Didn't we used to hang out together?
On a midnight street going nowhere
Even when we're lost it was the two of us close together
We enjoyed all the foolish conversation
Though the morning took away the fascination
Let us make fuss over small things like we used to do my dearest
Don't you know that I'll be by your side
When you feel that there's no place to hide
I will take you by the hand
To the place that even your love can't find a way
Let's go on a rolled coaster
We are friends.
Friends, aren't we?
We are friends.
Friends, aren't we?
This is not the end of the rainbow
So you don't have to feel any sorrow
I just want to skip today
So I can be with you tomorrow
When was the last time we had each other
We felt so safe as brother and sister
We cried and laughed until we fell into the arms or another
Don't you know that I'll come around
When you're alone and true friends can't be found
Why don't we meet around the corner
Whenever sooner the better I'll be with you
I miss you and our old school days
We are friends.
Friends, aren't we?
We are friends.
Friends, aren't we?
On a midnight street going nowhere
Even when we're lost it was the two of us close together
We enjoyed all the foolish conversation
Though the morning took away the fascination
Let us make fuss over small things like we used to do my dearest
Don't you know that I'll be by your side
When you feel that there's no place to hide
I will take you by the hand
To the place that even your love can't find a way
Let's go on a rolled coaster
We are friends.
Friends, aren't we?
We are friends.
Friends, aren't we?
This is not the end of the rainbow
So you don't have to feel any sorrow
I just want to skip today
So I can be with you tomorrow
When was the last time we had each other
We felt so safe as brother and sister
We cried and laughed until we fell into the arms or another
Don't you know that I'll come around
When you're alone and true friends can't be found
Why don't we meet around the corner
Whenever sooner the better I'll be with you
I miss you and our old school days
We are friends.
Friends, aren't we?
We are friends.
Friends, aren't we?
BONNIE PINKの人気歌詞ランキング
- ナイスネイチャー(バラエティーバージョン) / ネイチャージモン
- 風のメルヘン / サーカス
- 透明人間 / ずうとるび
- ぼくのまわり / Breath
- 今宵この時 / 陣内大蔵
- いつの日にか / 福沢祐巳(植田佳奈)・小笠原祥子(伊藤美紀)・水野蓉子(篠原恵美)
- アジアンポケット / Jamgo Five
- 血の管 / Mr.Children
- EWIG...(warum?) / SOHJIN
- いのち、ありがとう
/ 平原綾香
- 今でも 会いたいよ… / 伊藤由奈 feat. Spontania
- LOVE LOVE LOVE / クリス・ハート
- おやすみ…… / 陣内大蔵
- 銀のかんざし / 朝花美穂
- So Let's Get Truth / Mr.Children
- 錆びた髪 / 鳳山雅姫
- 愛したのに / チェウニ
- 朱が落ちるまで / 京太朗と晴彦
- ミモザの咲く頃 2001 / 笹本安詞≒下町兄弟
- Line-F / コーガニズムオーケストラ
- Dadaism / 陣内大蔵
- Hibari… / Jamgo Five
- DON'T LET ME DOWN / ジョニー大倉
- 埼玉県さいたま市立大砂土中学校校歌 / 校歌
- 港ヨコハマ花売娘 / 岡晴夫
- 繋がる心 / 絢香
- ナマイキMONSTER / トニートニー・チョッパー(大谷育江)
- メイプルーフ / ひめキュンフルーツ缶
- 風の花束 / ののちゃん(村方乃々佳)
- All Season / 陣内大蔵