rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
Got a new book of rock & roll
from mid 20th century to the present
all the historical bands and events
described by a man with long hair in it
Some of my favourite bands
are said to be
cool, wild and their music
drove kids all crazy
others of my taste
were they rubbish to the young lust?
I tear it into pieces
without reading that page
Because I am a rock and roller
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
Some of my favourite bands
are said to be
cool, wild and their music
drove kids all crazy
others of my taste
were they rubbish to the young lust?
I tear it into pieces
without reading that page
Because I am a rock and roller
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school…
I'm an honour student
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
Got a new book of rock & roll
from mid 20th century to the present
all the historical bands and events
described by a man with long hair in it
Some of my favourite bands
are said to be
cool, wild and their music
drove kids all crazy
others of my taste
were they rubbish to the young lust?
I tear it into pieces
without reading that page
Because I am a rock and roller
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
Some of my favourite bands
are said to be
cool, wild and their music
drove kids all crazy
others of my taste
were they rubbish to the young lust?
I tear it into pieces
without reading that page
Because I am a rock and roller
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school
learn everything by heart
rock & roll high school
I'm an honour student
rock & roll high school…
I'm an honour student
- 有明の月 / 小桜舞子
- ピンクのライオン / オーノキヨフミ
- 白い花 / 龍之介
- SOLID / The Lotion Slider
- 最後まで / 馬場俊英
- 朱が落ちるまで / 京太朗と晴彦
- compΛss / Jamgo Five
- チェリーボーイ / GO-BANG'S
- ほめられた / 石川さゆり
- Horses/馬たち / The Wisely Brothers
- めっちゃPUNK / たこやきレインボー
- Last Night / オレンジスパイニクラブ
- アンドロイド& / Perfume
- @ the Dancehall / MOOMIN featuring CORNHEAD
- ココン東西 / みらくらぱーく!
- Diamond / SHO-SENSEI!!
- ウェイズ・トゥ・ビー・ウィックド / Miracle Vell Magic
- 嘘だよ / オーノキヨフミ
- 常夏ココナッツ / かせきさいだぁ
- 影を慕いて / 天童よしみ
- ナイスネイチャー(バラエティーバージョン) / ネイチャージモン
- なみだの桟橋 / 岩佐美咲
- Departure / 立花希佐(寺崎裕香)
- 僕に来る道 / ソン・シギョン
- 可愛くなりたい / CHiCO with HoneyWorks
- レット・イット・ゴー / アグネス・ラム
- ウルトラマンメビウス / ボイジャー
- キッチュな晩餐 / 春瀬烈
- ハートエイク
/ 内田雄馬
- 潮風ハマー / 四季彼方