||:Repeat:||AA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | もうイヤになって 捨てに行って朝になったんだ 行ったり来たりしたそんな日々 1人になったんだ サビついた古い記憶 Repeat againかい? 消え去った古い夢 Repeat again もうイヤになった過去に居たって 変わらない未来さ 行ったり来たりして ここに居たって変わらない自分さ サビついた古い記憶 Repeat againかい? 消え去った古い夢 Repeat again Hey bro, we have no time to waste Now, begins a totally new day Don't wanna dwell on the past at all, right? We don't look back, just move on now It's sunny, It looks like a good today It's sunny morning, looks like a good today |
The JamAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | He said, too late No! 言いなりにならずにBlow!!! We said, not yet そう いいかい? 叫ぼうぜGlow!!! もう何も言わなくて良いんだ Say no more, should do what you want 君が手にするんだGlow!!! He said, too late No! 言いなりにならずにBlow!!! We said, not yet そう いいかい? 叫ぼうぜGlow!!! もう何も言わなくて良いんだ もう何も言わなくて良いさ Say no more, should do what you want Say no more, should replied as follows 君が手にするんだGlow!!! We said, not yet そう いいかい? 叫ぼうぜGlow!!! 君が手にするんだGlow!!! Should replied as follows Should do what you want Go |
Path of the arrowAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | 探していたよ バカ騒ぎして Path of the arrow 笑っていたね 僕らの日々 Path of the arrow 探がしていたよ 答えのない Path of the arrow 悩んだ日々も いつの間にか Path of the arrow Good luck 世話になった Continue to search for something unknown Coz I don't wanna lowered the whole tone of my own Sometimes, I cast about for a suitable reply But don't be stupid things or you will get a black eye Good luck 世話になった Get going そう何したって見えてくるよ Get going そう何したって消えていくよ He will trust everybody, suspects everybody Everybody has his faults Everybody hurts Good luck 世話になった |
LastsAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Nothing lasts forever Nothing lasts forever Promised land, last forever Nothing lasts forever Everything is nothing 時は重なり 日々は移ろい 季節は変わり Everything is everything 空は広がり 雲は流れる 雨がまた降る I can see the sky I can see the lights I can see the sky I can see the lights Nothing lasts forever Nothing lasts forever Promised land, last forever Nothing lasts forever Everything is nothing? 時は重なり 日々は移ろい 季節は変わる Everything is everything? 僕らは語り そして居なくなり 誰も居なくなる Unaware of the story Wow... |
EndrollAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | 旅立って日が過ぎ 間違った時もある 悔しかったって気もした でもね、やっぱり 手をつなごう 素晴らしい景色を見た 腐りきったモノも見た くだらねぇって事知った だけどね、やっぱり 手をつなごう 敵も味方もなく 右も左もなく お偉方も君も そこはね、やっぱり 手をつなごう あなたと 手をつなごう |
DRONEAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | ねぇ、何故? 空は青いんだろう ねぇ、何故? ここにいるんだろう ねぇ、何故? 鳥は飛ぶんだろう ねぇ、何故? 僕は飛ぶんだろう 何で? 何で? その時声がした 雲は晴れた 目の前が見えた そこは広がった 鳥になったんだ あの頃みたいに 広い世界に 引き金引いたんだ その時声がした 雲は晴れた 目の前が見えた 敵が現れた 鳥になったんだ あの頃みたいに 狙いさだめて 引き金引いたんだ This is an air-raid warning! You've got to protect your family, defend your country I repeat, this is an air-raid warning! You've got to protect your family no matter what, defend your country no matter what! Mom... I don't want to die!!! |
WARWARWAR -# Mix-AA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | “War!!!” The time has come “War!!!” Comes closer War War War War War War “War!!!” No way to run “War!!!” No way to hide War War War War War War “War!!!” Is it over? No No No No No No |
VICIOUSNESSAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Stop the malicious Being vicious Lay off the malicious Being vicious Stop the malicious Being vicious It's not a white lis The limit of your time is taking a nose dive That will be a bad ride The limit of your time is taking a nose drive キレた リベラリズム 貧困の暴走 LOOPする構造 カタストロフィー きっと、いつかここを抜け出すんだ Stop the malicious Being vicious Lay off the malicious Being vicious Stop the malicious Being vicious そしてエラい先生はこう言った “時計の針は正しく正常だ” だけど、この子の値段はわずかな90ドル I've nothing to hide The limit of my time is taking a nose dive That is not a good ride The limit of my time is taking a nose drive Stop the malicious Being vicious Lay off the malicious Being vicious Stop the malicious Being vicious Chain reaction 目の前で針は狂った That happened under my very eyes 目の前で針は狂った Whereabouts is that broken? 狂った 狂うんだ |
WILLAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Don't be scared Reckless courage Don't be scared The future is coming Don't be scared Reckless courage Don't be scared You can do it You can stand You can start Go now The future is coming Move on The future is coming Go now The future is coming Move on The future is coming Don't be scared Reckless courage Don't be scared The future is coming Don't be scared Reckless courage Don't be scared You can do it You can stand You can start Repeat the same mistake 繰り返したくはないんだ Can repair an oversight You can repair an oversight Each man's the architect of his own fortune You can stand You can start Each man's the architect of his own fortune |
DISTRAPAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Tell me, what you've got, did you feel anybody pat? I know who you are, I mean that you smells a rat The rats has come out from underground, spring over the ground like a hound Projected my feelings, oh what can I see? so, projected your feelings, so what can you see? Everything is first and everything is the last Abject surrender QUESTION! QUESTION! THE ERROR COUSE TERMINATION! DELETION! DELETION! THE ERROR COUSE TERMINATION! Resign yourself to your fate? Are you scared? May meet you again if we spared Time's fair to everyone cuz we stand in same ground お前の神はいつでも正義を救済しているのか? オレの正義はヤツらの正義とは違う 答えは誰も教えてくれた事は無い 悪魔がオレの元に来てささやくのか? お前がオレにささやくのか? 答えはいつもそう そこにはねぇんだ No one else can fill that job You ain't a slob, at least few years ago We must give order to chaos The decision will not fade off Don't be so paranoid, I am not talkin' about you Everything is first and everything is the last The siren blew, the siren blew QUESTION! QUESTION! THE ERROR COUSE TERMINATION! DELETION! DELETION! THE ERROR COUSE TERMINATION! Time's fair to everyone cuz we stand in same ground No one's crowned No one's... 危機は来てる Distrust Kick your ass, with distrust 危機は来てる Distrust まだ見捨てちゃいないぜ 1,2,3 BPMaster オレのリズムはオレが鳴らすぜ ここで自分をまるで昨日の様に語る分けねえぞ! ヤツのClockはオレらのコワレタノイズで狂わせていく いいか? 迷うか? 逃げていねぇか? いいか 迷うな 逃げていねぇな Resign yourself to your fate? Show me what you got, may meet you again if we spared Time's fair to everyone cuz we stand in same ground No one's crowned We stand, stand on slippery ground always QUESTION! QUESTION! THE ERROR COUSE TERMINATION! DELETION! DELETION! THE ERROR COUSE TERMINATION! We throw down |
KILROY WAS HEREAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Kilroy was here, the rumor came ヤツは今日も情報スクウォット Kilroy, what? You believe that? まるでマインド・ファッカー Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy was here, the rumor came ヤツは今日も情報スクウォット Kilroy, what? You believe that? まるでマインド・ユースクエイク Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Kilroy, Kilroy, Kilroy Don't be taken in his words Don't lose sight of a loadstar Who's pulling the strings tonight? I lose sight of you... Lose sight of you... |
The KlockAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | 回想する章 この世界では無い者 その記憶は硬直し、故に秩序は無し 今、居た世界は反転する The position have been reversed at the time [その立場は反転した] 今また反転する 321 Turn over this mad maze [この淀んだ迷路を入れ替えろ] The reverse is the case [真実は裏側] Turn over the mad face [その狂った表面を替える] The reverse is the case [真実はその反対側] The reverse in this case,re:birth... 今また反転する 321 回想する日常 この世界では無い者 その記憶は硬直し、故に秩序は無い 彼女の世界は反転する Turn the facts over in my mind [真実をすべて頭の中へ放り込む] 今また反転する 321 Turn over this mad maze The reverse is the case Turn over the mad face The reverse is the case The reverse in this case,re:death... 今また反転する 321 Inverted the klock Go back in time [時計を戻す] Turn the facts over... [事実を放り込め...] 気が付いた Hurt you 夢を見たんだ 過ぎていたんだ 夢を見たんだ Hurt you Inverted the klock Go back in time [時計を戻す] Go back the way we came [来た道を戻っていく] Turn the facts over [事実を放り込め...] 気が付いた Hurt you 夢を見たんだ 過ぎちゃったんだ 夢を見たんだ Hurt you 傷ついた Hurt you 君は痛いんだ 傷が痛いんだ 胸が痛いんだ Lost you |
Lasts -Your Rhythm Mix-AA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | Nothing lasts forever Nothing lasts forever Promised land, Last forever Nothing lasts forever Everything is nothing 時は重なり 日々は移ろい 季節は変わり Everything is everything 空は広がり 雲は流れる 雨がまた降る Nothing lasts forever Nothing lasts forever Promised land, Last forever Nothing lasts forever Everything is nothing? 時は重なり 日々は移ろい 季節は変わる Everything is everything? 僕らは語り そして居なくなり 誰も居なくなる Unaware of the story |
WORKING CLASSAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Feeling the pressure on my hand. I can not stop sweating. I do not trust the dosimeter. I do not trust the master. “Said the master with wine in hand.” Work for peace!!! “Said the master with money in hand.” Work for peace!!! WORKING CLASS... I hear an explosion now. It is not negative. I see smoke over there now. It is not negative. “Said the master with wine in hand.” Work for peace!!! “Said the master with money in hand.” Work for peace!!! WORKING CLASS... Unexpected!!! Unexpected!!! Unexpected!!! Unexpected!!! |
DISTORTIONAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Brother!!! お前の犠牲の上に我らの成長 アップグレード Installer コード:OTHER PEOPLE デバイスの本望 IGNORANCE is PEACE. IN-FOR-MATION CONTROL IN-FOR-MATION CONTROL CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL “For that reason, so, I'm turning on the distortion.” [そんな訳で、僕はディストーションをオンにするんだ] Brother!!! 自由は規制 お前らは価値ある集合 消耗品の集合 コード:OTHER PEOPLE Worthless, Thinkless, Rightless people. N-FOR-MATION CONTROL IN-FOR-MATION CONTROL CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL “For that reason, so, I'm turning on the distortion.” |
posi-JUMPERAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Change the future 目を覚ました Undoだ このInequality 飛び出すんだ Jump up! 俺はJumper, jump up posi-JUMPER. Fly away to future. 超えろ 行動しろ 飛び出そうぜ 壊して行こうぜ ただのシステムのSlaveになるな! Go!!! Start up! Go! Fly away! Gotta jump for your right. そうさ 俺らはUnbeatableだ ヤツの妨害も消し去り飛ぼうぜ そうさ 俺らはUnbeatableだ ここで未来へ高く飛ぼうぜ 飛び出そうぜ 壊して行こうぜ ヤツのシステムのSlaveになるな! Go!!! Start up! Go! Fly away! Gotta jump for your right. posi-JUMPER |
sTEP COdeAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | 言葉は妄想 思想幻想 メルトダウン MAD RULER! 存在Discode 強制情報 議会狂騒 メルトダウンだ RULER! You are discode! Liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Fxxk'n Government and Ministry” Discode!!!! sTEP COde!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 奴らはPRIDE 奴らはGREED Why are we crying |
Dry your tearsAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | “Dry your tears” People, stand up!!! Never forget. Can't forget. Never forget you. |
coLorsAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | 友よ 始まるぞRiot これぞ未来に伝えるColorだ No violence, No dictatorship, No lie and No nuclear. 変えて行こうぜ Futuristic color Change actionだ 未来へ Revolution 声を出せ 立ち上がれ 前進だ行くぞ Change the world!!! 友よ 集めるぞColors その未来 塗り替えるPowerだ White, Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, and more. 変えて行こうぜ Futuristic color Change actionだ 未来へ 立ち上がれ 声を出せ Are you ready? 前進だ行くぞ Change the world!!! World is colorful. Future is colorful. It must be colorful. 1,2,3,4 声を出せBrother お前の人生だ 諦めるな 捨てるな 俺等はここでお前を待つ 共に色を変えて行こうぜ What's your color? No violence? No dictatorship? No lie? No nuclear? What's your color? |
Sunshine glowAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Tiny light 光を探そう(Come on meVIR.) To the future 掴め そのGlory(Come on meVIR.) Tiny light 光を探そう(Come on meVIR, go.) To the future 掴もう そのStory Go along. Let it go, now! Let it go, friends! Ready go! Let it go, now! Let it go, friends! Sunshine glow Sunshine light, Get the sunshine glow.(Come on meVIR.) To the future, Get the そのグローリー(Come on meVIR.) Sunshine light, Get the sunshine glow.(Come on meVIR, go.) To the future, Get the そのストーリー Go along. Tiny light 光を灯そう To the future 掴め そのGlory Tiny light 光を灯そう To the future 掴め そのStory Go along. |
DREAMERAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Tell me, why are you dreaming alone? 泣いているの? Tell me about your sad story. 消し去りたいよ Tell me, why are you dreaming alone? Sad story is gone. 夢になって君の涙 消せたらいいな Dreamer... We promise. Don't repeat your sad memories. 手に余る苦しい思い 泣いているの? 目にしたんだ 涙や傷 消し去りたいよ 手にしたって こんな思い Sad story is gone. 夢になってあの日はもう消せたらいいな Dreamer... We promise. Don't repeat your sad memories. |
We're not alone(AA= Ver.)AA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | 今、未来へ行こう その未来へ行こう その光 暗がりの中 前に進むんだ 俺たちはまだあきらめない 今、未来へ行こう その未来へ行こう 空を見上げた 歩き出そうぜ 一人じゃないさ 俺たちの声を響かせて行こうぜ We're not alone!!! 今、迷わず行くんだ その目で見て行くんだ 壁乗り越え行くんだ 今、迷わず行くんだ その未来を創造 今、未来へ行動 We're father of our future. We're mother of our future. We're not alone!!! Son, Daughter, Friend, All creatures, Home, Land, Sea, Earth. We do not destroy our future. (We can prove that we rise to our feet again.) We do not destroy our future. (We can prove that we will ride again.) |
#3 OUTROAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | We believe. That someday The world will be happy. |
2010 DIGI toTALismAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | 旧世界の暴徒は終わりだ NEW未来を LOAD して終わりだ 新世界の登場だ! そう、新たなページを更新したぞ! もう世界の暴走は終わりだ NEW 未来を LOAD して終わりだ 新世界は登場したぞ! 新たなページを更新したぞ! でも何かが違う… 2010 DIGI TOTALISM |
INDUSTRIALAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | 連動的な消去 erase、構築 construction この街のプライドは waste 連動的な消去 erase、構築 construction この街のプライドは膨張 快適な Brave New World! 快適な Brave New World! 快適な Brave New World! 快適な Brave New World! INDUSTRIAL この街の名前は INDUSTRIAL 全ては有効で清潔な SouceProg 完全な Logic に完壁なコントローラー 生産は神であり消費は礼拝である この街の名前は INDUSTRIAL 人々の義務は Good use この街の名前は INDUSTRIAL 我々の手の中にある物は常に 大きな幸福と達成感である |
BASS JUNKEESAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | READ THE DATA PLAYだ BASS JUNKEES どうしたんだ、ブラザー Oscillation しろ MAD BRAIN 正解は不正解、フェイズした What? Do that! まるで Weapon、Brick in the wall かい? READ THE DATA PLAYだ BASS JUNKEES どうしたんだ、ブラザー Oscillation しろ FUZZ DAY 正解は不正解、そうなんだろう? Crack! ウイルスで混在しろ 今レボリューション 俺らはまだここにいるぞ そしてお前の行動を阻止するぞ Stand up! Here we go! Stand up! Here we go! Stand up! Strength we show! Glory! Stand out! Let it know! Stand out! Strike a blow! |
GREED...AA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Breed, 何故 You're Greed It's ugly, また、そう Breed I'm angry, 何故 Your Greed It's ugly, また、そう Breed Your name's GREED!!! Bleed, 何故 You're Greed It's ugly, また、そう Breed I'm angry, 何故 You're Greed It's ugly, また、そう Breed Your name's GREED!!! GREED!!! WHAT? What a sad dream WHAT? Just a sad dream |
meVIRAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Starting meVIR Through the wall You start the meVIR to WARNING! WARNING! Warn the world Starting meVIR Let go the worm You start the meVIR to WARNING! WARNING! Warn the world People standing there now Not lost anymore We stand at the start point now We are not lost anymore We stand at the start point now We do not feel fear Yes, master is watching you No, nothing watching you Yes, master is watching me No, nothing watching me Go, go, go destroy! |
BPMasterAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | BPMaster 全能な Ruler The noise gater The terminator Think Control Word Control Truth Control Beat Control He is always right!!! BPMaster “Force Quit!!!” |
4 leaf cloverAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Throw... Why did you throw the four leaf clover? Throw... Why don't you see the four leaf clover? サヨナラで生まれる今夜 経つ、過ぎる、笑う、そう言うんだ そして君はまるで急ぐんだ そして君はまるで行き急ぐんだ Throw No! Why? Why did you throw that? Throw No! I can't let you throw that? Why did you throw? Why didn't you know? Why did you break it? |
FAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | F law, F words, F pay. Are you F there? F love, F war, F God. Are you F there? Do you want it? More? Do you want it all? F sad, F glad, F mad Are you F there? Do you want it? More? |
FREEZEAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA | TAKESHI UEDA | | CPU overload - not responding to quit Governing motherboard - ハングアップ City CPU overload - not responding to quit Conflicts found in the World now FREEZE FREEZE FREEZE FREEZE FREEZE FREEZE Fatal error code, crash the world, go quit Systems Think Board,ハングアップした Fatal error code, crash the world, go quit Conflict found in the world now, FREEZE FREEZE FREEZE FREEZE FREEZE FREEZE |
4LEGS GOOD, 2LEGS BADAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | LUST, GLUTTONY, GREED, SLOTH, WRATH, ENVY, PRIDE Don't know when to give up Don't know when it's enough Don't know when to show mercy 2 LEGS BAD |
PEACE!!!AA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | ヤツらは当然と、その未来の構造も抹消する。 欲望から見た目は汚れたLOGIC、欺、Yahoo's理。 俺は宣言する。 このねじれた世界に抵抗する! Save your screams!!! Peace!!! Let's move on, 4 integration Let's move on, 4 soul fusion Move on. Not 4 combination Move on. Carry out reformation Move on to reformation Now we must move in true action 3, R.E.V.O.LUTION 2, R.E.V.O.LUTION 1, R.E.V.O.LUTION レボリューション Tell me, what's going on !? Here we go! Oh !!! Save the screams!!! Let's move on, 4 integration Let's move on, 4 soul fusion Move on. It's a mind revolution Move on. This is the revolution Move on 4 revolution Now we must move in true action この黒い世界に、また立つ。 この黒い世界、CRY、叫ぶ。 この黒い世界でまた立ち。 君の未来をどうしても守る。 I start now, I stand up Move on 4 revolution Move on 2 revolution Its called“MIND REVOLUTION” Now we move with true conviction Peace |
FREEDOMAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Freedom, You, ready, set, go now Freedom, Go to the next level Freedom, Go to the newest level So free You're free Born free Set free Freedom, What lifts us higher Freedom, What lifts us higher I can see liberty there It is our fate See the states of being I can take you to a time where we free Freedom, Hey, Rready, set, go now Freedom, Go to the next level Freedom, Go to the newest level Freedom, What lifts us higher I can see librty there It is our fate See the states of being I can take you to a time where we free See the states of being Freedom, What lifts us higher Freedom, What lifts us higher Freedom, What brings us power |
LOSERAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Steady, let's just go Show you feel the flow Steady, let's just go Show a way of your own I'm really sorry 壊れた僕に気がついた。 ルーザーだ。 そしていつかここにはぐれ So I want to cry だけど、君もこんな所で泣いていたんだ。 Steady, let's just go Show you feel the flow Steady, let's just go Show a way of your own The black clouds cover the sky See the dark storm, nowhere to hide Feel the cold rain, accept there's no gain There's no way you can escape There's no way to evade What you think about that? 'bout this? What you gonna do about that? 'bout this? Steady, let's just go Show you feel the flow Steady, let's just go Show a way of your own |
ROOTSAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Stuck in the same place? I know what you said about that We're in such a strange world We must leave this place You know, we don't give a fuck now or forever Your true way Your new true way Change the story It's not phony Your true way Your new true way Change the story It's not for me I don't leave you to my fate I don't lead you to this way Take my hand, I give it There's no reason to hate it Make a new story Change the old story Find the future story This is the new roots Don't close your eyes before you fly Don't close your eyes |
ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUALAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | 光あれ!New Eraだ 創造者 その未来は膨張し buzz kickビースト 狂騒症 イカレタ暴走にAAの加護 Me? Same as you You? Same as me “全ての創造は平等である” ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL Get on the amazin ruckus beats Oh, can you feel tttthat ill flavor shit Now you in the pit Me? Same as you You? Same as me All creations are equal ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL Get the brand new sound and cycle We just equals Don't you get the same old, same old You'd be left in the cold Me? Go with you You? Come with me All creations are equal ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL |
ELECTRIKAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Why do you live in the past? So, you wanna stay to the last? I have a different view Tell you some encouraging news Can you see that electrik space? Go away from gloomy day Can you see that electrik space? Don't turn your eyes away Let you know ahead of time There's no eternal lights We should cross that river the one called“the river of ablivion”... Waitin' for the light of day Long time ago. The branch cracked with a snap and broke off Few years ago. The rain filled up the crevice in the ground Waitin' for the light of day The light of day to break |
PEOPLE KILL PEOPLEAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Why do you test me? A place where friends meet Good food and comfort That's all I want for it I am not the one who wants for mo', mo'… Only the few things that're needed Everybody knows what is needed But someone always comes to take it away People Kill People Why do you try me? A mother's warm ease Neighbor's smiles, mercy too What I've done to you? We're not the ones who want for mo'… Only the few things that's needed Everybody knows what is needed But someone always comes to take it away People Kill People This is what you want That is what you want To kill each other Steal from each other This is not what we want This is not what we want Just what you've always wanted Not what we ever wanted Lights flash across the sky The moonless night burns red The sound of death controls the world I stand up and I'm taken by the discipline of death Flame, scream, explosion, desperation Wealth, theft, steal, honor Justice, mission, peace And, pained the darkest color Lights flash across the sky The moonless night burns red People Kill People People Kill People Kill What the fuck do you want? People Kill People Kill Got my chrome out People Kill People |
STARRY NIGHTAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | Tell me, what do you wanted and think? Tell me, what do you wanted and sing? Tell me the story, far off light The story that's like this Starry Night If I could feel it... If you could feel it... If we could feel it... Only the starry night knows me |
NEW HELLOAA= | AA= | TAKESHI UEDA・TAKAYOSHI SHIRAKAWA | TAKESHI UEDA | | One day's morning I noted that it 目覚めたんだ The thing that had passed That it was ending One day's morning I noted that it 目覚めたんだ It was the track's necessity Its just a beginning of the new glory day You better watch out 'bout what we pay You better watch out, call our name Stand up by your feet and feel the beat You better say the word when you feel low Say again that brand new“hello” Can't can't control Can't can't be stopped Don't don't complain Don't don't give it up Don't lose it Don't confuse it Don't throw away Don't explain away What's the logic of doing this? The logic of doing this? What's the logic of doing this? |
xxx can of this.THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS | THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS | KYONO・J.MILES | TAKESHI UEDA | THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS | I just want it.Can I have this? Happiness in this can of This. I just want it. Can I have this? Feeling fine on a can of This. If you don't want it, can I have this? Can I have this, can of this? |