Mountain High
編曲:Masato Suzuki
You say you don't know
But I feel your eyes on me like you own me
Going back to where you were is the hardest thing
Who wants to try?
Are we damn enough to climb that mountain high?
Make sure you will, you will be living life fully
Don't kill your feelings to live for someone else
You need help, yes you do
A promise doesn't mean a thing
you don' know how to complete things on time
You just have to do it right then before it's gone for good
We wasted time on regrets
We're much too old to play games
Looking for a sure thing
Have you ever found?
I've had enough of bad dreams
and cleaned my room with feng shui
Looking for a sure thing
Have you ever found?
if you're feeling stuck in life
And choose to climb that mountain high
I'll be the candy bar to fill your trekking bag
I know there is, there is still something between us
you pretend that you don't see
And so do I to let the river flow
let the river flow
Going back to where you were
is the hardest and the sweetest thing
Say it, grab it, do it
before it's gone for good
before it's gone for good
before it's gone for good
if you're feeling stuck in life
And choose to climb that mountain high
Say it, grab it, do it
before it's gone for good
before it's gone for good
before it's gone for good
You climb that mountain high
before it's gone for good
I know there is, there is still something between us
I know there is, there is still something between us
Let's climb that mountain high
BONNIE PINKの人気歌詞ランキング
- 姉弟役者(新台詞入り) / 朝花美穂
- T.S.R.Q / コーガニズムオーケストラ
- 爆音サイレンサー / ザ・クロマニヨンズ
- フォーリン・ラブ / 7!!
- もりのくにから / 森久保乃々(高橋花林)
- SILENT CITY / 佐々木真里
- きのこ / ののちゃん(村方乃々佳)
- 楽園 / 斉藤壮馬
- 嗚呼! もう夏は! / ザ・クロマニヨンズ
- Prejudice / 陣内大蔵
- 風の花束 / ののちゃん(村方乃々佳)
- Candle / 麗美・陣内大蔵
- 好奇心 / 永井真理子
- ピンクのライオン / オーノキヨフミ
- Baby Baby Baby / BONNIE PINK
- ガッツだぜ!! / 松崎しげる
- 出世街道旅がらす / 朝花美穂
- My love song / 松崎しげる
- しあわせな き・ぶ・ん / 大森玲子
- @ the Dancehall / MOOMIN featuring CORNHEAD
- 光線銃 / ザ・クロマニヨンズ
- Tattoo / アンと私
- 誠~春夏秋冬~ / 松井誠
- ゴンドラの唄 / 木山裕策
- Reversible Man / 陣内大蔵
- 喜びの唄 / TATE & MARKIE
- Only Star / 絢香
- ハッチポッチファミリー / グッチ裕三&グッチーズ
- 罪と罰とアングラ / 松岡充
- 旅立ちの日に / さくら学院