perfect complete blue
grassy smelling, path line blurred
animal trail there branchin' over left and right
only hear cicada's voice that hurries you exciting
you're keepin' goin' with no doubt
I'm just runnin' to catch up you
dark green like that lets me slide into
buzzin' beetles from left and right
our taps make rhythm on grass
your breath on the way to be first to the goal
your back with my eyes to be led to my sigh
we walk furthermore, don't talk anymore on the way
always looking forward with no doubt each other
no fears, no fears now
everything is white
coming to my view getting brighter
when walking faster little by little, then my eyes met you
you leap for the new world
I follow you and
we beam with the white sunshine
grassy smelling, path line blurred
animal trail there branchin' over left and right
only hear cicada's voice that hurries you exciting
you're keepin' goin' with no doubt
I'm just runnin' to catch up you
dark green like that lets me slide into
buzzin' beetles from left and right
our taps make rhythm on grass
your breath on the way to be first to the goal
your back with my eyes to be led to my sigh
we walk furthermore, don't talk anymore on the way
always looking forward with no doubt each other
no fears, no fears now
everything is white
coming to my view getting brighter
when walking faster little by little, then my eyes met you
you leap for the new world
I follow you and
we beam with the white sunshine
- 影法師 / 冠二郎
- 悩めるヒーロー / SECRET GUYZ
- 北の宿から / テレサ・テン
- TOMORROW / 木山裕策
- rain stops, good-bye / そらる
- リンガベル / 新谷良子
- Grasshopper / doa
- TOKYO STORY / 都内某所
- Next SPARKLING!! / 松浦果南(諏訪ななか) from Aqours
- 青のララバイ / 黒猫チェルシー
- ひとくちふたくち / Sing Sing Rabbit
- κανων / hy4_4yh
- Wind flower -Japanese ver.- / MAMAMOO
- Keep on tryin' / 嵐
- 会いにいくの。 / 篠原ともえ
- Isosceles(M@STER VERSION) / 小日向美穂(津田美波)、藤原肇(鈴木みのり)
- Perfect Mission / NoB(Project.R)
- Over the Rainbow~あの虹をこえて~ / Fun×Fam
- Missing Half / 場地圭介(水中雅章)&松野千冬(狩野翔)
- Oh my god (Japanese ver.) / (G)I-DLE
- EDUCATION / 林田健司
- いちご / ヒグチアイ
- Be Noble ~自由へのRebirth~ / ブラウン・ベス(八代拓)、シャルルヴィル(立花慎之介)、スプリングフィールド(蒼井翔太)、ケンタッキー(梶裕貴)
- ラストシーン / X4
- 湯けむりの町 / 森進一
- 最後の「愛してる」 / 宏実
- UNIVERSE~RING of the ring finger~ / 知念里奈
- ジェレミーの木 / イルカ
- 花 / 安月名莉子