WRONG SCALE作曲の歌詞一覧リスト  11曲中 1-11曲を表示

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11曲中 1-11曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
S.SWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE菊川正一WRONG SCALE抱え切れない程の涙色した悲しい歌に包まれて ありふれた孤独渇いた空見上げて歩く  気付かずに手放した大切な何かを見つけて進もう それぞれの時間その思い出に寄り添えるように  もしもあなたと出会えなければ知らずに過ぎた優しいあの日 いつか私は思い出す瞳閉じて寂しさつきまとう  小さな胸に響く心細く言葉は宙を舞う 果たせない約束ゆらゆら揺れる繰り返す日々  あなたがくれた涙でいつかこの花を咲かせよう 少しづつ 暖かな風暗闇照らす光辿って  時を数えて戸惑いも消えてたどり着けると信じて歩く きっと探せるだろう瞳閉じて閉ざした扉開いて  後退りする事ばかりに慣れて何が見えなくなっているか 分らなくなってた日  抱え切れない程の涙色した悲しい歌に包まれて しばらく泣いてあなたの残り香が薫るさめた記憶
b-181WRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE楠誠一WRONG SCALEI don't know what happen to her. I don't know what's going on. Wanna know what happen to her. Wanna know what's going on. She tells me nothing about her. Just keeps silent about that. Everything is falling to me. Nothing has been over for me.  I don't know what happen to her. I don't know what's going on. Wanna know what happen to you. Wanna know what's going on. You tells me nothing about you. Just keeps silent about that. Everything is falling to me. Nothing has been over for me.  I just want to be help to you. I'll be there, do my best. I just want to be your needs, I'll serve you be my guest. Tell me why, I need to know, you can't open heart to me. I wonder why you solve it by yourself. Remember always you're not alone.  I don't mean that you are wrong. You no need to wwait so long. There's no need to be afraid. My hope is we chance to wait. I don't know what you think about but I don't denay your life then. I can see ways of feeling, I can see ways of thinking. You don't know what I think about but you know that I think you then. You don't care about me or do that you want to do as you are.
SustainWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE楠誠一WRONG SCALEWhat's all you need to say good bye? What's all you need to hold me tight? Can't you be nice to me tonight? Have eyes only for the past...  I pray for you that you are fine. I pray for you that you are kind. I can't get you out of my mind. I can't get you out of my sight.  I know your everything tonight. I hold your hands so tight tonight. I feel your hair and breath tonight. You show your face and heart tonight. Why don't stare at my eyes any more.  Whenever you smile or cry or lean to me. Your every action really draw my soul my heart every time. I always do for you what you whan me to do. I hope we get along together every single day. I wish so.  What are you going to do? What can I do for you then? I dream our happy life every day. I'm waiting for I work hard every day.
TripWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE野田剛史WRONG SCALETaking a beginning step for the first time is our necessary role. There's a line which exists before we were born. That line crosses the life, and it grows far away even if we'll not exist. We started on our travels to find it.  Travel is sometime controlled rationally by absurd power. But the things which was picture from that's the truth, always be our side. The only bar is drawing the line to our possibility. By that, we can't take new step and can't find the crossover.  Let's go out hugging that tightly, let's take a new step hugging tightly. Life is the things we experience all process and also continue etemai travel.  It mayn't have our own expectation, natural rythm bring us a good necessarily. Life is the things we experience all process and also continue etemal travel Let's go out hugging that tightly, let's take a new step hugging tightly. Whatever happens, we'll go on trip... But the line was taking a step forward us, I feel, forward us, I feel.
Something in front of meWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE野田剛史WRONG SCALEEverything that could have went wrong, went wrong these days. Now isn't the time. Would even care? Until the day hell freezes over. When hell freezes over.  Please tell me everything that you think that I should know. That you'll be calling me again. This is the last chance for you. Please tell me everything that you think that I should say. That you'll be calling me again. I can't help, I can't help how I feel.  It's time to go. I wasn't prepared. I'm not going to let you down. That the way I feel as all I have. It could taken lifetime. It's maybe...... forever.  What if I would say for that? Simple word's I can't relate. What came easy is how too late. It's always standing in front of me. What if I would do for that? Simple action I can't relate. What came easy is how too late. Standing in front of me.
Waiting forWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE野田剛史WRONG SCALEIt's far beyond your reach. It holds a place in time. Somewhere ahead is the back of the line. I can't relate to your... relate to your mistakes.  So when you hold onto the past then you. Will break down what little is left. There's nothing move you can't ignore. And say it makes no difference to me.  I gotta learn how to lose and to choose my own wars. I gotta understand it's not me against the world. But we are strong, But we are strong. I'll keep my feet straight on the ground. Still waiting for a good day, Waiting for a good day.
Back to the pastWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE楠誠一WRONG SCALEI wanna do what I can do and I will be more than what I say. Can you figure out that I mean and I try to tell ya. Why you gonna try to be you style in your life? Cause you know right way. But it's not so easy, Some can never be that's like you.  When it's hard to solve all things, and it's hard to solve by yourself, you don't have to try to get it over by yourself all time. If you gonna waste your time again, you shoud have better give up shame. Why don't you ask me for help. I want you to ask me help.  You gonna do I wanna do, even I do hardly in my life. If you say that you don't know why I can't do I will tell ya. I gonna be a man of word I think it's not so funny stile. To get the true in this world, I can never give up to find that.  When it's hard to solve all things, and it's hard to solve by yourself, you don't have to try to get it over by yourself all time. If you gonna waste your time again, you shoud have better give up shame. Why don't you ask me for help. I want you to ask me help.  To what I have to do for me. I think it's the factor reaching goal in my life. But I don't care, No matter what you think of that. I never give up fighting with myself. I just wanna be....  ”Back to the past”They say. But I say. To live this time is to take your chance for your every fake. But you have to try hard. Waste of time. But it's fine. You just moment in your life. You should choose what you think right. You no need to care your way. You just do that you think fine. I don't go back to what I say.
The day rain changes to the rainbowWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE野田剛史WRONG SCALEI tucked myself up in warm bed as usual. I got to sleep while I recalled a happy day. I happened to get up, the window is sparkled by rain. My silent room was filled with light like neon signs.  I felt loneliness I couldn't understand. I don't want to something, I depend on someone. I don't know why, but I was carried away by the felling of the lonliness. I wanted to call......  I recalled love affair in the past, what is she doing now? I thought that, I felt more lonely...... That falls suddenly as if it felt for the first time and melt it my hand. To get to each other under this umbrella.  We talked many nights away, and present dream has appeared. Whatever unless life I spend, if I feel that I drew to a dream is real. I spend the day with soul.
Cross roadWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE菊川正一WRONG SCALE悲しい答えぼんやり消えたうつむく僕は 形がなくて夕日と沈むさびたこの目が 今は静かに空を見つめて  正しい事はただ側にいて 信じた事は手が届かなくて逃げていくのは憧れた夢 諦めたのは。。。 もう忘れよう  数ある道の行き先は何処道端の花 寂しく揺れる夜空に祈る星は答えず 今は静かに空を見つめて  正しい事はただ側にいて 信じた事は手が届かなくて懐かしい日々もう忘れるから  いつもと変わらぬこの街並と 数え切れぬ出会いと別れが 何かを捜し当てるそしてまた悩む 君がくれた暖かいぬくもりは まだ少しここに残ってるから 違う道を選んだ ここからまた行こう  季節は巡り秋風のあと雪が溶け出しまた会えるかな
End of painWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE菊川正一WRONG SCALE君が居たあの季節は通りに吹く春の風に かき消されてゆくようなそんな気がしています 君と見た夢は遠くどこかで佇んでいて 取り残されているようなそんな気がしています  何に怯えているのかさえ解らず僕は 今まで何処に居たなんて事は忘れて  やがて思う戻る事を残された勇気が歩き始め出し 遠く見つめ支える風優しく身を切る  君が居たあの景色は通りに咲く春の花に 誘われて消えてったただ一つ傷を残して  この痛みはその優しさ消えない火この胸に灯る 何時までも何処までも僕が強く望むなら  曇った夜の星空を尖った僕が突き抜ける やぶれかぶれの諦めの果て何を見る?  やがて行こう届かぬ果て残された勇気が歩き始め出し 遠く見つめ支える風 君と見た夢は遠く遠く
dream and stepsWRONG SCALEWRONG SCALE野田剛史WRONG SCALEI had a large quantity dream and. Future figure was just like blank paper, as a distance with a youth gets distant, it was buried with a dirty object. And dream also gets a few thoroughly..  Summer comes, it becomes why my feeling comes positively. It passes just as anything isn't after all. For an object that is called summer, when I got flutter there was it.  She started going up for steps to an adult. Close and pour a mind for the door being confused. She doesn't sing a melody of a wave. And never to do lend an ear for whispering of a wind.  For a faded future figure, there was a margin more. It does a mind that there seems to be what I left more for me much.  For a day called tomorrow, in order to make an expected color shine, let's try to get flutter on first in this summer …For either of this girl……
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  1. きょういくばんぐみのテーマ
  2. 倍倍FIGHT!
  3. ライラック
  4. 怪獣



  1. タイムリミット片想い
  2. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  3. MUSE
  4. Swish
  5. ネーブルオレンジ

