King of the hill when I'm on stage
But when I'm on the streets I'm a bum
45 and playing guitar
Baggy pants and tattoos
Would have been homeless if I could
And without my music I would
Break all ties with this bullshit world
free from criticism
But my guitar can sometimes make a change in
somebody's world
Living the Yellow Trash Blues
Living the Yellow Trash Blues
Living the Yellow Trash Blues
With pride and attitude. you loose
Ain't this the way that it all should be?
Just obey all the politicians
I can't seem to agree at all
I'd rather live as a bum
But my guitar can sometimes make a change in
somebody's world
And all my songs are why I barley stay alive in this world
But when I'm on the streets I'm a bum
45 and playing guitar
Baggy pants and tattoos
Would have been homeless if I could
And without my music I would
Break all ties with this bullshit world
free from criticism
But my guitar can sometimes make a change in
somebody's world
Living the Yellow Trash Blues
Living the Yellow Trash Blues
Living the Yellow Trash Blues
With pride and attitude. you loose
Ain't this the way that it all should be?
Just obey all the politicians
I can't seem to agree at all
I'd rather live as a bum
But my guitar can sometimes make a change in
somebody's world
And all my songs are why I barley stay alive in this world
Ken Yokoyamaの人気歌詞ランキング
Ken Yokoyamaの新着歌詞
- バーテンダー / The Birthday
- Welcome トゥ 混沌 / (K)NoW_NAME
- このメロディを君と / アップアップガールズ(仮)
- HOTELバナナとドーナッツ / さめざめ
- 完全犯罪ラブレター / C太(寺島拓篤)
- 友を送る歌 / 舟木一夫
- Sunrise to Sunset / 浅香唯
- 風の十三湊(とさみなと) / 三笠優子
- 12月の君へ / Fire EX. (滅火器)
- 雨の雫(ALBUM MIX) / 花*花
- 世間知らずの宇宙飛行士 / ONE OK ROCK
- はぴねす特急 / 花田ゆういちろう、小野あつこ
- DOOR / The Birthday
- 大人になれば / 大場久美子
- ダンスで街にくり出そう(Do you wanna dance) / 中村あゆみ
- 頑張れ! / 長渕剛
- 札束のブルース / 竹越ひろ子
- Legend of Us / テンマ(柿原徹也)×halyosy
- 夫婦船 / 琉球民謡
- 上弦の月 / SAYAKA
- YOUNG MAN (Y.M.C.A.) / 西城秀樹
- 幸せなんて / 伊藤静
- HAPPY TODAY! / ソナーポケット
- 眠れぬ森 / 小原明子
- Don't let me down / 庄野真代
- 友達の詩 / 岩崎宏美
- listen / My Little Lover
- ウェイトレスとお客さん / ゆず