White is the color of my one true love
Like flower pedals so lovely
Just like the lillies that I've always loved
Oh such sweet memories
He was the one that I always would love
My love from a place oh so dear to me
White lillies bloom at his feet
White is the color of my one true love
Memories oh so sweet
Blue is the color of the clear, pure sky
Oh so beautiful forever more
Blue is the color of my very first love
True love evermore
He was the one that I always would love
My love from a place oh so dear to me
His shoulder right beside mine
Blue was the color of that clear, pure sky
Oh that first love of mine
Red is the color of the setting sun
Memories in my mind
Tears in my eyes blurring my sight
Memories oh so bright
He was the one that I always would love
My love from a place oh so dear to me
Tears filled up his eyes
Red is the color of the setting sun
Memories oh so bright
Like flower pedals so lovely
Just like the lillies that I've always loved
Oh such sweet memories
He was the one that I always would love
My love from a place oh so dear to me
White lillies bloom at his feet
White is the color of my one true love
Memories oh so sweet
Blue is the color of the clear, pure sky
Oh so beautiful forever more
Blue is the color of my very first love
True love evermore
He was the one that I always would love
My love from a place oh so dear to me
His shoulder right beside mine
Blue was the color of that clear, pure sky
Oh that first love of mine
Red is the color of the setting sun
Memories in my mind
Tears in my eyes blurring my sight
Memories oh so bright
He was the one that I always would love
My love from a place oh so dear to me
Tears filled up his eyes
Red is the color of the setting sun
Memories oh so bright
- 今だけは / erica
- ラブ・ユー・テンダー! / 内田真礼
- To be continued… / XOX
- 覚えてますか / 和紗
- ビルブルース / ダーク・ダックス
- Automatic / 森内寛樹
- アンダンテ / I▼B
- 夢ひとり / イルカ
- Lady Butterfly / Folder
- 桜の歌 / 藤澤ノリマサ
- 永遠の夕日 / ハンバート ハンバート
- sun moon / SILENT SIREN
- 波止場しぐれ / 岡千秋
- ぼくの倖せ / はちみつぱい
- Frontiers / JAM Project
- 鳴らない目覚まし時計 / チャン・グンソク
- Don't Wanna Get Used To / PINKLOOP
- 言えないけど / 後藤真希
- ラジオデイズ / スピッツ
- センチメンタル / 熊木杏里
- All Ideals / PINKLOOP
- ソーリー、ロンリー。 / 古川未鈴(でんぱ組.inc)
- Magnifique / 超特急
- Missing Promise (TVSize) / 鈴木このみ
- My Song in My Soul / 一条寺帝歌(梅原裕一郎)
- メビウス / めいちゃん
- 爆裂(バースト)ヘッド / THE STALIN
- 早春賦 / おおたか静流
- ツバサ / BlooDye
- 今日が大好き / 鈴木真仁・桜井智・赤土眞弓・並木のり子