself “Game is over”  I don't know what tormented you My thought was shallow at that time I don't know what has upset you Wanna hold you one more time  Even if time passes, (I'm) wandering It's fine with me Think it's good? Descending my life will never end I wander in the maze  Wings of misery Show me the way to stay beside before my soul is gone away Get me back your heart I'm falling apart Realize that I am not strong Must I resign myself to my fate? Do I give it up? No way! To repent of my sins Am I a loser? I'm in a flat spin I can't stand it It's like the world of jet-black dark evermore  The seasons rotate but I'm standing still It's fine with me Think it's good? Descending my life will never end I wander in the maze  Wings of misery Show me the way to stay beside before my soul is gone away Get me back your heart I'm falling apart Realize that I am not strong Must I resign myself to my fate? Do I give it up? No way! To repent of my sins Am I a loser? I'm in a flat spin I can't stand it anymore!  Wings of misery Show me the way to stay beside before my soul is gone away Get me back your heart I'm falling apart Realize that I am not strong Must I resign myself to my fate? Do I give it up? No way! To repent of my sins Am I a loser? I'm in a flat spin I can't stand it  I wanna be freed from these pains now How do I get you back in my arms? Like that day I have spent the days like the nightmare It's suffering Flying in the world of jet-black, Wings of misery
THE END OF SORROWGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHO・TAKASyuIn The hard time we live We feel a savage mood But I must live in that Even if I feel sadness Open my eyes wide and find out something new Raise a shout! Cut it out! I've got to have my freedom  Oh, I can not blame nobody I may stand alone I wander searching for the light I wander searching for the might My time has come Feel my heart!  Craving for normality Wishing to win morality I have a strong will Never fail I go ahead with glowing soul I don't forget that past But (I) don't stay Do my best and I live in every day I have a strong will Never fail I go ahead with glowing soul  Please bend an ear now Please do so by all means There must be something wrong Did you really try all means? It is not good to force your ideas on others Raise a shout! Cut it out! I've got to have my freedom  Oh, I don't know whether I'm right I may stand alone I wander searching for the light I wander searching for the might My time has come Feel my claim!  Craving for normality Wishing to win morality I have a strong will Never fail I go ahead with glowing soul I don't forget that past But (I) don't stay Do my best and I live in every day I have a strong will Never fail I go ahead with glowing soul  Look at night sky and mutter Everyone is longing for tomorrow I wanna find a solution in a hurry Oh, everyone hopes for the end of this sorrow  Now they drift without feeling something What do they wanna do? Tell me that Oh, I can not blame nobody I may stand alone I wander searching for the light I wander searching for the might My time has come Feel my heart!  Craving for normality Wishing to win morality I have a strong will Never fail I go ahead with glowing soul I don't forget that past But (I) don't stay Do my best and I live in every day I have a strong will Never fail I go ahead with glowing soul  Look at night sky and mutter Everyone is longing for tomorrow I wanna find a solution in a hurry Oh, everyone hopes for the better future Look at night sky and mutter Everyone hopes for no more “harrow” I wanna find a solution in a hurry Oh, everyone hopes for the end of this sorrow
CRAWLING IN THE FATEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyu醒めない熱に 高ぶる胸の鼓動 手を伸ばしたら 掴み取れるその夢  求めたものは 辿り着けない虚像? 僅かな痛み 疼きが刃となり煌めいて 明日を突き刺した  Crawl in the fate 運命(さだめ)の果てに 誰もが彼方を見つめる 弄ばれた時間は 戻らぬ幻影  I take the fate 夢幻の果てに 誰もが身体を横たえ 試されていた時間は 微かな幻影  気づかないまま 操り続けられて 繰り返された 罪と罰の交錯  陽炎じゃない 刻んだ軌跡が今 研ぎ澄まされた 妖しい刃のように煌めいて 明日を切り裂いた  Crawl in the fate 運命(さだめ)の果てに 誰もが彼方を見つめる 弄ばれた時間は 戻らぬ幻影  I take the fate 夢幻の果てに 誰もが身体を横たえ 試されていた時間は 微かな幻影
ALONEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuYou're my only one I pray for you not to be alone You're my only one Enough, I'm the only lonely one You're my only one I pray for you not to be alone It's in anyone The love is so sad  Alone, what is loneliness? Don't know whether you like loneliness 今という時を ただ生きて Alone, wherever you will be I love you (and) think of you all the time まだ見えない明日を待ってる  この場所で起こったこと全て 思い出して? そこには何もないよ 傷つけ合い得たものは全て 記憶の中で戸惑って残る  流した涙も 手にした温もりも 思い出にしまってよ Because it's so sad  Alone, what is loneliness? Don't know whether you like loneliness 今という時を ただ生きて Alone, wherever you will be I love you (and) think of you all the time まだ見えない明日を待ってる  君は泣いていたね 僕は側で 寄り添う事しか君に出来ないままで 見つけたものは心なんかじゃない 脱け殻の繋がりだけを求め続け  流した涙も 手にした温もりも 思い出にしまってよ Oh, let me forget  Alone, what is loneliness? Don't know whether you like loneliness 今という時を ただ生きて Alone, wherever you will be I love you (and) think of you all the time まだ見えない明日を待ってる  You're my only one I pray for you not to be alone You're my only one Enough, I'm the only lonely one You're my only one I pray for you not to be alone It's in anyone The love is so sad  Alone, what is loneliness? Don't know whether you like loneliness 今という時を ただ生きて Alone, wherever you will be I love you (and) think of you all the time 思い出す その温もりを  Alone, what is loneliness? Don't know whether you like loneliness 今という時を ただ生きて Alone, wherever you will be I love you (and) think of you all the time まだ見えない明日を待ってる
TOMORROWGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyu幾千の時が経てば消せるのか 言葉では悲しみを拭えない 本当に抜け出せる?この孤独 滞り くすんでいる 行き場など無い  何かすべきなら 誰か教えてよ 絶望の淵に 堕ちて行かぬように  僅かでも立ち止まり 伝えたい 運命の儚きこと 生き抜く意味を  何かすべきだと 分かっているけど 余りにも深い 闇に囚われて  未来(あす)が過去を変えるものならば 今を強く生きようと思えるさ 悲しみじゃない 涙でもない 刹那...激しい情動を  未来(あす)が過去を変えるものならば 今を強く生きようと思えるさ 悲しみじゃない 涙でもない 刹那...激しい情動を  未来(あす)が全てを変えるものならば 今を強く生きようと思えるさ 運命じゃない 涙でもない 刹那...激しい情動を
THE DAY OF RETRIBUTIONGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHO・TAKASyuNow the mighty force sways my soul It seems to go through hell and I lose control  I have to fight myself It must be the fight to break with my flaw To have my volition! Don't take a rash motion!  How long will my storm last? I wander in the dark It seems to be a drawnback and I feel a sense of loss  I need to get results I wanna end those sleepless nights To have my volition! Don't take a rash motion! Hurry and hurry Now escape that danger  When I win this terrible fight Surely I will get new light That makes my life splendid I think so Nothing daunted! No more! When I'm given a jenuine chance Surely I'll make a big advance That makes my life shine I just think so Nothing daunted! No more!  Obtain the world Taking a steady aim The day of retribution  I have to fight myself It must be the fight to break with my flaw To have my volition! Don't take a rash motion! Hurry and hurry Now I'm breaking the chain  When I win this terrible fight Surely I will get new light That makes my life splendid I think so Nothing daunted! No more! When I'm given a jenuine chance Surely I'll make a big advance That makes my life shine I just think so Nothing daunted! No more!
REACH TO THE SKYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyu・TAKASyuNot quite sure how many months and days have been past already  Not pursuing the things which went by, almost caused “The Promise” to slip from our minds  We do remember what “The Flag” means to all  Raise the fist !  We are back now as we promised  Reach to the sky !!  Raise “The Promised Flag” !!!
THE PROMISED FLAGGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuYes, I could find the meaning of established flag And then I'm able to move outside with my intuition from you I only believe myself but don't wanna say more Good-bye to my past and to my darkness  Look around and feel the freedom Fight against the darkness on me Overturn my obedience and my life along with my iron heart There's no fear, no hesitation  Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't look back Go my way Surely I can find the key Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't lie to my heart On my way I can change my life once again  My body has been threatened by something wrong again I have little bit of fear certainly but I don't care anything There is my faith stronger than my weakness  and I do have mind that wanna go to the future And my soul is still burning  Enduring the sleepless night and thinking everything in few hours And I accept your suffering and sorrow into my iron heart There's no fear, no hesitation  Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't look back Go my way Surely I can find the key Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't lie to my heart On my way I can change my life once again  Wanna be stronger than yesterday Wanna be brighter than before Tomorrow is waiting for me surely Now I'm breaking my cage Fly to the other side  Look around and feel the freedom Fight against the darkness on me Overturn my obedience and my life along with my iron heart There's no fear, no hesitation  Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't look back Go my way Surely I can find the key Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't lie to my heart On my way I can change my life once again  Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't lie to my heart Go my way Surely I can find the key Reach to the sky Let the flag raise again Don't lie to my heart On my way I can change my life once again! Once again!! Go my way!!!
LONELY AS A STRANGERGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuI will take good aim at the target It is you Give myself up to pleasure I don't rue I wander about in search of new game at tonight It's you Give yourself up to pleasure You don't rue  Buy time! I can drive a hard bargain Let's talk about suffering and love Don't say “Bye” Come out! What beautiful eyes you have! It's a sin Don't look down I don't tell a lie  Were you deceived many times? Can't believe the world Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time! Can you hear my true words? Let's hope for the best now Time will surely solve a problem Don't follow the herd I surely heal your heart and I receive all of you  I found you by chance and I fastened my eyes on you tonight I can feel something special Hold me tight  How's tricks? Why do you look so sad? Let's talk about suffering and love Don't say “No” Come quick! What a beautiful voice you have ! It's a sin Don't look down I do not go slow  Were you betrayed many times? You can't believe anything Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time ! Can you feel my true mind? Let's hope for the best now I will surely solve a problem It's all in the mind I surely heal your heart and I received all of you  Were you deceived many times? Can't believe the world Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time! Can't you hear my true words? Let's hope for the best now Time will surely solve a problem Don't follow the herd  Were you betrayed many times? You can't believe anything Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time! Can't you feel my true mind? Let's hope for the best now I will surely solve a problem It's all in the mind I surely heal your heart and I received all of you
STAND UP FOR THE RIGHTGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHO・TAKASyuWhy are you so selfish ? Your manner does not change Why are you so foolish ? Your very strange thought does not change  Do you think you're really right ? You're a liar I think so You are looking at the other side There is no answer No !  Go away from this place Do not touch my thing You don't know your business I feel disgusted You never reveal your intension Can't put up with your manner That's the limit ! No more !  I stand up for my right Stand up in order to fight Silence's been broken my anger Demand an apology to you Time has come Fight in the cause of justice Don't wander in the darkness No matter what happened, I push ahead confidently Everything goes just as I want now Go !  What is your shady scheme ? It must be so dangerous Can't you hear other's scream ? Why are you calm ? Your greed is endless  You do not feel anything Your mind is a dull one Your existence is annoying It's not my idea of fun  Shut your mouth Do not say anything more to me You don't know your business I can not agree You never reveal your ambition Can't put up with your thinking That's the limit ! No more !  I stand up for my right Stand up in order to fight Silence's been broken my anger Demand an apology to you Time has come Fight in the cause of justice Don't wander in the darkness No matter what happened, I push ahead confidently Everything goes just as I want now Go !  We stand up for our right Stand up in order to fight Silence's been broken our anger Demand an apology to you Time has come Fight in the cause of justice Don't wander in the darkness No matter what happened, we push ahead confidently Everything goes just as we want now Go !!  I can overthrow A fair wind blows I'll make the first move Come with me and everything goes just as I want Shout for my pride My faith never dies I'll make the first move Come with me Stand up in order to fight
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
LAMENTGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyu涙と共に散りゆく花よ 残酷な運命(さだめ)と叫びながら 風に逆らい 空に昇れ  どれほどの悲しみを繰り返して 人は生きる意味を知るの?  この想い、届けと願う 虚しさを埋め尽くすため あるはずの明日を探し 動き出せ この嘆き、届けと願う 閉じたまま終わらぬように 消せはしない明日を求め 手を伸ばせ  抱いた夢を無常の雨は 不意に奪ってゆく 打ちひしがれ 時よ戻れと天(そら)を仰ぐ  どれほどの後悔を繰り返して 今を生きる意味を知るの?  立ち止まる事を許さず 日常は時間(とき)を刻む 知り得ない明日を探し 動き出せ 拭い去る事を許さず 幾重にも憂いは積もる 新しい明日を求め 手を伸ばせ  嗚呼、何を信じ生きるのか? 愛は何か変えてくれるのか? 嗚呼、冷めた非情の瞬間 愛で何か変わるならば教えてよ  この想い、届けと願う 虚しさを埋め尽くすため あるはずの明日を探し 動き出せ この嘆き、届けと願う 閉じたまま終わらぬように 消せはしない明日を求め 手を伸ばせ  立ち止まる事を許さず 日常は時間(とき)を刻む 知り得ない明日を探し 動き出せ 拭い去る事を許さず 幾重にも憂いは積もる 新しい明日を求め 手を伸ばせ
INFINITYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuThe clouds have broken Shining stars in the sky I keep seeing them And think about my existence  I sure know where I'm going And I know what I should do, too Life is short It's in an instant I will live my best Do it  Setting sun sinks A hazy moon in the sky I keep seeing them And I can refresh my memories  The season passes early for me I must begin to move soon Life is deep It is difficult I will live my best I swear it now  Fly into the night So, I go I'll not flinch and I'll confront Because I must find the true self Look up into the sky So, I do All of me become peaceful Because I wanna feel infinity  It has stopped raining There's a rainbow in the sky I keep seeing them And think about my existence  I know the vanity of living And I know how I should behave Life is hard It is not flat I will live my best I swear it now  Fly into the night So, I go I'll not stop and I will fight Because I must get the true life Look up into the sky So, I do All of me become peaceful Because I feel infinity  The season passes early for me I must begin to move soon Life is deep It is difficult I will live my best I swear it now  Fly into the night So, I go I'll not flinch and I'll confront Because I must find the true self Look up into the sky So, I do All of me become peaceful Because I feel infinity  The life is only once Even if a grief beckons me I'll not stop and I will fight Because I must get the true life I always look up into the sky I become so peaceful Because I wanna feel infinity
ANGEL OF SALVATIONGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuいつしか降りだした この雨の 意味さえ知らず ただ濡れていた 雨音にすら 気づかず見てた たった一つだけの雲の隙間を  何もかも信じられずに 悪戯に時は過ぎて行く もう終わりにして 明日だけを見て きっと羽ばたける この翼で  Day after day (I) long for an angel of salvation 折れるほどに抱きしめてよ When will you come ? 今も求めてる そこにある筈の 小さな希望を 涙の間 通り抜けて Wanna go to the place (where) I dream  一つ瞬きを 重ねる度に 失われてゆく 輝きがある 一つ夜を越え 時が過ぎても 消えゆくものに気づきはしない  孤独と戦い続けて それでもただ笑っていたい 明日の陽は また僕を照らすだろう 信じ羽ばたけ その翼で  Where are you now ? Where is my angel of salvation ? この想いは消せやしない When will you come ? 今も探してる そこにある筈の 小さな希望を 涙さえも乾いてゆく Wanna go to the place (where) I hope  いつも感じる 冷たい衝動 傷つけ合って 確かめている 苛立ちと 拭い切れない想い 何も生まれない事も知っている  悲しみが痛みに変わる それが僕を蝕んでも 前だけを見て 明日だけ見て きっと羽ばたける その翼で  Day after day (I) long for an angel of salvation 折れるほどに抱きしめてよ When will you come ? 今も求めてる そこにある筈の 心の種を 涙の間 通り抜けて Wanna go to the place (where) I dream  いつでも何かに怯えてる 風の音さえも身体に刺さる 無意味な思いが積もってゆく 何が間違いなのかも解らずに 思い描くもの それだけを信じて きっと僕は羽ばたける この翼で  Day after day (I) long for an angel of salvation 折れるほどに抱きしめてよ When will you come ? 今も求めてる そこにある筈の 小さな希望を  Where are you now ? Where is my angel of salvation ? この想いは消せやしない When will you come ? 今も探してる そこにある筈の 小さな希望を 涙さえも乾いてゆく Wanna go to the place (where) I dream Wanna go to the place (where) I hope  Searching for my angel I know I must believe I'm not wrong Wanna hear her voice with no hesitation Just can't hear her voice Searching for my angel I know I'm sure now I'm not wrong Wanna hear her voice with no hesitation Still can't hear her voice  “Oh, please let me hear your voice”, the angel of salvation Wonder if she talks to me and holds my body certainly “So, please let me hear your voice”, the angel of salvation Wonder if she takes on me Wonder if she gives her love to me “Oh, please let me hear your voice”, the angel of salvation Wonder if she talks to me and holds my body certainly “So, please let me hear your voice”, the angel of salvation Wonder if she takes on me Wonder if she gives her love to me
METAL TRIGGERGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHO・TAKASyuGALNERYUS・Yorimasa HisatakeSuddenly ! The things come to me It's dawn Great hurry ! Run without taking a rest Lose control ! The things begin to riot I'm in cold ! Run without taking a rest  Go away ! I'll have to confront danger Go highway ! Run without taking a rest Kill the things ! The things keep on rioting Beat the things ! Run without taking a rest  It's so hard on me Thunder runs through my heart My body does not move I regret but is it too late ?  I say, “No more !” I won't give up on my luck “Why not !” I keep on fighting it back “Take the chance !” I won't be stuck here any more Feel free already ! “No way !” I know I can still stand up “Not yet !” I feel my chance is right up “Grab it now !” It'll be coming up anytime So, just get ready !  Overlook ! Never done anything wrong It's ture Don't fall sick ! I wanna change the world Lose control ! The things begin to riot I'm in cold ! I wanna change the world  It's gnawing at me I break into a sweat My body becomes stiff I regret but is it too late ?  I say, “No more !” I won't give up on my luck “Why not !” I keep on fighting it back “Take the chance !” I won't be stuck here any more Feel free already ! “No way !” I know I can still stand up “Not yet !” I feel my chance is right up “Grab it now !” It'll be coming up anytime So, just get ready !  Suddenly ! The things come to me It's dawn Great hurry ! Run without taking a rest Lose control ! The things begin to riot I'm in cold ! Run without taking a rest  It's so hard on me Thunder runs through my heart My body does not move I regret but is it too late ?  I say, “No more !” I won't give up on my luck “Why not !” I keep on fighting it back “Take the chance !” I won't be stuck here any more Feel free already ! “No way !” I know I can still stand up “Not yet !” I feel my chance is right up “Grab it now !” It'll be coming up anytime So, just get ready !
HUNTING FOR YOUR DREAMGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・Yorimasa Hisatakeどれほど夢に触れている? 目指したモノがある この手は何を求めてる? 確かなモノを探して  踏み出したら そこに 君を待っている 幾筋もの光が  大空も この大地も 全て身体に吸い込め 止まる事ない明日を 追い越して 君は強くなれる  涙に濡れて躊躇うな 想いを曝け出せ 過ぎ去る時を見つめるな 記憶の中に凍らせ  振り上げたら いつか 掴み取れるだろう 幾重に舞う光が  貫いたその想いを 全てすぐに解き放て 終わる事ない時を 飛び越えて 君は強くなれる  手探り戸惑いながら 見つけ出した無二のカタチは Oh 今日の君も変えてくれるだろう 眩しく輝くのさ Ah  踏み出したら そこに 君を待っている 幾筋もの光が  Hunting for your...  大空も この大地も 全て身体に吸い込め 止まる事ない明日を 追い越して 君は強くなれる  貫いたその想いならば 全てすぐに解き放て 終わる事ない時など 飛び越えて 君は強くなれる  Hunting for your dream !
GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGive me your life 生き抜く戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 迷わず踏み出せ  この身に宿した激情を 時代の流れに解き放て 拳に託した熱情を 友へと語り継げ  果てない日々に 心 霞んでも 紡いだ糸が 明日を繋ぎ止めてく 感じた愛も悲しみも 立ち上がる強さへと 変えるさ  Give me your life 生き抜く戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 迷わず踏み出せ 激しく滾る血潮が今 運命(さだめ)を動かす  この身に息衝く宿命が 導く答えは何処にある? 闘う者だけが行き着く この世の終焉か?  競り合う拳 心 悟っても 巡り合った時 別れは始まってる 流した涙 痛哭も 奔り出す勇気へと 変えるさ  Give me your life 己の戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 信じて踏み出せ 高鳴り燃える血潮が今 漢(おとこ)を動かす 胸に薔薇を咲かせ Go along!  Give you my life 愛する者達へ But I keep the faith of your life この義を貫け 静寂 安らぎ 砕けても 守るものがある I do not fear it forever  Just now give me your life 生き抜く戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 迷わず踏み出せ 激しく滾る血潮が今 運命(さだめ)を動かす Give me your life 己の戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 信じて踏み出せ 高鳴り燃える血潮が今 漢(おとこ)を動かす 胸を薔薇で満たし Go along!
ACROSS THE RAINBOW(New Version Of “WHISPER IN THE RED SKY”)GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuI was influenced You were a great person I like your way of life very much When I was in trouble, I depended on you I heard your gentle voice very much You're heaven now Please watch I do Can you hear my voice? And how do you feel? I wanna meet you I wanna ask you about my voice and songs What do you feel?  Please give me your power now! I realize the wish somehow! I want you to keep watching my growth I will make an effort By my troth!  Across the rainbow! Sometimes I go against the flow Aim at the only exsistence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I wanna say to you “Hello” Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I will grow  You gave me knowledge For whom knew nothing I shone with happiness very much Oh I can feel you, but I can't see you I am sad I lost you very much  Please let me know your secrets now I learn all of you somehow I want you to keep hearing my shout I will make an effort Out of doubt!  Across the rainbow! Sometimes I can meet your shadow Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I wanna say to you “Hello” Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I will grow  Please give me your power now! I realize the wish somehow! I want you to keep watching my growth I will make an effort By my troth!  Give me your power now!  Across the rainbow! Sometimes I go against the flow Aim at the only exsistence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I wanna say to you “Hello” Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! Sometimes I can meet your shadow Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I wanna say to you “Hello” Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I will grow
THE RISINGGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuI'll rise again with all of you Now I have nothing to fight But I must survive  We'll rise again with our bravehearts Let's take our swords of heart once again The heart of phoenix will be awakened  We'll all survive It's the rising of phoenix
TEAR OFF YOUR CHAINGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuI feel so good seeing you raise your hands And shake your body all night long Let me tell you something. That's our band Let's sing and dance all night long I can do magic of miracles I'll take you to the heaven I will give you blissful time You'll be livened!  Are you tired of your life? Do you feel really so? You've met me now Do not think about the starnge things But you make a racket and enjoy your night Just like me, shout as always “Power!”“Devour!”Ah-----!!!  Let's make noise more and more You can forget your pain I can't wait anymore You don't need to refrain Let's make noise more and more It doesn't come again You must tear off your chain Shake your brain  Do you wanna explore the end of the time I'll take you to the heaven Oh, I will give you blissful time You'll be livened!  You say“I do not like myself”Really so? You've met me now Do not think about the strange things But you make a racket and enjoy your night Just like me, shout as always “Stand Up!”“Get Up!”Ah------!!  Let's make noise more and more You can forget your strain I can't wait anymore You don't need to obtain Let's make noise more and more It doesn't come again You must tear off your chain Shake your brain  Are you tired of your life? Do you feel really so? You've met me now Do not think about the starnge things But you make a racket and enjoy your night Just like me, shout as always “Power!”“Devour!”Ah-----!!!  Let's make noise more and more You can forget your pain I can't wait anymore You don't need to refrain Let's make noise more and more It doesn't come again You must tear off your chain Shake your brain  Let's make noise more and more You can forget your strain I can't wait anymore You don't need to obtain Let's make noise more and more It doesn't come again You must tear off your chain Shake your brain
FUTURE NEVER DIESGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuもし君があの時 昨日だけでも あの場所に行かなかったとしたら  君のついた嘘が 過ぎ去っても 置き去りにされた記憶になる  遠ざけたいんじゃない “I wanna feel your heart” 忘れたいわけでもない “I can't forget you” いつもそばにあった笑顔 それだけ感じたい  When I walk alone without you I wish you were by my side いつまでもそばにいて 君を照らしてる 無限の光 今も輝いてるよ Someday time will tell you where you should go Future never dies  全てが在ったこの場所で 涙だけが 乾かずに流れ続けていたら  君は何を思うだろう 一人になってしまっても 明日はやってくる  叶わないんじゃない “I wanna know the truth” 認めたいわけでもない “I never forget you” いつもそばにあった笑顔 それだけ忘れない  When I walk alone without you Oh, I wish you were by my side いつまでもそばにいて 君を守ってる 無限の光 今も輝いているよ Someday time will tell you where you should go Future never dies  When I walk alone without you I wish you were by my side いつまでもそばにいて 君を照らしてる 無限の光 今も輝いてるよ  When I walk alone without you Oh, I wish you were by my side いつまでもそばにいて 君を守ってる 無限の光 今も輝いているよ Someday time will tell you where you should go Future never dies  Time will tell you where you should go I'll give you everything of my heart Time will tell me where I should go The sky is blue It's never clouded Time will tell you where you should go I'll give you everything of my heart Time will tell me where I should go The sky is blue Future never dies
SPIRIT OF STEELGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuThe enemy comes to the striking distance It's a menace I must shatter the silence I think about the way things stand I'll decide to fight for my own hand He is forcing his own ideas on me It's a menace I do not wanna agree I must fight but it's far from easy I wanna win but I can not play dirty  Oh, where is this? Is this place where I'm supposed to be? I have the courage of my convictions Pluck up courage No fear  Oh, I have spirit of steel I want more the flesh of steel I wanna go my way I do not want to be interfered by him from now on I wanna go my way Oh, I have spirit of steel  The enemy comes from my rear and front It's a menace I am all right at the moment I must fight but It's far from easy I wanna win but I can not play nasty  Oh, how should I do? How can I get over the difficulty? I have the courage of my convictions Pluck up courage No fear  Oh, I have spirit of steel I want more the flesh of steel I wanna go ahead I've seen the way to go I can go without hesitation I wanna go my way Oh, I have spirit of steel  Oh, where is this? Is this place where I'm supposed to be? I have the courage of my convictions Pluck up courage No fear  Oh, I have spirit of steel I want more the flesh of steel I wanna go my way I do not want to be interfered by him from now on I wanna go my way Oh, I have spirit of steel I wanna go my way I have spirit of steel
THE WIND BLOWSGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuThe sky is so bright and I'm standing alone I was parted from you and I'm walking alone I know it's not from you But I'll pick up the phone I was parted from you and I'm on sandstone  I feel very lonely I miss you My only mistake is that I let you go on that day  Wander around looking for you night and day But I can never find you I find the memories of you The memories of that day are fading away The wind blows against my heart I'm looking for you  I wanted to detain you But you said“Goodbye” I was parted from you and so I asked you“Why?” You have a tender heart and you have gentle eyes I was parted from you and now I always sigh  I feel very lonely I miss you My only mistake is that I let you go on that day  I remember the night with you I saw a vision Though I can never find you I find the memories of you The good old days that we spent were the fiction? The wind blows against my heart I'm looking for you  Wander around looking for you night and day But I can never find you I find the memories of you The memories of that day are fading away The wind blows against my heart I'm looking for you  I remember the night with you I saw a vision Though I can never find you I find the memories of you The good old days that we spent were the fiction? The wind blows against my heart I'm looking for you
T.F.F.B.GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuWhen I'm sad, I remember you When you are sad, what can I do? I've met you and I knew the joy I want you to feel a lot of joy  Even if a wind blows, you must not lose You look good with a smile than tears At anytime, I offer words of cheer I keep my promise Never lose Ah---!  “Trust”It can change our lives and support your life “Fate”You can see the matter in the correct light We keep believing our future world It was getting to be daylight  I wanna know what you expect I want you to know what I expect I've met you and I knew the fun I want you to feel a lot of fun  Even if you hesitate, you must not lose You have an important thing At anytime, you are looking so good I keep my promise Never loose Ah---!  “Faith”It makes our bonds strong and support your life “Blessed”You will be always given it and it's your life We keep believing our future world It was getting to be daylight  “Trust”It can change our lives and support your life “Fate”You can see the matter in the correct light We keep believing our future world It was getting to be daylight
BASH OUT!GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHO・TAKASyuI get excited at you all right! I wanna go for a midnight drive We'll keep running in the moonlight I wanna take a crazy drive  The condition of my car is perfect Hey! Do not get off my car yet Are you ready now? I'll take you to the paradise So sit down next to me all the time Let's enjoy with me It's playtime Are you ready now? Start running!  I do not wanna be separated from you 'Cause since that day, I love you It's my true feeling so “I wanna bash out all night long!” Please do not leave me alone, I wanna stay with you 'Cause since that day, I love you It's my true feeling so “I wanna bash out all night long!” Oh, Yeah!  I'm crazy about you all right! I wanna take a midnight flight We'll keep flying in the moonlight I wanna spend a crazy night  My body and heart are so perfect Hey! Don't get out of my plane yet Are you ready now? I'll take you to the heaven So sit down next to me all the time Let's enjoy with me It's playtime Are you ready now? Start flying!  I've met you and I am luckier day by day How do you feel? How do you think? I wanna know your answers “We wanna bash out all night long!” You'll never reveal your real intent today How do you feel? How do you think? I wanna know your answers “We wanna bash out all night long!” Oh, Yeah!!  I do not wanna be separated from you 'Cause since that day, I love you It's my true feeling so “I wanna bash out all night long!” Please do not leave me alone, I wanna stay with you 'Cause since that day, I love you It's my true feeling so “I wanna bash out all night long!”  I've met you and I am luckier day by day How do you feel? How do you think? I wanna know your answers “We wanna bash out all night long!” You'll never reveal your real intent today How do you feel? How do you think? I wanna know your answers “We wanna bash out all night long!” Oh, Yeah!!!
THE TIME HAS COMEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuI can't stand anymore I can't see anything at all Only feel wind blowing I can't think anymore I think no one can help my soul There is no god No way out  When I cried throughout the time The man like a warrior came close to me and screamed  The time has come It's time to wake your soul up again Just trust me Release your chained hands all of you  We'll never die Even if your soul is still crying Tomorrow'll come Pick up your rusty sword again  The man continued screaming He said to me“Take the flag again” What was the flag? Just a cloth? I asked him, then he said “Remember what you've fought against” There is god There's only one way  Finally I realized A cloth was not just a cloth So I raise my flag proudly  The time has come It's time to wake your soul up again Just trust me Release your chained hands all of you  We'll never die Even if your soul is still crying Tomorrow'll come Pick up your rusty sword again
BURN MY HEARTGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuI will tell you the story of the surprise on that day I will tell why I am doing so I did not expect a thing And it's a wonderful thing for my way of life He said“Do you wanna touch the star? Do you wanna shine more than ever?” I said“I wanna do so by all meanings” I thought such a chance was rare I got excited very much  At that time I didn't hesitate to make up my mind Now I feel the change slowly but surely Oh Can I catch the star like everyone else? I know I should 'cause I wanna get it Ready? Fly high!  Burn my heart into eternity Satisfy everyone That's the mission to myself Burn my fear Oh I'll never return to the past Get your soul Take your soul Let's blaze up at this time  What will I be able to do? I am still looking for that It's like a treasure hunt It's not easy It is waiting in the other side Anyway, I should hurry up  I remember Getting over many difficulties in the past But this time is more serious for me Oh Can I catch the star like everyone else?  I know I should 'cause I wanna get it Ready? Fly high!  Burn my heart into eternity Satisfy myself That's the destiny to myself Burn my fear Oh I'll never return to the past Get your soul Take your soul Let's blaze up at this time  At that time I didn't hesitate to make up my mind Now I feel the change slowly but surely Oh Can I catch the star like everyone else? I know I should 'cause I wanna get it Ready? Fly high!  Burn my heart into eternity Satisfy everyone That's the mission to myself Burn my feat Oh I'll never return to the past Get your soul Take your soul Let's blaze up at this time  Burn my heart into eternity Satisfy myself That's the destiny to myself Burn my fear Oh I'll never return to the past Get your soul Take your soul Let's blaze up at this time  You and I will always believe the fate Let's heat up together and follow me I will satisfy you I promise it to you Get your soul Take you soul Let's show our soul Blaze up now
CARRY ONGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuThe fight is started Go ahead! It's hard to fight with myself I'll keep on doing till my deathbed The darkness is on the way Will I lose my way? Don't worry Take it easy and learn from the history Do you always feel intense cry of my soul? Feel and get it To win, cry out everyday  I show the anger and the dirtiness I think that it's an important thing to keep on fighting I show the power and the weakness It's necessary Do not take a rest Carry on!  Can I reach there before long? It's all right Because I'm strong I will be defended by my law Do you understand why I fight? Do you understand what I find? I wanna bask in the tender light  I will confront the other side in my soul Feel and break it To win, cry out everyday I show the pleasure and the sadness I think that it's an important thing to keep on fighting I show the power and the craftiness It's necessary Do not take a rest Carry on!  I show the anger and the dirtiness I think that it's an important thing to keep on fighting I show the power and the weakness It's necessary I've gotta go for the best It will be busy Do not take a rest Carry on!
DESTINATIONSGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHO・TakaSyuLast night I saw a dream I was flying over the sky heard someone's scream It was my own loud outcry  Where do you go? where do you flow? Where do you come from? “Can you answer?”“Yes, I can answer! How 'bout that!!” Run from here Move form here What can you always hear? “Can you answer?”“Yes, I can do that!!”  I have the conviction I have a special power There is a little friction I'm in no hurry It's over  Why do you cry? What do you try? What do you watch with your eyes? “Can you answer?”“Yes, I can answer! How 'bout that!!” Where do you go? where do you flow? How can you always know? “Can you answer?”“Yes, I can do that!!”  I'll catch a rainbow in the dark I can do it I feel it I'll erase a memory in the dark I can do it I feel it It's not only in a dream I can really fly tonight Destinations where I can go at anytime Oh yeah!  I'll catch a rainbow in the dark I can do it I feel it I'll erase a memory in the dark I can do it I feel it The time does not wait for you You should do it now You feel it You'll catch a rainbow, too While we live, we'll never forget faith  You can go to the plase where you wanna go at anytime I can go to the plase where I wanna go at anytime
A FAR-OFF DISTANCEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyu醒めた眼差し 何を見続けるのか 守るべきモノ? 孤独さえ躊躇わない この身さえ惜しくはない Even if I rot away Just keep on running  So far away But I never give it up 今 解けない絆が 運命と交錯してゆく I'll get over it It's now A far-off distance  甘い囁き 何処へ誘いゆくのか 迷い落ちても 真実の欠片はある Even if I rot away Just keep on praying  So far away But I'll feel many loves 崩れそうな明日でも 運命の鼓動は脈打つ I'll get over it It's now A far-off distance  So far away But I never give it up 今 解けない絆が 運命と交錯してゆく I'll get over it It's now A far-off distance  So far away But I'll feel many loves 崩れそうな明日でも 運命の鼓動は脈打つ 限りない未来へ続いてゆく And I will get over it It's now A far-off distance  I believe in my destiny Everyone knows! I'm not ever alone Tomorrow never dies I can fly anytime I have the truth from the past Always in my heart I devote my body Cause I have a bond Somebody will respond Tomorrow never dies I can fly anytime Go to the end of life There's no fear It is bright  I'm alive!
FALL IN THE DARKGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuYou said,“Believe me please” No way Don't get close to me Go away You have no idea Always 影だけ蠢く ただ一人踊る 明日が透けて見える  お前のその夢じゃ この先何も生まれない 己の限界を知るだけ  I don't wanna look at your face You should go some other place The time spent with you is disgrace 駆け引きが揺れる ただ一人もがく 明日が透けて見える  お前の生き方じゃ 未来は何も変わらない 己の限界を知るだけ  There is no time in your life Fall in the dark You do not know the truth of your life Live in the dark I will see the way to go You understand I hate you and you hate me so  お前のその夢じゃ この先何も生まれない 己の限界を知るだけ  There is no time in your life Fall in the dark You do not know the truth of your life Live in the dark I will see the way to go You understand I hate you and you hate me so
DESTINYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSyuSyuDestiny is calling you, passing through your edge of heart (We're) not a loss anymore, and look up your future Oh, yeah!!!!!  もう迷うことなど無い 悩み続けることも無い 見上げたその時、全てに気づいた 今までの過ちを 自分を見失いそうになることなんて、もう無いはず ただ一つの同じ星を見てる  Destiny is calling you, passing through your edge of heart (We're) not a loss anymore, and look up your future And surely, we'll unite onve again We're filled with power Don't lose the past Gone with the steel  もう逃げることなど無い 抱え続けるもの無い 見上げたその時、全てに気づいた 今までの過ちを 自分を見失いそうになるなんて、もう無いはず ただ一つの同じ星を見てる  Destiny is calling you, passing through your edge of heart (We're) not a loss anymore, and look up your future And surely, we'll unite onve again We're filled with power Don't lose the past Gone with the steel  今にも消えそうだった光よ、もう一度輝け ただ一つの同じ星を見てる  Destiny is calling you, passing through your edge of heart (We're) not a loss anymore, and look up your future And surely, we'll unite onve again We're filled with power Don't lose the past Gone with the steel  Destiny is calling you but you don't believe it Keeper of the resurrection is standing alone And surely, we'll unite once again with strong faith Live to survive Live for my life Just like those stars
REBEL FLAGGALNERYUSGALNERYUSYAMA-BSyuIn hatred, you are crawling On a road, I'm going Searching for the peace of your mind You just feel the confusion  See the crowd of people They want a little warmth The world of sadness that distrubs you It's just real Can't take it anymore  Now I'm calling for you Why don't you answer for me When I touched your heart Your mind turned into the stone Now I'm calling for you Why don't you answer for me Feel the end of the world I don't know,“What's the truth? What is the right?”  Without a warning, we face the truth There's no mercy, the time has come Searching for the peace of our mind We just feel the confusion  See the cloud of warriors They want a little struggle The world of sadness that disturbs you It's just real Can't take it anymore  Now I'm calling for you Why don't you answer for me When I touched your heart Your mind turned into the stone Now I'm calling for you Why don't you answer for me Feel the end of the world I don't know,“What's the truth? What is the right?”  Now I'm calling for you Why don't you answer for me Now I'm calling for you Why don't you answer for me  Now I'm calling for you Why don't you answer for me When I touched your heart Your mind turned into the stone Now I'm calling for you Why don't you answer for me Feel the end of the world I don't know,“What's the truth? What is the right?”
MY LAST FAREWELLGALNERYUSGALNERYUSYAMA-BSyuFor all the crowds I'll show the prime of the world You watch my last carry out Don't you miss it You know there's not a chance at all Memorize the scene of my last  Feel the fire in the middle of the night The days of the battle has arrived at last The light is ripping my eyes You'll see the end of my life The ache of your heart It will break my heart  Coming to the new world But I can't see your smile No one notices the truth It's my last farewell You must take the new world I just feel your pleasure I'll never forget your warmth It's my last farewell  Here is the light The light brings liberty to you But don't touch the truth of the world Please, warm me up Shut out the cold air Now I just determine  Feel the fire in the middle of the night The days of the battle has arrived at last The light is ripping my eyes You'll see the end of my life The ache of your heart It will break my heart  Coming to the new world But I can't see your smile No one notices the truth It's my last farewell You must take the new world I just feel your pleasure I'll never forget your warmth It's my last farewell  Feel the fire in the middle of the night The days of the battle has arrived at last The light is ripping my eyes You'll see the end of my life The ache of your heart It will break my heart  Coming to the new world But I can't see your smile No one notices the truth It's my last farewell You must take the new world I just feel your pleasure No one notices the truth It's my last farewell  Coming to the new world  I just feel your pleasure
SHIVERGALNERYUSGALNERYUSYAMA-BSyuWalking in sleepless night I'm calling you. I'm wandering in gloom Flowing the noise of night that shakes my mind Please take my hand  I know that no one can keep holding the light The light will bring the hope to your life But it's not realized  Calling on you, I stand alone (Why don't you hear?) I wanna get close to your side (I've lost my mind) Out of the night, I'm looking for you Even if there is no future Calling on you, I stand alone (Why don't you hear?) I wanna get close to your side (I've lost my mind) Out of the night, I'm looking for you Even if there is no future I just feel a pain of the world  Into the heat of night, I've lost my way Cry for the moon Illusion of your eyes that shakes my mind Come back to me  I know that no one can keep holding the light The light will bring the hope to your life But it's not realized  Calling on you, I stand alone (Why don't you hear?) I wanna get close to your side (I've lost my mind) Out of the night, I'm looking for you Even if there is no future Calling on you, I stand alone (Why don't you hear?) I wanna get close to your side (I've lost my mind) Out of the night, I'm looking for you Even if there is no future I just feel a pain of the world  I know that no one can keep holding the light The light will bring the hope to your life But still not realized  Calling on you, I stand alone (Why don't you hear?) I wanna get close to your side (I've lost my mind) Out of the night, I'm looking for you Even if there is no future Why don't you hear?  Calling on you, I stand alone (Why don't you hear?) I wanna get close to your side (I've lost my mind) Out of the night, I'm looking for you Even if there is no future Calling on you, I stand alone (Why don't you hear?) I wanna get close to your side (I've lost my mind) Out of the night, I'm looking for you Even if there is no future I just feel a pain of the world
QUIET WISHGALNERYUSGALNERYUSYAMA-BSyuFacing my destiny, I walk alone I know I'm at the point of no return They put me down Years of fighting never ends See the blood on a street Don't you fear  Why don't you realize your life is gone? Ignorance of the world makes me cry Standing alone Silence, that means the end See the blood on a street Don't you leave me  Wish the strength of the soul 'Cause I need deliverance Into the chaos and slipping away  There's a fight for the freedom It's a quiet wish Call of the steel, now it makes you go There's a fight for the freedom It's a quiet wish Now I expose noble confidence in this world  It took so long to find this small light There is no day without a morning sun No more sighs We just find the way to go Feel the joy in your heart for being alive  Wish the strength of the soul 'Cause I need deliverance Into the chaos and slipping away  There's a fight for the freedom It's a quiet wish Call of the steel, now it makes you go There's a fight for the freedom It's a quiet wish Now I expose noble confidence in this world  Wish the strength of the soul 'Cause I need deliverance Into the chaos and slipping away  There's a fight for the freedom It's a quiet wish Call of the steel, now it makes you go There's a fight for the freedom It's a quiet wish Call of the steel, now it makes you go  There's a fight for the freedom It's a quiet wish Call of the steel, now it makes you go There's a fight for the freedom It's a quiet wish Now I expose noble confidence in this world
UNITED FLAGGALNERYUSGALNERYUSYAMA-BSyuLook the tower, the dictator lives in He brings us the fear of the evil Now the time, we are breaking the chains of pain We are the one  The end of the long and vain days Now, get free Breaking through the dark We will fight 'til the end of our days  United flag Now we are marching on the way Our victory has carved in stone So, it is not a dream Facing the truth Now I know what I have to do No one can stop the power of freedom Shatter the kingdom  In the night, I've been searching for the answer A calling voice has lead us to the land Gathering spirits It's like burning steel We are the one  We believe the existence and keep the faith Breaking through the dark We will fight 'til the end of our days  United flag Now we are marching on the way Our victory has carved in stone So, it is not a dream Facing the truth Now I know what I have to do No one can stop the power of freedom Shatter the kingdom  Can't you hear that the wolves are howling Feel the moonlight that brings us the victory Gathering spirits It's like burning steel We are the one  We believe the existence and keep the faith Breaking through the dark We will fight 'til the end of our days  United flag Now we are marching on the way Our victory has carved in stone So, it is not a dream Facing the truth Now I know what I have to do No one can stop the power of freedom Shatter the kingdom  United flag
SILENT REVELATIONGALNERYUSGALNERYUSYAMA-BSyuThere's something dangerous in the night You'll beware Follow the sign that comes from deep in your heart Now I just feel the fire of steel My soul is burning hard Taking a chance to fight for freedom you want  Falling down to the silent ground Get away, now it's my time to make a change Brightness of steel blinds my eyes Make my day, now I'm just ready to go  Breaking the tyrant's rule Shake the world like a dog of war Taking a chance to fight for freedom you want  Falling down to the silent ground Get away, now it's my time to make a change Brightness of steel blinds my eyes Make my day, now I'm just ready to go  Spark is the last scene you'll see My sword brings you the end of your life Your blood is spreading on the floor It's like silent revelation  Falling down to the silent ground Get away, now it's my time to make a change Brightness of steel blinds my eyes Make my day, now I'm just ready to go  Spark is the last scene you'll see My sword brings you the end of your life Your blood is spreading on the floor It's just silent  Spark is the last scene you'll see My sword brings you the end of your life Your blood is spreading on the floor It's like silent revelation
THE FLAG OF REINCARNATIONGALNERYUSGALNERYUSYAMA-BSyuHuman life has continued for centuries Don't you cry when one life is over You should welcome a birth of new life Watch through the repetition of birth and death  Take hold of the flag You believe in the glory of fate Break through the wall of ignorance The time of a blessing has come  Look up the sky The new flag is calling you Into the next field You try to break free Look up the sky The new flag is calling you All begin to notice the fact We believe in reincarnation under the flag  We know the new life will be our leader The soul of ancient people will keep the ways of our life  Take hold of the flag You believe in the glory of fate Break through the wall of ignorance The time of a blessing has come  Look up the sky The new flag is calling you Into the next field You try to break free Look up the sky The new flag is calling you All begin to notice the fact We believe in reincarnation under the flag  Meditation in the silent night The soul of ancient people will keep the ways of our life  Take hold of the flag You believe in the glory of fate Break through the wall of ignorance The time of a blessing has come  Look up the sky The new flag is calling you Into the next field You try to break free Look up the sky The new flag is calling you All begin to notice the fact  Look up the sky The new flag is calling you Into the next field You try to break free Look up the sky The new flag is calling you All begin to notice the fact We believe in reincarnation We believe in reincarnation We believe in reincarnation under the flag
終わりなき、この詩GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuたった一つ見つけた 大切なもの 零れ落ちた涙 記憶を辿る 苦しみと共に 生まれた奇跡を 今もう一度 確かめながら  暮れゆく空を見上げ 心に問いかけても 答えはいつも同じ 今 思い出して 生きる意味を  彼方へ消えゆく あの日の記憶を 折れそうな心で 守り続ける 捧げよう 終わりのない この詩を  終わらない嘘と 止まらない涙 突き刺さる言葉 二度とは決して無いと  暮れゆく空を見上げ 心に問いかけても 答えはいつも同じ 今 思い出して 生きる意味を  彼方へ消えゆく あの日の記憶を 折れそうな心で 守り続ける 咲かせよう 風に向かう この華を  選んだ路 見えない先 手探りで進んでゆく 答えはいつも同じ 今 思い出して 生きる意味を  彼方へ消えゆく あの日の記憶を 折れそうな心で 探し続けよう 幾多の過ち 乗り越える強さを 今は離れていても 決して忘れはしない 捧げよう 終わりのない この詩を  この詩を
FATE OF THE SADNESSGALNERYUSGALNERYUSYAMA-BSyuRemember the ancient pain No one knows your name Now you're just walking on the road of madness Just feel the fire of steel If you wanna take a chance We get the power Now the battle begins  Watching the dance of death Feeling the fear of the dark Now you're just floating on the sea of madness Just feel the fire of steel If you wanna make a change Rolling like thunder War has never ended  I want to see the promised land Fate of the sadness I cry for you  My heart is burning hard Breaking the chains you feel Now I just take a force that brings the glory Just feel the fire of steel If you wanna make a change Oh, please don't cry any more I believe in you  Watching the dance of death Feeling the fear of the dark Now you're just floating on the sea of madness Just feel the fire of steel If you wanna make a change Rolling like thunder War has never ended  I want to see the pomised land Fate of the sadness I cry for you I want to see the promised land Fate of the sadness I cry for you  Walking on the mountain's top I will catch the cloud (and) go through the sky It's such a beautiful scene that I feel warm Walking on the mountain's top I will catch the cloud (and) go through the sky You take my soul so far away I loose my mind  I want to see the promised land Fate of the sadness I cry for you I want to see the promised land Fate of the sadness I cry for you  Walking on the mountain's top I will catch the cloud (and) go through the sky It's such a beautiful scene that I feel warm Walking on the mountain's top I will catch the cloud (and) go through the sky You take my soul so far away I loose my mind
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. 怪獣
  2. ダーリン
  3. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ
  4. 倍倍FIGHT!



  1. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  2. HEART
  3. Swish
  4. スイートピー
  5. 琥珀

