Lately I have had this strangest feeling
with no vivid reason here to find.
Yet the thought of losing you's been hanging, 'round my mind.
Far more frequently you're wearing perfume
with, you say, no special place to go.
But when I ask will you be coming back soon
you don't know, never know.
Well, I'm a man of many wishes,
hope my premonition misses,
but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide,
'cause they always start to cry.
'cause this time could mean goodbye.
Lately I've been staring in the mirror,
Very slowly picking me apart;
Trying to tell myself I have no reason
With your heart.
Just the other night while you were sleeping,
I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name.
But when I ask you of the thoughts you're keeping,
You just say nothing's changed.
Well, I'm a man of many wishes,
hope my premonition misses,
but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide,
'cause they always start to cry.
'cause this time could mean goodbye.
with no vivid reason here to find.
Yet the thought of losing you's been hanging, 'round my mind.
Far more frequently you're wearing perfume
with, you say, no special place to go.
But when I ask will you be coming back soon
you don't know, never know.
Well, I'm a man of many wishes,
hope my premonition misses,
but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide,
'cause they always start to cry.
'cause this time could mean goodbye.
Lately I've been staring in the mirror,
Very slowly picking me apart;
Trying to tell myself I have no reason
With your heart.
Just the other night while you were sleeping,
I vaguely heard you whisper someone's name.
But when I ask you of the thoughts you're keeping,
You just say nothing's changed.
Well, I'm a man of many wishes,
hope my premonition misses,
but what I really feel, my eyes won't let me hide,
'cause they always start to cry.
'cause this time could mean goodbye.
- クローズフレンド / ひめキュンフルーツ缶
- ジェリービーン / 太陽族
- マイノリティシンドローム / Ray
- Gimme Gimme / MYNAME
- キミを超える恋はない / ギラ・ジルカ
- 道しるべ ~明日への扉~ / 伊禮俊一
- No More Lonely Nights / 8utterfly
- Blue / K
- マリンブルー・マジック / ヴィブロス(伊藤彩沙)
- 散って悔いなし 花吹雪 / 中西りえ
- Just a feeling / 加納エミリ
- Nice Guy / ONE N' ONLY
- グッドラックイエスタデー / 臼井嗣人
- 何も言えなくて…夏(2012 Mabuchi Hidemasa Version) / THE JAYWALK
- One Wish / EXILE
- NAKED GENIUS / ハクア starring 早見沙織
- はじめてのお酒 / 石川さゆり
- Wild LOVE ~遥かなる想い / 速水奨
- ミラクルハイプレッシャー / AiRI
- 月待つ島まで (2016 Version) / KONCOS
- 僕らの証 / CROWN POP
- デュエットでラララ / 飯塚雅弓
- ホットミルク / okkaaa
- 虹を越えて / スピッツ
- 君を抱いて眠りたい / 鈴木雅之
- 虹いろの夜明け / 未唯mie
- Beautiful Target / B1A4
- A lot of life / Photon Maiden
- グッデイ / 中村一義
- レミングの街 / 伊勢正三