Mr. David Hamilton is photographing me
Down among the lilies, down among the lilies
Shooting with his Hasselblad beneath a willow tree
One foot in the river,
I'm bored and slightly chilly
Thursday goes and then friday goes
And I long to strike another pose
Rain begins to patter on the leaves
Soft focus eroticism, art photography
Mr. David Hamilton and me
Mr. David Hamilton is photographing me
Like a pervert teacher with his languid creature
Sketching out an adolescent sexuality
Where Nature longs for culture,
Culture longs for nature
His big umbrella flashgun goes
He comes to rearrange my clothes
I must ensure that my bare legs are seen
Romanticism, Classicism, Soft Pornography
Mr. David Hamilton and me
In the south of France
I hear he keeps a house for waifs and strays
Where teenage girls
Like me can come and learn
Stay in bed till three o'clock
And lounge about with nothing on
He only asks for photos in return
Member of the Royal Photography Society
Mr. David, really, don't you think it's silly
A tank of liquid nitrogen
A cloud of carbon snow
Just to gild the lily, just to gild the lily
But if this lazy suffering
Can bring erection to the lap
Of just one man, it hasn't been in vain
Mr. David Hamilton is photographing me
Leaves begin to patter in the rain
Sunday goes and then Monday goes
And I long to strike another pose
A cow begins to nibble at my dress
Romanticism, Classicism, Soft Pornography
Mr. David Hamilton I guess
Down among the lilies, down among the lilies
Shooting with his Hasselblad beneath a willow tree
One foot in the river,
I'm bored and slightly chilly
Thursday goes and then friday goes
And I long to strike another pose
Rain begins to patter on the leaves
Soft focus eroticism, art photography
Mr. David Hamilton and me
Mr. David Hamilton is photographing me
Like a pervert teacher with his languid creature
Sketching out an adolescent sexuality
Where Nature longs for culture,
Culture longs for nature
His big umbrella flashgun goes
He comes to rearrange my clothes
I must ensure that my bare legs are seen
Romanticism, Classicism, Soft Pornography
Mr. David Hamilton and me
In the south of France
I hear he keeps a house for waifs and strays
Where teenage girls
Like me can come and learn
Stay in bed till three o'clock
And lounge about with nothing on
He only asks for photos in return
Member of the Royal Photography Society
Mr. David, really, don't you think it's silly
A tank of liquid nitrogen
A cloud of carbon snow
Just to gild the lily, just to gild the lily
But if this lazy suffering
Can bring erection to the lap
Of just one man, it hasn't been in vain
Mr. David Hamilton is photographing me
Leaves begin to patter in the rain
Sunday goes and then Monday goes
And I long to strike another pose
A cow begins to nibble at my dress
Romanticism, Classicism, Soft Pornography
Mr. David Hamilton I guess
- あゝ人生に涙あり / あおい輝彦・伊吹吾朗
- サンシャインストーリー / 植村花菜
- 倖せいちど / かびら長賢
- メフィスト・ガール / 萩原健一
- Bite the Bullet / 松岡侑李
- 浪花節だよ人生は / 細川たかし
- 12月16日 / 須藤薫
- Love '91 / チェッカーズ
- ともだちになりたい / 中村中
- 桜色 / eufonius
- エとセとラ / Plastic Tree
- TRY ME ~私を信じて~ / 安室奈美恵 with SUPER MONKEY'S
- 星のラブレター / MINMI feat. PETER MAN
- 埼玉県上尾市立太平中学校校歌 / 校歌
- Harazie!! / 高橋優
- あの夏 / PAN
- Giving Tree / 原田知世
- アチチッチ / 高橋由美子
- You are / COLOR
- 夢へのポジション / 宮前真樹
- スローバラード / RCサクセション
- 今度は虹を見に行こう / DREAMS COME TRUE
- 星空の誘惑 / 松任谷由実
- 愛のオーロラ / 荻野目慶子
- ダメな男に乾杯! / 大川栄策・岡本麗
- ピースフル! / ピース×ピース
- stil.... / 詩音
- 未来の水平線 / THE King ALL STARS
- Birthday of Music / 月永レオ(浅沼晋太郎)