Give me some, give me some, give me some beat!
ハートはドキドキ ふるえがきちゃうぜ
踊り出さずにゃ いられない
Then it's R & R (Rock'n'roll) time,
R & R time
Come on, clap your hands
And it's R & R time, R & R time
“Oh, you got it”
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Come on, clap your hands
And it's R & R time, R & R time
いやな事は忘れて 踊ろよ R & R
Shake it up, Shake it up,
Shake it up, baby!
ベートヴェンも シューベルトも
きどり屋エディーも チェビーも ビルも
墓場でparty 夜明けまで
Then it's R & R time, R & R time
Come on, hippy, hippy shake
And it's R & R time, R & R time
“Oh, Bright it on R & R”
Good Goolie Miss Mollie
Come on, hippy, hippy shake
And it's R & R time, R & R time
十字架しょって 踊ろよ R & R
Turn on, turn on, turn it on, baby!
ドラムがきざむよ eight beatを
ギターもつられて うかれだす
Then it's R & R time, R & R time
Come on, listen to the beat
And it's R & R time, R & R time
“Come on, give me the mighty drums”
And it's R & R time, R & R time
Come on, listen to the beat
And it's R & R time, R & R time
Just now turn on good old R & R
And it's R & R time, R & R time
Come on, listen to the beat
And it's R & R time, R & R time
Just now turn on good old R & R
ハートはドキドキ ふるえがきちゃうぜ
踊り出さずにゃ いられない
Then it's R & R (Rock'n'roll) time,
R & R time
Come on, clap your hands
And it's R & R time, R & R time
“Oh, you got it”
You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Come on, clap your hands
And it's R & R time, R & R time
いやな事は忘れて 踊ろよ R & R
Shake it up, Shake it up,
Shake it up, baby!
ベートヴェンも シューベルトも
きどり屋エディーも チェビーも ビルも
墓場でparty 夜明けまで
Then it's R & R time, R & R time
Come on, hippy, hippy shake
And it's R & R time, R & R time
“Oh, Bright it on R & R”
Good Goolie Miss Mollie
Come on, hippy, hippy shake
And it's R & R time, R & R time
十字架しょって 踊ろよ R & R
Turn on, turn on, turn it on, baby!
ドラムがきざむよ eight beatを
ギターもつられて うかれだす
Then it's R & R time, R & R time
Come on, listen to the beat
And it's R & R time, R & R time
“Come on, give me the mighty drums”
And it's R & R time, R & R time
Come on, listen to the beat
And it's R & R time, R & R time
Just now turn on good old R & R
And it's R & R time, R & R time
Come on, listen to the beat
And it's R & R time, R & R time
Just now turn on good old R & R
- グーチョキパー2番 / 西村ヒロチョ
- 侍・ジャクソン / イカルス渡辺
- 歩いていこう。 / 吉田旬吾
- Excalibur / 摩天楼オペラ
- 拝啓ジョーストラマー / 姫乃たま
- わすれもの / sumika
- 黒い小姓 / うつけ坂49
- 好きだからっ! / 円堂守(竹内順子)&鬼道有人(吉野裕行)
- ROLL CALL / Suchmos
- 音の軌跡に導かれ / BEAST SOUL
- ここではないどこか / トリプルファイヤー
- The Garden Christmas / Lauren Kinhan
- 太陽と三日月の流星群 / iMagic.
- Skyward
/ 七海ひろき
- faraway / Sept.
- いいねいいね / 半澤弘貴
- 何しとん? / カーリングシトーンズ
- もず山中学校校歌 蠍田&由良木 ver. / 蠍田幸子(立花理香)、由良木ゆら(青山吉能)
- ちっちゃいおっさんな毎日 尼崎哀愁ver. / ちっちゃいおっさん
- 濃藍 / Sunny Girl
- バランス (retake) / This is LAST
- Wish on / LONGMAN
- telescoop -New Version- / かしわ
- 人間 / 703号室
- 男と女 / サンタクララ
- ジャングル プリンセス / PRINCESS PRINCESS
- Carry On / 松任谷由実
- おはし / 0930(オクサマ)
- 涙のカケラ / Natural Punch Drunker
- The Shadow / 松本和之