SHO作詞の歌詞一覧リスト  61曲中 1-61曲を表示

全1ページ中 1ページを表示
61曲中 1-61曲を表示
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
LOST IN THE DARKNESSGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSYUWhen you open your mouth, it's all lie No one is depending on you When you tell me your story, it's all lie No one is going to help you out  Leave me alone Beat it Quake with fright The end is drawing near Shake with fright Leave me alone Get out Dread every night As you sow, so shall you reap  When you're smiling at me, it's all lie No one is depending on you When you tell me your plan, it's all lie No one is going to help you out  Leave me alone Beat it Quake with fright You've got no future Shake with fright Leave me alone Get out Dread every night Suffer and be done with it  You are the hate You are the fake Lost in the darkness and go to hell You are not right It is your fate I have to bid you farewell Now go away You do not stay Lost in your regrets and go to hell Go back your way Don't touch me I feel unwell  Leave me alone Beat it Quake with fright You've got no future Shake with fright Leave me alone Get out Dread every night Suffer and be done with it  You are the hate You are the fake Lost in the darkness and go to hell You are not right It is your fate I have to bid you farewell Now go away You do not stay Lost in your regrets and go to hell Go back your way I see your last day Do not come over to my side You are the hate You are the fake Lost in the darkness and go to hell Go back your way Don't touch me I feel unwell
FINALLY, IT COMES!GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSYU奔(はし)る風が燃える 律動 胸を躍らせる 遥か空を馳せる 時を積み重ねて Come to my side  No one can Nobody knows But someone shouts “Finally, it comes!”  Grab all my dreams そう信じて Grab hold of my dreams 舞い上がろう 一欠片溢さない 示した道をゆく 怯まずに  声は真(しん)を纏う 時を変え続けて Closer to me  No one can Nobody thinks But someone shouts “Finally, it moves!”  Get all my dreams 今すぐに Get hold of my dreams 飛び立とう 立ち上る輝きは 踏み出し地を固め 恐れないで臨め  幾度も戻されながら それでもまた 手を広げて高く  Grab all my dreams 躊躇わず Grab hold of my dreams 舞い上がろう 一欠片溢さない 示した道をゆく 怯まずに掴もう  Get all my dreams 今すぐに Get hold of my dreams 飛び立とう 立ち上る輝きは 踏み出し地を固め 進め雄々しく 挑め凛々しく 今を塗り替えてゆけ
VOICE IN SADNESSGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSYU不意に倒れ目をやれば 身体は哀しみに震えてる 焦がれた幾多の季節は 霞んで戻すことは出来ない  消えて絶え果ててしまう 何か感じる間もなく いつかこの時が来ると 誰も知っているはず だけど  (a) Voice crying in sadness I'll keep asking myself Tell me how to get out Just put me back (a) Voice crying in distress I'll keep telling myself Give me how to stand up Just bring me back  褪せた今に戸惑えば 失う寂しさを思い知る 飽きずにはしゃいでた頃の 無邪気さ戻すことは出来ない  翳り枯れ果ててしまう 気づき感じる間もなく 避けて通れぬことだと 皆彷徨い歩く だけど  (a) Voice crying in weakness (I) wanna keep feeling myself Tell me how to get out Just put me back (a) Voice crying in soreness (I) wanna keep defying myself Give me how to stand up Just bring me back Dream... It's to revive Like that time  (a) Voice crying in sadness I'll keep asking myself Tell me how to get out Just put me back (a) Voice crying in distress I'll keep telling myself Give me how to stand up Bring me back again  (a) Voice crying in weakness (I) wanna keep feeling myself Tell me how to get out Just put me back (a) Voice crying in soreness (I) wanna keep defying myself Give me how to stand up Just bring me back
WITH PRIDEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSYUGrope 戻らぬ日に 身を焦がし Ah もどかしいままで 探してるものがある Hope 持ち続けて 挑むほど Ah 虚しさと共に 心隠し動けず  No more time 憂いを纏い 声よ届けと 思いを投げつける  Higher and higher I should be able to still go 吐き出す息を感じて もう少し今を描かせていて Longer and longer I wanna keep going a little more 響く形を感じて もう少しここに留まらせて  Fade 時間が全て 遠ざける もう煌めき失くし 落ちてゆくだけなのか Shade 突き抜けずに 遮られ Ah 美しさは消え 影が射し心動けず  No more life 焦りを纏い 声よ届けと 力を込めている  Faster and faster I should be able to still fight 吐き出す息に託して 流されないで突き刺せばいい Over and over I wanna keep growing a little more 新しい風感じて 諦めないで進めばいい  涙零れ眠れない夜は 空を見上げ記憶を辿ろう さあもう一度 そう何度でも あの日のように蘇らせ叫べ Ah  With pride I should be able to still go 吐き出す息の強さで 目の前の壁壊し続けて Longer and longer I wanna keep going a little more 響く形を感じて もう少しここで立ち向かいたい  Faster and faster I should be able to still fight 吐き出す息に託して 流されないで突き刺せばいい Over and over I wanna keep growing a little more 新しい風感じて 諦めないで進めばいいさ どんな時も輝け
SEE THE LIGHT OF FREEDOMGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSYUGALNERYUS朽ちゆくのか 消え去るのか 築いてきた 鮮やかに光る世界  連なるのは うねる嘆き 誰もがみな 立ち尽くし動けぬまま  Wrack and ruin! Chaos and confusion! Razing the world! Fierce anger! Tears of blood cried in lamentation! Ruining the world! Fearful power!  断ち切られた 明日への希望 誰もがみな 悲しみに囚われてる  Grief and cry! Just acute infection! Razing the world! Fierce anger! Tears of blood cried in lamentation! Ruining the world! Fearful power!  刹那... 胸が裂けても 疲れ果てた思いを いつか戻せる時が来る 剥がれ流れ落ちても 強く鼓動は続き 今も変わらぬまま明日を探す  Wrack and ruin! Chaos and confusion! Razing the world! Fierce anger! Tears of blood cried in lamentation! Ruining the world! Fearful power!  刹那... 泣き崩れても 果てはもうそこにある すぐに笑える日に会える 剥がれ流れ落ちても 強く鼓動は続き 錆びずきっと未来を探す 信じよう! 狂おしいほど 乾き過ぎた思いも すぐに潤う日が来るさ 駆け抜けよう! 昨日を忘れ 今を強く生きれば 新しい世界の光が見える  誓おう! 今!
FIGHTING OF ETERNITYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKIGALNERYUS“Run! Hide in the darkest shadow So we don't get caught by them Don't be deceived Run! Now go away down to below We just don't want to get hurt Do not be caught in their traps”  Aiming at the hiding place Hurry up! Can't lose this race I try hard at my own pace (I think about how I deceive) Even if I'm dripping wet Take care not to get upset I don't wanna have regrets (I think about how I deceive)  静けさを切り裂き 閃影捉え走る  This fighting of eternity 激越な様を見せつけ 奪い取れ I'll do it to infinity 諦めることなどしない 今日も撃て In the future, I will beat a guy I will do it It's my joyous cry!  Anyway, I want to win My effort is not in vain I'll give you intense pain (I think about how I can win)  狙いは狂いなく 壮烈熱く走る  This fighting of eternity そこが安住の地ならば 押さえ込め I'll do it to infinity それは平伏すまで続く 強く撃て In the future, I will beat a guy I will do it It's my joyous cry!  “Run! How long will this fighting last... So we don't get caught by them Don't be deceived Run! Hide in the darkest shadow We just don't want to get hurt Do not be caught in their trap (in their trick in their plot)”  This fighting of eternity 激越な様を見せつけ 奪い取れ I'll do it to infinity 諦めることなどしない 今日も撃て In the future, I will beat a guy I will do it It's my joyous cry!
COME BACK TO ME AGAINGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSYUGALNERYUSWhy did you lie to me? I lost my heart... 淡い夢も砕け散って消えゆく Why did you make me sad? My broken heart 追憶も許されない 明日も見えない  Why did you injure me? I lost my heart... 叫びは渦に巻かれ決して響かない  悵然として空を仰ぎ (それは霞隠された空) 隙間から滑り落ちる誓いの欠片 涙が繰り返されるなら (愁嘆する胸の痛みに) 闇が招く先は連鎖する絶望と No way out  Even if you come back to me again I can not forgive you 'Cause I'm in pain あの日の影はチラついたまま Do you remember what you said in the rain? I can not think anything 'Cause I'm in pain 激しく惑乱し落ちてゆく  手に入れたと信じたものは (触れさせて逃げてゆくものは) 姿変え剥がれ流れ朽ちてゆく幻想 愛憎繰り返されるなら (哀切極まるこの痛みに) 闇が招く先は連鎖する絶望と No way out  Even if you come back to me again I can not forgive you 'Cause I'm in pain あの日の影はチラついたまま Do you remember what you said in the rain? I can not think anything 'Cause I'm in pain 激しく惑乱し落ちてゆく  Now I want you to go away Leave me alone I can not forgive you Live on my own 全て壊れた果ての焦燥 So, I'm going to give up This is the end I can not think anything Come to an end 全て戯言 終幕の始まり 激しく煩悶し落ちてゆく
REMAIN BEHINDGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSYUGALNERYUS冷たい静寂に 呼び戻された記憶は 刹那に燃え千切れた 今は叶わぬあの夢...  雫のように流れて 忘れられたらいいのに 背中に残る優しさが 逃れようもなく 熱く締め付けたままで  君の言葉聞けぬまま離れてゆく あの瞬間も声も笑顔も全てが消えてゆく 何が君を追いつめ変えてしまった? 憂悶し僕は今でも...  昨日に追い越され 行き場を失くしてしまう 果たされぬ約束は 風にのまれ塵になる  深く遠く 流れて 忘れられたらいいのに 指先残る愛しさが どうしようもなく 僕を締め付けたままで  思い一つ届かずに壊れてゆく あの場所も空も季節も全てが消えてゆく いつの君が何かを変えてしまった? 憂悶し僕は今でも君を求める  痛み※もがきながら だけどまだ答えを探してる この瞬間どう生きるべきか 自分の弱さ曝け出していいから もう  君の言葉聞けぬまま離れてゆく あの瞬間も声も笑顔も全てが消えてゆく 何が君を追いつめ変えてしまった? 憂悶し僕は今も君を求め叫んでいる  思い一つ届かずに壊れてしまった あの場所も空も季節も全て消え去ってしまった あの日君が何かを終わらせたのならば 行く道の迷い断ち切るため? それが答え?  今は一人  叶わぬまま
MY FAITHGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKIGALNERYUS・Yorimasa HisatakeFell upon trying times It was the sad time But the sun shines on without burning out Made a great sacrifice It wasn't once or twice But the star shines on without falling down  What am I looking for? Where am I steering for? I want power It's an answer  Believe my belief Do it until I die There is nothing disturbing my belief Build up my faith Do it lasts forever There is nothing disturbing my faith  So many things were lost I often got lost But the sun shines on without burning out I had a sad farewell I have been in the hell But the moon shines on without falling down  What am I searching for? Where am I steering for? I got power Found an answer  Keep my belief Do it until I die Hate an act which goes against my belief Act of my faith Do it lasts forever Hate an act which goes against my faith  Believe my belief Do it until I die There is nothing disturbing my belief Build up my faith Do it lasts forever There is nothing disturbing my faith  Keep my belief Do it until I die Hate an act which goes against my belief Act of my faith Do it lasts forever Hate an act which goes against my faith  I believe my faith
CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOUGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・Yorimasa HisatakeI finally reach there and find out my life But you're not there Wanna be with you all the time My feelings don't reach you Just seem to stand still Can you see me? I live near you Find me out!  I feel very lonely It's hard I'm looking for you Now feel my heart It may take time It's fine with me Wanna hug you  Live without you That is what I can't think of “Can't live without you” I say aloud You hear me? Even if time passes, my thought does not fade and does not change I pray my wish will come true  You spend it like always and find out your life But I'm not there You seem to like one I don't know what you think of me  You're so fascinating It's true I like that about you Now feel my heart It may take time It's fine with me Wanna hug you  Live without you That is what I can't think of “Can't live without you” I say aloud You hear me? Even if time passes, my thought does not fade and does not change I pray my wish will come true  I feel very lonely It's hard I'm looking for you Now feel my heart It may take time It's fine with me I wanna hug you  Live without you That is what I can't think of “Can't live without you” I say aloud You hear me? Live without you That is what I can't think of “Can't live without you” I say aloud You hear me? Even if the sun loses brightness and falls, my thought does not fade Never change! I pray for it My wish will come true I believe it But is it a sad cry for you?
『5』IAIASHOSHOshoいま言葉通り 眺めてみた 変わらぬ妄想に 渦巻くこの理想論  いま見える この 蜃気楼は 集めて触れた? 受け止められそうもない  意味のない言葉 そこへ 吹き込む イメージより連想  なにもない空想よりも それは今ずっともっと近づいてく 今はないけど また今日も迷います?  まだ繰り返す この妄想に 終わりは見つけた? 今も悩み続けてる  昨日と今日今の真実には 理想だけを載せた ただのまぼろしかもな  いつだって この世界は 僕は 二人といない  意味を 探す現実逃避 それを いま  意図のない言葉 それは 見えない イメージより幻想  そばにある想像よりも 手の届く方へもっと近づいてく  今はないけど また今日も迷います?  いま言葉通り 眺めてみた 変わらぬ現状に 渦巻く理想論 まだ残る この 蜃気楼に 誰もが憂う 出来るはずはないんだと  また今日も見えた空に 浮かぶ夢消えそうで  目の前に落ちた現実 そこへ 吹き込む イメージより連想  なにもない空想よりも それは今ずっともっと近づいてく 今はないけど また今日も迷います?  迷います。
THERE'S NO ESCAPEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・YORIMASA HISATAKE孤独に捕らわれ見失っていた いつしか迷宮を彷徨っていた  何かに縋り 答えを探してる  There's no escape 見せてよ 少しの明かりでいい There's no escape 照らしてよ 果てない道でいい Like falling to the gape in a wild landscape 願いは叶うか? Oh, rescue me And set me free すぐにここから連れ出してよ  見えない姿を追いかけていた 指先だけ触れ消え去っていた  時を戻して 言葉を探してる  There's no escape 聞かせて 囁く声でもいい There's no escape 教えて 僅かな事でいい Like falling to the gape in a wild landscape 祈りは届くか? Oh, rescue me And set me free 早くここから連れ出してよ  I am groping for my destiny Can't find yet Seem to wander in the dark 一人きりで手探り 何も見えない But I won't stop groping for my destiny  何かに縋り 答えを探してる 時を戻して 全てを掴みたい  There's no escape 見せてよ 少しの明かりでいい There's no escape 照らしてよ 果てない道でいい Like falling to the gape in a wild landscape 願いは叶うか? Oh, rescue me And set me free すぐにここから連れ出してよ
ULTIMATUMGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・YORIMASA HISATAKEFed up! I don't wanna see your figure Never! Liar! I can not trust you and don't wanna talk Break up! I don't wanna hear your words Forever! Anger! You will be given a great mental shock  The rain comes on It tears all off Don't notice that We'll reach a so sad ending I'll tell you flat I am running out of my time I notice that  Get out my way Don't need the memory Is this love? I was always hurt by you Stand away Nothing was good for me Is this love? I can't believe you anymore  Shut up! I don't understand your feelings Never! Anger! You will be given a great mental shock  The storm comes on Destroys all Don't escape from here We'll reach a so sad ending But I'll fight fair I'll have to start for a new place I dare to go there  Take all away Now I can not calm down Is this love? I was always hurt by you Fade away You said “Don't let me down” Is this love? I can't believe you anymore Oh!  The rain comes on It tears all off Don't notice that We'll reach a so sad ending I'll tell you flat I am running out of my time I notice that  Get out my way Don't need the memory Is this love? I was always hurt by you Stand away Nothing was good for me Is this love? I can never believe you Take away Now I can not calm down Is this love? I was always hurt by you Fade away You said “Don't let me down” Is this love? I can't wait you anymore Oh!!
ATTITUDE TO LIFEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・YORIMASA HISATAKEどこまでも広がる 灰色の空の下 運命を背負って この身を捧げてゆく  沸き立つ思いを この空に曝け出すのさ 護り抜くものは そうさ 明日に繋いでゆこう  たとえ今 露と消えても 君よ 決して諦めないで 終わらない悲しみなど無いことを 君は知っている  息を潜めながら 忍び寄るものがある 運命と偽り この身を蝕んでく  涙も叫びも この空に届けと願う 護るべきものは 君の胸に生き続けてる  ここで今 果てるとしても 君よ 決して苦しまないで いつの日か太陽が照らすことを 君は知っている 最後に笑えばいい  今を支えるもの 今も信じ続けてるもの 澱みも曇りもない 全てを誇りのために護ろう  たとえ今 露と消えても 君よ 決して諦めないで 終わらない悲しみなど無いことを 君は知っているから  ここで今 果てるとしても 君よ 決して苦しまないで いつの日か太陽が照らすことを 君は知っている さあ、迷わず笑え  So, attitude to life Oh Attitude to life Oh Oh Oh
SECRET LOVEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKIGALNERYUS・YORIMASA HISATAKESecret love Ah, precious one You change my world That just begun Secret within us Is this love a sin or right? I'm feeling the life is like the tight-rope dancing  熱い夜に紛れ 愛は動き出す 真夜中のドアを叩けば 誘う影が一つ映る 欲望に魅入られ 腕の中眠る 秘められた時は流れる二人だけのカタチがある  迸る感情だけが 今を生きる証か? 移ろう世に彷徨いながら  何故これほど切ない? 何処へ辿り着く? 二人答えを求めてはいけない... 降り続く雨の中 濡れたままでいい  誰にも知られずに 君を壊したい まっすぐな瞳の中に見える明日が迷っている  偽りない言葉だけが 今を支えてるのか? 移ろう世に彷徨いながら  何故これほど悲しい? いつまで愛せる? 決して答えを探してはいけない ... 吹きつける風の中 凍えていいから  Secret love Ah, precious one You change my world That just begun Secret within us Is this love a sin or right? I'm feeling the life is like the tight-rope dancing  何故これほど切ない? 何処へ辿り着く? 二人答えを求めてはいけない ... 降り続く雨の中 濡れたままでいい  何故これほど悲しい? いつまで愛せる? 決して答えを探してはいけない ... 吹きつける風の中 凍えていいから Because we just wanna have no regret  Secret love Oh, precious one You change my world That just begun Secret within us Is this love a sin or right? I'm feeling the life is like the tight-rope dancing
たまごかけごはんキセノンP 【初音ミク】キセノンP 【初音ミク】SHOSHO朝目が覚めてとりあえず 朝ごはん食べようと思う けど…… 何もネタが出てこない 冷蔵庫の中を見た たまごが一個ぽつんと鎮座中 もうヤダこんな貧乏生活… ふと閃いた  そうだたまごかけごはん! お醤油はまだあるから うきうきしてお釜を開けた ご飯がない。。。  お米を入れてスイッチオン ちょっと時間がかかる 適当に本を手に取る なんで化学の教科書…orz 周期表を見てみると キセノンの上はクリプトン キセノンってなんだっけ? 舞いあがれはやぶさ~♪  私としては「まるくなる」のが 好きなんだけどね とか言ってるうちにご飯が炊けた! お釜開けたら ほわっと湯気  おいしそうに炊けたご飯 お茶碗にたっぷりよそって ああお腹が空いてきた いただきます  そういえばネギもあったっけ 刻んで入れてみよう 得技―片手割りを華麗にキメて ぶちまけた☆ 見栄えはちょっと悪いけど とりあえずは完成 ほかほかご飯に 醤油もかけてまぜまぜ  おいしそう たまごかけごはん 簡単なのに満足できて ああお腹が鳴ってきた いただきます おいしいな たまごかけごはん 一食50円の贅沢 ああお腹が膨れた ごちそうさま また明日も いただきます  ……あ、たまご買って来なきゃ。
RISE UP (THE LEGENDARY PANTHEON)GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuDo not forget the past in order to fight I will get many chances To arm! And I can change my fate with a keen insight Because I have a good luck charm  Can you see? Burning like a fire It's my heart The anger turns into my power Keep looking for another world  I always think “What is necessary?” Only wanna be the winner No harm! There is a desire without mean blight It's all right I'm always fine  Can you see? Burning like a fire It's my soul The sorrow turns into my power Keep looking for another world  Rise up! Now you follow me to fight My ambition swallows your life And I promise to surprise you The world is indiscreet Can you follow me tonight My ambition swallows your life And I promise to attract you Behold none can defeat no more  Do not forget the past in order to fight I will get many chances To arm! And I can change my fate with a keen insight Because I have a good luck charm  Can you see? Burning like a fire It's my heart The anger turns into my power Keep looking for another world  Rise up! Now you follow me to fight My ambition swallows your life And I promise to surprise you The world is indiscreet Can you follow me tonight My ambition swallows your life And I promise to attract you Behold none can defeat no more
THE SIGN OF THE NEXT GENERATIONGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKISomebody leads me I trace the way The gate of the unknown world is waiting for me Feel it I go there to satisfy myself The gate of the unknown world is waiting for me Know it  The land was lit up with the blazing sun I don't have time to take a rest Run and run!  Somebody needs us We hear voices The gate to the leader is waiting for us We feel it We go there to satisfy ourselves The gate to the leader is waiting for us We know it  The sky is covered by genuine darkness We don't have time to take a rest Run and run! We are fearless!  Let me get that thing “The sign of the nest generation” Burn up the faking I do only a noble action Let me hold that thing “The sign of the nest generation” I'm still searching for that  Get the seal of force “The sign of the nest generation” Build up my strong fort I will reach my destination Keep the seal of force “The sign of the nest generation” Now I obtain my dream Can I find it out? I act without thinking And now never say die!  Let me get that thing “The sign of the nest generation” Burn up the faking I do only a noble action Let me hold that thing “The sign of the nest generation” I'm still searching for that  Get the seal of force “The sign of the nest generation” Build up my strong fort I will reach my destination Keep the seal of force “The sign of the nest generation” Now I obtain my dream Can I find it out? I act without thinking And now never say die!
WINGS OF MISERYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuA freezing cold winter night I found the star like your eye Why would I wanna cry? Cause it remembers your “good-bye”  I don't know what was bad for you My heart was too weak at that time I don't know what was lack for you Feel sad and lonely sometimes  The seasons rotate but I'm standing still It's fine with me Think it's good? Descending my life will never end I wander in the maze  Wings of misery Show me the way to stay beside before my soul is gone away Get me back your heart I'm falling apart Realize that I am not strong Must I resign myself to my fate? Do I give it up? No way! To repent of my sins Am I a loser? I'm in a flat spin I can't stand it It's like the world of jet-black dark evermore  A humid night of ardor Still looking for your shadow Do I continue it forever? Just say to myself “Game is over”  I don't know what tormented you My thought was shallow at that time I don't know what has upset you Wanna hold you one more time  Even if time passes, (I'm) wandering It's fine with me Think it's good? Descending my life will never end I wander in the maze  Wings of misery Show me the way to stay beside before my soul is gone away Get me back your heart I'm falling apart Realize that I am not strong Must I resign myself to my fate? Do I give it up? No way! To repent of my sins Am I a loser? I'm in a flat spin I can't stand it It's like the world of jet-black dark evermore  The seasons rotate but I'm standing still It's fine with me Think it's good? Descending my life will never end I wander in the maze  Wings of misery Show me the way to stay beside before my soul is gone away Get me back your heart I'm falling apart Realize that I am not strong Must I resign myself to my fate? Do I give it up? No way! To repent of my sins Am I a loser? I'm in a flat spin I can't stand it anymore!  Wings of misery Show me the way to stay beside before my soul is gone away Get me back your heart I'm falling apart Realize that I am not strong Must I resign myself to my fate? Do I give it up? No way! To repent of my sins Am I a loser? I'm in a flat spin I can't stand it  I wanna be freed from these pains now How do I get you back in my arms? Like that day I have spent the days like the nightmare It's suffering Flying in the world of jet-black, Wings of misery
CRAWLING IN THE FATEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyu醒めない熱に 高ぶる胸の鼓動 手を伸ばしたら 掴み取れるその夢  求めたものは 辿り着けない虚像? 僅かな痛み 疼きが刃となり煌めいて 明日を突き刺した  Crawl in the fate 運命(さだめ)の果てに 誰もが彼方を見つめる 弄ばれた時間は 戻らぬ幻影  I take the fate 夢幻の果てに 誰もが身体を横たえ 試されていた時間は 微かな幻影  気づかないまま 操り続けられて 繰り返された 罪と罰の交錯  陽炎じゃない 刻んだ軌跡が今 研ぎ澄まされた 妖しい刃のように煌めいて 明日を切り裂いた  Crawl in the fate 運命(さだめ)の果てに 誰もが彼方を見つめる 弄ばれた時間は 戻らぬ幻影  I take the fate 夢幻の果てに 誰もが身体を横たえ 試されていた時間は 微かな幻影
TOMORROWGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyu幾千の時が経てば消せるのか 言葉では悲しみを拭えない 本当に抜け出せる?この孤独 滞り くすんでいる 行き場など無い  何かすべきなら 誰か教えてよ 絶望の淵に 堕ちて行かぬように  僅かでも立ち止まり 伝えたい 運命の儚きこと 生き抜く意味を  何かすべきだと 分かっているけど 余りにも深い 闇に囚われて  未来(あす)が過去を変えるものならば 今を強く生きようと思えるさ 悲しみじゃない 涙でもない 刹那...激しい情動を  未来(あす)が過去を変えるものならば 今を強く生きようと思えるさ 悲しみじゃない 涙でもない 刹那...激しい情動を  未来(あす)が全てを変えるものならば 今を強く生きようと思えるさ 運命じゃない 涙でもない 刹那...激しい情動を
EVEN IF THE DARKNESS COMES...GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOJun-ichiOne day I had a curious dream It was a prophetic dream Someday My wish will come true I'll take possession of all  Greed for control Greed for power There's no limit to greed Take away your heart Take away your soul Take all of you (To) make you surrender A prisoner of love  You'll surely kneel at my feet and you'll entreat You must not be afraid that you are hurt Feel everything Sacrifice all It's not a bad thing Feeling of heaven Feeling of pleasure A prisoner of love  To devote my life You'll devote yourself to me forever Don't break a vow  Feeling the holy time There's you in my arm Naked souls spend very holy time And that'll never end (I) wanna keep believing it For my life For your life We will reach at the time of fate Till the end of time, I swear to you  Greed for control Greed for power There's no limit to greed Take all of you (To) make you surrender A prisoner of love  Fell everything Sacrifice all It's not a bad thing Feeling of heaven Feeling of pleasure A prisoner of love  I feel strong might Wanna have all of you (I) Won't make you regret I'll take you anywhere To devote my life You'll devote yourself to me forever Don't break a vow  Feeling the holy time There's you in my arm Naked souls spend very holy time And that'll never end (I) wanna keep believing it For my life For your life We will reach at the time of fate No, I don't change even if the darkness comes  Feeling the holy time There's you in my arm Naked souls spend very peaceful time And that'll never end (I) wanna keep believing it For my life For your life We will reach at the time of fate and truth No, I don't change even if the time passes No, I won't change even if the darkness comes
LONELY AS A STRANGERGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuI will take good aim at the target It is you Give myself up to pleasure I don't rue I wander about in search of new game at tonight It's you Give yourself up to pleasure You don't rue  Buy time! I can drive a hard bargain Let's talk about suffering and love Don't say “Bye” Come out! What beautiful eyes you have! It's a sin Don't look down I don't tell a lie  Were you deceived many times? Can't believe the world Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time! Can you hear my true words? Let's hope for the best now Time will surely solve a problem Don't follow the herd I surely heal your heart and I receive all of you  I found you by chance and I fastened my eyes on you tonight I can feel something special Hold me tight  How's tricks? Why do you look so sad? Let's talk about suffering and love Don't say “No” Come quick! What a beautiful voice you have ! It's a sin Don't look down I do not go slow  Were you betrayed many times? You can't believe anything Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time ! Can you feel my true mind? Let's hope for the best now I will surely solve a problem It's all in the mind I surely heal your heart and I received all of you  Were you deceived many times? Can't believe the world Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time! Can't you hear my true words? Let's hope for the best now Time will surely solve a problem Don't follow the herd  Were you betrayed many times? You can't believe anything Wander lonely as a stranger Yes! It's time! Can't you feel my true mind? Let's hope for the best now I will surely solve a problem It's all in the mind I surely heal your heart and I received all of you
LAMENTGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyu涙と共に散りゆく花よ 残酷な運命(さだめ)と叫びながら 風に逆らい 空に昇れ  どれほどの悲しみを繰り返して 人は生きる意味を知るの?  この想い、届けと願う 虚しさを埋め尽くすため あるはずの明日を探し 動き出せ この嘆き、届けと願う 閉じたまま終わらぬように 消せはしない明日を求め 手を伸ばせ  抱いた夢を無常の雨は 不意に奪ってゆく 打ちひしがれ 時よ戻れと天(そら)を仰ぐ  どれほどの後悔を繰り返して 今を生きる意味を知るの?  立ち止まる事を許さず 日常は時間(とき)を刻む 知り得ない明日を探し 動き出せ 拭い去る事を許さず 幾重にも憂いは積もる 新しい明日を求め 手を伸ばせ  嗚呼、何を信じ生きるのか? 愛は何か変えてくれるのか? 嗚呼、冷めた非情の瞬間 愛で何か変わるならば教えてよ  この想い、届けと願う 虚しさを埋め尽くすため あるはずの明日を探し 動き出せ この嘆き、届けと願う 閉じたまま終わらぬように 消せはしない明日を求め 手を伸ばせ  立ち止まる事を許さず 日常は時間(とき)を刻む 知り得ない明日を探し 動き出せ 拭い去る事を許さず 幾重にも憂いは積もる 新しい明日を求め 手を伸ばせ
INFINITYGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuThe clouds have broken Shining stars in the sky I keep seeing them And think about my existence  I sure know where I'm going And I know what I should do, too Life is short It's in an instant I will live my best Do it  Setting sun sinks A hazy moon in the sky I keep seeing them And I can refresh my memories  The season passes early for me I must begin to move soon Life is deep It is difficult I will live my best I swear it now  Fly into the night So, I go I'll not flinch and I'll confront Because I must find the true self Look up into the sky So, I do All of me become peaceful Because I wanna feel infinity  It has stopped raining There's a rainbow in the sky I keep seeing them And think about my existence  I know the vanity of living And I know how I should behave Life is hard It is not flat I will live my best I swear it now  Fly into the night So, I go I'll not stop and I will fight Because I must get the true life Look up into the sky So, I do All of me become peaceful Because I feel infinity  The season passes early for me I must begin to move soon Life is deep It is difficult I will live my best I swear it now  Fly into the night So, I go I'll not flinch and I'll confront Because I must find the true self Look up into the sky So, I do All of me become peaceful Because I feel infinity  The life is only once Even if a grief beckons me I'll not stop and I will fight Because I must get the true life I always look up into the sky I become so peaceful Because I wanna feel infinity
TEMPTATION THROUGH THE NIGHT(Work In Progress Version)GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKIGALNERYUS・Yorimasa Hisatake妖しく射す 微かな月の明かりは 眠りにつく欲望 揺り起こさせるのさ  Wicked time 指を這わせて (Sleepless night) 誘い込んだら (Hold you tight) Secret time 倒れこむ影 (We ignite) 漕ぎ出す 揺れながら (With you)  Feel dizzy So slowly My body wants your body 戸惑いも脱ぎ捨てていいから Temptation Take action I wanna see your reaction 香り立つ その声を聞かせて 奏で続けてよ Through the night  言葉よりも確かな この瞬間に 恥じらいなど要らない 感じるままでいい  Naked love 甘く囁き (Sleepless night) 今を奪って (Hold you tight) Precious love 扉の奥に (We ignite) 初めての世界が (Start out)  Feel dizzy So slowly My body wants your body 剥き出しの感情でいいのさ Temptation Take action I wanna see your reaction 色づいた その息を聞かせて 奏で続けてよ Through the night  Get pleasure このままもう 時が経つのも忘れ I wanna get pleasure 果てる事も無いまま 堕ちて行きたい  Feel dizzy So slowly My body wants your body 戸惑いも脱ぎ捨てていいから Temptation Take action I wanna see your reaction 香り立つ その声を聞かせて 奏で続けてよ Through the night
HUNTING FOR YOUR DREAMGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGALNERYUS・Yorimasa Hisatakeどれほど夢に触れている? 目指したモノがある この手は何を求めてる? 確かなモノを探して  踏み出したら そこに 君を待っている 幾筋もの光が  大空も この大地も 全て身体に吸い込め 止まる事ない明日を 追い越して 君は強くなれる  涙に濡れて躊躇うな 想いを曝け出せ 過ぎ去る時を見つめるな 記憶の中に凍らせ  振り上げたら いつか 掴み取れるだろう 幾重に舞う光が  貫いたその想いを 全てすぐに解き放て 終わる事ない時を 飛び越えて 君は強くなれる  手探り戸惑いながら 見つけ出した無二のカタチは Oh 今日の君も変えてくれるだろう 眩しく輝くのさ Ah  踏み出したら そこに 君を待っている 幾筋もの光が  Hunting for your...  大空も この大地も 全て身体に吸い込め 止まる事ない明日を 追い越して 君は強くなれる  貫いたその想いならば 全てすぐに解き放て 終わる事ない時など 飛び越えて 君は強くなれる  Hunting for your dream !
GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuGive me your life 生き抜く戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 迷わず踏み出せ  この身に宿した激情を 時代の流れに解き放て 拳に託した熱情を 友へと語り継げ  果てない日々に 心 霞んでも 紡いだ糸が 明日を繋ぎ止めてく 感じた愛も悲しみも 立ち上がる強さへと 変えるさ  Give me your life 生き抜く戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 迷わず踏み出せ 激しく滾る血潮が今 運命(さだめ)を動かす  この身に息衝く宿命が 導く答えは何処にある? 闘う者だけが行き着く この世の終焉か?  競り合う拳 心 悟っても 巡り合った時 別れは始まってる 流した涙 痛哭も 奔り出す勇気へと 変えるさ  Give me your life 己の戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 信じて踏み出せ 高鳴り燃える血潮が今 漢(おとこ)を動かす 胸に薔薇を咲かせ Go along!  Give you my life 愛する者達へ But I keep the faith of your life この義を貫け 静寂 安らぎ 砕けても 守るものがある I do not fear it forever  Just now give me your life 生き抜く戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 迷わず踏み出せ 激しく滾る血潮が今 運命(さだめ)を動かす Give me your life 己の戦いへ But I keep the faith of your life 信じて踏み出せ 高鳴り燃える血潮が今 漢(おとこ)を動かす 胸を薔薇で満たし Go along!
ACROSS THE RAINBOW(New Version Of “WHISPER IN THE RED SKY”)GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuI was influenced You were a great person I like your way of life very much When I was in trouble, I depended on you I heard your gentle voice very much You're heaven now Please watch I do Can you hear my voice? And how do you feel? I wanna meet you I wanna ask you about my voice and songs What do you feel?  Please give me your power now! I realize the wish somehow! I want you to keep watching my growth I will make an effort By my troth!  Across the rainbow! Sometimes I go against the flow Aim at the only exsistence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I wanna say to you “Hello” Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I will grow  You gave me knowledge For whom knew nothing I shone with happiness very much Oh I can feel you, but I can't see you I am sad I lost you very much  Please let me know your secrets now I learn all of you somehow I want you to keep hearing my shout I will make an effort Out of doubt!  Across the rainbow! Sometimes I can meet your shadow Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I wanna say to you “Hello” Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I will grow  Please give me your power now! I realize the wish somehow! I want you to keep watching my growth I will make an effort By my troth!  Give me your power now!  Across the rainbow! Sometimes I go against the flow Aim at the only exsistence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I wanna say to you “Hello” Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! Sometimes I can meet your shadow Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I wanna say to you “Hello” Aim at the only existence Oh push forward and break the silence Across the rainbow! I will grow
TIME AFTER TIMEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKIWe always feel a sacred love in each other We don't stray from the truth Oh, feel love many times over  There is something that doesn't change even if time passes Have you already found it? It is not special It may be found in everyday  Time after time I swear not to tell a lie I wanna feel the same time with you Night after night Keep on loving It's worth a try I wanna live the same time with you  Even if we are in a storm, we won't lose our way Everyone can't obstruct us We'll be stronger day by day  You know what is important, in order to live Have I already found it? It is not difficult It may be found in everyday  Time after time This world is the wonderful one! I wanna feel the same time with you  Night after night Keep on believing It's worth a try I wanna live the same time with you  We'll fly to the skies The skies do not have the dirty thing(Feel so feel) We will cross the seas There is an answer Everything!  Follow me Stay with me Look at me Feel free Trust me Talk to me Believe me Follow me Stay with me Look at you I can do Trust me Talk to me We can do  Time after time Night after night Time after time I swear not to tell a lie Night after night I wanna feel the same time with you
曲名 歌手名 作詞者名 作曲者名 編曲者名 歌い出し
WINNING THE HONORGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKII'm on the stage Always a challenge Find out the moment of winning the honor Endless journeys It's not so easy Catch the moment of winning the honor  Trust myself! Ascertain! I know that I have a strong will Believe myself! Ingrain! Time passes I don't keep still  I hate the fake Shake and bake Find out the moment of winning the honor  Trust myself! Encourage! I know what I should do now Believe myself! Downstage! I must keep winning somehow  Can I spend a fruitful day? Can I do it? Sometimes I feel the strain I have a sleepless night But I have many friends I am not ever alone Anyone believes that the dream comes true someday  Can I follow the right way? Can I do it? Sometimes I get scared I pass an uneasy night But I have many friends I am not ever alone Anyone believes that the dream comes true someday  Trust myself! Ascertain! I know that I have a strong will Believe myself! Ingrain! Time passes I don't keep still  Can I spend a fruitful day? Can I do it? Sometimes I feel the strain I have a sleepless night But I have many friends I am not ever alone Anyone believes that the dream comes true someday  Can I follow the right way? Can I do it? Sometimes I get scared I pass an uneasy night But I have many friends I am not ever alone I keep standing on the stage toward the dream I can do!
TEAR OFF YOUR CHAINGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuI feel so good seeing you raise your hands And shake your body all night long Let me tell you something. That's our band Let's sing and dance all night long I can do magic of miracles I'll take you to the heaven I will give you blissful time You'll be livened!  Are you tired of your life? Do you feel really so? You've met me now Do not think about the starnge things But you make a racket and enjoy your night Just like me, shout as always “Power!”“Devour!”Ah-----!!!  Let's make noise more and more You can forget your pain I can't wait anymore You don't need to refrain Let's make noise more and more It doesn't come again You must tear off your chain Shake your brain  Do you wanna explore the end of the time I'll take you to the heaven Oh, I will give you blissful time You'll be livened!  You say“I do not like myself”Really so? You've met me now Do not think about the strange things But you make a racket and enjoy your night Just like me, shout as always “Stand Up!”“Get Up!”Ah------!!  Let's make noise more and more You can forget your strain I can't wait anymore You don't need to obtain Let's make noise more and more It doesn't come again You must tear off your chain Shake your brain  Are you tired of your life? Do you feel really so? You've met me now Do not think about the starnge things But you make a racket and enjoy your night Just like me, shout as always “Power!”“Devour!”Ah-----!!!  Let's make noise more and more You can forget your pain I can't wait anymore You don't need to refrain Let's make noise more and more It doesn't come again You must tear off your chain Shake your brain  Let's make noise more and more You can forget your strain I can't wait anymore You don't need to obtain Let's make noise more and more It doesn't come again You must tear off your chain Shake your brain
SPIRIT OF STEELGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuThe enemy comes to the striking distance It's a menace I must shatter the silence I think about the way things stand I'll decide to fight for my own hand He is forcing his own ideas on me It's a menace I do not wanna agree I must fight but it's far from easy I wanna win but I can not play dirty  Oh, where is this? Is this place where I'm supposed to be? I have the courage of my convictions Pluck up courage No fear  Oh, I have spirit of steel I want more the flesh of steel I wanna go my way I do not want to be interfered by him from now on I wanna go my way Oh, I have spirit of steel  The enemy comes from my rear and front It's a menace I am all right at the moment I must fight but It's far from easy I wanna win but I can not play nasty  Oh, how should I do? How can I get over the difficulty? I have the courage of my convictions Pluck up courage No fear  Oh, I have spirit of steel I want more the flesh of steel I wanna go ahead I've seen the way to go I can go without hesitation I wanna go my way Oh, I have spirit of steel  Oh, where is this? Is this place where I'm supposed to be? I have the courage of my convictions Pluck up courage No fear  Oh, I have spirit of steel I want more the flesh of steel I wanna go my way I do not want to be interfered by him from now on I wanna go my way Oh, I have spirit of steel I wanna go my way I have spirit of steel
SCARSGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKI涙には残酷な嘘が隠されてる 溜息は壊れた記憶を消し去るため  影が一つ蠢く 拭い切れぬままに  強く深く繰り返す 胸に残る傷の疼きは 癒される時を待って 今を切なく刻むよ  後悔は明日を嘆くほど生き続ける 孤独には遥か過ぎ去った時が集う  毒に触れた言葉は 嘘を真(しん)に染めた  裏切り思い出す時 胸を襲う傷の疼きは 癒されぬ事を知って 今を虚しく刻むよ  強く深く繰り返す 胸に残る傷の疼きは 癒される時を待って 今を切なく刻むよ  裏切り思い出す時 胸を襲う傷の疼きは 癒されぬ事を知って 今を虚しく刻んだ
THE WIND BLOWSGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuThe sky is so bright and I'm standing alone I was parted from you and I'm walking alone I know it's not from you But I'll pick up the phone I was parted from you and I'm on sandstone  I feel very lonely I miss you My only mistake is that I let you go on that day  Wander around looking for you night and day But I can never find you I find the memories of you The memories of that day are fading away The wind blows against my heart I'm looking for you  I wanted to detain you But you said“Goodbye” I was parted from you and so I asked you“Why?” You have a tender heart and you have gentle eyes I was parted from you and now I always sigh  I feel very lonely I miss you My only mistake is that I let you go on that day  I remember the night with you I saw a vision Though I can never find you I find the memories of you The good old days that we spent were the fiction? The wind blows against my heart I'm looking for you  Wander around looking for you night and day But I can never find you I find the memories of you The memories of that day are fading away The wind blows against my heart I'm looking for you  I remember the night with you I saw a vision Though I can never find you I find the memories of you The good old days that we spent were the fiction? The wind blows against my heart I'm looking for you
T.F.F.B.GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuWhen I'm sad, I remember you When you are sad, what can I do? I've met you and I knew the joy I want you to feel a lot of joy  Even if a wind blows, you must not lose You look good with a smile than tears At anytime, I offer words of cheer I keep my promise Never lose Ah---!  “Trust”It can change our lives and support your life “Fate”You can see the matter in the correct light We keep believing our future world It was getting to be daylight  I wanna know what you expect I want you to know what I expect I've met you and I knew the fun I want you to feel a lot of fun  Even if you hesitate, you must not lose You have an important thing At anytime, you are looking so good I keep my promise Never loose Ah---!  “Faith”It makes our bonds strong and support your life “Blessed”You will be always given it and it's your life We keep believing our future world It was getting to be daylight  “Trust”It can change our lives and support your life “Fate”You can see the matter in the correct light We keep believing our future world It was getting to be daylight
NO MORE TEARSGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKII pray for you 空を駆けた 永遠を超えて We pray for you この瞬間に 出来ることがある  声に託し 君を想う We want to send you our songs now  Please stop crying 明日を招く 微笑みをもって  風を感じ 君を想う We want to send you our songs now  押し寄せる壁に立ち向かう 裏切らないその強さは 再生を叫び木魂する 空を抉り刺さる No more tears  押し寄せる過去に立ち向かう 曇りの無いその強さが 一筋の光照らしてる We believe your new way of life No more tears  迫り来る闇を討って 本能のまま走り抜けて 望まない戦いの中で 祈りを捧げた  押し寄せる壁に立ち向かう 裏切らないその強さは 再生を叫び木魂する 闇を抉り刺さる No more tears  押し寄せる過去に立ち向かう 迷いの無いその強さが 一筋の光照らしてる We believe your new way of life No more tears  We wanna keep sending you our songs No more tears
はやぶさSHO(キセノンP) feat.初音ミクSHO(キセノンP) feat.初音ミクSHOSHO砕けた翼で 君を支えた母親 全てを託して 彼女は逝った 遥か彼方にて 君を待つ父親 その命かけて 旅が始まった  風に吹かれ 雨に打たれ 雷が君を焼く それでも旅を やめないのはそれが生きる意味だから  舞いあがれ はやぶさ 翼が折れたとしても 幾重の夢抱えて 翔けあがれ はやぶさ 嵐がその身薙いでも 大宇宙切り裂いて Fly away  遥か遠い場所で 初めて父の顔を見た 喜ぶ間もなく 「さあお帰り」と放たれた 往路で抱えた 再会への希望と 復路で抱えた 落とせない持ち物  無駄な旅と 嘲笑われた それでも飛び続けた 二人の親に 託されたもの それが旅の意味だから  舞いあがれ はやぶさ 翼が折れたとしても 幾重の夢抱えて 翔けあがれ はやぶさ 嵐がその身薙いでも 大宇宙切り裂いて Fly away  翼が折れ 片足がもげ それでも飛び続けた 青く輝く 故郷の空へ 届けるものがあるから 死を賭して  舞いあがれ はやぶさ 翼が折れたとしても 幾重の夢抱えて 翔けあがれ はやぶさ 嵐がその身薙いでも 大宇宙切り裂いて Fly away  舞いあがれ はやぶさ 故郷の空見えるまで  翔けあがれ はやぶさ その身が燃え尽きるまで  Fly away  「ただいま」
BURN MY HEARTGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuI will tell you the story of the surprise on that day I will tell why I am doing so I did not expect a thing And it's a wonderful thing for my way of life He said“Do you wanna touch the star? Do you wanna shine more than ever?” I said“I wanna do so by all meanings” I thought such a chance was rare I got excited very much  At that time I didn't hesitate to make up my mind Now I feel the change slowly but surely Oh Can I catch the star like everyone else? I know I should 'cause I wanna get it Ready? Fly high!  Burn my heart into eternity Satisfy everyone That's the mission to myself Burn my fear Oh I'll never return to the past Get your soul Take your soul Let's blaze up at this time  What will I be able to do? I am still looking for that It's like a treasure hunt It's not easy It is waiting in the other side Anyway, I should hurry up  I remember Getting over many difficulties in the past But this time is more serious for me Oh Can I catch the star like everyone else?  I know I should 'cause I wanna get it Ready? Fly high!  Burn my heart into eternity Satisfy myself That's the destiny to myself Burn my fear Oh I'll never return to the past Get your soul Take your soul Let's blaze up at this time  At that time I didn't hesitate to make up my mind Now I feel the change slowly but surely Oh Can I catch the star like everyone else? I know I should 'cause I wanna get it Ready? Fly high!  Burn my heart into eternity Satisfy everyone That's the mission to myself Burn my feat Oh I'll never return to the past Get your soul Take your soul Let's blaze up at this time  Burn my heart into eternity Satisfy myself That's the destiny to myself Burn my fear Oh I'll never return to the past Get your soul Take your soul Let's blaze up at this time  You and I will always believe the fate Let's heat up together and follow me I will satisfy you I promise it to you Get your soul Take you soul Let's show our soul Blaze up now
CARRY ONGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuThe fight is started Go ahead! It's hard to fight with myself I'll keep on doing till my deathbed The darkness is on the way Will I lose my way? Don't worry Take it easy and learn from the history Do you always feel intense cry of my soul? Feel and get it To win, cry out everyday  I show the anger and the dirtiness I think that it's an important thing to keep on fighting I show the power and the weakness It's necessary Do not take a rest Carry on!  Can I reach there before long? It's all right Because I'm strong I will be defended by my law Do you understand why I fight? Do you understand what I find? I wanna bask in the tender light  I will confront the other side in my soul Feel and break it To win, cry out everyday I show the pleasure and the sadness I think that it's an important thing to keep on fighting I show the power and the craftiness It's necessary Do not take a rest Carry on!  I show the anger and the dirtiness I think that it's an important thing to keep on fighting I show the power and the weakness It's necessary I've gotta go for the best It will be busy Do not take a rest Carry on!
STILL LOVING YOUGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKIWoder why you left on that night Wonder what you thought at that time What can I do? Have I lost you? What should I do? Have I lost you?  The season passes early for me something is lost from my body Crazy about you Love you from my heart Still loving you Love you from my heart  I regret my very happy days Memories are fading away I feel night and days Somebody said“you must forget” (But) I can not do yet It's cold in my bed  Oh There is no woman meant more than you I wanna meet wanna touch Do you hear this prayer of me? I thought that love with you was forever I miss you We'll surely meet in the future I don't know where and with whom you live now It is not in my mind Now all of you are not mine I thought that love with you was forever I miss you We'll surely meet in the future  And I wish this pain would go There is your shadow My heart is narrow Somebody said“you must forget” (But) I can not do yet It's cold in my bed  Oh There is no woman meant more than you I wanna meet wanna touch Do you hear this prayer of me? I thought that love with you was forever I miss you We'll surely meet in the future I don't know where and with whom you live now It is not in my mind Now all of you are not mine I thought that love with you was forever I miss you We'll surely meet in the future I'm so sad I wanna meet you in the future
SAVE YOU!GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOYUHKIShout and shout! この叫びは君を探してる And blackout! 行き場の無い声は渦を巻いている  何を求め生きるのか 壊れた世界の中で 縋りつくほどすり抜ける 儚き幻を…  Dead or alive! この痛みが君を変えるなら You survive! 全てを捨て今を強く越えてゆけ  何を信じ生きるのか 無常の世界の中で 縋りつくほど消え果てる 哀れな現実を…  Save you! We wanna save all of you! 夢が剥がれ流れ朽ちても Lead you! We wanna lead all of you! 胸に光灯して Save us! We wanna save you and us! 時が止まり逆流しても Lead us! We wanna lead you and us! 光灯し続けて踏み出せ  何を求め生きるのか 壊れた世界の中で 縋りつくほどすり抜ける 儚き幻を…  Save you! We wanna save all of you! 夢が剥がれ流れ朽ちても Lead you! We wanna lead all of you! 胸に光灯して Save us! We wanna save you and us! 今はきっと手探りでいい Lead us! We wanna lead you and us! 思い強く抱きしめ Save us! We wanna save you and us! 時が止まり逆流しても Lead us! We wanna lead you and us! 光灯し続けて踏み出せ
A FAR-OFF DISTANCEGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyu醒めた眼差し 何を見続けるのか 守るべきモノ? 孤独さえ躊躇わない この身さえ惜しくはない Even if I rot away Just keep on running  So far away But I never give it up 今 解けない絆が 運命と交錯してゆく I'll get over it It's now A far-off distance  甘い囁き 何処へ誘いゆくのか 迷い落ちても 真実の欠片はある Even if I rot away Just keep on praying  So far away But I'll feel many loves 崩れそうな明日でも 運命の鼓動は脈打つ I'll get over it It's now A far-off distance  So far away But I never give it up 今 解けない絆が 運命と交錯してゆく I'll get over it It's now A far-off distance  So far away But I'll feel many loves 崩れそうな明日でも 運命の鼓動は脈打つ 限りない未来へ続いてゆく And I will get over it It's now A far-off distance  I believe in my destiny Everyone knows! I'm not ever alone Tomorrow never dies I can fly anytime I have the truth from the past Always in my heart I devote my body Cause I have a bond Somebody will respond Tomorrow never dies I can fly anytime Go to the end of life There's no fear It is bright  I'm alive!
FALL IN THE DARKGALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuYou said,“Believe me please” No way Don't get close to me Go away You have no idea Always 影だけ蠢く ただ一人踊る 明日が透けて見える  お前のその夢じゃ この先何も生まれない 己の限界を知るだけ  I don't wanna look at your face You should go some other place The time spent with you is disgrace 駆け引きが揺れる ただ一人もがく 明日が透けて見える  お前の生き方じゃ 未来は何も変わらない 己の限界を知るだけ  There is no time in your life Fall in the dark You do not know the truth of your life Live in the dark I will see the way to go You understand I hate you and you hate me so  お前のその夢じゃ この先何も生まれない 己の限界を知るだけ  There is no time in your life Fall in the dark You do not know the truth of your life Live in the dark I will see the way to go You understand I hate you and you hate me so
終わりなき、この詩GALNERYUSGALNERYUSSHOSyuたった一つ見つけた 大切なもの 零れ落ちた涙 記憶を辿る 苦しみと共に 生まれた奇跡を 今もう一度 確かめながら  暮れゆく空を見上げ 心に問いかけても 答えはいつも同じ 今 思い出して 生きる意味を  彼方へ消えゆく あの日の記憶を 折れそうな心で 守り続ける 捧げよう 終わりのない この詩を  終わらない嘘と 止まらない涙 突き刺さる言葉 二度とは決して無いと  暮れゆく空を見上げ 心に問いかけても 答えはいつも同じ 今 思い出して 生きる意味を  彼方へ消えゆく あの日の記憶を 折れそうな心で 守り続ける 咲かせよう 風に向かう この華を  選んだ路 見えない先 手探りで進んでゆく 答えはいつも同じ 今 思い出して 生きる意味を  彼方へ消えゆく あの日の記憶を 折れそうな心で 探し続けよう 幾多の過ち 乗り越える強さを 今は離れていても 決して忘れはしない 捧げよう 終わりのない この詩を  この詩を
FLAPPERBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYO是永巧一・BY-SEXUAL心と体が間違えてることを この世に生まれ気づくなんて 胸は膨らんで見た目は女の子 誰が見ても認めてくれず  でも内に秘めた男の気持ちは 体うち消して姿を変えたくてLay it down  髪は長くきれいな顔でも 喋り方には色気がなくて まわりの奴らにFlapperだと言われて 感覚一緒なのに逃げてしまう  こんな行き場のない体背負いながら 神にこの怒りをぶつけたくなって  ああ星がきれいな夜も 胸の中いつもDown it's clouded 脱け出したくても  いらつくこの想いの行方は 何があっても乗り越えて行けるはずさ  ああ星がきれいな夜も 胸の中いつもDown it's clouded 脱け出せなくても
GET, START, DON'T STOP, GO GO!BY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYO是永巧一・BY-SEXUAL雑音とともに街の灯消えるころ  いつも集まり時と遊び 人のバカ見て笑ったことがある いつでも ふれている感じてるとまた今日も こうしていれるから  夜のベンチに座ったことから始まり くだらないことかまわずやってる 終わらない話を続けているけれど 今のところ こうやって気ままに はしゃいでいたいから  夜空の星といっしょにいつまでも 輝いていたいから 胸はもう踊り狂ってる  その時に叫ぶ言葉は Get, Start, Don't Stop, Go Go!  道の上に転がり 鼓動を感じ  夜のニオイがわくわくさせて はめ合いながら笑えるとこまでいつまでも 流されず飛んで行けば 淋しさは消え 陽がさしていく  夜空の色といっしょにどこまでも 変わっていけたらいい 夢を握りしめ 手を高く その時に叫ぶ言葉は Get, Start, Don't Stop, Go Go!
BE FREEBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYO是永巧一・BY-SEXUALBE FREE MY STORY! うんといいこと ありもしないうちに Looking For a Place  やればできると 何度もくじけずに 悩まずに Be-Free-da-Happy-time 見つけだせよ Be-Free-da-Happy-time 想いのままに Be-Free-da-Happy-time 過ごせる時を BE FREE GET MY STORY! GO!  BE FREE MY STORY! カッコいいことしたいから集まる Hey Boys! Hey Girls! 楽しいことなら 危ないこともできる だから Be-Free-da-Beautiful-night 初めての夜 Be-Free-da-Beautiful-night こんな気持ちは Be-Free-da-Beautiful-night 忘れはしないから このままでいたい!  さまよう声をたどれば 楽しみ合ってる場所が どこかにあるはずだから 今すぐ 手に入れてやろう  BE FREE MY STORY! わかりすぎてて イライラすることある Everybody! 言いたいことは 言いつづけてたことだからさ Be-Free-da-Cynical-Days さらけ出せよ Be-Free-da-Cynical-Days 本当のことを Be-Free-da-Cynical-Days 感じさせる BE FREE GET MY STORY! GO!
BE ANXIOUSBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHODEN・RYO是永巧一・BY-SEXUAL成り上がりにはなりたくないと 先を急いだ 画面に映る あいつの顔はアリのようだね 甘いものだと癖になり! 飛びついた時はすでに遅くて この世界にしか住みつけなくなる  やけに瞳が冷たくなって 素肌つき刺す痛み気になり お前と話しするのがこわい 自然と足があとずさり! Bombで頭を殴られたよう 気づいた時には変わり果てていた  力こめてふりはらえよ! どんなにつらくなった時も 夢にくいついてけよ! 好きなことだけこれからは… 胸をはってみせて!  二人つるんで悪ガキしてる 眠れなくなるようなことして まわり騒がせ楽しんでいる シゲキ 毎日求めてた ちっぽけなこだわりはなかったから いつもどこかで寄り道していた  力こめてふりはらえよ! どんなにつらくなった時も 夢にくいついてけよ! 好きなことだけこれからは… 胸をはってみせて!
WET DREAMBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYO是永巧一・BY-SEXUAL夢かウツツかでお前の 淡く濡れてる口唇が からみつきそうで今にも溶かされてしまいたくなる 誘う紫の瞳であやつり狂わせてしまう  はだける甘い白き肌に 腰のふるえがとまらない あやしく指先感じて激しくあふれだす時に すかされもう少しのところで イキそうになっていたのに!  DAY DREAM 気が狂いそうな 夜を過ごしても そしらぬふりで見おろし むらがるやつらにツバ吐く  DAY DREAM 気が狂いそうな 夜を過ごしても そしらぬふりで見おろし むらがるやつらにツバ吐く  WET DREAM 欲しがる気持ちは 隠しきれないで 終わりのない想いに いじわる感じた この夜
GLOOMYBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYO是永巧一・BY-SEXUALGloomy Days 雨の日ばかりが あまりに多すぎるままに 吐き出せないBlueな気持ちかたく まわりにひやかされバカにされた 真実だけを探しつづけて 突然おそわれた怪しい影 雨が降る中でびしょぬれ ずぶぬれた時は止まらない  はしゃいでいるお前無邪気で Innocent Face イライラしてくる 空は暗くて気が滅入ってくる うれしそうだけど こんな時に ニヤニヤヘラヘラ 笑ってるけど お前の目には俺が映らない 雨が降る中でびしょぬれ 砕けかけた時をあきらめず  いつの間にか肌が透け蒼く 濡れた髪がKnock on Faceひたいに  いつの間にか肌が透け蒼く 濡れた髪がKnock on Faceひたいに  いつの間にか肌が透け蒼く 濡れた髪がKnock on Faceひたいに  雨が降る中でびしょぬれ ずぶぬれた時は止まらない
DOLL'S HOUSEBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYO是永巧一・BY-SEXUALMoon Light 照らす部屋の中でいつも 真夜中0時待ちきれず 静かな時に  目覚まし時計は歩きはじめて まわりの奴を 起こしまわって 今日もParty 僕は寝たふり そっと見ている  ほこりだらけ ボロボロのBear Dollは 忘れ去られて腹が立ち 箱から飛び出す  いつも砂嵐の顔のまま眠られてしまう 電源消せと怒鳴りそうになる TVマンの気持ちは  どこまで続くの こんな事が 愛想をつかしそうになる事わかってよ  そう 何もかもにHeartあること わからず 乱暴に使われて 全てのものが 感じる事出来るから いつでもやさしくしてほしいだけさ  寝静まってる頃を狙い 今日も いたずら好きが騒ぎ 耳を澄まして  聴いてると それはいつも僕の事 話題そればかり もううんざりだと話し合ってる それで朝まで盛り上がり  どこまで続くの こんな事が 嫌われてた事さえ知らずに過ごしてた  そう 何もかもにHeartあること わからず 気安く物捨てて 全てのものが 感じる事出来るから いつからか まわりに嫌われて  見つめられていた この部屋の中で いつも冷たく口を閉ざしていた
TRASH CITYBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYOトラッシュ シティ! トラッシュ・トラッシュ シティ!……  ガラクタの都市は今夜も アクシデントのふきだまりPlace いつでも頭の中は レッドシグナル発してるぜ  Go Ahead! 突き刺さるほどのピンクのロケットに Tonight! とがった気分のミサイルつめ込んで いまこそ土星めがけ 打ち上げ花火で楽しくやろうぜ Midnight Trash City  トラッシュ シティ! トラッシュ・トラッシュ シティ!……  夢の島から生まれて来た ダストビンズレディーが挑発する おさまりつかない奴らは 今夜の獲物になるのさ  My Love! レンジで温めたインスタントな愛を Tonight! 冷めないうちに食べてとおねだりするのさ いまこそ 月めがけて熱い一撃二人でイッてしまおう Moonlight Trash City  モノトーンの空の下では 4次元ポケット忍ばせて タイム旅行する夢見人 素晴らしき It's Magical Space!  Go Ahead! 突き刺さるほどのピンクのロケットに Tonight! とがった気分のミサイルつめ込んで いまこそ土星めがけ 打ち上げ花火で楽しくやろうぜ Midnight Trash City  トラッシュ シティ! トラッシュ・トラッシュ シティ!……
ADAM TO EVEBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYO遠い記憶に アダムとイブが 青い地球に舞い降りてきた 無口な二人は静かに 聖なる神の光に 包まれてる  清き朝日を 手に入れて 運命の絆に 導かれてゆく  大地と海 月と太陽 花も咲かない 言葉さえない 生まれたばかりの愛を持ち寄り 初めて微笑み 瞳濡らした日よ  やがて人々の過ちで 夜ごと薄れていく 星座の姿 救われない心が 澄んだ空の向こうの季節を狂わせている 地に果てるまで  あぁ すべて支配された後に思い出す 罪を犯してきた人々たちよ あぁ 自由夢から目覚め 生まれ変われるだろうか  やがて人々の過ちで 白き十字架も 錆びついてゆく 救いのない心が やさしくなびく風向きさえも掻き乱してる 祈りを忘れ  あぁ すべて支配された後に想い出す 明日に逆らい続けた人々たちよ あぁ 時間の旅から戻り着き 生まれ変われるだろうか……償いの未来へと
NO TEXTBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYO初めて恋におち 四六時中あの娘のことばかり でもあの娘のテキストに がっかりさせられてしまう トキメキのリズムが くずれていきそうさ!  恋に恋してる少女の顔に 赤いルージュはいいけど マニュアルどおりのつき合い方に憧れてる 頭の中はイメージの男の子が飛んでる!  恋愛のテキストに うつつをぬかしてばかりさ そんなあの娘の気持ちを撃ち落としたい!  おきまりの言葉を口にすると うかれて笑顔見せるけど マニュアルにのってないことをすると戸惑う どちらに本物感じる? 一人で迷っている!  恋愛のテキストに 俺のことはのってないから あの娘に教えてあげる 俺だけのマニュアルで  恋愛のテキストに うつつをぬかしてばかりさ そんなあの娘の気持ちを撃ち落としたい!  Baby How To Love!No Thank You! Text Of Love! Lonely Heart!Shoot Down! Oh Yeah!It's Allright!
DREAM IS DREAMBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYOPrivate あの娘の部屋の壁は アニメヒーローばかりさ! マガジンラックに並べているのは まぼろし映すアニメーション! ロマンティックなストーリー描き きれいな彼らに恋してる Oh Yeah!  Driving 俺は青空の下 バイクで走る My Way! 激しくうなるエンジンの音で 街の彼女の目を引くぜ アニメヒロインの女の子は Imaginationの中でしか 遊べない!  だけどDream is Dreamから あの娘は目が覚めず そうさDream is Dreamから 覚めた時 誰も好きになれない  見せかけの世界の中で いつまで寝ぼけているのかい?!  はやくDream is Dreamから 目を覚まし飛び出せよ そうさ俺のいる世界へおいでよ 必ず好きになるさ!
B-CUPBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYOきれいな顔の男の子だねと いつもみんなに もてはやされてる まわりの彼女たちのまとだけど 誰も僕をわかってくれない この胸のふくらみのように 誰にも負けない恋をあなたにしているの  あなたは僕をお友達としか 見てくれてない 悲しいくらいに 本当の僕の姿を見て欲しいけど あなたが女の子としゃべってる それでさえも ヤキモキしてしまう 現実は女の子らしくいられない  Blue Virgin Boy 着飾った Blue Virgin Boy 体であなたの前に 少し甘えて 少しおしゃれしてる 私の姿 見つめて 裸のままの気持ちさらけ出し もっとそばにいたいの Blue Virgin Boy!  誰も僕をわかってくれない この胸のふくらみだけが いつまでも大きくなり はじけそう  Blue Virgin Boy 着飾った Blue Virgin Boy 体であなたの前に 少し甘えて 少しおしゃれしてる 私の姿 見つめて 裸のままの気持ちさらけ出し もっとそばにいたいの Blue Virgin Boy!
MONEY & DIAMONDSBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYOEveryday! 彼女の香りが漂いはじめる今夜も My Eyes! 鋭い目つきで狙いを定めうつお前は I will do anything for you 欲しがるものならすべてに I will do anything for you 罪でも罰でも恐れない  Hear Me!Help Me!I feel for you  Sweet Love! 甘えたわがままばかりを まき散らす彼女に One Night! OKのサインを出すまでは 諦めはしない I will do anything for you 破裂しそうな気持ちまで I will do anything for you 彼女にもて遊ばれたい Hear Me!Help Me!I feel for you  You Say! Money Money & Diamonds Oh yeah! 欲しがるものすべてを Money Money & Diamonds Oh yeah! ひとつものがさず与えてやるぜ  I will do anything for you この身焦がせ最後まで I will do anything for you イカせるまで帰さない Hear Me!Help Me!I feel for you  You Say! Money Money & Diamonds Oh yeah! 欲しがるものすべてを Money Money & Diamonds Oh yeah! ひとつものがさず与えてやるぜ
GOD MOTHERBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYOあなたは僕にとっての女神になり 胸の中で おやすみさせてくれる 小石につまずいただけできつく抱きよせる この世の 終わりかの様に まるでガラス細工の Dear Dollの扱いさ! Makes Me Spoil!  僕に似合う女の子まで選んでくれて デートの日も 僕のそばから離れはしない 二人だけのささやかな時間に いつも感じる 突き刺さるあたたかい視線を あなたと一緒にいたら うまくいくこともダメになる  エディプスあなたの 悲しげな瞳で 涙を流されると 離れられなくなるよ Make It Up!  エディプス永遠に あなたのそばで すべてを捧げると 誓うから泣かないで Don't Leave Me!
PSYCHIC DANCEBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYO大きな海に囲まれた 行ったり来たりの 働きバチ 迷い戸惑い うごめき合い 笑顔を傷つけ 見すかすだけ  彼氏と彼女は淋しい時 二人の世界でなぐさめあう 大人と子供の勘違いは 理想の幸せの作り方さ  流れる雲きりぬけ ここへおいでよ一緒に PSYCHIC DANCE! 傷の重さを忘れ 心を取り戻せる日まで!  高価なビルを建てていると プライドも高くなるばかりさ 自分の危機がせまる時 上下関係も乱れていく  流れる雲きりぬけ ここへおいでよ一緒に PSYCHIC DANCE! ここから見下ろせば 砂の粒ほどの出来事さ!  青く見える地球も そこはいつでも陽炎の世界 冷めた瞳の水晶を いつまでもあたためあってる!  流れる雲きりぬけ ここへおいでよ一緒に PSYCHIC DANCE! 傷の重さを忘れ 心を取り戻せる日まで!
SEXUALITYBY-SEXUALBY-SEXUALSHORYORed Beautiful Long Nails Brown Light Flexible Hair Big White Tender Breast Wet Shine Nasty Lips  Black Sunburn Body Hearily Cry Low Voice Sweat Wet Perfume Shirts Sex It Up Faggot  Everybody Can Be Crazy! Everybody Can Be Hungry! Everybody Can Be Lonely! Everybody Can Be Sexy!  Street With No People Do It Boys And Girls Brown Bright Fright Shiny Eyes Like A Stars Diamond  Everybody Can Be Crazy! Everybody Can Be Hungry! Everybody Can Be Lonely!  I Don't Care What They May Say I Just Wanna Have Sexuality!
全1ページ中 1ページを表示


  2. 無限大(INFINITY) 2025
  3. Swish
  4. MUSE
  5. フィラメント

