Let's start beginning to close a drawer of the knowledge
without thinking anything
It becomes hot like a hair dryer when switch is tumed on
It just gives you heat only using the electricity
Will you take me for the trip if I can make myself compact size?
I wanna go to the special place somewhere
Because this country is awful
This island which lost self-respect is to go straight to the hall
I want to get out of my body
I will give you my brain and heart
'Cause I don't need it any more
I have brain death, flat liner
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
However, payment must be in cash
I don't accept credit card
The rabbit missed timing to jump
cannot get away from the wonderland
Please tell me how to escape
from the unconscious mental weakness??
Where is the vision of the future?
I have brain death, flat liner
Only way thinking is to use the butt at the moment
Because no brain and heart left anymore
Back to the basic
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
without thinking anything
It becomes hot like a hair dryer when switch is tumed on
It just gives you heat only using the electricity
Will you take me for the trip if I can make myself compact size?
I wanna go to the special place somewhere
Because this country is awful
This island which lost self-respect is to go straight to the hall
I want to get out of my body
I will give you my brain and heart
'Cause I don't need it any more
I have brain death, flat liner
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
However, payment must be in cash
I don't accept credit card
The rabbit missed timing to jump
cannot get away from the wonderland
Please tell me how to escape
from the unconscious mental weakness??
Where is the vision of the future?
I have brain death, flat liner
Only way thinking is to use the butt at the moment
Because no brain and heart left anymore
Back to the basic
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
Back to the basic. Just a way it is.
- くちなし情話 / 金田たつえ
- 9月のHometownから / 杏里
- 暗い通り道 / 東京60WATTS
- ヒロイン / 長渕剛
- よこはま物語 / 石原裕次郎
- KISSして / KOH+
- Lucky star / 高橋真梨子
- ハートブレイカー / supercell feat. 初音ミク
- 午前0時のYES / 鈴木聖美
- Mellow Parade / 安良城紅
- revibubble / SBK
- 岩木川 / 吉幾三
- ふるさと / 五木ひろし
- &YOU / 桜塚やっくん
- I'm Gonna SCREAM + / Tommy heavenly6
- プレゼント / Dream
- SMILE AGAIN / 陽ノ下光(野田順子)
- ワーカーズアンセム / 空想委員会
- 右手の在処 / No Regret Life
- おジャ魔女カーニバル!! / with 百田夏菜子(ももいろクローバーZ) / 森口博子
- とどけたい~voice~ / 中森明菜
- デジタルデトックス / バンドじゃないもん!MAXX NAKAYOSHI
- STAY / 氷室京介
- 運命の前奏曲 / AKINO
- 僕の好きな風景 / 松山千春
- 平手造酒 大利根囃子 / 杉良太郎
- 空色ミサンガ / 伊藤美来
- 不自由な朝 / 北出菜奈
- 津軽 / 岩木淳
- Don't Speculate / yanokami