Dance Dance Drive Now!
The distance of this freeway compared
with light is long.
So long.
My sense is starting to be pending.
My body is heating up.
The weight of my eyelid is like a rock.
The way to distanation is like a hard trial.
The way is one. I must take a break.
No No No. I start to close my eyes.
You ARRIVED! I whisper.
You're sleeping at passenger seat.
「You are GREAT!」You whisper.
Drive to such my small dream now.
The weight of my eyelid is like a rock.
The way to distanation is like a hard trial.
The way is one. I must take a break.
No No No. I start to close my eyes.
You ARRIVED! I whisper.
You're sleeping at passenger seat.
「You are GREAT!」You whisper.
Drive to such my small dreaming.
The distance of this freeway compared
with light is long.
So long.
My sense is starting to be pending.
My body is heating up.
The weight of my eyelid is like a rock.
The way to distanation is like a hard trial.
The way is one. I must take a break.
No No No. I start to close my eyes.
You ARRIVED! I whisper.
You're sleeping at passenger seat.
「You are GREAT!」You whisper.
Drive to such my small dream now.
The weight of my eyelid is like a rock.
The way to distanation is like a hard trial.
The way is one. I must take a break.
No No No. I start to close my eyes.
You ARRIVED! I whisper.
You're sleeping at passenger seat.
「You are GREAT!」You whisper.
Drive to such my small dreaming.
BUZZ THE BEARSの人気歌詞ランキング
- 揺想 / 林明日香
- Dear... / JONTE
- 我が道よ 2016 / 林広太朗
- さよならの場所で会いましょう / 西脇唯
- 答えはそこだ / 永崎翔
- 才能が無いから何だ / 甲斐田晴
- リフレクション / アンジェラ・アキ
- Pure Rainで伝えたい / 佐藤ひろ美
- きみがくれたもの feat. J-RU / 8utterfly
- You are making Love & Dream / DA PUMP
- Dive / GLASGOW
- P.S. 等身大のラブソング / 當山みれい
- 青い風 / 川田正子・コロムビアゆりかご会
- SEASONS / 鷺ノ宮伊澄&愛沢咲夜 starring 松来未祐&植田佳奈
- イニシエ / Rayflower
- 君のカケラ / サクラメリーメン
- ギュゲスの指輪 / VALSHE
- 十二月 / Drop's
- ブースカ節 / 曾我町子
- 夜の迷路 / Drop's
- Choose One (Remix) feat. ELIONE, Billy Laurent, REO / PSYCHIC FEVER from EXILE TRIBE
- アヴェマリア / 江原啓之
- Moon Clock / w-inds.
- material of flower / SOPHIA
- 耳もとにいるよ~Ring the bells REPRISE~ / 傳田真央
- JANUARY 1ST / coldrain
- 待ちましょう / 津村謙
- まつり / つしまみれ
- ポップスター / 市川実和子
- Lime rain / La'cryma Christi