Baby, let's cruise
A way from here
Don't be confused
The way is clear
And if you want it, you got it, forever
This is not a one night stand baby
(So) let the music take your mind
Just release and you will find
You're gonna fly away
Glad you're going my way
I love it when we're crusin' together
The music is played for love
Cruis'n is made for love
I love it when we're crusin' together
Baby tonight belongs to us
Everything's is right
Do what you must
And inch by inch, we get closer
and closer
To every little part of each other
(So) let the music take your mind
Just release and you will find
You're gonna fly away
Glad you're going my way
I love it when we're crusin' together
The music is played for love
Cruis'n is made for love
I love it when we're crusin' together
Baby, let's cruise, let's float,
let's glide
Let's open up and go inside
And if you want it, you got it, forever
I could just stay there inside you
and love you babay
(So)let the music take your mind
Just release and you will find
You're gonna fly away
Glad you're going my way
I love it when we're crusin' together
The music is played for love
Cruis'n is made for love
I love it when we're crusin' together
A way from here
Don't be confused
The way is clear
And if you want it, you got it, forever
This is not a one night stand baby
(So) let the music take your mind
Just release and you will find
You're gonna fly away
Glad you're going my way
I love it when we're crusin' together
The music is played for love
Cruis'n is made for love
I love it when we're crusin' together
Baby tonight belongs to us
Everything's is right
Do what you must
And inch by inch, we get closer
and closer
To every little part of each other
(So) let the music take your mind
Just release and you will find
You're gonna fly away
Glad you're going my way
I love it when we're crusin' together
The music is played for love
Cruis'n is made for love
I love it when we're crusin' together
Baby, let's cruise, let's float,
let's glide
Let's open up and go inside
And if you want it, you got it, forever
I could just stay there inside you
and love you babay
(So)let the music take your mind
Just release and you will find
You're gonna fly away
Glad you're going my way
I love it when we're crusin' together
The music is played for love
Cruis'n is made for love
I love it when we're crusin' together
- マドンナ / 山田邦子
- 今なら言える~ハードボイルドエッグ~ / 天海祐希・麻乃佳世
- VOICE LINK / 藤木直人
- 愛のメモリー / ミトカツユキ
- ALRIGHT / 愛内里菜
- 朝が来る前に / 秦基博
- 気持ち / 空気公団
- どんでん返し / 一青窈
- Mosaic / AAA
- 永遠 / くるり
- 明日を生きよう / 佐野元春
- 一粒大の涙はきっと / Hi-Fi CAMP
- 守ってあげたい / 五十嵐響子(種崎敦美)
- もうひとつの未来~starry spirits~ / 森口博子
- 太陽と向日葵、周りなんか気にせずに…夏。 / ORANGE RANGE
- 雪月花 / 松任谷由実
- モンゴルフィエの手紙 / SHAKALABBITS
- I got you / 川嶋あい
- 黄昏を追い抜いて / 辛島美登里
- I LOVE MUSIC / 川島緑輝(豊田萌絵)
- ハミング / 渡辺美里
- ハイカラなる輪舞曲 / アリス九號.
- 風が泣いてる / 美空ひばり
- SWINGIN' MOON / 渡辺満里奈
- pinkies / misono
- 哀愁フェリー / 三田りょう
- 恋するサンビスタ / 杏子