I wanna do what I can do and I will be more than what I say.
Can you figure out that I mean and I try to tell ya.
Why you gonna try to be you style in your life?
Cause you know right way.
But it's not so easy, Some can never be that's like you.
When it's hard to solve all things,
and it's hard to solve by yourself,
you don't have to try to get it over by yourself all time.
If you gonna waste your time again, you shoud have better give up shame.
Why don't you ask me for help. I want you to ask me help.
You gonna do I wanna do, even I do hardly in my life.
If you say that you don't know why I can't do I will tell ya.
I gonna be a man of word I think it's not so funny stile.
To get the true in this world, I can never give up to find that.
When it's hard to solve all things,
and it's hard to solve by yourself,
you don't have to try to get it over by yourself all time.
If you gonna waste your time again, you shoud have better give up shame.
Why don't you ask me for help. I want you to ask me help.
To what I have to do for me.
I think it's the factor reaching goal in my life.
But I don't care, No matter what you think of that.
I never give up fighting with myself.
I just wanna be....
”Back to the past”They say. But I say.
To live this time is to take your chance for your every fake.
But you have to try hard.
Waste of time. But it's fine. You just moment in your life.
You should choose what you think right.
You no need to care your way. You just do that you think fine.
I don't go back to what I say.
Can you figure out that I mean and I try to tell ya.
Why you gonna try to be you style in your life?
Cause you know right way.
But it's not so easy, Some can never be that's like you.
When it's hard to solve all things,
and it's hard to solve by yourself,
you don't have to try to get it over by yourself all time.
If you gonna waste your time again, you shoud have better give up shame.
Why don't you ask me for help. I want you to ask me help.
You gonna do I wanna do, even I do hardly in my life.
If you say that you don't know why I can't do I will tell ya.
I gonna be a man of word I think it's not so funny stile.
To get the true in this world, I can never give up to find that.
When it's hard to solve all things,
and it's hard to solve by yourself,
you don't have to try to get it over by yourself all time.
If you gonna waste your time again, you shoud have better give up shame.
Why don't you ask me for help. I want you to ask me help.
To what I have to do for me.
I think it's the factor reaching goal in my life.
But I don't care, No matter what you think of that.
I never give up fighting with myself.
I just wanna be....
”Back to the past”They say. But I say.
To live this time is to take your chance for your every fake.
But you have to try hard.
Waste of time. But it's fine. You just moment in your life.
You should choose what you think right.
You no need to care your way. You just do that you think fine.
I don't go back to what I say.
WRONG SCALEの人気歌詞ランキング
- 愛染ほたる / ちあきまみ
- 待ち合わせをしましょう / 大光寺圭
- 小樽 / 小金沢昇司
- こころの宇宙 / 田岡満
- たった二年と二ヶ月で / 水森英夫
- 過触症 / LuLu
- STRAY CATS MUSICAL(ガチャガチャねこのミュージカル) / マキ凛花
- 空に描いた別れの唄 / てるる...
- 自宅にて / エレファントカシマシ
- アメリカンジョーク / イノキン
- Let me feel you more / myu:
- to me / BOO BEE BENZ
- 君は人妻 / 岡田ひさし
- marionette / Kimeru
- アンダルシアに憧れて / 真島昌利
- Laundry / Rie fu & YUI(RYTHEM), 中嶋晃子
- 反逆者のうた / 桂雀三郎withまんぷくブラザース
- ミッキーマウス・マーチ(ファミリー・パラパラ・ヴァージョン) / キューティー★マミー
- 食後の断食 / イノキン
- ちょっと待って / フレディー
- サイコネーション / 小島
- 流れ星 / kumi
- ダメな男に乾杯! / 大川栄策・岡本麗
- 永遠のもう少し / 杉山清貴
- ワラッテ / amon
- ぜったい / 中山敬互
- 号外デモクラシー / ジルバ