Why would you leave me all alone to dance?
You know I wouldn't even stand a chance
Among the fancy clowns and grinning princes
I'm trapped inside a lonely masquerade
Inside my head it's spinning round and round
The thought to leave this ball without a sound
You keep an eye on me from far away
Like pulling a puppet on a string
Free ― I'm dying to be free
And I won't wait no more
For I will choose to Be ――
Undoing all the ties
Can't wait to see sunrise
I used to love all of you evil ways
It made me feel like maybe I could change
“You can be anyone you want to be love”
How sweet it sounded in my ear
Free ― I'm ready to be free
And I won't wait no more
For now I choose to Be ――
Undoing all the ties
Can't wait to see sunrise
When this moment stops my heart beat
When the moon is high and over
When the clock has struck the last hand
When the moment's slowly turning
The deadly spell you put me under
Cannot be kept by you deceiver
I will no longer be your dancing doll
Spinning in circles for this tainted ball
To see the truth in you how long I've waited
But now it's past my time to go
Free ― I'm dying to be free
I'm breaking from your chains
For now I choose to Be ――
Undoing all the lies
Can't wait to see sunrise
For now I can be Free ――
Unbind my heart from yours
Undoing all the lies
I'll find the place to Be ――
I'm coming home to me
For all the truth I'll find, all liv inside of me
And now I choose to liv
You know I wouldn't even stand a chance
Among the fancy clowns and grinning princes
I'm trapped inside a lonely masquerade
Inside my head it's spinning round and round
The thought to leave this ball without a sound
You keep an eye on me from far away
Like pulling a puppet on a string
Free ― I'm dying to be free
And I won't wait no more
For I will choose to Be ――
Undoing all the ties
Can't wait to see sunrise
I used to love all of you evil ways
It made me feel like maybe I could change
“You can be anyone you want to be love”
How sweet it sounded in my ear
Free ― I'm ready to be free
And I won't wait no more
For now I choose to Be ――
Undoing all the ties
Can't wait to see sunrise
When this moment stops my heart beat
When the moon is high and over
When the clock has struck the last hand
When the moment's slowly turning
The deadly spell you put me under
Cannot be kept by you deceiver
I will no longer be your dancing doll
Spinning in circles for this tainted ball
To see the truth in you how long I've waited
But now it's past my time to go
Free ― I'm dying to be free
I'm breaking from your chains
For now I choose to Be ――
Undoing all the lies
Can't wait to see sunrise
For now I can be Free ――
Unbind my heart from yours
Undoing all the lies
I'll find the place to Be ――
I'm coming home to me
For all the truth I'll find, all liv inside of me
And now I choose to liv
LIV MOONの人気歌詞ランキング
- 母航路 / 岡ゆう子
- 女の涙 / 大月みやこ
- Good Bye, Good Luck / 遠藤正明
- 茜色の空 / CHiYO
- Melody (English ver.) / the generous
- Baby... / i☆Ris
- 366日 / 夏代孝明
- 風の館 / ガロ
- 君のAnswer / 林原めぐみ
- アオイトリ / ORANGE RANGE
- 僕らの未来予想図 / ワッツ◎さーくる
- シャドー・シティ / 寺尾聰
- 想い出はアカシア / 石原裕次郎
- 時の雫 / GLAY
- スキヤーキが好きすぎる / LinQ
- Honey Christmas / 原田真二
- 恋港 / 美空ひばり
- 追憶+LOVE LETTER~crossover version~ / 島谷ひとみ
- 私たちの望むものは / kokua
- Moon Revenge / 三石琴乃・富沢美智恵・久川綾・篠原恵美・深見梨加
- snow, forest, clock / りんな
- 星の笑み 月の涙 / 松本英子
- One for Everything / 道明寺ここあ、芦澤サキ、松永依織、長瀬有花、凪原涼菜
- 大阪めぐり愛 / 上沼恵美子
- クラッター / ウルフルズ
- Supermarket Love / 浅井健一
- ラストショー / セイントフォー
- だからって… / サンディ・ラム